Venezuela opposition banned from running in 2018 election - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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That he is confusing "Venezuelan government spin" for "the real truth". :lol:

The rule the tweet cites came from the "National Constituent Assembly", which was set up earlier this year to draft a new constitution and is nothing more than a rubber stamp for whatever Maduro feels like doing. It was set up despite opposition from 80% of the public (doubtless they are all paid American fascist stooges, or something), and the election that created it had a stellar turnout somewhere between 11 and 22%. Naturally, the opposition boycotted it because it was a transparent sham, and it ended up with 545 members all from the same party. They then conveniently created the rule that boycotting one election bars you from contesting them in the future.

And, as I said, our magic-card-game-playing friend on Twitter has swallowed the Venezuelan government's explanation hook, line and sinker - hence the PR comment.

Feel free to agree with Maduro turning Venezuela into a one-party state if you like, but don't pretend that he's really running an exemplary democratic paradise. It's crank-level dishonesty. :lol:
Wikipedia, the BBC, an anti-socialist's blog. :hmm:

It's hard to fake the results of these elections in Venezuela, since Venezuelans literally vote with their fingerprints and Venezeula has the most transparent elections than any other South American countries, according to UNASUR.

Where did you get the 80% opposing the NCA figure? Is it really hard to believe Venezuelans want their nation to be a socialist state, rather than one that has its riches stolen by the CIA/US while its people suffer?
If only I cited tweets from New Jersey-based vegan magicians instead!

The Wikipedia page cites a number of opinion polls leading up to the vote.

The BBC article quotes Maduro as saying the rule came from the NCA.

The 80% opposing the NCA comes from Hercon, a Venezuelan polling agency.

And Prodavinci is not "an anti-socialist's blog", it is a serious news site. Yes, it's opposed to the Venezuelan buffoon-dictatorship, but that doesn't automatically invalidate anything it publishes. It raises a very good point - why, if only 12% of people polled in the run up to the election said they were "serious" about voting, would turnout end up at 47%?

But hey - forget critical thinking. It's much more fun to cheer for the paranoid buffoon and dismiss anyone pissed off with their lousy government as a CIA plant.
The BBC is pushing the US State Dept's point of view on this issue.

The writer of the blog you shared is an anti-socialist, he fought against Castro, he hates socialism. Check out his wikipedia page. :D

But hey - forget critical thinking. It's much more fun to cheer for the paranoid buffoon and dismiss anyone pissed off with their lousy government as a CIA plant.

You're not thinking critically if you're willing to lap up imperial propaganda and sell it. The US has spent billions funding and arming the opposition parties and they failed with getting the popular support necessary to win anything because Venezualans overall prefer socialism over US imperialism. The only ones who don't are the upper classes who don't like to share their own or the country's wealth.

Venezuela: Chavismo Virtually Wipes US-Backed Opposition From Municipal Map
skinster wrote:They were allowed to run. They boycotted the election because they knew they would lose. And of course they would lose, since they don't have popular support, since most Venezuelans knows who funds them and most Venezuelans know their history and that of the region vis-a-vis the US.

The OP says they boycotted one election and are now banned from future ones. There's more than one election right?
...and that rule was itself added to the constitution by the National Constituent Assembly earlier this year - a body with almost unlimited power, controlled entirely by the ruling party, and opposed by 80% of Venezuelans. Democracy in action. :lol:

By the way, I love that you accused me of "selling imperial propaganda" and then responded with an article from Venezuela's state-owned media arm, that starts like this:

"Dec. 10 will not only go down as a date to remember in the annals of Venezuelan history for the Battle of Santa Inés of 1859 during the Federal War, but will also be bitterly remembered by the bourgeois opposition for the electoral hammering they received at the hands of Chavismo in the municipal elections held on that fateful day in 2017.

The United Socialist Party of Venezuela, PSUV, painted the municipal map deep red by winning 327 of 335 (97.6 percent) mayoralties democratically contested leaving the arrogant and stubborn opposition with a bloodied nose as their destabilization strategy fell apart."

Such a balanced, impartial source.

Venezuela really is the epitome of "student politics on a big budget".
And the rule may have been added recently or is from the past, the point is, the opposition could've played the democracy game and joined in the election. They didn't because they knew they would lose.

Still shilling imperial propaganda, Heisenberg.

Trump and Tillerson and Heisenberg are mad because regime-change didn't happen in Venezeula, they couldn't destroy another state in Latin America and steal its oil-wealth, hardy bloody ha. :lol:

Viva el Socialismo!
The same company, Hercon, along with another pollstar is questioning the 8million figure of people who voted as though Venezuela doesn't have the most transparent voting system there is out there right now. Of course Heisenberg would shill dumb shit like this and keep repeating an 80% figure which makes NO sense at all when the majority of Venezuelans voted for socialism.

Liberals. :roll:
Well thank gods there are some places that aren't selling the imperialist's line, like you know, the entire MSM.

How could there possibly be anything that supports the people of Venezuela and reports on the same? HOW? :lol:

This is obviously a case of, as yet, US regime-change failure...and you and Trump and Tillerson are mad.
...says the one dismissing more than half of the "people of Venezuela" as unVenezuelan CIA plants. Sure. :excited:

For what it's worth, I'm not "mad" at all. Venezuela is barely a blip on my radar. You're the one working yourself up into a conspiratorial frenzy. I'm surprised Mossad hasn't been mentioned yet.
The CIA-funded opposition is a minority, it and the upper classes who support it are not even close to half of the population, what are you talking about? If the CIA-funded opposition that you shill for was so popular, it would've taken part in democratic elections.

And sorry, but you do sound mad, those laughing emoticons aren't fooling anybody.
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