Why is masturbation considered healthy, but watching pornography is considered unhealthy? - Page 4 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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Godstud wrote:I agree with much of what you say.

The divorce rate? I disagree.


Well even so, millennials have been hurt by the divorce rate. It seemed to be a common thing that kids have step parents or step siblings and all that goes along with that. At the time, the rate was 45% of not 50%, I was in my teens when they said this.

And the young ones out of college now, how many are from divided or dysfunctional families? It is just alarming.
Divorce has been high since Gen X, and so Millennials are hardly being more victimized. You cannot attribute that to masturbation. You cannot attribute that to porn, either.

You could attribute it to the economy, as people are less likely to get married if they are not financially stable, and also because prevailing attitudes about marriage have changed.
Godstud wrote:Divorce has been high since Gen X, and so Millennials are hardly being more victimized. You cannot attribute that to masturbation. You cannot attribute that to porn, either.

You could attribute it to the economy, as people are less likely to get married if they are not financially stable, and also because prevailing attitudes about marriage have changed.

My point was that if kids are from unhealthy families, how can we expect them to have healthy sex lives and therefore not behave wacky after watching porn? Health starts from the beginning and it is rare that an unhealthy kid can be restored to a healthy adult. It is not impossible but rarely happens.
Having realistic expectations about the world is what it has to do with. If Millennials can be accused of anything, it's having unreal expectations. Everyone knows that sex isn't like what's in porn movies. Everyone!

Porn is not something someone watches when they want to find out what a real intimate relationship is. :lol: That simply takes experience.
Expectations are learned. The problem is that my generation has a weak childhood education, very little structure. Many grow up with babysitters, TV, video games, magazines...because parents spend so much time working or thinking about themselves. It is natural for children to dream about what they want. There is no one to really tell these neglected children that what they see every day is fantasy. I myself used to be hooked on TV. Luckily I snapped out of it and realized that education is so important and I learned the difference between realistic and unrealistic expectations about life and myself and I learned this in my teens.
It's not like when I was 16 there was a lot of education about sex and relationships. Sex isn't something you normally learned about from your parents, either(aside from the very basics). The education is still there, even if it's changed. No one is feeding kids unrealistic expectations. Nobody.

MistyTiger wrote:Many grow up with babysitters, TV, video games, magazines...because parents spend so much time working or thinking about themselves.
This statement is a gross generalization, and a cop-out. Do you have a source to support such a claim?

MistyTiger wrote:It is natural for children to dream about what they want.
True. It's also true of adults.

MistyTiger wrote:There is no one to really tell these neglected children that what they see every day is fantasy.
That's silly. Are these children simply so damaged that they can't tell fantasy from reality, or are you simply being overly melodramatic?

We had kids who dressed as Superman and jumped off the garage only to get hurt. There's idiots in every generation. Millennials are no different from any previous generation. The new generation is frowned upon by the old, and the older is demonized by the younger one.
Kids, from as early an age as possible should be taught how to negotiate everything from sharing toys as opposed to the stronger one hogging the one his or her siblings want to negotiating a higher wage. When I look at the number of young people who are on the verge of divorce or already divorced I realise their parents, often also divorced, didn't have clue one on negotiating

 I know a few couples who watch porn not only because it gets them in the mood, but it also gives them new ideas for sex, and they don't have unrealistic expectations about their partner. 

I taught a course a few years ago. One student was professionally a family therapist who, amongst other things, recommended soft porn and erotica for couples who had difficulty talking about sex, or couples who wanted to spice up their love lifes.
Please Conservative could you stop blaming feminists for the breakdown of the traditional Agrarian family. Its pathetic.

james Watt and all the other overwhelmingly men, inventors and engineers of the industrial revolution, are the people to blame. I mean seriously what did you think was going to happen if you start mechanising heavy labour out of existence. Just take one example out of thousands. Whose bright idea was it to put power steering on lorries. Yeah go on just bang another nail into the coffin of the traditional male socio-economic role.

The other thing is the lack of war. No one wants to fight any more. How do you expect to retain male dominance when you don't want to fight and you don't want the vast majority of production to need heavy labour. The whining over the first world was incredible. Britain only lost 4% of its adult population over a four year war. Imagine if the Apache, the Romans or even Wellington's Redcoats had thrown a hissy fit every time they suffered 4% casualties over a four year period. The Americans are even worse, they're still whining about the American Civil War, rather than celebrating it as a wonderful opportunity for a national collective shared experience and bonding of manly qualities.
Pants-of-dog wrote:@MistyTiger was not discussing what was going in the mind of the viewer. Instead, MT was pointing out that the performers are exploited. And if someone is watching it and enjoying it (which s the point of watching porn) , they are enjoying the act of watching someone being exploited.

This is true even if the person watching is not aware of the exploitation.

Also, most porn depicts very unrealistic sex. If it conditions you to think that most sex is like that, that would also be unhealthy for your relationships.

That is bang on the button.

It's well known that watching porn is highly addictive. And like anything that's highly addictive, it needs to be treated with caution.

Moreover, I would add that masturbation doesn't really have many health benefits.
It may help lower the risk of developing prostate cancer for men, but that's about it.
snapdragon wrote:Moreover, I would add that masturbation doesn't really have many health benefits.
It may help lower the risk of developing prostate cancer for men, but that's about it.

Well, that is kinda worth it just there. Would you would highlight checking breasts for abnormalities doesn't really have many health benefits?
The prostate cancer thing is a bit of a dodgy claim and not endorsed by the NHS. Men who jerk off a lot shouldn't feel they're protected from developing it, though they may be lowering their risk. That would depend, though, what their risk was in the first place, so it would not be good to encourage men get too complacent.
Also, having actual sex with their partners has exactly the same benefit. It's not the method so much as the result that may or may not lower the risk, as is maintaining a healthy weight and taking regelar exercise
Breasts only need checking once a month, as do testicles.
Agent Steel wrote:How is unhealthy to exploit other people for pleasure? I mean sure it's unhealthy for the people being exploited, but why is it unhealthy for you? Why can't you actually answer the question?

Because then you do not develop real relationships that help you learn, grow, and love.
Agent Steel wrote:How is unhealthy to exploit other people for pleasure?
Human empathy. Ever heard of it? :D

Pants-of-Dog wrote:Because then you do not develop real relationships that help you learn, grow, and love.
I don't know man. I still think my original point is very strong, and your argument doesn't refute it.

Again, couldn't the same point be made about masturbation? That it's selfish, keeps you isolated, and doesn't help you to develop real relationships with other people? And yet virtually every doctor and health expert in the world will tell you that masturbation is normal, natural, and healthy. I just don't see hardly any difference between masturbating to your own imaginary thoughts and masturbating to actual images on a screen. One's just more vivid than the other.

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