What is 'left wing', and why is it bad? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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My friends say I'm a bit left wing, and someone here said the same thing when I joined.

We learned about Communism, and socialist societies like The Soviet Union and Cuba in class, and they were total dictatorships - I'm not anything like that. :?:

So what would make you call anyone (not just me,) left wing, and why would that make him a bad person?

I'm not being defensive or anything, I'm just curious about what people think and why they think it. :)
Paddy14 wrote:My friends say I'm a bit left wing, and someone here said the same thing when I joined.

We learned about Communism, and socialist societies like The Soviet Union and Cuba in class, and they were total dictatorships - I'm not anything like that. :?:

So what would make you call anyone (not just me,) left wing, and why would that make him a bad person?

I'm not being defensive or anything, I'm just curious about what people think and why they think it. :)

There is nothing wrong. American/UK/some other places are obsessed with communism/socialism being bad because they had to fight in the cold war for a good chunk of time. In reality, we all use elements from communism in our societies. Free healthcare, Free education, insurances of any kind, equal access to facilities/healthcare/education etc We just don't notice this things anymore and somehow ascribe all of that to capitalism. Communism and Socialism do not necessarily mean dictatorship also, the same way you can't equate capitalism to dictatorship, democracy or oligarchy.

There are socialist countries that are democratic -> Northern European countries for example. (You can argue about this but you get my point)
There are capitalist countries that are dictatorial -> Chillie under Pinochet, Singapoor previously, South Korea at points of time etc
Hi @Paddy14 , to answer your question of 'what is left wing and why it is bad?"

It is bad for people who disagree with 'left wing' points of view on politics.

No one is a perfect collection of perfectly aligned political thoughts. Individuals are more complicated or complex than that Paddy14.

I find "Right wing" politics really bad. For me the problem I have with the 'right wing' is a refusal to deal with change. Life is about change. If you resist change that is necessary because you want to hold on to power and to be in a position of wealth and you keep thinking in crap that is about this Paddy? "Can't spend money on Black people, Latinos, because they are inferior people and live in ghettos and can't trust 'foreigners'. All of them are untrustworthy.....etc etc." You have problems. Right wing people in my view tend to be racists. Almost all of them. You can't include people into your social circles, because you don't trust them. Too different than you are? Closed mentalities. I dislike that intensely. People who are conservative almost all are incredibly closed.

Another thing is that they see government as the enemy and private industry as the solution. Why? Most of them believe in private ownership of either property, services and believe in the notions of if a person owns the business or enterprise that they will be naturally better at administrating it and doing a better job. Government is naturally wasteful. Government should not be interfering in the private lives of citizens and should only be used to regulate property rights, etc. They hate the 'nanny' state and so on. Again most of them are very well off people who rarely ever had the need for free health insurance, food coupons or subsidized housing. They see that as a failure of the individual and they think of it as intrusive. I find that when you have an unequal distribution of wealth, and unequal access to education that is free, and unequal access to most things? How do people who are screwed by low wages and no ability to make more in salary? How do they survive without a government program? Many of these foolish Right Wingers don't realize and don't study societies without any services and without any food stamps, etc. You see it in societies like India, Mexico, etc. Beggars, horrific poverty, disease and total lowering of quality of life. It stems from lack of government sponsored spending. They basically don't give a shit about poverty issues and never have. Since the majority of people are poor in the world? For me? They don't give a shit about the fate of the vast majority of humanity. If you don't give a shit about the vast majority of humanity? Including old people who can't find work anymore and little kids who eat only one meal a day or less? Then you are a piece of shit human with little of social value in my book.

I have a lot of issues with the Right. Most of them are people with little to recommend them as social beings. Most self centered, small minded, prejudiced and stingy on all levels. They should be ashamed of even labeling themselves conservatives and right wing.

The four salient characteristics of their politics:

1) Selfish and want a lot of money only for themselves. Never share a damn thing or have a communal sense of investment.

2) Resist change and social and economic progress for the vast majority.

3) Wasteful and thoughtless and a lack of generosity on all levels.

4) Belief in magical shit superiority theories based on we are better. Snobbery. Class consciousness and a fair amount of total lack of interest on matters of social and economic repercussions on the lower classes.

And the list goes on. I find them sorry excuses for human beings who should be confronted all the time, politically pressured and denied power at all times.
Last edited by Tainari88 on 28 Feb 2018 16:50, edited 1 time in total.
I guess a lot of leftists can handle change like pros, a phd in gender studies and a career at mickey d's will do that for you.
You're one to talk. :lol:
SolarCross wrote:kerching!


I guess a lot of leftists can handle change like pros, a phd in gender studies and a career at mickey d's will do that for you.

Lol. I have nothing to do with that. I think you are thinking of liberal bullshit. Which I never liked either.

I don't believe in spouting political rhetoric you are not practicing in your daily life.

I don't contradict my value system. All my actions on a social and economic level are consistent. No inherent contradiction. I never did a PhD in Gender Studies.

You are a rascal SolarCross.
Paddy14 wrote:My friends say I'm a bit left wing, and someone here said the same thing when I joined.

We learned about Communism, and socialist societies like The Soviet Union and Cuba in class, and they were total dictatorships - I'm not anything like that. :?:

So what would make you call anyone (not just me,) left wing, and why would that make him a bad person?

I'm not being defensive or anything, I'm just curious about what people think and why they think it. :)

Left wing in general means the left side of parliament and right wing the right side of parliament. This is its main definition and this is the way that pundits and laymen make sense of their ongoing politics. So if a far-right party occupies the right wing and a right-wing party occupies the left wing, then the right becomes 'left-wing' and vice-versa. You can see this in many western countries today and the past 100 years. You can see this in this forum and among your friends. Left is anything left to the spectators view and right is anything right to the spectators view. That is how politics get polarised, hysterical, ridiculous and also how they evolve or devolve through the constant struggle between 2 forces locked in a never-ending game. The pure left and the pure right are subject to certain propositions that most people are unaware of and are both children of Liberalism because before Liberalism we did not have reason as a guiding principle but arbitrary whims and this is a very recent evolutionary step in the life of the current human variety.
OK, since people seem to be struggling with offering a remotely helpful definition, I'll give it a try. I'm trying to be as fair as I can, but I expect I'll piss everyone off in the effort. :lol:

@Paddy14 The left/right divide in politics dates to the French Revolution - as noemon says, it relates to where people used to sit in the French parliament chamber. On the "right" were the "Party of Order" - the traditionalists who supported the ancien regime, whose slogan was "Order, Property, Religion". On the "left" sat the revolutionary republicans/democratic socialists, whose slogan was "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity".

Very broadly, "right wing" politics has traditionally set itself up as defending the current order against unnecessary change and "left wing" politics has pushed for reforming or overthrowing the current order in favour of the masses.

Typically, in the western context, that means that the "right" is in favour of fewer restrictions on trade and business, coupled with a strong state apparatus for law and order and defending "traditional values" - think religion, traditional marriage, etc. On the other hand, the "left" has typically focused on organising the working class to fight for its own interests - higher wages, protectionism (to some extent), the welfare state, and so on. Obviously, this is very simplified, but then the left-right spectrum is simplified by design.

So whether there's anything "wrong" with being left wing depends entirely on your perspective. ;)
Paddy14 wrote:My friends say I'm a bit left wing, and someone here said the same thing when I joined.

We learned about Communism, and socialist societies like The Soviet Union and Cuba in class, and they were total dictatorships - I'm not anything like that.

So what would make you call anyone (not just me,) left wing, and why would that make him a bad person?

I'm not being defensive or anything, I'm just curious about what people think and why they think it.

I will try to be fair about this, since everyone else is in the mood to troll (apparently).

If you are left-wing, then you should not take being called "left-wing" as an insult and sometimes people will dismiss you for being Leftist if they feel your input is going to be de facto tainted by that bias in certain contexts.

In regards to being a Leftist, definitions will differ among some, but being one of the most hard-right voices on PoFo, I will give you a synopsis of what I categorize as Left-Wing and why many believe its bad. This will be based on perceived views and not text-book definitions and the critiques will be given from various different elements of the right, such as traditionalists (that are also usually nationalists), the religious right, and libertarian types.

Common Characteristics of the Left That Are Despised By The Right.

I. Egalitarianism.

1. The Perceived Definition.

Egalitarianism, argues that people are not only inherently equal, but also, on the basis of this, should be equal in the outcomes of their life.

Different people on the left have different reasons for this, but one of the main reasons is because they believe that the wealthy necessarily gain their wealth through exploitation and that the amount of wealth generated by the industrial world would be sufficient to allow everyone to do exactly as they want in life without toil or separation.

They envision a world without class difference, where gender differences were only biological in the strictest and least limiting sense,and they envision as world where neither roles nor outcomes were in the least affected by any traditional human distinctions.

Many such folks believe that there will come a day where wage-labor will cease completely and money will be a thing of the past. There is disagreement as to how this may be accomplished someday, but most Leftists in the meantime believe that we should attempt to approximate such a goal as much as possible through government intervention.

Thus, the government should tax the rich more than the poor and give that money to the poor, through various programs, to relieve them. The government should also pass laws against hate speech, restrict businesses, impose regulations, and do what it can to eliminate economic differences between rich and poor, black and white, male and female, heterosexual and homosexual, cis gender and trans-gender, etc, etc.,

2. The Libertarian-Type Critique

The critique of this view by the Right depends on which branch of the right we are speaking of. Libertarian-types do not believe that everyone should end up with equal outcomes, but do believe all people are equal in their inherent worth.

Thus, they believe that everyone, equally, has certain legal rights only, such as the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Beyond this though, Libertarian types (also called classical liberals) tend to believe that people should only gain economically what they personally earn through work or entrepreneurship and thus tend to believe that a free-market is the best way for a person to fulfill his or her potential, and that they should be able to do so free from government picking the winners and the losers.

They see government intervention (which egalitarianism as stated above requires) as the greatest evil, for in getting involved in the market, the market tends to adjust in ways that makes it oppressive. For instance, if the government requires that everyone have auto insurance, then auto-insurance companies will almost always be able to charge a fairly high minimum rate as you have no choice but to buy it anyway.

Thus, many of the problems that leftists will say are an example of exploitative companies and corporations, intelligent libertarians will identify as originating in government intervention causing monopolies, price-hikes, etc.

Another typical critique by libertarian-types is that by increasing regulations and taxes, governments cause the price of goods to rise, employment to drop, and wages to stagnate (as companies will raise prices and lower costs in reaction to having to pay more taxes, etc), and thus libertarian-types tend to see big government as actually making people LESS equal in the end as far as their outcomes. These folks also tend to view working as a virtue, and thus see the desire to not have to work as being a vice of sorts. This is why being a leftist is bad to these types.

3. The Traditionalist-Type Critique.

Another critique of Egalitarianism, comes from Traditionalists (true conservatives) who tend to view egalitarianism as contrary to human nature and custom of the oldest and most basic varieties.Traditionalists believe that people are not only unequal, but inequality is a good thing. They therefore believe that people pursuing roles in relation to their biological, social, and economic classification is virtuous and moral.

For example, many Traditionalists believe that men and women are different and that by each sex pursuing their roles based on these natural and historic distinctions such will invariably result in greater social cohesion and stronger families.

In this, when Leftist advocates of egalitarianism argue that women being housewives is inherently oppressive and that such distinctions are bad, even to the point of questioning traditional definitions of gender altogether, traditionalists will tend to view egalitarianism as a great evil.

For Traditionalists, communities organized by class, gender, and even race represents historic and natural hierarchies that are the highest moral good and to challenge this is to not only attack human nature at a fundamental level, but also to attack customs that have been passed down for a millennia, this can also include opposing leftists who are pro-immigration, as changing demographics will often threaten traditional communities and their cohesion. This is why these types view leftists as bad.

II. Secularism.

1. Perceived Definition

Secularism is the view that government, as a social contract, is inherently "neutral" or "non-religious" in its scope. Now, many people on the right do not mind secularism, but some really hate it, which I will now explain.

2. Critique by the Religious Right (which includes many traditionalists as well).

The religious right, will oppose secularism on two grounds:

First, it will argue that secularism is wrong because the validity of laws ought to be based on a transcendent authority. If they are not, then they are subject to the will of the ruler or the masses, the former leading to tyranny and the latter to mob-rule.

They will ask this: "If laws are an extension of morality, then if laws and therefore morality are determined by popular vote, then could child molestation be possibly moral if 55% of the population voted for it to be so?"Or are certain things just wrong because nature or God said so?"

Thus, for these types, leftists are bad because they are secular, and secularism leads to a moral relativism that can easily be used to justify tyrannical mob-rule or dictatorships.

Second, many will oppose secularism because they see it as a religion itself. If the de facto position of the government is atheism or syncreticism, those are ideological views that contrast to religions that believe in one absolute truth. Thus, secularism is not really a morally neutral position as there is no such thing as a morally neutral position. Thus, many on the religious right see any form of secularism as inherently anti-Christian because its not explicitly Christian, you are either for us or against us. Many Muslims, especially those who believe in Sharia law, feel the same way.

III. Totalitarianism.

1. Perceived Definition

A common thread of leftists is that government should not only regulate the economy, but also private life (totalitarianism). Now, many leftists believe in various social freedoms, but they are usually always of an anti-traditionalist bent only (which is why even if something increases freedom, not all people on the right are necessarily going to be happy about it), and even on those areas, the "freedoms" are rarely true rights, but seen as privileges to be bestowed and regulated by the State to ensure equitable outcomes.

1. The Libertarian-Traditionalist Unified Critique

Many people on the right oppose the micromanaging of their lives, but will often not mind some ideas of the left. For instance, libertarians do oppose leftists on the economy, but have also argued quite strongly that any and all drug-use should be legal, homosexuality should be legal, and abortion should be legal because people should be FREE to do as they wish (these are anti-traditionalist freedoms that the Left will often support).

However, Libertarians will also often support the right for parents to spank their kids, home school their children, opt out of mandatory vaccines, and own guns (all of which Traditionalists would support). Thus, while libertarians and Leftists will often agree on some freedoms against Traditionalists (drugs, sodomy, abortion), Traditionalists and Libertarians will often support each other against Leftist totalitarianism on other matters (guns, homeschooling, etc.,).

IV. Summary

Thus, people on the Right of the libertarian bent think Leftism is bad because it interferes with economic freedom and thus end up violating human rights. Also these libertarians believe that Leftist economic policies end up increasing poverty (by causing prices to rise, wages to stagnate, and employment to drop) and decreasing productivity which they view as the highest human virtue.

People on the Right of a traditionalist-bent think Leftism is bad because it assaults human nature, custom, faith, and family at the most fundamental of levels. They believe that natural differences in people represents the key to their happiness by pursuing specific roles. They see the Left as a threat to their families, communities, faith, and even their existence. Traditionalists see the Left as the embodiment of evil.

Despite their differences, Traditionalists and Libertarians end up coalescing against the Left in their desire to maintain liberty, or the ability of people to go their own way and opt out of the system. So though a Libertarian may be an atheist woman who works a career, smokes pot, and gets frequent abortions to solve the consequences caused by her bi-sexual weekend orgies, she will often side the ultra-religious housewife that homeschools her fifteen children against Leftists because both, if not being able to control the government, at least want it out of their business. They want to be left alone. The more they feel threatened, the more radical and reactionary they become overtime.

V. Things That People On The Right Perceive Among Leftists Themselves That Makes Them Dislike Leftists.

1. Existentially, a lot of people on the right view Leftists as hypocrites.

They see them as people that advocate for the "working man" or the "little guy," when most American working class folks are very traditionalist and very much opposed to any perceived assault against their freedom to be left alone, their traditional family structure, or their religious customs. Despite their railing against the rich, people on the right see a lot of self-avowed leftists being professors with big salaries or corporate CEOs, or bankers who claim to represent people that they have no commonality with.

2. Likewise, people on the right view the left as deceitful.

The right will often concede liberties they would not have done ordinarily (desegregating the south for instance), only to be continuously punished through the propagation of shaming whites for the sins of the past that they feel they have rectified as they also being the ones that have to live in communities torn by racial strife that leftists, in their gated communities, rarely have to experience. The right is increasingly bitter against Leftists, for Leftist tend to be far less compromising and are perceived as fork-tongued:

Here is a comic example of what I mean:

1960s America:

The Left: "We believe people should be free to publicly criticize the Christian religion, capitalism, and white hegemony!"

The Right: "Sure, we'll concede that, we are for freedom after all."

The Current Year:

The Right: We believe people should be free to publicly criticize the Islamic religion, communism, and issues in the black community!

The Left: "Nope, that is hate speech, you should go to jail for that."

The Right: "What the Fuck? You lying duplicitous bastards!"

3. Lastly, there are some on the Right that believe the Left is under the control of some sort of all-power globalist elite that intend to wipe out traditionalism, a particular race, or a particular religion. Some of the Alt. Right believe this group is Jewish and is acting to punish and control gentiles for monetary domination, and to even wipe them out. Others believe that some sort of Satanic cult is in charge and is out to wipe out Christianity. Both of these views will often justify their inordinate hatred of the Left and Leftists.
Heisenberg wrote:Typically, in the western context, that means that the "right" is in favour of fewer restrictions on trade and business, coupled with a strong state apparatus for law and order and defending "traditional values" - think religion, traditional marriage, etc. On the other hand, the "left" has typically focused on organising the working class to fight for its own interests - higher wages, protectionism (to some extent), the welfare state, and so on. Obviously, this is very simplified, but then the left-right spectrum is simplified by design.

It's also worth pointing out that the right wing are just as much in favour of 'big government' as the left, so long as it is their big government. The right eagerly passes budget-busting spending bills for the armed forces, while cutting back on social spending - this even happened again just recently. The right don't hate 'big government'; on the contrary, they love big government so long as it is the right type of big government - big on the armed forces, big on spy agencies and police forces, but small on social spending and small on workers' rights. If you want to understand what's really going on with a political ideology, look at its self-contradictions. As Marx understood, reality lies in the gaps - the internal contradictions which, like Freudian slips of the tongue, inadvertently reveal the truth.
Potemkin wrote:It's also worth pointing out that the right wing are just as much in favour of 'big government' as the left, so long as it is their big government. The right eagerly passes budget-busting spending bills for the armed forces, while cutting back on social spending - this even happened again just recently. The right don't hate 'big government'; on the contrary, they love big government so long as it is the right type of big government - big on the armed forces, big on spy agencies and police forces, but small on social spending and small on workers' rights. If you want to understand what's really going on with a political ideology, look at its self-contradictions. As Marx understood, reality lies in the gaps - the internal contradictions which, like Freudian slips of the tongue, inadvertently reveal the truth.

I address this in my main post above somewhat, so I think you are being a bit simplistic.

"The Right" contains conservatives/traditionalists that are more ambivalent to the size and scope of government as long as its theirs and libertarian-types who are inherently anti-government, the two groups are only associated and even mix when they have the common goal of preserving their way of life, which is the only reason why the two groups get mixed up. Traditionalists have not ruled government for a long time and just want to survive by limiting Leftist governmental power and to do so, they have had to join forces with Libertarians who always want to limit government. The american equivalent is akin to a Tory/Liberal alliance against Labour (if I understand those UK parties rightly).
Heisenberg wrote:OK, since people seem to be struggling with offering a remotely helpful definition, I'll give it a try. I'm trying to be as fair as I can, but I expect I'll piss everyone off in the effort. :lol:

@Paddy14 The left/right divide in politics dates to the French Revolution - as noemon says, it relates to where people used to sit in the French parliament chamber. On the "right" were the "Party of Order" - the traditionalists who supported the ancien regime, whose slogan was "Order, Property, Religion". On the "left" sat the revolutionary republicans/democratic socialists, whose slogan was "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity".

Very broadly, "right wing" politics has traditionally set itself up as defending the current order against unnecessary change and "left wing" politics has pushed for reforming or overthrowing the current order in favour of the masses.

Typically, in the western context, that means that the "right" is in favour of fewer restrictions on trade and business, coupled with a strong state apparatus for law and order and defending "traditional values" - think religion, traditional marriage, etc. On the other hand, the "left" has typically focused on organising the working class to fight for its own interests - higher wages, protectionism (to some extent), the welfare state, and so on. Obviously, this is very simplified, but then the left-right spectrum is simplified by design.

So whether there's anything "wrong" with being left wing depends entirely on your perspective. ;)

I liked your explanation Heisenberg. Did not piss me off in the least. ;)
Heisenberg wrote:the traditionalists who supported the ancien regime, whose slogan was "Order, Property, Religion". On the "left" sat the revolutionary republicans/democratic socialists, whose slogan was "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity".

Oddly enough, these two groups basically blended in the United States in opposition to Progressivism and Socialism, though Marx basically predicted this would happen....which was pretty easy to predict if you think about it.
Potemkin wrote:It's also worth pointing out that the right wing are just as much in favour of 'big government' as the left, so long as it is their big government. The right eagerly passes budget-busting spending bills for the armed forces, while cutting back on social spending - this even happened again just recently. The right don't hate 'big government'; on the contrary, they love big government so long as it is the right type of big government - big on the armed forces, big on spy agencies and police forces, but small on social spending and small on workers' rights. If you want to understand what's really going on with a political ideology, look at its self-contradictions. As Marx understood, reality lies in the gaps - the internal contradictions which, like Freudian slips of the tongue, inadvertently reveal the truth.

Quite right Potemkin. The Right loves spending fucking money on wars, weapons, invasions and most of the 'spoils' don't benefit the working class or the average but a few very wealthy people. I frankly think they are DESTROYERS by design. Obsessed with conquest, stealing, hording and miserly shit on an epic scale.

I start thinking about their lack of conscience and what it is costing the planet we live on? It is enough to wonder if they even should be allowed to make a decision affecting anyone. I say let them live in ghettos, eat bad food, drink contaminated water, be paid shit wages, be seen as 'ethnic minorities' and be discriminated against, be denied everything they value....and then have the gall to criticize the Left for trying to ameliorate injustice.

The only explanation for their anti social behavior is that they are people coming from an emotional sphere of fear and loathing, and have selfishness branded into their brains and hatred for self reflection Potemkin. It is the only explanation I can think of.
Tainari88 wrote:The Right loves spending fucking money on wars, weapons, invasions and most of the 'spoils' don't benefit the working class or the average but a few very wealthy people. I frankly think they are DESTROYERS by design. Obsessed with conquest, stealing, hording and miserly shit on an epic scale.

I start thinking about their lack of conscience and what it is costing the planet we live on? It is enough to wonder if they even should be allowed to make a decision affecting anyone. I say let them live in ghettos, eat bad food, drink contaminated water, be paid shit wages, be seen as 'ethnic minorities' and be discriminated against, be denied everything they value....and then have the gall to criticize the Left for trying to ameliorate injustice.

The only explanation for their anti social behavior is that they are people coming from an emotional sphere of fear and loathing, and have selfishness branded into their brains and hatred for self reflection

This caricature doesn't sound hateful at all I suppose? What better way to further dialogue!
Tainari88 wrote:I liked your explanation Heisenberg. Did not piss me off in the least. ;)

Very kind of you to say so. :)

@Potemkin Agreed. Donald Trump and the current GOP may be the living embodiment of the right wing id. :lol:

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