State of emergency is declared in Charlottesville, USA. Why? - Page 152 - Politics | PoFo

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mikema63 wrote:I'd recommend soul searching to NAZI supporters who can't help but defend a NAZI murderer and cry about how mean it is to call NAZI's NAZI's but I have come to doubt you have any soul to find. :)

Why do you insist we are Nazi supporters? I'm not a Nazi. I don't think running people over with a car is a good thing. I just think the guy should get a fair trial. His state of mind isn't clear as he was a schizophrenic. BLM, Antifa and SURJ were clearly instigating violence, and the record shows that they intended to do so over a month in advance. The mayor himself tried to stop Unite the Right, and the ACLU took him to court over it. UTR's previous torch light protest in May was peaceful. There were no other incidents of people getting run over by cars, so it is an isolated incident. People pulling out guns and killing scores of people is usually dispositive of intent, other than a not guilty by reason of insanity plea. Yet, your reaction in this Charlottesville case is rather passionate, while your reaction in the Omar Mateen incident seems muted by comparison. Yet, the Mateen incident involved 49 deaths and was 20 minutes from your house, and against your own "minority" identity group. From my perspective, you were more angry with Trump supporters, Christianity, religion in general and firearms. Here's what you had to say in the first few pages of the Orlando shooter thread:

mikema63 wrote:I live 20 minutes away from that club. They advertise at my school. I know a bunch of people that went there, including my roommate and husband.

mikema63 wrote:It's been declared an act of domestic terrorism and the FBI put out a statement that they had evidence he had Islamist leanings though they aren't willing to rule out other possibilities just yet.

I really hope someone I know didn't get hurt. This is really really terrible.

mikema63 wrote:Not yet that I know of.

Twitter is a fucking disaster area full of fuckwits. It's like they deliberately gather the stupidest segments of every ideology and just let them have at it.

This probably isn't going to do much for my attitude towards religion.

mikema63 wrote:The parents were Afghani.

This is just, really terrifying. I hate being reminded that there are people who would kill me in a second because their invisible friend thinks gays are icky.

I just mean, fuck me, this is surreal.

mikema63 wrote:It's amazingly sickening that people are willing to turn this tragedy into a thread about how much they hate liberals and Obama.

I don't to hear about fucking trump from you people. You think trump is my fucking ally?

Republicans would happily annul my marriage and declare gay sex illegal. Right wingers just love to play high and mighty when they are part of the forces trying to make my life shit.

Trump can go to hell and so can right wingers.

mikema63 wrote:Seeing people crow about how great this tragedy at my fucking doorstep is because radaradarade trump muslims liberals is disgusting.

It really fucking pisses me off to see people act smug and self satisfied with 50 people fucking dead. Some of them could be my fucking friends.

Seriously, shit on someone elses tragedy.

mikema63 wrote:The wide availability of assault weapons in the US clearly have no relationship to a guy killing 50 people with assault weapons. He could have done just as much damage with a .22 rifle or a handgun.

mikema63 wrote:From the reports I'm reading he wasn't on a watch list and his family was definitely Afghani.

Interviews with family are already coming out. His ex-wife says he was extremely abusive and unstable. His father said something about him being extremely angry when he saw two men kiss in miami. Both his parents are saying they don't understand why he did this.

Sounds like an angry unstable man found him some religion.

mikema63 wrote:There isn't any evidence that this guy was anything more than a crazy person with anger issues who found god and then did something crazy.

Obviously being able to kill or injure more than 100 people has nothing to do with the availability of assault weapons.

Trump is not my ally, he'd fuck over ever LGBT person in the country and call it winning.

Keep this stuff in context. 50 times as many of your people get killed by an Islamic extremist 20 minutes from your house, and you tell Trump and his supporters to go to hell, but not Islamic extremists or ISIS. Instead, you fall into line with the Democratic party on gun control. James Fields only killed one person, wasn't particularly religious, and used a car--and it hasn't been established as a matter of law what he intended.

As an atheist, if you don't believe in a soul, why would you recommend "soul searching"?

Do you think Omar Mateen should go to hell? Are you satisfied that you and Mateen's father had something in common: support for Hillary Clinton?
Buzz62 wrote:I didn't say that black peoples' lives don't matter.

Your previous posts on the subject, states you don't have to say that. Your "blue lives matter" says all I need to here about your views on BLM.

Buzz62 wrote:Indeed it is, and if Donny Jr and Keushner are guilty of something, they should be charged. What did you think? That posting this would get me all wound up?

OK, so cops and republicans like that guy who assault a reporter for practicing his/her first amendment rights, should be in jail?
Libertarian353 wrote:Your previous posts on the subject, states you don't have to say that. Your "blue lives matter" says all I need to here about your views on BLM.

Indeed. I hate BLM because they are a criminal organization who think all white people, including their babies, PLUS all cops...should be murdered. Are they friends of yours?

BTW...none of that means I don't value black peoples' lives...or any peoples' lives for that matter.

Libertarian353 wrote:OK, so cops and republicans like that guy who assault a reporter for practicing his/her first amendment rights, should be in jail?

What's that got to do with Trumpy or Keushner?
But...anyone who breaks the law, should be charged.! That's the law.
mikema63 wrote:Now blackjack is pulling that weird shit of hoarding old quotes as if it's a good argument for being a Nazi sympathizing shit heel. :lol:

Try not to single out other users, but their arguments instead.

-TIG Edit :borg:

Bulaba Jones wrote:Blackjack apparently thinks crying about the lack of people going off-topic about Muslims here in this thread about Nazis and Nazi sympathizers defending murder means anything.

I see the 2 of you have nothing intelligent to offer. Nothing in the way of refuting anything blackjack said. Just your typical name-calling and feeble attempts at humor.

Very good...carry on... :lol:
blackjack21 wrote:I hope to contribute to your inevitable extinction.

Who is that, I thought I was EM/Tewodros II? Besides that could be you offline. I don't understand why you can say racist things, and support people like the Unite the Right killers, but not some Black Racist Muslim. If you're willing to put racist signatures like "I hated the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live." (2004), why can't he say "I want you exterminated"? Besides, it's not like he's a threat to you, in fact it's the reverse.

blackjack21 wrote:And you don't like the neo-Nazis?

No, but Oxymoron does, apparently. Hell, he acts like he isn't Juden.

blackjack21 wrote: I thought you were white now (and we're all fooled, believe me :roll: ).

I really don't care if you think I'm EM. So if you want to say I am, I guess you're more tolerant to transrace issues than I am apparently. :lol:

blackjack21 wrote:If you are white and very concerned about black people, why do you dislike the Jews?

What post did I say I hate Jews? I would be ban here if I advocate anti- Semitic views and rants. Contrary to your baseless claims(ironic considering yourself insulted Obama who wanted peace, by saying racism is natural) I'm not a racist. I'm just making fun of Oxymoron racism.

Can I not do that?

blackjack21 wrote:Charlottesville's mayor is a Jew.

And yet you made posts obsessing over his heritage, while no one ask or cared. Why is it that out of all the racists here in this thread. ONLY YOU, made reference to his "Juden" heritage? As if that matters, but apparently you even hid your anti-semitic feelings by mentioning an old "Nazi"(NOW, I'm really suspicious of your views on race and what people you meet.:eh: ) making jokes on dead Jews. So let's not go there, boy.

blackjack21 wrote:You mean they are doxxing, just like the left does? SpecialOlympian seems to think that's okay.

Why not, troll pepes did that to Shia and even threaten an interracial family. Even threaten judges and Black senators, all those illegal. All those you never mention, but highlight the boogieman "left". Your silence is consent, so why cant SpecialOlympian(who's homosexual and therefore threaten by the trump admin) support self-defense.

Also you thought it's ok that a Black man who didn't resist and said I can't breath, die.

blackjack21 wrote:Lots of you guys call for mass murder of the bourgeoisie.

Bourgeoisie is neither race nor sexual orientation. You silly boy, stop fooling yourself.

blackjack21 wrote: the trashing of white working class people by the establishment is why you are seeing this sort of thing happening in the first place.

Wrong, if anything the establishment did more damage to Black lives, than Whites could even imagine. But name me an example of this "trashing"? I would like to hearthe oppression of our kin.
blackjack21 wrote:You guys are initiating violence and are upset at the blowback

Bull, the left were defending themselves from those initiating violence. How is it that a white supremacist, feel that he's the victim?

blackjack21 wrote:How about taking a page out of MLK's book and adopt non-violence instead?

How about you do that? Get rid of the guns and actually go be a Christian for once in your white life? ... /481212566

Yet he was being threaten for actually following "MLK advice". Are you going to be MLK and condemn this? Hell, are you going to be MLK and remove those racist signatures? Peace starts with you. :)

blackjack21 wrote: In fact, they are just as comfortable as the BLM/Antifa people who called the previous owner of James Field's car and issued death threats to him and his family.

Now I know you're bullshitting: ... 563312001/

See you lost all credibility.
Libertarian353 wrote:Why not, troll pepes did that to Shia and even threaten an interracial family. Even threaten judges and Black senators, all those illegal. All those you never mention, but highlight the boogieman "left". Your silence is consent, so why cant SpecialOlympian(who's homosexual and therefore threaten by the trump admin) support self-defense.

Who gibes a shit what SO likes to sleep with? You?
Is it a badge of some sort, to specify a person's sexuality?

Your little Olympian...sent me a fuckin' death threat. He seems real "threatened"... :roll:
So ya...put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Last edited by Buzz62 on 08 Nov 2017 19:56, edited 1 time in total.
@Buzz62 It doesn't matter if you think it's intelligent or not to remind people to stay on-topic when they are deliberately trying to go off (such as beg/bait/provoke people into discussing Islamic terrorism in this thread, which is off-topic).

Buzz62 wrote:Who gibes a shit what SO likes to sleep with? You?
Is it a badge of some sort, to specify a person's sexuality?

Your little Olympian...sent me a fuckin' death threat. He seems real "threatened"... :roll:
So ya...put that in your pipe and smoke it.

That's an extremely serious accusation to make. Where did Special Olympian send you a death threat?
Bulaba Jones wrote:@Buzz62 It doesn't matter if you think it's intelligent or not to remind people to stay on-topic when they are deliberately trying to go off (such as beg/bait/provoke people into discussing Islamic terrorism in this thread, which is off-topic).

OK ur right about that...

Bulaba Jones wrote:That's an extremely serious accusation to make. Where did Special Olympian send you a death threat?

It was posted in here. In this thread I believe. It's been removed of course, but I have a copy, and so does interpol. Wanna see it? Its cute. He manages to threaten me, my wife, my 2 boys, AND my daughter. And yet I believe he's still posting on this site.
Huh...go figure...
Buzz62 wrote:OK ur right about that...

It was posted in here. In this thread I believe. It's been removed of course, but I have a copy, and so does interpol. Wanna see it? Its cute. He manages to threaten me, my wife, my 2 boys, AND my daughter. And yet I believe he's still posting on this site.
Huh...go figure...

Oh, okay. I thought you were referring to something new, I didn't realize you meant that one thing that happened previously. I asked it sincerely: even though we completely disagree on pretty much everything in this thread, I was concerned by what you said, and as a mod I have to be objective and fair.
[Zag Note: This thread has run its course and branched into a number of different discussions, no longer serving as active "news", as well as spawned a number of rule violations. I will be locking the thread but leaving it on the board for posterity.]
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