Soy Product Consumption and Political Orientation - Politics | PoFo

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How does your soya product consumption correlate with your political orientation?

I eat soy products very often and I self-identify as a leftist
I eat soy products rarely or never and I self-identify as a leftist
I eat soy products very often and I am not a leftist
I eat soy products rarely or never and I am not a leftist
SolarCross wrote:There is a bit of an old stereotype that leftists are particularly fond of soya products, tofu and the like, just wondered how that shakes out for pofo considering pofo is top heavy with old style leftists like your Stalinists and what not.

There have been several videos on this topic posted by new right youtubers in the past week. Soy is correlated with the unnatural production of estrogen in boys and makes them more effeminate. Given that the political values of the left are anti-patriarchal and that leftist ideas, espcially on immigration, are disproportionately favored by women, I suppose it stands to reason that leftist males may be more effeminate and that this may be related to flooding of the market with soy products, in the west, in the last 30 + years.
That is a myth, isoflavens interact more weakly with estrogen receptors than actual estrogen and can trigger feedback mechanisms to reduce estrogen production which can lead to lower overall estrogen levels. They also must be processed first by gut bacteria to actually have this activity at all and only about 1/3rd of people actually have intestinal flora capable of this.

Besides which you'd have to consume ridiculous quantities of soy products to actually have enough in your system to have any real effect since it get's processed out fairly quickly.

Say no to psudo-biology. :)
This is from the Scientific American blog:

A new study shows that downing soy products may lower sperm count. The reason, according to the research published in the journal Human Reproduction (pdf): soy beans contain high amounts of phytoestrogens, organic compounds that mimic the female hormone estrogen in the human body and, in animal studies, have been shown to reduce testosterone levels. Lead study author Jorge Chavarro, a research fellow in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health,and his colleagues found that men who ate at least half a serving a day of soy had, on average, 34 million fewer sperm per milliliter than those who skipped it. ... 008-07-23/

Likewise, many studies have focused on American produced soy products and not Asian produced soy products which include important variables. Firstly, western monocultural farming and GMOs have created poor nutrient quality in the soil which isn't always accounted for in studies of Soy, likewise, Asian soy is often fermented or served with foods containing high amounts of pro-biotics that help in digestion of soy that helps to counteract feminizing effects of the actual product. Likewise, Soy is not the only American problem food containing estrogen mimics either. Overall, testosterone in western men has been decreasing at a rate of 1% per year and let's not forget that soy treatment is used in post-menopausal women to help restore estrogen levels, so I am very suspicious of these dismissals of its having an effect of the population's hormones. This is not to mention that Gynocomastia is related almost exclusively to environmental estrogens based on food consumption.
@Victoribus Spolia So I tell you say no to psudo-biology and you link me to a pop-sci article with a dead link to a study that the author himself admits is limited in sample size and is not sufficient to draw conclusions from in and of itself.

You clearly don't understand the scientific process or indeed the basic biological facts behind estrogen and isoflavens and indeed the general way hormones work.

Stop posting drek about stuff you don't understand. :)
Only middle class effeminate types eat soy. I would thus expect the right to consume it far more than that left who are of course made up of the hoary handed labourers spat out from the factories, workshops, mines and building sites.
Decky wrote:Only middle class effeminate types eat soy. I would thus expect the right to consume it far more than that left who are of course made up of the hoary handed labourers spat out from the factories, workshops, mines and building sites.

Funnily enough so far no one that does not identify as a leftist has owned up to significant soy consumption. It's a small sample though.

Nearly half of self-identifying leftists voted for significant soy consumption. Now of course there is an issue with what counts as leftist. From the perspective of old leftists whose ideas and world view haven't changed since the 19th century then a lot of the people calling themselves leftists now are nothing of the sort. Whereas if you aren't a stalinist then leftism is a broader church that includes a rich diversity of different kinds of grievance wanking than the very narrow type of the old leftist.

I should have had a separate poll option for old vs new left so we could see which kind of leftist is voting which way.

Of course we should be careful about drawing any conclusions about causation here too. Even if there is a correlation between undeveloped males and soy consumption that doesn't necessarily mean that soy causes the lack of development, it could be that undeveloped or effeminate men are attracted to soy for some reason or it could be that such men are susceptible to food fads and soy happened to be the focus of a food fad at one time.
SolarCross wrote:Well you are married and have 6 kids, so maybe you aren't that effeminate.

I also build homes, fix vehicles, defend the weak, and enjoy being good at the sports I do.

I eschew bullying, homophobia, sexism, violent domination, and other traditionally masculine things.

But I was comapring myself to the other leftists here on the forum. I am fairly sure I am the only one without a beard.
Pants-of-dog wrote:I also build homes, fix vehicles, defend the weak, and enjoy being good at the sports I do.

I eschew bullying, homophobia, sexism, violent domination, and other traditionally masculine things.

But I was comapring myself to the other leftists here on the forum. I am fairly sure I am the only one without a beard.

So you are self-hating manly man, lol. I don't know that "bullying, homophobia, sexism, violent domination" are traditionally masculine things. I've seen women do all those at one time or another for one thing.
SolarCross wrote:So you are self-hating manly man, lol.

This habit you have of incorrectly assuming the exact opposite of what I just said is bizarre, and makes you look like you need work on reading comprehension.

For the record, I love myself, and one of the reasons I love myself is because I have freed myself from toxic masculinity. Which, obviously, makes me not a manly man.

I don't know that "bullying, homophobia, sexism, violent domination" are traditionally masculine things. I've seen women do all those at one time or another for one thing.

Well, perhaps you should study traditional gender roles and how they promote hierarchies. Start with the wiki article on toxic masculinity.

Decky wrote:That should be past tense, you have already admitted to moving up to a management position. :roll: You sit in the site office with the forms.

Not quite. I worked for the architect, which meant that I walked around the site with the foreman, or “super”, answering his questions about construction details.

But that was my old job.

Now I am renovating our home while taking care of the kids.
Rightests are essentially hysterical children with piss stained pants. screaming about being frightened of everything. Their policies boil down to forcing everyone to acknowledge that the right are pathetic victims and demanding that everyone else pay for strapping men in uniform to save them from shadows.

What in the hell makes them imagine they have the right to spectate who is manly :lol:
Pants-of-dog wrote:This habit you have of incorrectly assuming the exact opposite of what I just said is bizarre, and makes you look like you need work on reading comprehension.

For the record, I love myself, and one of the reasons I love myself is because I have freed myself from toxic masculinity. Which, obviously, makes me not a manly man.

That you call masculinity "toxic" and associate it with negative things like bullying is what makes you self-hating. It is like a jew who believes in negative stereotypes of jews being nefarious or greedy, is said to be a self-hating jew.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Well, perhaps you should study traditional gender roles and how they promote hierarchies. Start with the wiki article on toxic masculinity.

This kind of literature is produced by really toxic people, actually deranged people. It is worthless.

If you became a self-hating man from reading shit like that, then that is all the more reason to avoid it.
Toxic masculinity is not the idea that masculinity is toxic, it points to more specific things considered masculine that are toxic like the social expectation some people have that being masculine means doing stuff like catcalling or being homophobic.

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