What would you do with infinite power? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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So I want you to conduct a little thought experiment. Imagine you had absolute power to do anything you wanted. It's difficult to imagine, but just try. If, just IF you were free to do anything you wanted without fear of consequence whatsoever, what would you do?

Would you rape? Some people would say yes. I however, could not, and would not go around raping for pleasure even if I were God. But that's me. I want people's HONEST answer to this question.
Killing spree.
A certain classes and groups may or may not be targeted. :D :p

Though to be honest, 'd probably also confiscate a few Lamborghinis here and there.
For transportation obviously; you know, you need a car these days.
I would go to some habitable planet orbiting another star and observe the evolution of its life forms, over billions of years. Maybe guide one species to victory, or just watch them all duke it out with each other. That would probably be fun.
Agent Steel wrote:So I want you to conduct a little thought experiment. Imagine you had absolute power to do anything you wanted. It's difficult to imagine, but just try. If, just IF you were free to do anything you wanted without fear of consequence whatsoever, what would you do?

Would you rape? Some people would say yes. I however, could not, and would not go around raping for pleasure even if I were God. But that's me. I want people's HONEST answer to this question.

Oh that is so easy!! For me? I would eradicate poverty, fix all environmental damage, advance medicine to the maximum degree, get everyone clean water, healthy pesticide free food, lots of art and fun activities, have families have a lot of family time, have a well balanced society. Cooperation between nations, and lots of love for all humanity. World peace forever, and have people explore all that they want to explore. Travel for people who want to travel. Have people enjoy learning foreign languages and maybe create a computer where they can implant a chip and you can learn a foreign language in one month or less well. You also get to do a lot of beautiful things you dream of.

Freedom for people. Prisoners would get a lot of help. So they know how to cope with self regulation and make better choices and they can have a new start.

Above all I want humans to love, care and be respectful of themselves and of the rest of society.

If I could get that done? Nothing left to do but wait for the Earth to die off and for a new planet to emerge as we live in an infinitely creative plane of existence. Always renewing itself and making new possibilities. When we die hopefully we get to see the totality of it because instead of the delusion or separateness we get to see our unity with all that lovely creative and powerful energy. I think women get a tiny bit of that idea of it....when we feel our child grow magically from a tiny grain of rice to a fully developed little human being....we think, 'hmmm. it is highly creative and it forms and it depends on me, the baby is connected to me, when I breathe the baby breathes, when I eat the baby eats," We are not alone in this world. Everything is interconnected. We must respect that.

Oh, also get rid of all toxic waste, get rid of nuclear bombs and nuclear weapons and all contaminating substances that might harm all life on Earth. Go and send it off planet to implode safely in some huge dead zone. Would compile all the wealth on earth and use wealth to do good only. Purify water, clean up and aerate and fertilize the land that is worth cultivating. Use solar energy to get all kinds of educational facilities well equipped. Lots of arts, music, dance, sports, cultural traditional things, creative modern things, just everything that is about ingenuity and originality and service for all. Everything positive!!

I also would spoil a very handsome man outrageously if I did have that kind of power. Lol. Hmmm. Rare books, fine travels, lots of pens, lots of many things, and lots of love.

Hmmm. Power? A great thing. But only in my hands. Not crazy egomaniac's hands. But on someone who loves people and always will! :)
Atlantis wrote:@Tainari88, you have to narrow it down. The good fairy only grants you one wish.

Well, I want to take advantage of my power Atlantis. I mean if I had the power and not be who I am in reality. A Puerto Rican woman who is considered part of the inferior hordes by Trump and his base? I got to give it my all.

I got the power, I got the power (big base boom in the background), I got the power, I got the power.

I would spend time having a lot of fun. Have more great food, travel more, have more of more of more....and do all that I said above. Make the world safe for children, happier for all. I want humanity to be HAPPY. Infinite power.....

El poder!! El poder!! The biggest power in the entire WORLD Atlantis? LOVE. AMOR.

AMORAMORAMORAMOR....for all time!!
I would really make karma a bitch and people would get what they truly deserve. :D That alone would provide me with an eternity of amusement.
Tainari88 wrote:El poder!! El poder!! The biggest power in the entire WORLD Atlantis? LOVE. AMOR.

AMORAMORAMORAMOR....for all time!!

Why didn't you say so at first? That makes it clearer. You see, I look for insight, the wisdom that needs to complement love.
In the end, I imagine, something really terrible.

It probably wouldnt take too long to start to feel disconnected with these weak and stupid humans who cant even do something simple like shoot lazer beams out of their eyes. So, I’d probably end up blowing up the entire world to build a brand new one in my own image. But once I’ve committed genocide on such a massive scale, why would I be bothered if I did it a few more times for my own amusement? And why build back humanity as it was when they cant even magic a 7 course meal out of thin air? Why bring anything back or create anything that didnt amuse or please me at all? I’d just bring things back to play around with them and blow them up again. And then I’d go insane with loneliness, so yes, I would bring humanity back, exactly as it was before the First Big Boom. But when I do bring it back I cant understand anyone any more... I cant connect with anyone... everyone feels so small and pointless. What is the point of them living? THEY dont even know. They will all be dead in 100 years and I will still be here, with their stupid mortal offspring. What is the effing point??
So blow them up again.
Now I’m just floating, floating through space, I could fly but I dont have anywhere to go so I may as well just float. No one can see me anyway, no one is left, and if they were I would probably just blow them up anyways. So, what is the point? What is the point of the universe? So, I blow up the entire universe and then there is nothing. Only me. I’m so angry, so sad, so alone. I try to scream but there is no air, nothing for sound waves to interact with. I cant even float any more. I cant even do anything.
The end.
Of course Agent R_G would naturally think about rape first in this kind of scenario.

I wouldn't want to take away free will or force too much on society, but I would nudge society towards international socialism, a means to screen for psychological issues, and momentum for the colonization of space.

However, I would be tempted to recreate the conditions of either Farscape or The Expanse. Both universes are pretty neat.
In all likelihood, I would probably create a race of sentient beings, and then pit certain tribes against the others. I would give them free rein to slaughter each other in my name as long as they killed and burned representatives of lower, non-sentient life forms on their planet, build structures composed mainly of metamorphic minerals, and construct primitive statues of my image as long as they covered it in vegetable oils, dead colorful plant material, elemental and/or alloyed transition metals (I'm really not that picky), and melted sand with colors in certain spots on the electromagnetic spectrum. Next, I would tell them that I create the conditions of climate and weather on their planet, and that they must make either sacrifices or prayers to me to ensure a good yield on their crop harvests. I would also tell them that the members of their species with a specific set of sex organs are inferior, less capable, less intelligent, and should not be treated as equal citizens. I wouldn't bother to tell them about the importance of soap, general sanitation, the microorganisms I created to make most of them suffer and some of them die, because quite frankly I wasn't impressed by the size of their burnt carbon-based meat offering last weekend.

Lastly, I would tell them that people who think any of the above is nonsense or crazy are the crazy ones.
Lead all of mankind as their God Emperor on a holy crusade to take over the galaxy from xeno scum.


"The Emperor loves no one man. He cannot afford affection - that is the honest practical for the impossible task that faces the Master of Mankind. He did not love His sons, He does not love men, but He does love mankind."
— Roboute Guilliman
SolarCross wrote:Lead all of mankind as their God Emperor on a holy crusade to take over the galaxy from xeno scum.

All Hail SolarCross!!

Deus Vult!
Could a 'god' retain their humanist affections.

I think psychologists done similar experiment and find that there isn't much difference between the general population and prisoners in regards to there desires for anti-social, pro-social and neutral behaviours that they'd will if they could make them come true simply by wanting it.
Works better when anyonymous though.
I think when i answered this sort of question some years ago initially I was still confined to certain perceived limitations and answered that I would rob the wealth of some and erase the debt of most of the world and give them a bit. Because it involved robbing, whilst somewhat altruistic, it was categorized as anti-social.
I think when i answered this sort of question some years ago initially I was still confined to certain perceived limitations and answered that I would rob the wealth of some and erase the debt of most of the world and give them a bit. Because it involved robbing, whilst somewhat altruistic, it was categorized as anti-social.

These psychological tests, for the most part, are devised by nice, middle-class liberals, Wellsy. This has the effect that, unless you are yourself a nice, middle-class liberal, you are probably going to be categorised as 'anti-social'. After all, those nice, middle-class liberals are society, aren't they? ;)


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