Over 300 Newspapers Coordinate to Attack Trump on the Same Day Because he said They're Biased - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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https://www.nbcnews.com/business/busine ... ed-n901211


It's interesting to see where we've gone. A year ago the line was still, the MSM and social media companies aren't biased. Now we're at public, widespread coordination in favor of one side in our national politics. This desperation and hysteria is fascinating because what happens if they decide they want to appeal to the middle and present themselves as unbiased again? I'm not sure that's an option anymore.
Trump says they are enemies of the people, which is too much even for Ivanka herself.

The Topeka Capital Journal, a newspaper based in Topeka, Kansas, that supported Trump, joined in the coordinated action.

“No one will be happy all the time with what a journalist or news outlet produces,” The Capital Journal editorial said. “But being called an enemy — and not of a politician or cause, but of the whole people of a nation — that’s something else entirely. It’s sinister. It’s destructive. And it must end now."

I really don't see why you do this. You have to provide us with a link anyway, then you post a bullshit comment in the OP. Why? :?:
It doesn't help the media's image by coordinating an attack on the president. It looks like they are only confirming his accusations.

The media is also, quite obviously, the enemy of the average american. How is that even a debate? They are elitist who revile the working class of America.

If you are a Trump voter who thinks that much of the press is reflexively hostile to the president, 300 of America's leading newspapers want you to know that you might be on to something.

In a self-defeating act of journalistic groupthink, America's editorial pages launched a coordinated protest against President Trump on Thursday, all running negative editorials attacking the president over his #FakeNews rhetoric.

The Boston Globe, who organized the effort, calls it "educating readers" about "an attack on the First Amendment." But to the average American, seeing an editorial in their local paper trashing Trump is called "A day that ends in 'y.'"

Seriously—Who's going to be persuaded by this effort, or be impressed that a few hundred newspapers can hum the same tune? Who's even going to notice?

Well, the newspapers will notice, of course. There's a run on pain pills from all the muscle injuries inflicted by self-indulgent media back-patting. "A Free Press Needs You," a New York Times editorial headline blared on Wednesday, praising themselves for "answering the call" of the Boston Globe and courageously facing the threat that is Donald Trump.

#FakeNews? That phrase is "dangerous to the lifeblood of democracy," the Times intoned. "And calling journalists the 'enemy of the people' is dangerous, period."

And to prove we aren't the enemy, we in the media are going to band together and go after the guy who keeps saying we are! The same guy we attack every day, seemingly no matter what he does, and in ways we've never attacked a politician before!

That might be an unfair characterization, but it's easy to understand why Trump supporters would see it that way. They remember the Obama administration spying on reporters. They remember Obama White House attempts to have Fox News de-legitimized and removed from traditional media opportunities over its viewpoint. President Obama called out the network by name repeatedly.

How many "Days Of Editorial Rage" did that inspire?

The real danger to the media isn't Trump's attacks—it's his departure. Trump, and the hatred he inspires among the left-of-center, media-consuming public, is a massive fiscal boon to these newspapers.

The New York Times picked up 41,000 subscribers in just the first week after Trump was elected. They made more that $1 billion in subscription revenue in 2017. The impact of Trump on media revenue has been so huge they call it the "Trump Bump."

Yes, yes, Trump's attacks on the media are over-the-top and wrongheaded. Yes, in some small way he's undermining the credibility of legitimate journalism.

But here's the headline the Boston Globe missed: The media had largely done that to themselves before he showed up. Believe it or not, the percentage of Americans who say they have a "great deal" of trust in newspapers is actually up since Trump took office.

Or rather it's up from 8 percent to 12 percent. The percentage of Americans with a great deal or quite a lot of trust in newspapers hasn't hit 30 percent since 2006, according to Gallup. The percent that have little or no trust in them whatsoever hasn't been below 30 percent since 2008.

So what's the point of the editorial-page protest? This avalanche of invective won't move Trump supporters. The Globe, Times, Chronicle, etc. made it clear months ago that these readers weren't valuable to them. And how much self-indulgent virtue signaling can the media do before it loses its charm?

Media critic Jack Shafer at Politico predicts that this act of editorial grandstanding will backfire.

"It will provide Trump with circumstantial evidence of the existence of a national press cabal that has been convened solely to oppose him. When the editorials roll off the press, all singing from the same script, Trump will reap enough fresh material to whale on the media for at least a month," Shafer wrote.

And when Trump does, these same editorial pages will rage against it.

https://www.cbsnews.com/news/commentary ... nst-trump/
Beren wrote:You like bullshit debates anyway, so I wonder how this one would be over the line.

Someone sounds salty. :lol:

Thats an interesting claim btw...

What bullshit debates would be speaking of per chance?

Here is another article pointing out the same obvious point.

http://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/ ... tion-party
Beren wrote:Virtually all debates you initiate or participate. The more you add to a debate the more bullshit it is. It becomes super bullshit when your wife weighs in.


How so? Please explain.
Beren wrote:Explain what? Do you want me to be more personal?

You're a typical male Trumpite, whereas your wife is a mental case.

What makes you think i'm a Trumpite?

Besides that doesn't explain why you think I make debates into bulshit. I want you to explain that one to me.

How do I make debates into bullshit?

Please explain.

Beren wrote:whereas your wife is a mental case.

Why do you think so? Because she is conservative?

B0ycey wrote:does not lie, insult or manipulate. Although I can think of a user who does actually have those traits.

Surely you are not referring to me. I may be many things but I do not consider myself as someone who intentionally lies and manipulates.

I do insult on occasion, but its usually indirect, veiled, and quite clever :lol:
Victoribus Spolia wrote:The media is also, quite obviously, the enemy of the average american. How is that even a debate? They are elitist who revile the working class of America.

The right-wing media loves the lowly educated, because it can fuck them over so easily. The left-wing media hates the lowly educated, because they let themselves being fucked over so easily.
Rugoz wrote:The right-wing media loves the lowly educated, because it can fuck them over so easily. The left-wing media hates the lowly educated, because they let themselves being fucked over so easily.
Thank you for your superior educated opinion Rugoz.

Hate is real, I have come to observe this with political left who made me understand this, in the era of Trump.
Hong Wu wrote:Now we're at public, widespread coordination in favor of one side in our national politics.

What side?

And yes, it was public and widespread. It's almost as if everything news agencies do is public, and spread widely. It's almost as if the news agencies participating in this were extremely open and honest about why they were doing it.

Honestly, the whole Trump Vs. the News thing is incredibly pathetic because it goes like this:

Trump: "Three million illegals voted in the election and also more people attended my inauguration than have actually existed in all of time."

News Editors: "Yes, it's a far out statement, but does it warrant using the word lie??"
The media gains and loses nothing by doing this. No one who supports Trump reads any of these papers. In fact almost no one anywhere reads them. This is just a bunch of nerds high fiving about their impotent assault on Trump.

That being said its not like the inbred racist yokels who scream for Trump like pubescent girls would have read anything if it "showed both sides". These people would be better served in their crusade against Trump by systematically suicide bombing Golden Corrals.
The media is supposed to hold power to account. It is hardly unique for them to criticise a president in unison.

It is a fact that trump lies a lot. Not unique to politicians but his lies are more numerous and brazen.

Regarding Calling the media the enemy of the people. It is something we usually here from tyrants. In trumps case it won’t be followed up with action and so is merely more winging and preciousness.

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