Antifa again demonstrates its undemocratic nature - Politics | PoFo

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Antifa has once again demonstrated its contempt for our Constitutional protections of freedom of speech and to peaceably assemble:

Portland police declare rally a civil disturbance after protesters seen throwing projectiles

Also, this article is a fine example of how the MSM(D) lies by omission. OregonLive had reporters on the scene, tweeting what they saw as it happened. The highlights are:

    The first mention of the police threatening to use deterrents is at 1:54, and the threats are aimed at the Antifa totalitarians. The first use of flashbangs by the police is a minute later, also aimed at Antifa. 2:02, more flashbangs, accompanied by cheers from Patriot Prayer demonstrators; the police claim that Antifa is now throwing rocks and bottles at them. 2:16, the police start firing projectiles at Antifa along with the flashbangs. 2:22, one reporter struck in the head by a bottle. 2:24, more police show up. 2:26, the police declare it a civil disturbance and order everyone to leave. The last report at 3:52, that it looks like everything is wrapping up.

So, throughout the entire report, there are two things missing — any reports of Patriot Prayer assaulting the police, and any reports of Patriot Prayer and Antifa clashing directly. Rather, the reports say that the police did a good job of keeping the two sides apart, and that all the violence is from Antifa aimed at the police and the police responding.
Multiple people, including a journalist, were injured and at least two people were arrested this afternoon in Portland, Oregon during clashes between police, counter-protesters and the far-right groups Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys.

Eder Campuzano, a reporter with The Oregonian newspaper, was hit by some type of object and was seen bleeding from the head in a photo posted to Twitter by a local TV journalist.

Campuzano “will be okay and is leaving to get medical attention,” television reporter Tyler Dumont of KPTV wrote in a later tweet.

Meanwhile, supporters of the groups that organized the rally were also injured during the event.

HuffPost reporter Andy Campbell posted a series of tweets showing people from Patriot Prayer side of the event “bleeding from their ears and eyes.”

It was not immediately clear what led to the injuries, and there were reports on Twitter of confrontations with antifascist counter-protesters as well as infighting among the far-right groups.

Campbell said on Twitter that he didn’t see what caused the injuries but quoted someone who was aiding one of the injured Patriot Prayer supporters: “We clocked some people too. F**k those c**ks**kers.”

At least two counter-protesters appeared to have been arrested by Portland police. One of them was seen throwing water at police officers.

Outbreaks of violence between far-right rallygoers and antifascist counter-protesters appeared to be taking place after Portland police ordered both sides to leave the area.

Journalist Brendan O’Connor posted a series of photos to Twitter showing what he said were members of the Proud Boys, an SPLC-designated hate group, who “sprayed bear mace at antifa” from a pickup truck and then drove away.

The Portland Police Bureau posted several photos to social media throughout the day showing items they seized from protesters. Those included sticks, canisters of pepper spray, "fireworks mortars" and shields displaying the Confederate battle flag.

A rally by rightwing group Patriot Prayer in Portland, Oregon, culminated in a police charge on counterprotesters on Saturday, as a demonstration once again brought disorder and violence to the city’s downtown area. 

Two hours into the rally, police moved towards leftwing counterprotesters with batons drawn, and used dozens of “flash bang” stun grenades and rounds containing pepper spray.

As they moved on the counter protest, Patriot Prayer marchers chanted " Lock em up".

Portland police sent hundreds of officers in riot gear to the rally, and for most of the day they kept Patriot Prayer, led by Republican US Senate candidate Joey Gibson, and an affiliated group, Proud Boys, separated from their opposition. 

Patriot Prayer’s stated beliefs are not neo-Nazi or white supremacist, but his critics say the group’s events have attracted white supremacist elements and have frequently brought serious violence to cities around the US

 Gibson’s insistence on bringing his supporters repeatedly to the liberal city of Portland has crystallized debate about the limits of free speech in an era of stark political division.

One part of the 1,000 strong counterprotest, billed as “PopMob”, included labor groups, a local Democratic Socialists of America chapter, clergy, community groups. There was also a large contingent of anti-fascists clad in “black bloc” clothing.

As the Patriot Prayer group marched, protesters followed at a distance through neighbouring streets. The charge happened on Southwest Columbia Street, several blocks south of Patriot Prayer’s original rallying point. Police claimed that protesters were throwing missiles at their lines.

One journalist, Eder Campuzano, was struck in the head by a full plastic bottle, causing him to bleed from a head wound, which he said “likely came from a counter protester”.

A Portland photographer, Doug Brown, said that “the first missile I saw and heard came from the Patriot Prayer side, across the street, towards the protesters”.

“I don’t know who set it off, but it went towards the black bloc. And then the police just swarmed them,” Brown said.

Brown’s tweeted video of the police charge shows them confronting protesters en masse, and attacking him and and other reporters filming from a sidewalk.

Olivia Katbi Smith, co-chair of the Portland Democratic Socialists of America, said the police were not provoked.

A Portland woman was later admitted to hospital after being hit with a flash bang round.
Eric Ward, executive director of civil rights organization Western States Center, said that while he believed some counterprotesters made some “bad decisions” by bringing weapons, the police charge “punished every counter protester for the actions of a few”.

This collective punishment, he said “doesn’t align with the treatment of the Proud Boys and Joey Gibson”.

Gibson had earlier told the Patriot Prayer group that a deal with police meant that they would not be searched in exchange for confining themselves to a barricaded area. No weapons searches were carried out on the Patriot Prayer

 A counter protester throws an object towards police in Portland. Photograph: Bob Strong/Reuters

Portland police did not respond to requests for comment on weapons searches, or their charge on counterprotesters.

The Patriot Prayer rally had attracted people from all over the country - many wearing the colors of the Proud Boys group, others wearing Trump-branded clothing and Infowars merchandise.

Patriot Prayer’s events attracted widespread attention in the last month after an event in Portland on 30 June that culminated in some of the worst street violence in the city’s recent history.

Saturday’s crowd of more than 400 was one of Patriot Prayer’s biggest to date in a series of over 30 events held in the Pacific Northwest and northern California during the life of the Trump administration.

At the conclusion of the march Patriot Prayer members claimed victory, with Gibson saying that it was an “excellent day, excellent”.

Tusitala “Tiny” Toese, who has been involved in two alleged street assaults outside protests, and who has been arrested at previous protests, told the rally that “today is a big win for America”, that “the cops did their jobs and we’re proud of them”, and that in future, “we’re still gonna come to Portland”.

Toese wore a T shirt bearing the slogan, “Pinochet Did Nothing Wrong”.

Katbi Smith, the DSA co-chair, said “If it’s a victory for them, it’s a victory won by the cops.

After the rally’s conclusion, many Patriot Prayer supporters left on the group’s private buses. But a small number Proud Boys, including Toese, stayed in downtown Portland and engaged in scuffles, and three way standoffs with police and anti-fascists.

Patriot Prayer had bused in supporters from Vancouver, a town over the Columbia river from Portland in Washington state where Gibson is based. A planned rendezvous in a shopping mall in the town was moved after security guards told early arrivals they were trespassing, and a tow truck stood by waiting to take away offending cars.

Saturday’s rally was, in part, billed as a campaign event for Gibson’s bid to become a senator for Washington.
Doug64 wrote:Antifa has once again demonstrated its contempt for our Constitutional protections of freedom of speech and to peaceably assemble:

Portland police declare rally a civil disturbance after protesters seen throwing projectiles

Also, this article is a fine example of how the MSM(D) lies by omission. OregonLive had reporters on the scene, tweeting what they saw as it happened. The highlights are:

    The first mention of the police threatening to use deterrents is at 1:54, and the threats are aimed at the Antifa totalitarians. The first use of flashbangs by the police is a minute later, also aimed at Antifa. 2:02, more flashbangs, accompanied by cheers from Patriot Prayer demonstrators; the police claim that Antifa is now throwing rocks and bottles at them. 2:16, the police start firing projectiles at Antifa along with the flashbangs. 2:22, one reporter struck in the head by a bottle. 2:24, more police show up. 2:26, the police declare it a civil disturbance and order everyone to leave. The last report at 3:52, that it looks like everything is wrapping up.

So, throughout the entire report, there are two things missing — any reports of Patriot Prayer assaulting the police, and any reports of Patriot Prayer and Antifa clashing directly. Rather, the reports say that the police did a good job of keeping the two sides apart, and that all the violence is from Antifa aimed at the police and the police responding.

1. The quoted text does not appear in any of the news articles to which you linked. The quoted text obviously comes from an editorial (i.e. an opinion piece), while the links are to actual news articles.

2. The linked articles do not support your claim that “Antifa has once again demonstrated its contempt for our Constitutional protections of freedom of speech and to peaceably assemble“.

3. The linked articles have many images of weapons decked out in Confederate flags, and they also describe how both groups were throwing projectiles at each other. The claim that the news did not mention any violence by the far right groups is an incorrect claim.
Pants-of-dog wrote:1. The quoted text does not appear in any of the news articles to which you linked. The quoted text obviously comes from an editorial (i.e. an opinion piece), while the links are to actual news articles.

The "quoted text" isn't quoted text, its highlights from the tweets in my second link, reporting what was happening as it was happening.

2. The linked articles do not support your claim that “Antifa has once again demonstrated its contempt for our Constitutional protections of freedom of speech and to peaceably assemble“.

I'd say showing up en masse and assaulting police in an attempt to shut down a demonstration of those they don't agree with -- especially when the cause of those they don't agree with is to celebrate our rights to free speech and to peaceably assemble -- demonstrates contempt for the Constitution that recognizes those rights. But apparently, these days freedom of speech and to peaceably assemble are "right wing."

3. The linked articles have many images of weapons decked out in Confederate flags, and they also describe how both groups were throwing projectiles at each other. The claim that the news did not mention any violence by the far right groups is an incorrect claim.

Here's a couple more lists of tweets (commentary not provided by the tweeters). Apparently, any clashes that occurred between the marchers and the totalitarians opposing them took place after the march was over. All the violence during the march was between the totalitarians and the police, with the marchers only observing and cheering the police on. And Antifa supporters are not happy with how well the police did their jobs this time, how dare the prevent them from beating on those they hate!

Portland police under fire for harsh treatment of Antifa

“All cops are bastards”: Police under fire for protecting Patriot Prayer rally in Portland from antifa; Updated

Between this and the mess in front of ICE headquarters, I have to wonder how many Democrats are left in the police rank-and-file, along with their families.
Doug64 wrote:I'd say showing up en masse and assaulting police in an attempt to shut down a demonstration of those they don't agree with -- especially when the cause of those they don't agree with is to celebrate our rights to free speech and to peaceably assemble -- demonstrates contempt for the Constitution that recognizes those rights. But apparently, these days freedom of speech and to peaceably assemble are "right wing."

It's not about free speech. It's about trying to get a nazi movement going. That's why so many of them showed up with nazi flags. It's also not about assembling peacably based on how many weapons they bring, the numerous recorded Discord logs planning out violence, and just the huge mountains of evidence that the people attending a nazi rally don't care about free speech as anything more than a flimsy cover they can sell to idiots and sympathizers (I'll let you determine which group you fall into).

The nazis were absolutely outnumbered, out organized, and blown the fuck out on every level. :) it was a great day, and a huge blow to white nationalist morale.

Here is my favorite picture of the Patriot Prayer guys, getting into the transport they rented.

Spoiler: show

I was following it throughout the day on Saturday and one of my favorite stories was how Proud Boys were passing out in the oppressive mid 70's weather because they spent all morning pounding beers, likely so they could gather the courage to fight.
SpecialOlympian wrote:It's not about free speech. It's about trying to get a nazi movement going. That's why so many of them showed up with nazi flags.

What Nazi flags? I haven't seen a single photo with that, though I've seen some of signs making the usual "fascist" accusations. Projecting much?
SpecialOlympian wrote:I was following it throughout the day on Saturday and one of my favorite stories was how Proud Boys were passing out in the oppressive mid 70's weather because they spent all morning pounding beers, likely so they could gather the courage to fight.

It's almost like right wing people are lazy cucks who are not used to manual labour or being outdoors like left wing people are. :lol: Imagine Albert if he tried to get a job in construction. He would be fainting and on his back (also his mum's fave position when earning a living) within an hour.
Reichstraten wrote:The biggest nazi´s are the nazi´s. :|

Light weights. When Antifa sets out to assault free speech, they break windows, torch cars, and send people to the hospital. Unless the police are there first to actually do their jobs, of course, in which case they attack the police instead (with thrown objects, they aren’t stupid enough to actually close the distance yet). If Antifa is really feeling nasty, they’ll show up with baggies of urine and feces. These amatuers need to review the Antifa in order to step up their game.
Decky wrote:It's almost like right wing people are lazy cucks who are not used to manual labour or being outdoors like left wing people are. :lol: Imagine Albert if he tried to get a job in construction. He would be fainting and on his back (also his mum's fave position when earning a living) within an hour.
And this there, what you wrote Decky, is the reason why you will be laying bricks for the rest of your drunken life.
Doug64 wrote:The "quoted text" isn't quoted text, its highlights from the tweets in my second link, reporting what was happening as it was happening.

I reas those tweets, and that text did not appear.

This is your second link: ... e_off.html

The phrase “antifa totalitarians” appears nowhere on those pages, including the tweets.

I'd say showing up en masse and assaulting police in an attempt to shut down a demonstration of those they don't agree with -- especially when the cause of those they don't agree with is to celebrate our rights to free speech and to peaceably assemble -- demonstrates contempt for the Constitution that recognizes those rights. But apparently, these days freedom of speech and to peaceably assemble are "right wing."

Yes, this is your claim, and you have now repeated it.

Please note that the linked articles do not support this claim.

Here's a couple more lists of tweets (commentary not provided by the tweeters). Apparently, any clashes that occurred between the marchers and the totalitarians opposing them took place after the march was over. All the violence during the march was between the totalitarians and the police, with the marchers only observing and cheering the police on. And Antifa supporters are not happy with how well the police did their jobs this time, how dare the prevent them from beating on those they hate!

Portland police under fire for harsh treatment of Antifa

“All cops are bastards”: Police under fire for protecting Patriot Prayer rally in Portland from antifa; Updated

Between this and the mess in front of ICE headquarters, I have to wonder how many Democrats are left in the police rank-and-file, along with their families.

You originally claimed that there were no reports of Patriot Prayer assaulting the police, and no reports of Patriot Prayer and Antifa clashing directly.

The complete text from your first article:

    Rocks and bottles flew through the air in Portland, Oregon, Saturday afternoon as a self-described libertarian group clashed with antifa counter-protesters.

    Police in heavy riot gear declared Patriot Prayer's rally in downtown Portland a civil disturbance and ordered everyone to leave, The Oregonian reported, after demonstrators were seen hurling projectiles into the crowds.

    "There will be a significant law enforcement presence in the area of the demonstration due to past threats and acts of violence," Portland police wrote in a statement earlier Saturday afternoon. "Persons attending any of the events should not bring any weapons or items that can be used as weapons to any of the events."

    Groups on opposites sides of a downtown street began hurling objects at each other.

    One side was chanting “USA!” "USA!" while the others chanted "fascists retreat," CNN reported.

    Portland police posted photos online of the weapons and objects seized from the crowds, many of which included the Confederate battle flag.

Please nite the bolded phrase. It clearly says that both sides engaged in violence. This directly contradicts your claim that there were no reports of Patriot Prayer and Antifa clashing directly.
There is no doubt the Proud Boys people were geared up for a fight seeing as how there have been clashes with the antifa terrorists for some months now.

They were ready and willing to whoop some ass, like they did the last time these groups clashed.

The problem is that these prayer protests started off peaceful but the terrorists labeled them Nazis, repeatedly attacked them and forced a violent situation.

The good thing is that the city of Portland and its police forces actually did their jobs, kept the two groups apart, stopped the dirty antifa trick of blocking the roads and attacking cars and generally cracked down on the antifa trying to instigate all the chaos.

That is why the recent Portland protest didn't turn into another Charlottesville.

The issue is that antifa and leftists in general won't let these groups protest in the streets without harassing them, because they say that they own the streets.

In a sense, they are kind of right. Portland and Seattle are overwhelmingly far left, but that doesn't give them the right to say that right or even far right people can't pray in the streets or otherwise demonstrate in a way that they disagree with.
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