Paradise Papers: Tax haven secrets of super-rich including the Queen exposed - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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demima wrote:Damn straight she should apologise. While the government forces austerity on the most vulnerable in society, asking her madge to pay some fucking tax on her investments is not exactly that controversial, is it?

The Crown apologising for keeping minor investments in Crown property is nothing short of sedition.

And that is why Corbyn's office has denied him asking such things even though he is clearly trying really hard to suck this tit.
Let's hope Corbyn gets rid of the monarchy once and for all, they should go back to Germany or if they don't want to go home they can piss off to Canada and play kings and queens there. We fought a civil war not to be ruled by those scum (well back then it was Scottish idle scum not German idle scum as it is now but same difference).
Perhaps that wise head should have told you that sometimes 'there are some things you can't learn off Google because there is nothing to learn from it'

Do you mean, Google itself cannot be a teaching tool, or that there is nothing to be learned from the Monarchy or what? I took the person to mean that there are simply some things that must be learned from experience.

Yes, usually elected. Unless they are part of the Commonwealth. Then those leading nations have my sympathy.

There is no function that an elected representive couldn't do. And perhaps do a better job at it as well. I have forgotten the amount of bloopers that have came from Phillips mouth.

Here’s how I see it, at some point in history, those people, their lineage, were elected. Even if they took power by brute force no challenger was an implicit sign of acceptance. The gene pool of royal blood before us today exemplifies the strongest at leadership. The cream of the crop as it were.

It’s either that, or these beings are the most easily manipulated and that’s why they’re still around. I can’t be that cynical. I think breeding can serve a purpose and that they were bred to lead in a very specific fashion.

If she doesn't like it she should quit. I don't begrudge her personally, just what she represents.

Even if she did quit; even if the royals abdicated their titles etc, they would still be royal. Nothing would change. Get that into your head.

I believe in equality for all. The Queen represents religious dictatorship. She isn't democratically elected and has born privilege. But it isn't just her. The Lord's needs binning too.

It’s not about equality. They bear a great responsibility that not everyone can shoulder. As for the Lords, well I’m going to assume if the Monarchy went, so too would the Lords.

Go ahead, bin it all. All that would be achieved is the thrashing of Western civilisation that little bit more.

As for the Royals job, I would rather send a basket of muffins to showcase Britain around the world then Charles and Camilla.

Then don’t. Send the “ridiculous” Wills and Kate. ;)
The editorial tone of the BBC and the Guardian are irate that such financial arrangements should be allowed. Yet they are a careful to add the caveat that most are not illegal. They seem to be saying that you do not have a right to put your after tax money in a foreign bank or business. That's idiotic, and these nitwits are the champions of globalisation and illegal border crossing.
I more or less believe that rich people need to hedge their funds somehow while others really don't. More massive wealth means easier target of looting. Besides the Queen's money is not solely for her own benefit.

Of course it would be good if these funds can be used to facilitate necessary but short-of-money public works, but I'm not going to be forceful here. God knows if one day I am the one who need to deal with all these wealth!
ness31 wrote:Do you mean, Google itself cannot be a teaching tool, or that there is nothing to be learned from the Monarchy or what? I took the person to mean that there are simply some things that must be learned from experience.

And from my experience, the Royal dynasty doesn't have any place in a democratic society.

Here’s how I see it, at some point in history, those people, their lineage, were elected. Even if they took power by brute force no challenger was an implicit sign of acceptance. The gene pool of royal blood before us today exemplifies the strongest at leadership. The cream of the crop as it were.


If the Royals are the 'cream of the crop', then god help Great Britain. That is the problem with blood lineage, any wet blanket can be born into power. As proven with the Windsors.

It’s either that, or these beings are the most easily manipulated and that’s why they’re still around. I can’t be that cynical. I think breeding can serve a purpose and that they were bred to lead in a very specific fashion.

They are still around because there has never been a revolution to remove them. But should the UK bankrupt themselves, I doubt the poor will let their taxes willingly go to feed the rich.

Even if she did quit; even if the royals abdicated their titles etc, they would still be royal. Nothing would change. Get that into your head.

Royal to those who accept the title. I personally would never bow down to such a title.

It’s not about equality. They bear a great responsibility that not everyone can shoulder. As for the Lords, well I’m going to assume if the Monarchy went, so too would the Lords.

Go ahead, bin it all. All that would be achieved is the thrashing of Western civilisation that little bit more.

I expect many could shoulder the responsibility actually. But yes, bin it all. Let us bring the UK into the 21st century and become a 'true' democracy.
Last edited by B0ycey on 07 Nov 2017 13:17, edited 2 times in total.
B0ycey wrote:The irony is if we did indeed vote for a head of state, the Queen would likely win the vote. I might not approve of the Royal title, but between the Queen or BoJo, I could only go one way.

You probably have to choose someone else when the Queen passes.
Heisenberg wrote:I find it hilarious that people still pretend to be shocked that the rich keep their money in offshore accounts. It amazes me that it is even considered news, since finding a list of Cayman-domiciled hedge funds doesn't really require that much effort.

And, I'd find it much easier to take whiners like @Atlantis seriously if they weren't also rubbing their hands with glee at the prospect of the financial services industry moving to Frankfurt post-Brexit. You do realise that hedge funds, securitisations and the like are deliberately structured to be "tax efficient" whether they're launched in Britain or Germany, right? All it'll mean is that post-2019, you'll have to froth at the mouth over Irish- or Luxembourg-domiciled vehicles rather than Cayman funds. :lol:

(Of course, this won't happen because you are motivated purely by anti-British spite, rather than anything resembling a principle)

Financial services are necessary for every economy, however, tax havens, tax avoidance schemes, high risk speculation, etc., are neither beneficial for society, nor are they necessary for a functioning economy.

There is nothing wrong with wanting EU financial services to be based in the EU. Firstly, because profit margins are typically higher in the financial industry than in manufacturing and there is no reason why the UK should profit from the single market without contributing to it. Secondly, for the majority of Euro clearing to be based outside the control of EU regulatory authorities in a potentially hostile environment is totally out off the question. London wouldn't allow the pound to come under the control of Russia, for example.

Almost 90% of the world's tax havens and black money is related to the UK. They used to serve to rob 3rd world countries by providing a safe haven for the corrupt political and business elite of poor countries. The money doesn't actually stay in the tax havens. Since the majority of shell companies are managed via the City, that money is also reinvested via the City and thus provides an important economic benefit to the UK and to yourself.

Your pointing of fingers at others who want to profit like your bankers, because it is you people who control international finances, or at the EU, which has been unable to crack down on tax havens because they are protected by Westminster, is particularly perfidious.

For liberals or leftists to belittle the negative effects of tax avoidance and tax havens is totally disgusting. Tax avoidance hits the poorest countries the hardest, where it makes a functioning state impossible. But it even hits poor people in rich countries, because those who amass their riches by exploiting the infrastructure don't pay their fair share for maintaining that infrastructure. It is one of the greatest curses of our times and a principal reason for inequality.

The Brexit process is particularly instructive because it shows all the lies, one by one, your media have concocted about the EU for decades. This is going to drag on for years, and I'm going to enjoy every bit of it as the imperialists are cut down to size.
I see old fashioned German conspiracy theories about the Jews controlling everything have switched to the British, now. You're about 100 years too late for that. :lol:

Forgive me if I don't take your whingeing too seriously. You are the forum's most vocal supporter of the capitalist and, yes, imperialist European Union project. Your false outrage about the fact that capitalists act like capitalists is not fooling anyone.

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