The story about 16-year-old Ahed Tamimi - Page 10 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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The day the Arabs will stop firing rockets with explosive payloads in to Israeli civilian areas, the bombings and attacks on Gaza will stop.
All the retaliatory actions of the IDF in Gaza were preceded by lengthy and continuing attacks with rockets and mortars and sniper fire by the Arabs.
The Arabs are also digging tunnels under the border with Israel to attack kibbutzim and other civilians. To do this, they divert vital resources from the Gaza community for attack purposes.
Everything Skinster posted is true but she somehow omitted the important parts of the story, the parts that provoked the attacks, the parts that demonstrate the death cult of the Arabs over there.
skinster wrote:Oh Ter is talking shit again, what a surprise.

Nice deflecting...

Every word in my post is the truth.

Here it is again :

Ter wrote:The day the Arabs will stop firing rockets with explosive payloads in to Israeli civilian areas, the bombings and attacks on Gaza will stop.
All the retaliatory actions of the IDF in Gaza were preceded by lengthy and continuing attacks with rockets and mortars and sniper fire by the Arabs.
The Arabs are also digging tunnels under the border with Israel to attack kibbutzim and other civilians. To do this, they divert vital resources from the Gaza community for attack purposes.
Everything Skinster posted is true but she somehow omitted the important parts of the story, the parts that provoked the attacks, the parts that demonstrate the death cult of the Arabs over there.

But you can continue to blabber about apartheid, concentration camps, fish in a barrel and so on. The language of the obsessed and blinkered zealot.
your talk is talk:
in the meantime, your friends exploded a bomb next to an IDF vehicle, wounding five soldiers.
The IDF is busy bombing Terrorist Hamas and Islamic Jihad targets all night.
A rocket exploded on a house in a village in Israel near the border with Gaza.
The IDF is bombing some more targets.

You see the pattern?
Arabs attack
IDF retaliates x 10.
Lessons learnt.

Your "heroine" Ahed called for more stabbings and suicide bombings. This is incitement to terrorism. She should be punished for that.
Ter wrote:You see the pattern?
Arabs attack
IDF retaliates x 10.
Lessons learnt.

Well of course they may have learnt a lesson from the Czechs. Czech leaders knew that there would be massive retaliation if they killed Heydrich, but by provoking "atrocities" they hoped to get international support or at least acquiescence in the ethnic cleansing of the Sudetenland. Similarly by provoking "atrocities" Hamas may be hoping to get support for a future ethnic cleansing of Israel. Remember the Arab Muslims only have to win once.
Rich wrote:Well of course they may have learnt a lesson from the Czechs. Czech leaders knew that there would be massive retaliation if they killed Heydrich, but by provoking "atrocities" they hoped to get international support or at least acquiescence in the ethnic cleansing of the Sudetenland. Similarly by provoking "atrocities" Hamas may be hoping to get support for a future ethnic cleansing of Israel. Remember the Arab Muslims only have to win once.

It's a good point you make.
Hamas does not get support from anyone except a few fanatical zealots because they are so obviously a death cult. Even the racist BDS movement does not support Hamas.
As for Arabs winning militarily... that is so far-fetched it is not worth considering.
Operation Cast lead, or commonly known among many as The Gaza Massacre, was in 2008 but it didn't stop there.

Yeah no comparison, really.
Godstud wrote:Operation Cast lead, or commonly known among many as The Gaza Massacre, was in 2008 but it didn't stop there.

Yeah no comparison, really.

It is not a good idea to quantify the deaths because even though it shows that more Arabs died than Israelis, it is still a big win for the Arabs. In view of the Muslim population that is like 100% anti-Zionist, it should be 100 to 1.
Your argument is still shit. When all you are concerned about it the ratio, it means you aren't concerned about the people. Disgusting.
Godstud wrote:Your argument is still shit. When all you are concerned about it the ratio, it means you aren't concerned about the people. Disgusting.

I beg your pardon, you were the one posting quantitative graphs which showed that the Arabs are winning with the numbers.
What is disgusting is you as a Westerner siding with the death cult, with the people who throw gays from rooftops, who force their women to wear shmattes around their heads and produce minimum ten pekanini each.
You seem to imply that 1 Israeli is equal to 100 Palestinians. That's fucking preposterous and inhumane.

Siding with a Death Cult? Have you lost your fucking mind? Give your head a shake, @Ter . Most Palestinians are not part of a "death cult", anymore than all Israelis want to kill all Arabs.

I guess people dying is OK, as long as it's YOUR people, huh? I personally think ALL killing should end, but hey, a two state solution is only possible if BOTH sides cooperate. Sadly, both sides are led by shithead genocidal maniacs.
Godstud wrote:You seem to imply that 1 Israeli is equal to 100 Palestinians.

Let me say this once again : it is you who brought up the numbers, trying to demonstrate that the numbers of killed is to the advantage of the Israelis, and me saying that in view of the numbers, the Arabs are still winning that game.
Actually it is the Arabs who consider that one Israeli is worth a thousand Arabs. That is the number of prisoners they are asking to be released for each Israeli (even if it is a dead Israeli). So go figure.
It is still very very strange that a Westerner would side with the Arabs and their misogyny, hate for homosexuality and general cruelty. Polls indicate that a majority of your new friends believe that abandoning Islam should result in death. And so on and so forth. You really want to go down that road and compare values ?
Ter wrote:me saying that in view of the numbers, the Arabs are still winning that game.
Only it's NOT a fucking game. Those are people being killed, and not merely numbers.

Ter wrote:Actually it is the Arabs who consider that one Israeli is worth a thousand Arabs.
Only according to you, and your pro-zionist narrative.

Ter wrote:It is still very very strange that a Westerner would side with the Arabs and their misogyny, hate for homosexuality and general cruelty. Polls indicate that a majority of your new friends believe that abandoning Islam should result in death. And so on and so forth. You really want to go down that road and compare values ?
It is very very sad that a Westerner would side with an apartheid state, holding a nation captive,and base his whole argument on ignorance and Islamaphobia. But hey, if you want to side with mass murderers and child-killers, while implying that you are on the side of morality, then OK... :lol: You are free to dream.

Here is your hateful Palestine that wants to kill all of Israel :knife:

Poll: Most Palestinians Want Peace With Israel
The majority of Palestinians support a peace agreement with Israel and believe that the Palestinian Authority should use non-violent means to achieve their political goals, a new Fafo poll revealed.

Fafo, a Norwegian based international multidisciplinary research foundation, found that 73 percent of Palestinians in both the West Bank and Gaza were in favor of peace negotiations with Israel, but stressed that a settlement freeze should be a precondition to talks.

Oops, that kills your whole argument that all Palestinians want Israelis to die. :roll:
Godstud wrote:Those are people being killed, and not merely numbers.

That is correct and the killing (and the incitement) always starts from the Arab side.

Godstud wrote:It is very very sad that a Westerner would side with an apartheid state

Israel is not an apartheid state, you are just aping the anti-Zionist racist bigotry.
It is a ploy to de-legitimise the State of Israel.
Godstud wrote: if you want to side with mass murderers and child-killers

that would be the Arabs then, cutting children's throats whilst they sleep in their beds.
Godstud wrote:Poll: Most Palestinians Want Peace With Israel

if they get the right of return for six million descendants of the "refugees" thereby destroying the State of Israel. Thanks but no tanks.
Ter wrote:if they get the right of return for six million descendants of the "refugees" thereby destroying the State of Israel. Thanks but no tanks.

Well of course this is the Muslim breeding problem, although they can't get back their stolen property or recompense for injury, Germans are free to return and live in Danzig, Sudetenland and other areas ethnically cleansed of Germans after WWI and WW2. The reason this is not a problem is because Germans don't breed like Muslims.
skinster wrote: Ter wrote:
Israel is not an apartheid state


Try proving this.

It is not possible to prove a negative.
I suspect your education was not complete before you entered the work force ?

In the meantime, feel free to continue your propaganda posts.
Ter wrote:
This girl has been indoctrinated from a young age to provoke IDF soldiers.

She is a child of people born into occupation where their land and resources, in the case of this village their water resources are being taken from them. Her parents have most certainly brought her up not to feel subservient despite the horrendous situation she was born into. Why do you find it so strange that 2nd generation people born into military rule and the theft of their land would resist? Why to you is this such an outlandish thing for anyone to do? It people started treating you in this way would you just think that is fine and encourage your children to bow down to the people who are stealing your land and resources?

Ter wrote: They are now trying to make her a hero of the resistance, and Skinster is trying to help that effort.

Been going on for a long time. Israel is very frightened of this girl. She appears white..not only that she wears Western Clothes and worse of all she does not put herself beneath Israeli Jews. She does not know her place is to act subservient to her colonial masters. Israel fears given all this the West may feel empathy for her. People have been following her ever since she first started waving her fist. Now if you believe what she had done to a soldier who came illegally into her yard less than an hour after shooting her 15 year old cousin in the head - he is still alive but with part of his skull missing...if you believe that that action was criminal then again I would ask you how you would feel if indeed it was a white girl in your country. What we would think was that she had been through a trauma and should be treated like that, not kept in jail for 2 months before trial and then looking to get a sentence of 10 to 20 years they are so scared of her.

Another 17 year old cousin of hers was the first Palestinian to be killed by the Israelis this year and there is a video which illustrates clearly he was absolutely no threat to them so clearly a criminal kill. Is anyone talking of that? No.

Ahed Tamimi is indeed an icon. At the same time she stands for the hundreds of children currently held in military detention having been brought before a military trial where guilty is a forgone conclusion.

Tamimi was arrested not because of the action she took but because Israelis could not take her not understanding her subservient place. That is why she was arrested. They believed she humiliated their soldiers and so like slaves before her must be beaten.

Ter wrote:
In the end she will spend some time in jail, and nothing will come out of it.

By looking up the article one can see the video where for 3 full minutes she is slapping and kicking Israeli soldiers. The soldiers do not react at all so their attempt to create some paliwood videos failed badly.

She has already spent 2 months in jail for hitting a soldier who came illegally into her yard after having shot her 14 year old cousin in the head only one hour before. To you a Palestinian life is 'paliwood'. It is not real. It would seem that to you a Palestinian life has no value, that Palestinian people to you are not human. They should not get upset at the killing of their family. well well.
As this is your first post on PoFo I extend my welcome to you.
And I thank you for being polite.
As to your post, you repeat the whole mantra of the Arab side, you talk about colonial, occupation, about that young woman being in prison for slapping a soldier...
First of all, her court case will be most of all for the incitement to terrorism, i.e. calling for more stabbings and suicide bombings and rock throwing.
Also, it cannot be denied that whatever the circumstances, there is a lot of provocation intended. An incident is created whilst filming the events. If the soldiers react, it is oy vey how could they do that to that sweet innocent girl.
Now that the soldiers did not react, they make up a story saying how brave she was and rattatatatat. Posters are being made, people are being assembled, it seems the Arabs need a new hero (the bearded men shouting death to Israel were not a big success, let's try a sweet white young girl for a change). And the anti Zionist zealots are keeping it in the news, inciting more protests.

The long and the short of it is that Israel will not capitulate for this. They have nowhere to go and they have built a country since seventy years on a land that was allocated to them by the UN. They have been attacked and their Arab and Persian neighbours want to eradicate them.

Until reasonable compromises are reached from both sides, with security guarantees, the situation will not improve.
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