Where exactly do I fall on the political spectrum? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Any other minor ideologies.
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I've been having trouble properly articulating to myself where exactly I fall on the political label spectrum.

I'm relatively left wing, I reject communism more out of being a not very revolutionary sort of person and being nervous about what comes next not degenerating into something worse than before.

I'm not really pushing for socialism, though I have a lot of sympathy with the idea, because I don't have a clear way to get there and no idea how to make it work.

I'm generally more of a realist on foreign policy which seems to piss off a lot of the pofo left who deign to comment on my foreign policy views.

I support a lot of welfare and even stuff like negative income tax and basic income but I also basically would create a form of capitalism that is managed but with a light hand which insures wealth doesn't accumulate to much and that people have their basic needs met no matter what.

I've been leaning towards social democrat overall as a label but that seems a bit off in part because of my foreign policy views, support of free trade programs, and other idiosyncratic views I seem to hold that don't align with a label well.
mikema63 wrote:I've been having trouble properly articulating to myself where exactly I fall on the political label spectrum.

I'm relatively left wing, I reject communism more out of being a not very revolutionary sort of person and being nervous about what comes next not degenerating into something worse than before.

I'm not really pushing for socialism, though I have a lot of sympathy with the idea, because I don't have a clear way to get there and no idea how to make it work.

I'm generally more of a realist on foreign policy which seems to piss off a lot of the pofo left who deign to comment on my foreign policy views.

I support a lot of welfare and even stuff like negative income tax and basic income but I also basically would create a form of capitalism that is managed but with a light hand which insures wealth doesn't accumulate to much and that people have their basic needs met no matter what.

I've been leaning towards social democrat overall as a label but that seems a bit off in part because of my foreign policy views, support of free trade programs, and other idiosyncratic views I seem to hold that don't align with a label well.

All that could make you a fairly conventional old school (pre-thatcher) tory but you are probably a republican while tories, especially old school tories, are devoted monarchists.

The left vs right spatial metaphor is pure bunk when comes down to it, too many policy and philosophy assumptions are loaded on to it now for it make any sense.
Where do I fall on the political spectrum oh Wise One?

Let me give you some hints Oh Wise @Potemkin ...

I think capitalism is sheer inhumane total crap.

I can't stand Fake Right Wing Christians that Pussy Grab with impunity and lie from both sides of their mouths and fantasize kicking their balls and so on....

I want to burn bankers and their kin at the stake sort of like what @The Immortal Goon discusses in one of the threads.

I think international revolution against these oppressive bastards are necessary.

I want excellent standard of living for everyone but most especially for children, older people and the disabled and the most vulnerable.

I want art of all sorts of the most quality for all people without worrying about paying for it.

I love work and working hard, but it must be balanced with a fine social and personal life.

I like feminine things and great political speeches.

I love nature and anything to do with the natural world.

I love passionate, musical, warm and loving things in this world.

I like very scientific and well researched policies both domestic and foreign.

Everything I believe in is about making life balanced, fun, artistic and scientific for all people and for the many cultures of the world to be given, peace, stability and freedom.

I also am a realist and realize that great societies need people to keep working on keeping it going. Save for a rainy day everyday.

Where do I fall Oh Wise One on the political spectrum? :D
B0ycey wrote:Easy. A Centrist. Liberal in ethics with an understanding for the need of a balanced economy so you can attract new business which allows you to sustain both welfare and growth.

B0ycey are you talking to mikema?
B0ycey are you talking to mikema?

I suspect he is, Tainari. Lol. ;)

Where do you fall on the political spectrum? You fall into the 'Awesome!' category, that's where. :D
But @Potemkin you have not heard my well thought out policies on every possible problem.

I think if any government ever were able to do my agenda? Greatest human society on Earth. If I do say so myself. Hee hee.

In the end? Love is all you need. That and people who share a lot everything and are not greedy, selfish and ignorant. Those three aspects of humanity? That is what keeps real freedom for all in prison. Greed. Selfishness. Ignorance. GSI is what is the worst of the worst of humanity.

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