Do you think Donald Trump will be impeached? - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Possibly, if it's anything like Watergate, as with Nixon, Trump will resign before it gets that far and be impeached. Time will tell.

Trump facing 'real risk' of impeachment or criminal charges after Cohen and Manafort cases, experts say
Double blow could curtail his presidency, according to analysts.
Trump facing 'real risk' of impeachment or criminal charges after Cohen and Manafort cases, experts say
The chances that Donald Trump will not see out his full term as president increased dramatically yesterday with two former advisers facing lengthy spells in prison, analysts said.
The conviction of the president’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, and the plea deal entered by his ex-lawyer, Michael Cohen, “significantly” raised the odds of impeachment, indictment or Mr Trump resigning from office, political experts said.

The setbacks refocused attention on Robert Mueller's inquiry into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, with the likelihood that Cohen will now cooperate with the investigation said to be “very high”.

Cohen's lawyer says he will not accept pardon from 'criminal' Trump
Brian Klaas, a former US campaign adviser, said Mr Trump suffered both legal and political damage from Tuesday’s courtroom drama and there was now a "real risk" that Cohen would cooperate with the Mueller probe.
“The odds of Trump either being impeached or somehow not finishing his term went up significantly yesterday,” he told The Independent.
“There is a growing consensus among at least Democrats and independents, if not Mr Trump's core base, that he is surrounding himself by criminals.
“There are a lot of people in Mr Trump’s inner circle who are either convicted of or pleading guilty to crimes.”
He said the conviction of Manafort by a jury rather than the FBI or a judge “undercuts his claims that this is a witch-hunt or that it is fake news”.

Michael Cohen's lawyer says he has information on Donald Trump
Mr Trump has proved adept at shaking off criticism and outrunning controversy, but David Weinstein, a former federal prosecutor who is not involved in the case, said it would now be "hard for the president to try to discredit all this. It's circling him”. 
The path to impeachment requires a simple majority vote in the House of Representatives, which the Republicans currently control by a margin of 23 seats, and a senate trial in which two-thirds would need to vote to convict Mr Trump.

Analysts said the political fallout from the Manafort and Cohen cases would also increase the chances of the Democrats taking control of the House in November.

Manafort was convicted of financial crimes at nearly the same moment Cohen pleaded guilty to a series of crimes including campaign finance violations that the lawyer said he carried out in coordination with Mr Trump.

Rodell Mollineau, a senior Democratic strategist, said the news "adds to a constant drumbeat that will ultimately affect some independent voters" and help Democrats at the polls.
Asked about the chances of impeachment, Dr Klaas said it was “still a very high hurdle to clear, but it could happen if the Republican calculation is that sticking with Trump is more damaging than abandoning him”. ... 02651.html
anarchist23 wrote:Possibly, if it's anything like Watergate, as with Nixon, Trump will resign before it gets that far and be impeached. Time will tell.

He might not want to resign. Being president affords him some protects and can delay legal proceedings. Resigning would remove those barriers.
Yeah, if the republicans win the house and I were Trump, I would pardon all my friends and myself and dare them to challenge it in the Supreme Court just to trigger the media.


......but thats me. ;)
Oxymandias wrote:Forgive my ignorance on the American political system, but wouldn’t that be impossible to do?

No. Trump as president could pardon Cohen and Manafort RIGHT NOW if he wanted to and constitutional experts believe he could pardon himself if he were convicted, this was one of the powers vested in the executive branch and the office of the presidency. The pardoning of himself would be historically novel, so one could easily predict that his pardoning of himself would be challenged in a law suit which would result in the matter going to the Supreme Court which would have to determine whether or not a President can pardon himself according to the Constitution (since its ambiguous on that specific point). As far as I know the Constitution only prohibits a presidential pardon in the case of impeachment itself.

So yeah, this shit could really happen. :lol:

As I understand it, if the court case is held in federal court, as Cohen and Manafort were, then the president can pardon. If the case goes to state court, then no, the president cannot pardon.
Istanbuller wrote:Donald Trump is right. This is the biggest witch hunt in U.S. political history.

... only this time, they found plenty of witches. Because unlike witches, criminals do exist. And they were found.

I don't know about the "in US political history" bit. It really isn't. Benghazi had far more effort put into it, and I wouldn't even bitch about that like you lot are.

No one deny this is a witch hunt.

No one will deny that it is a criminal investigation. That actually, literally found criminals.

But who cares, partisan bias! Yay!
Istanbuller wrote:Would you prefer Mike Pence removing all LGBT rights?

I think that would be great, but I have my doubts about Pence. I'm sure he's still somewhat of a swamp creature.

Heisenberg wrote:I doubt he'll get impeached. Millions of people look at this oafish, amoral grifter - a man who would likely skin his own mother alive if it benefited him in the short term - and see a Dear Leader who they must slavishly adore. This forum, where you might expect people to know better, is a prime example. :roll:

I find that sort of thing hilarious. Washington is a cesspool of amoral grifters. Anybody who thinks Trump is worse than the swamp itself is just a fool.

Victoribus Spolia wrote:You think PoFo is a Trumpian paradise full of MAGA hats? :lol:

Maybe in the SJW thread.....but thats about it. I don't like to think that the likes of Albert and Maz and indicative of the PoFo mainstream (if there even is such a thing).

It's ultimately a regional thing. I was at my aunt and uncle's last night. They are died-in-the-wool Democrats who believe virtually everything they hear from the mainstream media. Fires in California? Global warming... :roll: Trump? Criminal. I bought some TUR since the Lira dive bombed. My uncle says, "Trump is destroying Turkey with his tariffs." The #NeverTrump people on the Republican side watch mainstream media just as the Democrats do. They believe everything the media says. The problem for them is that it is not nearly sufficient anymore to sway public opinion. The media simply doesn't have widespread credibility anymore. Where they do have credibility, people believe whatever they say. Someone gets a flat tire and the sparks start a major fire? Global warming. Some people really are that dumb.

Suntzu wrote:Yep, you are smarter than the rest of us. I know Hillary is not crooked. :lol:

Yeah. She's pure as the wind-driven snow. There's nothing wrong with killing off a campaign worker whistle blower, framing it to look like a botched mugging, and trying to sell the world on the idea that Russians hacked your server to reveal what you really think when you aren't lying to the cameras.

Heisenberg wrote:I just don't see why this requires me to kiss the feet of Trump, who apart from being barely able to string a sentence together, is a transparent sociopath to whom lying comes as naturally as breathing. :roll:

Apparently, you aren't prone to schadenfreude. Some of us enjoy seeing the establishment go to ridiculous lengths to try to destroy someone's reputation in hopes that we will not support him. My problem with Trump is that he is too nice to the swamp--and, I'm not a fan of his health care ideas either. If Trump actually peed on a bed where Barack and Michelle Obama slept, I'd think more highly of Trump. However, I think Steele memo is bullshit.

Rancid wrote:In short, no.

I think the only way it would be a yes is if they find evidence that Donald Trump directly worked with Russia to manipulate the election. However, his campaign did a good job of setting him up for a plausible deniability defense. Lots people around him will get arrested and sent to prison, but not him. That's how a well run mafia organization works. ;)

Thus, no.

Same as Reagan, Clinton and Bush. With Obama, the establishment decide not to even investigate his crimes. So Trump will not be removed from office on what they have now. Democrats are just wasting their time.

Heisenberg wrote:This is what I don't understand: why are there so many people who are apparently ready and willing to go to jail (for long sentences, as well) for this guy?

Who? Manafort doesn't have any info. He's being prosecuted for things that have nothing to do with Russia, and have nothing to do with the Trump campaign. Cohen is looking at jail time, and it's looking like he will have to serve it. Trump isn't going to pardon Cohen. Cohen turned to a long-time Hillary Clinton acolyte, Lanny Davis. Crooked Hillary.

Ter wrote:My guess is that he is the first politician in living memory who is doing what he promised... saving American jobs and controlling immigration.
All the others fell very, very short on that. It is the revenge of the American proletariat.

It is the revenge of the deplorables. I could care fuck all what they say about Trump, because their words have no currency with me.

B0ycey wrote:I doubt Trump will get impeached. I suspect it would need to be a solid win for the Democrats in the house for any possibility of that happening.

Well they are doing their level best. They filed charges against Duncan Hunter today. I just can't think of any good reason to vote for the Democrats on a policy basis. They just have nothing to offer but bizarro gender theories, high taxes, a moribund economy and thought police. No thanks.

B0ycey wrote:The only way I see Trump getting impeached any time soon is if Mueller digs up a big piece of dirt on Trump that he cannot lie out of. Fingers crossed.

Dirt doesn't matter. It would have to be treason, bribery, or high crimes and misdemeanors that Trump supporters actually care about. That Trump banged Stormy Daniels isn't something that people really care about, because Trump doesn't hold himself out as some sort of moral guru. If you are running around purporting to be some holy roller, and you get caught banging a hooker, your reputation is toast. If you are Donald Trump and have been doing that your whole life, but you also want a family life too, nobody really seems to care. So dirt isn't going to do it. If Democrats wanted to win badly enough, they'd have a policy session on increasing wages for working class people. They aren't going to do that though. So they are getting their just desserts.

Victoribus Spolia wrote:For this reason, its going to take nothing less than Trump destroying the economy or getting us into an actual protracted overseas conflict for his supporters to abandon him.

It will not surprise me if the Fed inverts the yield curve. They will get a recession if they do that. The risk, however, is that the real estate bubble is localized to big cities with blue state voters. In other words, they aren't going to be able to fuck over Tulsa, Oklahoma. Tanking the real estate market is going to hammer people in NYC, Boston and San Francisco--that is, Democrats. They are already getting fucked by Trump's tax bill, because they won't have the SALT deductions they used to have. Democrats are not running on restoring the SALT deduction either. Exactly why would people be passionate about voting for Democrats?

Rancid wrote:Trump is actually doing what he promised, which is unheard of in American politics. For this reason, I do believe he will get re-elected.

I think so too. He has basically saved the Supreme Court. So there's that too.

Heisenberg wrote:What promises has he kept? There was the "Muslim ban", which ended up being a brief and pointless stunt, and there was the tax cut that primarily cut taxes for the very wealthy. "The wall" is going nowhere, and certainly isn't being paid for by Mexico. His promise to stay out of Syria lasted about six months. Coal mining jobs are still declining.

Don't get me wrong, I understand why he won, but the idea that he's achieved anything concrete for "the American proletariat" is absurd.

Yes, but the idea of replacing Trump with the people who have fucked them over for 30 years isn't exactly going to be a winning formula for Democrats. As I've pointed out, even wealthy blue staters cannot look forward to the Democrats running on restoring SALT. They've placed all their eggs on essentially trying to sully the reputation of a guy who runs beauty pageants and hangs with the WWF. It's like trying to say Hulk Hogan isn't a real wrestler. All the roid rage was just a phony show--as if people didn't know that already.

Ter wrote:With the Supreme Court the raisin on top of the cream pie.

So we might see the opposite happening next time ; a democratic President being hampered by conservative judges and a conservative SCOTUS.

We already saw a lot of that with Obama. He was reversed more times in 9-0 rulings than any president in recent memory. They did successfully bribe John Roberts to uphold ObamaCare. Oh, and the utterly asinine DOMA decision.

anarchist23 wrote:Possibly, if it's anything like Watergate, as with Nixon, Trump will resign before it gets that far and be impeached. Time will tell.

Trump? Not a chance. Trump would want to be impeached, win in the Senate, and then get re-elected and gloat even more. The Democrats aren't nearly disillusioned enough. So maybe that's what needs to happen.

Victoribus Spolia wrote:Yeah, if the republicans win the house and I were Trump, I would pardon all my friends and myself and dare them to challenge it in the Supreme Court just to trigger the media.

I would rescind the Clinton's security clearances, and all the deep state actors too. That would drive them crazier than anything. Did you see how the reacted to John Brennan losing his? They were nearly apoplectic.

Electing Trump has been such sweet revenge!
Ter wrote:My guess is that he is the first politician in living memory who is doing what he promised... saving American jobs and controlling immigration.
:lol: Are you serious? He's been coasting on Obama's economic success for the last year and a half.

Here is his latest "saving American jobs" scheme...
Evidence That New Tariffs, Not Immigrants, Are Costing Jobs
“The tariffs, quotas and retaliation would increase the annual level of U.S. steel employment and non-ferrous metals (primarily aluminium) employment by 26,280 jobs over the first one-three years, but reduce net employment by 432,747 jobs throughout the rest of the economy, for a total net loss of 400,445 jobs ... ad2d37313f

The reality is that Trump is making America worse.

He won't be impeached. He'll go to jail.
I honestly don't give a shit if he gets impeached. Mike Pence is far worse than Trump anyway. I just hope this will keep Kavanaugh from getting confirmed. That's really the only thing we can hope for with a legislature and executive filled with corrupt ghouls.

That being said if this facebook bullshit Russia collusion is what finally jails an American president I will laugh my ass off. Aiding and abetting genocide didn't do it, illegally arming and bombing dozens of countries for nonsense reasons didn't do it, lying under oath about these things didn't do it, torture, infinite domestic spying, nothing has done it yet. If some fat old dipshit accepting hacked emails from Russia to tip the electoral balance from one shit pile most unpopular candidate in US history to another is what finally jails one of these scum bags I will laugh, laugh, laugh...
Damn @Red_Army I liked that post of yours!That Trump man is slippery. He discovers presidential powers other presidents who were too busy with real policy concerns to put into practice. The truth is not the truth...I think Putin has a video of him saying he will sellout state secrets for big bucks and some Russian porn stars and the CIA..etc community will plot to cope with him. It is all laughable!
It is a big joke. I hate all of the players in this game: DNC emails written by scumbag DNC suits, Putin's Russian troll army, the CIA, FBI, and the rest of the evil spooks who've been terrorizing the world for the last 60 years, and Trump with his awful gang of misfit leeches. All of these people are scum and in my perfect world they would fight to the death in a battle royale. A suit-wearing jowl -slapping bloodbath broadcast across the world. I guess the sole survivor could be be caged for life inside a living diorama like they used to have in the museum of natural history.
Not a chance. He has been running a crime syndicate for decades and is very skilled at getting others to stick their necks out for him. There can be no doubt that he was behind enlisting the help of Russia and who knows who else to steal the presidency but, there will be no hard evidence. Putin and the IRS are the only ones who have the goods on Donald. As he tosses his loyal helpers under the bus and they swear under oath that they were simply doing his bidding, he need only lie like a dog and create a meaningless diversion for the simple minded until it blows over.

Re elected? Hardly in the bag. The promises he has kept are mostly to the plutocracy. He is making the rich richer and the poor poorer. The rest is illusionary but it is a good bet that the suckers will not notice …. that is why they are suckers. Two variables may well block him. The economy is due for a "cooling off" and his economic policy of, essentially, tossing cash around has inherent limitations that could very well end up adding gasoline to a fire that will ignite regardless of who is POTUS. The other variable is Donald's health. The big three for maintaining good health are: eat quality food in moderation, exercise and get decent sleep. He eschews all three. He eats shit food and is a lard ass, he actually avoids exercise and brags about how little sleep he "needs" . One hardly needs an M.D. to diagnose this mess. He is accumulating lard and his brain is mis firing with increasing frequency..... expected results of his unhealthy life style and increasing years.
Godstud wrote::lol: Are you serious? He's been coasting on Obama's economic success for the last year and a half.

[Zag Edit: Rule 2]
The stock markets like Trump, unemployment has reduced, and so on. Obama has nothing to do with that.

Godstud wrote:Evidence That New Tariffs, Not Immigrants, Are Costing Jobs
“The tariffs, quotas and retaliation would increase the annual level of U.S. steel employment and non-ferrous metals (primarily aluminium) employment by 26,280 jobs over the first one-three years, but reduce net employment by 432,747 jobs throughout the rest of the economy, for a total net loss of 400,445 jobs ... ad2d37313f

Forbes is a bastion of the globalists, they have become "fake news" so of course they do not like tariffs.

And it as come to this situation that no news organisations can be believed any more. Sad, very sad.
Ter wrote:The stock markets like Trump, unemployment has reduced, and so on. Obama has nothing to do with that.
Horseshit. The stock markets were already just fine prior to Trump. In fact, Trump's entry into the presidency actually caused an initial DROP in the stock market. It's recovery was not it rising, but merely bouncing back from the hit it took pre-election.

Obama had everything to do with the economy. Obama started the downwards trend that unemployment took. You have Dipshit Derangement Syndrome if you think Trump's responsible for anything but lost jobs, division, and racism.

Ter wrote:Forbes is a bastion of the globalists, they have become "fake news" so of course they do not like tariffs.
Have you become so brain-washed that you deny facts now? Forbes is about making money, and if Trump was good for that, they'd be behind him 100%. he's not, and the proof is in the pudding. His tariffs have hurt Americans. $12 billion to farmers due to his tariffs is just one piece of evidence. Another is this: As the tariffs looked more likely, the stock market sank. As the tariff threat receded, the market rose again. ... he-economy

Ter wrote:And it as come to this situation that no news organisations can be believed any more. Sad, very sad.
:lol: No. Some people are just too stupid to tell facts from fiction any more because they've bought into Trump's lies. You're now amongst those who can only believe facts that confirm your 'beliefs'. That's what's truly sad.

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