Palestinian Propaganda Thread - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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By noir
Pallywood today


Lies and decpetion is part and parcel of the "Palestinian" jihad

The family of Layla Ghandour was paid $2,200 by Hamas to lie that their baby died of tear gas inhalation.

You can’t make this up. Pro-Palestinian coalition uses 1950s photo of Jewish Refugees from Arab countries to demonstrate “Palestinian” Arab Refugees

Hamas terrorists have murdered Walid Al-Duheini from Rafah because he dared to post that Hamas steals international donations that are sent to Gaza & uses Palestinians as human shields.

Palestinian protest against the Palestinian Authority (PLO led) rep. Mansur Riad in New York. This is the real adress. Israel ended its "occupation" in 2005. They still use it in their propaganda to manipulate and to deceive. The protestors are asking the rep. to end the sanctions imposed on Gaza by the PLO-led Palestnian Authority after Hamas won the election there in 2007. The rep. dismiss the protestors; "talk to me with respect".

Palestinan protest in West Bank against the PLO-led Palestinian Authority

Corbyn's Labour, relies on the Islamic vote bank, vows to recognise the "Palestinian state". The "Palestinians" don't want a "Palestinian state", they regard all of Israel territory as their own "occupied" "Palestinian" Islamic land.

The statement is accepted well among its "Asian" voters

This is good balance to Skinster's thread!

It's always great when you are accused of murdering a person who is still alive!

(genericpropalactivist): "Murderer!"
(genericsaneperson):"Nobody died."
(genericpropalactivist): "Massacre!"

"You are stealing Palestinian land!"
"It's Jewish land!"
"Jews don't exist! Khazars!"
"Damned Arab land squatters."
"It's my land, I have a deed."
"Get out, God said it's ours!"

We were all fooled. Actually the IsrPal conflict is actual peace because peace is chaos and chaos creates growth and growth brings us closer to the Almighty!

Finally now that peace is achieved, our mission is over!
This is a good thread. Gives you a good insight into the mind of hasbarists; people who lie for the state of Israel in order to convince others of something that's obviously the opposite of reality.

Ethnic cleansing of Bedouins in Palestine this week, brought to you by Israel.
All of this debating between Zionists and Palestinian apologists....... :roll:

We all know that there can only be one solution to end this madness......


I'm with you on this one, @Victoribus Spolia. Aside from the fact that an actual 21st Century Crusade (I assume the route would take in Constantinople as well) would be really fun, there's the moral principle that if they can't play nicely together, neither of them can have it. It's literally how you teach children to share. :excited:
Heisenberg wrote:I'm with you on this one, @Victoribus Spolia. Aside from the fact that an actual 21st Century Crusade (I assume the route would take in Constantinople as well) would be really fun, there's the moral principle that if they can't play nicely together, neither of them can have it. It's literally how you teach children to share.

Except, the confiscation should be permanent. ;)

They had their chance, it is just abundantly clear that neither the apostate Jews or Muslim infidels are mature enough to rule the Holy Land.

I mean.....if they behave post-Crusade, we could still give them visitation rights, eh @Heisenberg?
Way to cheerlead for racist settler-colonialism in the 21st century, Heisenberg & VS. I'd expect it from the latter since Americans are more often than not, ignorant, but didn't know Heisenberg was a racist too.
skinster wrote:Way to cheerlead for racist settler-colonialism in the 21st century, Heisenberg & VS. I'd expect it from the latter since Americans are more often than not, ignorant, but didn't know Heisenberg was a racist too.

skinster wrote:Way to cheerlead for racist settler-colonialism in the 21st century, Heisenberg & VS. I'd expect it from the latter since Americans are more often than not, ignorant, but didn't know Heisenberg was a racist too.

'Twas but a joke, you silly sausage.

...or was it? I could use some divinely-ordained loot 'n' land. :excited:

Victoribus Spolia wrote:I mean.....if they behave post-Crusade, we could still give them visitation rights, eh @Heisenberg?

Well, yeah. We'd need cheap migrant labour to till the fields in the new Crusader Kingdoms. That's just common sense. :)

By the way, I call dibs on the County of Tripoli.
Heisenberg wrote:or was it? I could use some divinely-ordained loot 'n' land.


Besides, I think its both anachronistic and silly to lump the Crusades in with settler-colonialism, the Crusades if anything could be described as a civilizational act of retaliation.

Heisenberg wrote:Well, yeah. We'd need cheap migrant labour to till the fields in the new Crusader Kingdoms. That's just common sense.

Good point ol' chap....I mean after all, they are better suited to the heat. 8)

Heisenberg wrote:By the way, I call dibs on the County of Tripoli.

Great pick, I think I prefer the region from Acre to where the land meets the Mediterranean, but that's just me. :excited:

We'll just need to make sure we schedule our annual victory party in Jerusalem, that would seem quite appropriate.
The muslims take away most of our lands and we get back little palestine and yet we're "the bad guys." :roll:
Missus V. Spolia. wrote:The muslims take away most of our lands and we get back little palestine and yet we're "the bad guys." :roll:

You never got it "back" though, since there's 6 million of the natives still living in Palestine, albeit under brutal conditions.

Thanks for naming it correctly though. :D
skinster wrote:thanks for not cheerleading for racist settler-colonialism of our current time.

Its not racist, we allow for black, white, and hispanic crusaders etc.

We don't even have to segregate them.

*Starts erasing the pre-drawn map of the Israel split between black crusaderstan, white crusaderstan, asian make skinster happy*

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