Kids these days - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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By Red_Army
You could correlate school shootings with liberal values or the decrease in smoking cigarettes or any number of unrelated issues that happened at the same time. To prove that liberalism causes school shootings is something else.
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By colliric
Hong Wu wrote:A story I'm apparently still bitter about was there was this kid in high school who would tear up my homework or my drawings. I told the school librarian and some teachers but they refused to do anything. Since the only way to stop the kid appeared to be to punch him, I gave him a slug and then I got in trouble for that. To this day I refuse to trust authority :lol:

Reminds me of the time I gut punched a bully in "line up" in Grade 4. They were doing that shit of touching/punching me in the back only to hid when I turned around, then redoing it. To this day I still think I punched the wrong one(the one standing directly behind me, not the one standing behind him smirking), lol.

Both of us got in trouble.

I somehow got the idea that a protest was meant to draw attention to an issue, not to try and force someone to do anything, or similarly that a debate was about uncovering the truth of a matter, not just a shallow attempt to hurt someone's feelings but these do not appear to be ideas that a majority of young people would recognize today, or at least not a majority of those who are the most politically active.

Mahatma Gandhi's Salt protest was one of the greatest most successful ever. These assholes hate "non-violent protest" because at heart they are mainly just rebellious angry teenagers who never outgrew that period.

Union "Strike" protests and other types of Non-violent protests are always the most successful yet these young guys aren't old enough to realise that.
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By Hong Wu
A union is actually doing something useful though (usually), so while it's not merely attention based one can argue that not doing something isn't the same as obstructing or harassing other people.

I'm not a Gandhi expert but people apparently actually wanter what Gandhi was protesting about, unlike kids clogging up freeways pushing for things they sometimes can't articulate.
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By One Degree
Red_Army wrote:You could correlate school shootings with liberal values or the decrease in smoking cigarettes or any number of unrelated issues that happened at the same time. To prove that liberalism causes school shootings is something else.

I agree. We don’t know. Blaming guns, which are a ‘constant’, is just an emotional outburst to find a solution even though we have no idea what the cause is.
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By One Degree
Pants-of-dog wrote:Do you think that One Degree realises he has just dismissed his own argument?

Yes, I fully realized it. I suggested ‘possible’ causes. Unlike those who want to ban guns, I don’t pretend to know the answers.
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By Potemkin
Kids these days are angels compared to what they were like back in the 1920s.

For example: The Forty-Two Gang.

There never were any "good old days".
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By MistyTiger
@SolarCross So you don't think a lot of kids are mindless zombies, these days? So the ones who needs "energy drinks" to get their butts moving aren't numb or something? My parents never allowed me to drink such high caffeinated drinks. I know how to motivate myself to get things done with my own determination and I learned early about thinking before acting and consequences.

@Victoribus Spolia Good for you for raising your kids right!

I went to public high school and I felt that the quality of education was very poor. I was homeschooled briefly when I was younger and I liked it and felt that I learned more. But I didn't grow up in a big family so my parents arranged play dates with other kids around my age. I miss those friends out West. :(

If I ever had kids, I'm not sure how I'd educate them because I know I'd need to work full-time to support them but I know that a lot of teachers in the area are lazy and uninspiring.
By SolarCross
MistyTiger wrote:@SolarCross So you don't think a lot of kids are mindless zombies, these days? So the ones who needs "energy drinks" to get their butts moving aren't numb or something? My parents never allowed me to drink such high caffeinated drinks. I know how to motivate myself to get things done with my own determination and I learned early about thinking before acting and consequences.

1. Not all the kids drink that stuff.
2. Not only kids drink that stuff, older people do too.
3. Those drinks are basically just carbonated coffee. Is everyone who drank an expresso a zombie now?

You just want someone to feel superior over and you picked the kids to be your virtual punching bag because you are old and envy their youth.
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By MistyTiger
SolarCross wrote:1. Not all the kids drink that stuff.
2. Not only kids drink that stuff, older people do too.
3. Those drinks are basically just carbonated coffee. Is everyone who drank an expresso a zombie now?

You just want someone to feel superior over and you picked the kids to be your virtual punching bag because you are old and envy their youth.

I detest those energy drinks because in college, I tried those and they made me feel ill. Not to mention it's unhealthy...the sugar count and how it makes your heart pump faster is just horrible!

I'm not that old and I don't envy their youth. I just feel like their wasting their life by being so dependent on drinks to wake them up or motivating them. As a kid, I never had the luxury of drinking that shit to feel ready to go. When you have to get working, you just get to it sans any sort of ingested substances. I think those kind of drinks make people weaker. I've even cut down on my coffee intake.
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By Deutschmania
Potemkin wrote:Kids these days are angels compared to what they were like back in the 1920s.

For example: The Forty-Two Gang.

There never were any "good old days".

To this could be added the Dead Rabbits , in the middle of the 1800's . There truly is nothing new under the sun . Even the street battles between antifa and fascist squadists has taken place right from the get go . For example
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