Trump is doing an awesome job, and the establishment is freaking out! - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Stormsmith wrote:Steak is cheaper because China won't buy it due to the easy to win Trade War started by Trump. Soy beans will be cheaper too. Farmers will be losing money in the long term, but what does Trump know about international trade? He just hates the Chinese. Maybe if they dressed like Russians he would call off the tariffs. 8)

I could care less about this, because I am not a fan of communism. We shouldn't be trading with them anyway.

Zagadka wrote:Image

You must be pleased to see the Republicans behaving like Democrats.

Boom times: 72% blue collar are ‘optimistic about future,’ 67% ‘happy’
They love Trump! MAGA :rockon:
Last edited by blackjack21 on 13 Sep 2018 21:24, edited 1 time in total.
President Trump on Thursday falsely accused Democrats of inflating the death toll from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico last year, rejecting that government’s assessment that the storm had claimed nearly 3,000 lives.

Mr. Trump said that the toll was only six to 18 dead after his visit following the storm. Mr. Trump on Thursday said Democrats padded the death toll by including, for example, a person who died of old age “in order to make me look as bad as possible.”


Donald's idea of presidential leadership ^

3000 dead bodies? No way, try 6 and one died of old age.

It is really depressing that there are so many people out there who are stupid enough to believe ANYTHING said by this con artist at this stage of the game.
jimjam wrote:President Trump on Thursday falsely accused Democrats of inflating the death toll from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico last year, rejecting that government’s assessment that the storm had claimed nearly 3,000 lives.

It wasn't a government assessment. It was a "study" that saw an uptick in expected fatalities after the storm, which it attributed to the storm itself. The storm itself killed fewer than 20 people, as far as I know. Maybe people who saw their livelihoods devastated decided to commit suicide or something, but the hurricane itself did not kill 3000 people. It's just more fake news.

We don't need colonies anymore. Puerto Rico should be an independent country.

jimjam wrote:It is really depressing that there are so many people out there who are stupid enough to believe ANYTHING said by this con artist at this stage of the game.

He says "believe me" before he says something. So it must be true.

By contrast, Michael Moore thinks Trump is dangerous because Trump is not an ideologue. :roll:

I think the polls are all phony now, just like they were in 2016.

There’s Never Been a President This Unpopular With an Economy This Good

Basically, the media is trying to brainwash us going into the midterms again. :roll: You'd think these people would learn.
Ah, jim jam....

How often does your doctor prescribe you medicine with "must be stored at 80 degrees F or above" typed on the label?

This idiot has now taken $millions out of FEMA and other DHS areas

The money came from different parts of DHS, including FEMA, the Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office, Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers, Coast Guard, Transportation Security Administration, cybersecurity office and Customs and Border Protection.

THe money is being used to incarcerate even more children in dog kennels, in spite of being court-ordered to reunite the kids who had already been seperated from their parents. And he's doing this with the full knowledge that this potentially is going to ruin their lives. Meanwhile, the east coast is facing the storm of the century. Just incredible.

Now this idiot is saying the Democrats inflated to numbers. Right. More fake news. Intelligent people would look for proof, ie, who paid for it, what political slant does GWU hold, or attack the methodology, but nooooo, just say fake news because, as you noted "
jimjam wrote:It is really depressing that there are so many people out there who are stupid enough to believe ANYTHING said by this con artist at this stage of the game.

Just to cheer you up a tad, several polls tanked Trump's popularity and believability this week
Last edited by Stormsmith on 13 Sep 2018 22:12, edited 1 time in total.
MistyTiger wrote:Steak is cheaper because China won't buy it due to the easy to win Trade War started by Trump. Soy beans will be cheaper too. Farmers will be losing money in the long term, but what does Trump know about international trade? He just hates the Chinese. Maybe if they dressed like Russians he would call off the tariffs. 8)

How in the world did you manage to put this in my name? I've never been on this thread, but came on today, only because I saw jimjam's name on the forum's menu.
He quoted me as saying something someone else said before. Maybe he takes turns misquoting members in here. :?:

@blackjack21 We need China since some geniuses in the 70s started the outsourcing and ship manufacturing jobs to China strategy. The Chinese want to take over the Qualcomm factory on their turf and who can blame them for wanting it? If we get shut out from those factories, we are in deep shit.
We have a weather event bearing down on the nation where thousands of lives are at risk and Donald, who by his own admission has never erred or made a single mis que, seems most concerned with blathering on and on about what a great job he did in delivering paper towels to Puerto Rico after a hurricane a year ago :eek:

On another note I took this picture in Key West last year of a nice man who, I'm sure, Donald can count on to vote Republican.
Sorry for the misquotes. Don't drink caffeine anymore either...

stormsmith wrote:Just to cheer you up a tad, several polls tanked Trump's popularity and believability this week

Yeah. Hillary was 10 points ahead of Donald Trump too. You have to wonder if the media is trying to dispirit the Republicans, encourage the Democrats or just delude themselves.

MistyTiger wrote:If we get shut out from those factories, we are in deep shit.

The factories aren't as big a deal as the IP.

jimjam wrote:We have a weather event bearing down on the nation where thousands of lives are at risk and Donald, who by his own admission has never erred or made a single mis que, seems most concerned with blathering on and on about what a great job he did in delivering paper towels to Puerto Rico after a hurricane a year ago :eek:

For whatever reason--I think it was the politicization of Katrina--the media has gone sort of bonkers every time we have a hurricane now. Many of my co-workers are in the path of this hurricane. I've flown out of NC just as hurricanes were approaching. The media is basically blaming Trump for a hurricane happening now. They've gone completely mental.

jimjam wrote:On another note I took this picture in Key West last year of a nice man who, I'm sure, Donald can count on to vote Republican.

I'm not sure what that has to do with Trump's economic performance, or Democrats shooting or stabbing Republican candidates for office. He should consider reaching out to Colin Kaepernick for friendship. Maybe the NFL has a job for him. Who knows?

Thank goodness Trump gets what Obama failed to grasp on economy
blackjack21 wrote:I think the polls are all phony now, just like they were in 2016.

There’s Never Been a President This Unpopular With an Economy This Good

Basically, the media is trying to brainwash us going into the midterms again. :roll: You'd think these people would learn.

Its a disgusting lie that the polls were bad in 2016. The poll averages were well within the normal margin of error from the actual results. American polling is significantly more accurate than British polling. 538 has Trump's approval rating back to where it was in April. As an individual Trump's winning of the Presidency was amazing. However as a Republican going up against Hilary his performance was anything but impressive.
Stormsmith wrote:This idiot has now taken $millions out of FEMA and other DHS areas
THe money is being used to incarcerate even more children in dog kennels, in spite of being court-ordered to reunite the kids who had already been seperated from their parents. And he's doing this with the full knowledge that this potentially is going to ruin their lives. Meanwhile, the east coast is facing the storm of the century. Just incredible.

I read it's only $10 million but these hurricanes that hit the US rack up damages ranging into the billions. Hurricane Harvey was estimated to have cost the state of Texas more than $130 billion dollars worth of damages.

Plus, it is primarily the state's responsibility to set aside disaster relief funds and the federal government steps in when necessary.

I'm pretty sure the state of North Carolina is not going to miss FEMA's $10 million.
Rich wrote:Its a disgusting lie that the polls were bad in 2016. The poll averages were well within the normal margin of error from the actual results.

Hillary Clinton was up as much as 10% a month before the election. Those polls were mostly just psyops polling that got promoted as meaningful in the media in order to dispirit Trump supporters. Obviously, it did not work.

Rich wrote:American polling is significantly more accurate than British polling.

It depends on the intent of the pollster. Likely voter polls are usually among the best. When they get an accurate sample of registered voters who are likely to vote, and a meaningful sample size, you tend to see much better results.

Rich wrote:However as a Republican going up against Hilary his performance was anything but impressive.

Well, that is because there is no professional class of politicians to run against the establishment. They are all upstarts, so they are nearly all unpolished relative to professional politicians.

maz wrote:Plus, it is primarily the state's responsibility to set aside disaster relief funds and the federal government steps in when necessary.

I'm pretty sure the state of North Carolina is not going to miss FEMA's $10 million.

Obviously, the intent of Stormsmith's remarks are to get you to think "Trump doesn't care about you." To people who vote policy over personality, those types of psyops are pointless.

Jobless Claims Remain at Half-Century Low
Kudlow: Trump Economy Is 'Killing It' Right Now
Lmao blackjack is so far down the alt-right YouTube rabbit hole that he's past Illuminati conspiracy theoriest Mark Dice and now watching Styxenhammer666, a transsexual (or crossdressing) nazi. And as we know, the best place to get your news and information from is people who follow an ideology that explicitly wants to kill them for being degenerates.

[Zag Edit: Rule 2, seriously, knock it off. I'll remove much more in the future]
The continuous 24 hour Trump news cycle leads to commentary centered on the issue du jour. Few are the prognostic pieces peeking 'round the corner of 2018 into the political maelstrom of 2019.

Consider, if you will, the probability of the Democrats taking control of the House of Representatives. [Ed.: The failure of 6 of the 8 Democrat members of the IDC, including the supposed leader of the band, may be indicative of what's to come.] Consider also that the possibility of the Democrats taking control of the Senate is remote. The possibility of them holding the necessary 67 seats for the completion of an impeachment process -- a trial of the President of the United States of America -- is even remoter.

Now consider, if you will, the high probability of the House of Representatives completing a bill of impeachment against the President and sending it on to the Senate. And then think of the power the Republicans in the Senate will be able to wield over the President by virtue of their ability to quash the process. President Trump's self-vaunted deal-making abilities may be put to an existential test within his party.
GOP essentially owns all three branches of government, runs the banking sector... and is totally the underdog being put down by the Establishment. Poor, brave billionaires.

Democrats can't organize their way out of a paper bag, much less run some deep state controlling life. Anyone who thinks Trump is just looking out for the little guy normally deserves to be fleeced. Not so much fun when you get the rest of us fleeced, though.
AFAIK wrote:Trump has to call people up in the middle of the night to check if a strong dollar is good for exporters or bad for exporters so I don't think he has a firm grasp on the economy he inherited from Obama.

Trump actively talks to businesses to see what policies they would prefer, such as whether or not they would like a mandate forcing them to purchase health insurance for their employees. This is why business leaders prefer Trump to Obama.
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