Feinstein Refers Kavanaugh to FBI for Alleged Sexual Assault 30 years ago - Page 43 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Kaiserschmarrn wrote:I do think the mudslingers overwhelmingly identify as left-wing. As I said earlier, his confirmation should also be regarded as a vote against the underhanded methods, and not only as a vote for Kavanaugh.

Starting with President Trump's searing, mocking attack against Dr Blasey Ford, followed by a group of like-mouthed senators, (and, to be fair, a few republican senators who acknowledged the inappropriateness of the president's remarks). Way to bring America together boys! And in no way shape or form is this limited to left wing and independents. These appallingly cruel comments against Dr Blasey Ford are coming from the right wing, hoping to swing failing support for Kavanaugh, the least wanted SCOTUS appointment in history.
Kaiserschmarrn wrote:I do think the mudslingers overwhelmingly identify as left-wing. As I said earlier, his confirmation should also be regarded as a vote against the underhanded methods, and not only as a vote for Kavanaugh.

Are you trying to win this years hypocrisy award, this is a guy who didn't just throw mud at Bill Clinton but sought to intimidate witnesses into perjuring themselves. Kavanaugh is an even worse excuse for a human being than Ken Starr.
Kaiserschmarrn wrote:One can at least wonder why it was necessary for all of it to go down the memory hole and why she never handed over the therapist's notes and full polygraph details. It seems odd that the latter two would be withheld by her lawyers, unless they weren't particularly helpful/supportive of her account.

I have already figured it out. Dr. Ford and her lawyers are lying liberal Democrats.
The republican party is utterly morally bankrupt. The SCOTUS just ruled that Native Americans can be prevented from voting if they do not have a street address. So now everyone with a PO box, or who is homeless, can be prevented from voting. This is how republicans win. They cheat. Today McConnell (as dirty a politician as I have ever seen) forced the democrats to accept 50 new judges or he would keep the senate in session through the election so they can't campaign. This is disgusting.

Every night I am just sickened at the news. Well. Today Trumpites you God and master presided over a tremendous crash in the stock market that leaves the YTD figures behind real inflation. In other words he ruined the Obama recovery with his shenanigans.

I am sure that by the time young people are able to vote the republicans will have destroyed what little democratic process we have left. Maybe it is time for California, Oregon, Washington, Massachusetts, New York and the rest of the blue states to succeed. They are by far and away the wealthiest anyway.

I do not know a single republican today who I do not consider a traitor.
Godstud wrote:No, I'm not an American asshole.

Yes. We know you aren't an American, Godstud.

Godstud wrote:Yes, and putting a self-admitted alcoholic is exactly the kind of SCOTUS that the USA needs. :roll:

He did not admit to being an alcoholic. He will be the resident drinker once Ruth Bader Ginsberg kicks the bucket, which should be any time now.

Kaiserschmarrn wrote:Impeached by the house but acquitted by the senate, with all Democrats in the senate voting not guilty.

...including Feinstein, that champion of women's rights. Clinton was guilty as a matter of law, too.

Zagadka wrote:We literally have a president who calls people offensive nicknames.

What's your favorite? I'm still torn between "Lyin' Ted Cruz" and "Little Marco Rubio". Although, "Pocahontas" and "Crooked Hillary" make me laugh too.

MistyTiger wrote:While people like me can see a possible recession or depression on the horizon, and possibly more disasters in store for the USA and the world.

Anybody with any economic sense can see a recession on the horizon. The Fed is raising rates and the yield curve is flat. If they keep raising, the yield curve will invert. That's about 80% dead on for a recession.

MistyTiger wrote:I want world peace but a Trump supporter seems to like havoc and fighting.

Huh? Obama started more wars than Bush, and they were essentially Hillary's idea. Me, I do like fighting the Democrats and making them lose. I like making a lot of Republicans lose too.

Stormsmith wrote:These appallingly cruel comments against Dr Blasey Ford are coming from the right wing, hoping to swing failing support for Kavanaugh, the least wanted SCOTUS appointment in history.

He just noted that she could not identify the time, date (including year), or location of the alleged attack; how she got there; and, how she left and where she went.

Drlee wrote:The republican party is utterly morally bankrupt.

By that, you mean "your" party? By the way, what does the law have to do with morality? We have a separation of church and state, in case you didn't know.

Drlee wrote:The SCOTUS just ruled that Native Americans can be prevented from voting if they do not have a street address.

So? Native Americans weren't even granted citizenship until 1924--by Republican president, Calvin Coolidge.

Drlee wrote:So now everyone with a PO box, or who is homeless, can be prevented from voting.

Sweet. This is what the founding fathers intended, except you'd have to pay a capitation or a poll tax to vote, too.

Drlee wrote:Today McConnell (as dirty a politician as I have ever seen) forced the democrats to accept 50 new judges or he would keep the senate in session through the election so they can't campaign. This is disgusting.

As PRESIDENT Trump said, "the only reason to vote for Democrats is if you're tired of winning." Are you tired of winning, Drlee?

Drlee wrote:Today Trumpites you God and master presided over a tremendous crash in the stock market that leaves the YTD figures behind real inflation. In other words he ruined the Obama recovery with his shenanigans.

That wasn't even as big as February's correction. Hopefully, it will go down a little bit more. I'm surprised COHR (Coherent) took such a dive. They got a downgrade, but it was a purely technical analysis downgrade. OLED held up better. MDB is well off its highs. BABA hit 52-week lows. I'm still not quite ready to jump in yet though.

Drlee wrote:I am sure that by the time young people are able to vote the republicans will have destroyed what little democratic process we have left. Maybe it is time for California, Oregon, Washington, Massachusetts, New York and the rest of the blue states to succeed.{sic}

I'm sure you mean 'secede', right?

Drlee wrote:I do not know a single republican today who I do not consider a traitor.

What about you? You have not declared your non-affiliation with the Republican party, and you regularly point out that you are a member--even though you vote for people like Obama and Hillary. :roll: So can we take this to mean that you are no longer a Republican and no longer a 'conservative'? Inquiring minds want to know!
The Kavanaugh hearing was swamp republicans insisting we must play by liberal political correctness. Ford should have been destroyed instead of praised. She testified she regularly attended drinking parties when she was 14 and 15. Ofcourse, she only drank one beer. Bullshit. Why was she going to these parties? The only reasonable assumption is the appeal of the older boys. Been there, seen that. She was damaged long before she attended these parties.
Why was there no restroom on the first floor? Where was/is the owner of the house? Why is she at a house where she does not even know who lives there? On and on.
As I listened to her testimony, I thought, “wait a minute I saw that movie.” I wish I could recall it’s name.
One Degree wrote:The Kavanaugh hearing was swamp republicans insisting we must play by liberal political correctness. Ford should have been destroyed instead of praised. She testified she regularly attended drinking parties when she was 14 and 15. Ofcourse, she only drank one beer. Bullshit. Why was she going to these parties? The only reasonable assumption is the appeal of the older boys. Been there, seen that. She was damaged long before she attended these parties.
Why was there no restroom on the first floor? Where was/is the owner of the house? Why is she at a house where she does not even know who lives there? On and on.
As I listened to her testimony, I thought, “wait a minute I saw that movie.” I wish I could recall it’s name.

I think the REAL question that we're all missing is, what was the phase of the moon on the night in question?
One Degree wrote:The Kavanaugh hearing was swamp republicans insisting we must play by liberal political correctness. Ford should have been destroyed instead of praised.

I think the Republican senators bent over backwards, probably unnecessarily. However, they may finally be learning the implications of the strategy of the DNC and media to collaborate on politics. The Republicans aren't very good at that. Trump basically turned the situation around for Kavanaugh by fighting back. It would have been interesting to hear Republican senators rebut her claims in the form of a series of questions. I find the idea that women need to be treated with kid gloves a bit patronizing. Either women are equals or they aren't. I'm more inclined to say they aren't. Their behavior demonstrates that.

One Degree wrote:She testified she regularly attended drinking parties when she was 14 and 15. Ofcourse, she only drank one beer. Bullshit. Why was she going to these parties? The only reasonable assumption is the appeal of the older boys. Been there, seen that. ... Where was/is the owner of the house?

Well, the apocryphal bit of that story is that back in the 80's, us latch key kids knew when one of our friend's parents was going to be out of town. So we always knew whose house it was, and usually how to get there. If she didn't know either of those things, she either already had something wrong with her or she was already hopelessly loaded and had one (more) beer at this house. I still think she made the whole thing up for political purposes.

Drlee wrote:[I] Stopped reading right here. Nothing good follows a[n]{sic} obvious personal insult.

That's seems rather closed minded for one who purports to be a Mensa genius, and by extension insulting the intelligence of anyone who doesn't agree with him. I also didn't insult anyone. Godstud essentially characterized Americans as assholes, and excluded himself from Americans. I thought that was rather ungenerous of him. Godstud directly insulted Americans. By contrast, you drew your own conclusions.
blackjack21 wrote:I also didn't insult anyone. Godstud essentially characterized Americans as assholes, and excluded himself from Americans.
False. You omitted the preceding text and took it out of context, after making an implied insult in your preceding post, to which I was responding.

This is what you normally do, however, when you post cherry-picked bits of conversations and reply to single sentences, without reference to the context. @Drlee was correct in his assessment.

I was responding to your statement:
blackjack21 wrote:Tell us all about it Godstud! Did you cross swords with one of your friends and another girl? I thought Canadians were so super progressive that nothing like that would ever transpire in Canada.

I attacked Kavanaugh's character, so you attacked me. So, stop being sanctimonious@blackjack21.
Drlee wrote:The republican party is utterly morally bankrupt. The SCOTUS just ruled that Native Americans can be prevented from voting if they do not have a street address. So now everyone with a PO box, or who is homeless, can be prevented from voting. This is how republicans win. They cheat. Today McConnell (as dirty a politician as I have ever seen) forced the democrats to accept 50 new judges or he would keep the senate in session through the election so they can't campaign. This is disgusting.

Every night I am just sickened at the news. Well. Today Trumpites you God and master presided over a tremendous crash in the stock market that leaves the YTD figures behind real inflation. In other words he ruined the Obama recovery with his shenanigans.

I am sure that by the time young people are able to vote the republicans will have destroyed what little democratic process we have left. Maybe it is time for California, Oregon, Washington, Massachusetts, New York and the rest of the blue states to succeed. They are by far and away the wealthiest anyway.

I do not know a single republican today who I do not consider a traitor.

It does seem excessive they could have just outlawed shopping carts and wild pintos, that way they wouldn't have anyway of getting to the voting machines.

Funny post though.... projecting?. Maybe Democrats should come up with some policy ideas and win an election in this next decade, its been a long long dry spell. The Republicans fault?? You don't have to cheat when the country votes you into the majority. Just like when Obama put his judges through with Republican support. Hell , you don't even have to read the bills you can pass them and find out what inside afterwards. ............. Harry Reid helped a little as well. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Drlee wrote:I do not know a single republican today who I do not consider a traitor.

Did you know any yesterday? :D
Finfinder wrote:It does seem excessive they could have just outlawed shopping carts and wild pintos, that way they wouldn't have anyway of getting to the voting machines.

Funny post though.... projecting?. Maybe Democrats should come up with some policy ideas and win an election in this next decade, its been a long long dry spell. The Republicans fault?? You don't have to cheat when the country votes you into the majority. Just like when Obama put his judges through with Republican support. Hell , you don't even have to read the bills you can pass them and find out what inside afterwards. ............. Harry Reid helped a little as well. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Did you know any yesterday? :D

Quick question, Finfinder: How do tariffs work?

Do you think it would be fair if, before you were allowed to vote, you had to pass a quiz on tariffs and how they work? Because we know that you don't understand how tariffs work, despite working the ~prime broker~ desk or whatever the fuck they call it in the Commodities section of securities trading. I don't even care to know, it is literally beneath me.

I mean that in the most extreme literal sense: the stock and bond traders literally do their business one floor beneath the one I work on.

Why would such a proposition be more or less discriminatory than what you are advocating?

I still want you to explain to me how American import taxes (tariffs) on American corn make Godstud pay more money for produce.
Godstud wrote:False. You omitted the preceding text and took it out of context, after making an implied insult in your preceding post, to which I was responding.

You may have taken it as an insult, but it's only because you purported knowledge of the term and intended it as an insult directed toward Justice Kavanaugh. Not everyone considers the notion of participating in a sexual encounter between a woman and two men an insulting or degrading proposition. However, I find it rather unlikely that Justice Kavanaugh ever participated in any such thing.

Godstud wrote:@Drlee was correct in his assessment.

Drlee basically implied that he was a traitor, but he didn't want to address my point and admit to anyone that he's not a member of the Republican party for any substantive purpose of furthering the Republican Party's agenda. Rather, assuming he's telling the truth in the first place, he is trying to push the Republican party toward the left. So Drlee did not want to come out and say, "I am no longer a member of the Republican party," which by extension means that Drlee is calling himself a traitor. He reminds me of people in the 1980s who didn't like the "moral majority" who formulated, "I'm a fiscal conservative, but a social liberal." In other words, Drlee is one of the people that Charles Murray chastised in his book, "Coming Apart"--basically, the idea of an elite that does not believe in expounding the way it lives life to other people. So this "elite" of today is just fine with mentally ill homeless (instead of involuntary commitment to mental hospitals), with hypodermic needles, feces and urine littering the streets; they are just fine with people getting divorced and raising kids in broken homes, etc.

Godstud wrote:I attacked Kavanaugh's character, so you attacked me.

When you imply knowledge of a particular matter in furtherance of attacking someone's character, you in effect attack your own character. I just wanted to hear how you "knew" about such things when spawning from the greatest place in the world, Canada--where only good things happen.

SpecialOlympian wrote:Do you think it would be fair if, before you were allowed to vote, you had to pass a quiz on tariffs and how they work?

I do. I think we should have a poll tax too.

One Degree wrote:It appears liberals are lying about the ‘PO box thing’. Heidi Heitkamp stated all you need is an ID with an address. She said voting is easy.

Well, what you actually need is a residence. You have to "reside" according to the constitution. The idea that homeless people vote isn't something the founders of the US constitution would have considered. They didn't live in a world where you would stay alive very long as a heroin addict, because there weren't governments supplying you with food, money and drugs to continue that destructive lifestyle.

In other news, the Democrats continue to face fallout from the Kavanaugh hearings. Trump defies California senators with 9th Circuit judge nominations By the end of Trump's presidency, the 9th Circuit (Circus) may finally lose the distinction of being the most frequently overturned appellate court in the US.
Blackjack21 wrote:When you imply knowledge of a particular matter in furtherance of attacking someone's character, you in effect attack your own character.
So that makes you a huge hypocrite, by your own reasoning. :lol:

I am aware of a word usage and so that makes me guilty of doing so? :roll: Do you realize how stupid that is? That's as reasonable as me saying I know the word 'genocide', so that means I must advocate it or practice it. :knife:

Blackjack21 wrote:As usual Blackjack's characterization of me is idiotic.
He does this when he has no actual argument. He attacks your character, your person, or anything else to deflect you attention away from his lack of said argument.

Articulate ≠ intelligent. It is only indicative of some level of education.
This hearing clearly showed one aspect of American society that I detest...how society is largely misogynistic. Women are assumed to be bad and promiscuous. If women cry rape or sexual assault, many will cry consensual or that she asked for it because she was there or she dressed provocatively. Does a women have to dress in a flour sack to avoid harm? :?: Men like Kavanaugh and Weinstein and Trump can do what they like as long as they serve a useful purpose. Women should shut up and take what they are given, in the eyes of all these women haters. It makes me sick.

Blasey Ford reluctantly came forward. She had everything to lose. If she worked for a conservative company, they would fire her over her testimony. Women have a harder time getting hired because in some places, men are believed to be more qualified just because. I don't believe she wants death threats or media attention. She isn't a glamorous celebrity or a politician.
Drlee wrote:Well. As usual Blackjack's on of me is idiotic. I know he is trolling. He is to articulate to be that stupid.

Trolls post in a way that is readable for other forums members. Trolling requires the ability to read a room and figure out the best way to piss someone off.

Nobody reads blackjack's big, dumb PoFo reader's digest posts except you, apparently. Blackjack isn't a troll, he's just a shitty boomer with terrible opinions on everything and a weak grasp on internet etiquette.

He quotes me all the time and I don't bother to read it. I literally don't bother to read shit when blackjack quotes me because his opinions and the way he represents said opinions come off as borderline retarded.
MistyTiger wrote:This hearing clearly showed one aspect of American society that I detest...how society is largely misogynistic. Women are assumed to be bad and promiscuous. If women cry rape or sexual assault, many will cry consensual or that she asked for it because she was there or she dressed provocatively. Does a women have to dress in a flour sack to avoid harm? :?:

A flower sack would be considered provocative. Jeans are harder to remove. With a chastity belt. No...not the belt. That might be construed as a challenge...

Blasey Ford reluctantly came forward. She had everything to lose. If she worked for a conservative company, they would fire her over her testimony. Women have a harder time getting hired because in some places, men are believed to be more qualified just because.

True. Now forgive an analogy of one, but this year's lady-winner of the Nobel .prize for physics maybe such a case:
Donna Strickland, an associate professor at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, on Tuesday became the first woman in 55 years and the third ever to win the Nobel Prize in Physics, sharing it with an American scientist and another from France for their work in laser physics.

Someone submitted an article on Strictland's awards and findings in March to Wikipedia who promptly rejected it, lending support to the idea that society does have a sex biase. Just saying.
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