Brett Kavanaugh Rape Accuser Admits She Made Up Her Story - Politics | PoFo

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Which is worse a given level of sexual assault, or a false accusation of that same level of sexual assault. Which is worse, for a man to rape a woman or for a woman to falsely accuse a man of raping her?

I'm genuinely interested by peoples answers, as at the time of writing I don't have a clear view on the question.
Rich wrote: Which is worse...

Does it matter?

Women are screwed anyway.

According to UK government figures:

Barely one in 10 rapes are reported to police.

Only one in 10 rapes reported to police goes to trial.

And of that one in 10 going to trial, in only 7% of cases is a man convicted.
ingliz wrote:Does it matter?

Women are screwed anyway.

According to UK government figures:

Barely one in 10 rapes are reported to police.

Only one in 10 rapes reported to police goes to trial.

And of that one in 10 going to trial, in only 7% of cases is a man convicted.

Do you think this justifies all men being guilty if accused? “Believe women”. That is not a rational solution.
ingliz wrote:Does it matter?

It matters a great deal, how people value the weight of these crimes / wrong doings. So in the Jim Crow south, if a Black man raped a White woman, it was a far, far worse crime than if a White woman falsely accused a Black man of rape. The criminal justice in the Jim Crow south was rationally constructed / modified to optimise outcomes based on these priorities. It was the same as in the thirties Soviet Union. It was a far, far worse crime for a worker or peasant to commit wrecking, sabotage or spying than it was for the OGPU / NKVD to falsely accuse a worker or peasant of wrecking, sabotage or spying. Again the defacto criminal justice system worked rationally to produce the best outcomes given these priorities.

The more prominent and important position a man holds in society, the more likely it is that he will be the victim of a false accusation and the more dangerous false accusations are to democracy and civic society. Kavanaugh is a bigoted Papist fascist who sought to undermined democracy and the rule of law when he went after Bill Clinton.
@Rich said...
Kavanaugh is a bigoted Papist fascist who sought to undermined democracy and the rule of law when he went after Bill Clinton.

That is so hilarious it deserved repeating. How could anyone dare attack such a morally perfect person? Lmao
One Degree wrote:@Rich said...

That is so hilarious it deserved repeating. How could anyone dare attack such a morally perfect person? Lmao

Did I say that Bill Clinton was morally perfect? It is quite possible that Clinton committed rape. That's irrelevant. Starr and Kavanaugh were abusing the justice system to bring down Clinton. I'm sorry but I have to ask the question to Conservatives, are you stupid or just hypocrites? Its plainly obvious that given enough resources, power and a lack of scruples, you can given time get a charge to stick, or catch a politician perjuring themselves. Its the same with Kavanaugh (when he became the accused, Roy Moore and with Trump.

Even an ordinary citizen breaks laws without realising, how much more inevitable is that politicians will have broken the law. Trawl long enough and hard enough with the power to subpoena and virtually any politician can be taken down.
Rich wrote:Did I say that Bill Clinton was morally perfect? It is quite possible that Clinton committed rape. That's irrelevant. Starr and Kavanaugh were abusing the justice system to bring down Clinton. I'm sorry but I have to ask the question to Conservatives, are you stupid or just hypocrites? Its plainly obvious that given enough resources, power and a lack of scruples, you can given time get a charge to stick, or catch a politician perjuring themselves. Its the same with Kavanaugh (when he became the accused, Roy Moore and with Trump.

Even an ordinary citizen breaks laws without realising, how much more inevitable is that politicians will have broken the law. Trawl long enough and hard enough with the power to subpoena and virtually any politician can be taken down.

Yes, it is easy to take anyone down. Now, which party has been using this repeatedly? The Democrats have brought up decades old charges in several instances. The Republicans mild attempts to retaliate don’t work because only Conservatives are considered guilty without a bit of evidence. I give you Keith Ellison as exhibit #1.
I will not ever click on Breitbart. I have not seen this anywhere else. Until there is a link to a real news source this is just fake news to me.

Also, is this woman one of the 3 I understand came forward before the vote?
Is this like the women who said that they got offers to lie about Mueller for $20,000 plus more? Is this a woman who took the cash to say that she was raped by Kavanough and then retract the story to make the right say "see, we told you so". It looks like it is likely fake news to me.
But, I'm open to the evidence to get to the truth. So, far I have seen zero evidence, no name, no picture, no facts at all.
So the assumed woman who wrote and sent the anonymous letter is someone other than the woman who claimed she wrote it and is now under investigation?
Munro-Leighton, who had never met Kavanaugh in person, "admitted, contrary to her prior claims, that she had not been sexually assaulted by Judge Kavanaugh and was not the author of the original 'Jane Doe' letter,'" Grassley's office said.
"No, no, no. I did that as a way to grab attention," Munro-Leighton said to investigators. "I am not Jane Doe ... but I did read Jane Doe's letter. I read the transcript of the call to your Committee ... I saw it online. It was news."

I wonder what significance the letter had since it is cited as lacking significant details to its assertion.
Setting aside the 'What is worse' question, we have the problems associated with any 'he said/she said' situation that comes before the court. Our system of trial by jury is biased in favor of the accused. 'Beyond reasonable doubt' is not a balanced 50/50 proposition.

Now apply that to the crime of rape and think about whether there's a male/female bias in our laws.
Rich wrote:It matters a great deal, how people value the weight of these crimes / wrong doings. So in the Jim Crow south, if a Black man raped a White woman, it was a far, far worse crime than if a White woman falsely accused a Black man of rape.

I like how white supremacists love to use false equivalences to promote a white victimization. I also like how they use the race card they "accuse" them of doing when they get called out on their rape culture. You don't give too shits about Black people today( your silence on Bill Cosby case is an example), so fuck off with your "slavery" comparison. You most likely be one of those lynchiers if this was 1950s.
Wellsy wrote:So the assumed woman who wrote and sent the anonymous letter is someone other than the woman who claimed she wrote it and is now under investigation?

I wonder what significance the letter had since it is cited as lacking significant details to its assertion.

So, contrary to the title of this thread this news report has ZERO impact or effect on the original 3 women who came forward or wrote letters.
Like I said Brietbart is all fake news.

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