Are the majority of Trump supporters racists? - Politics | PoFo

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Are Trump supporters inherently racists?

Yes, they are hardcore racists.
No, they are not racists.
Maybe, they are subconscious racists.
They might be angry at mainstream polticians, and Trump is not.
Other(please explain)
I think this depends on how we define Trump's "supporters".

If it means anyone who voted for him in 2016, then I'd say no - they aren't all inherently racists. Elections are strange events where millions of people with different interests, passions, beliefs etc are made to decide between two candidates. I don't think everyone who voted for Trump had race or immigration as their primary agenda.

However, if we mean people who still enthusiastically back Trump now, I'd say yes. At the very least, they have to turn a blind eye to so much of what he says and does that the distinction between being a racist, and simply enabling one, becomes more or less meaningless.
Heisenberg wrote:I think this depends on how we define Trump's "supporters".

If it means anyone who voted for him in 2016, then I'd say no - they aren't all inherently racists. Elections are strange events where millions of people with different interests, passions, beliefs etc are made to decide between two candidates. I don't think everyone who voted for Trump had race or immigration as their primary agenda.

However, if we mean people who still enthusiastically back Trump now, I'd say yes. At the very least, they have to turn a blind eye to so much of what he says and does that the distinction between being a racist, and simply enabling one, becomes more or less meaningless.

I think anyone who ignored Trump's first racially charged speech before the elections and still voted for him? Are racists Heisenberg. Because if you 'excuse' very obvious instances of racist language?

It means you are not a person who makes anti-racism a priority in your politics. Therefore you are a racist. There are varied forms of racism. It goes by degrees and by types. Hopefully we can discuss them all here.
Tainari88 wrote:I think anyone who ignored Trump's first racially charged speech before the elections and still voted for him? Are racists Heisenberg. Because if you 'excuse' very obvious instances of racist language?

Just to play devil's advocate - prior to the election, Clinton was a very vocal advocate of war in Syria. Does that mean that anyone who voted for her is a neoliberal imperialist?

I agree that people who voted for Trump did so knowing what his character was (how could they not?), and it's definitely a mark against them, but I don't know if it necessarily means they were all doing so because of his explicit racism. Anyone still clinging to him at this point though, probably is.
@Heisenberg can I ask you a question?

What are the defining characteristics of a person who truly believes in equality between human beings? And what characteristics are present in those who truly don't believe in equality at all?
Because that is the issue with bias, prejudice, racism and it all leads to some form of discrimination @Heisenberg.
All human beings discriminate against each other at some point in their lives--The issue becomes under what context they do so and under what circumstances and for what specific purpose they do It? What is the goal of the discrimination?

Why discriminate? You get to the bottom of that question you have an answer of why people become racist. Another point is that racism is almost always linked to some form of socioeconomic class-based discrimination. They are Siamese twins in many societies all over the planet.
I voted "Maybe they are subconsciously racist" However, I would have preferred for there to be an "Other".

I don't believe that just because you voted for Trump you are automatically a racist. Most people on the planet vote based on one, maybe two specific issues. They are often willing to compromise their principles just to get the one or two things they want most out of a politician. In the case of Trump, I'm sure there are a ton of people that just hated Hillary more than anything. Perhaps they really liked Trump's talk about bringing back coal jobs, or destroying the EPA. etc. etc. They simply valued those other things more than his racist langauge.

Does that make them racist? I guess you can extrapolate that to say they are racist, but I don't entirely buy it. I would argue its more about selfishness than being a racist.

I'm sure there are a ton of racists in the Trump camp, but all of them racist? I don't believe it.

Last, there are a lot of people that join hate/racist groups that aren't genuinely racist. They join those groups for other reasons. Namely, these are peopel that often come from bad homes, and they are looking for a sense of family and belonging. Sometimes, the nearest place to find that is in the local KKK chapter.... >=\
FYI @Tainari88, polls are supposed to have an "other" option per the rules.

I also think you should define "racist" and "racism" as those terms are ambiguous.

Likewise, by trump voter, do you mean a person who voted for Trump in 2016 and plans to do so again in 2020?
Tainari88 wrote:Another point is that racism is almost always linked to some form of socioeconomic class-based discrimination.


Look at the least complex societies with the least social stratification and you see the greatest level of violence and animosity towards out groups. Look any big modern city as the commuters pour out of the subway at rush hour. That is a miracle of modern civilisation. In many band societies cultures if two stranger men meet and they can't work out a kinship relation between them there is a serious chance there will be violence possibly fatal.

Understand the truth the Bible is trying to teach. In pre modern societies couples would typically have 6 children, even with low population density, peace, no violence and plentiful resources, 1 or 2 were going to die anyway, but without resource limits its easy to have 4 children survive to reproduce. Lets be cautious, lets allow 31 and a quarter years per generation. If the world is seeded with just one couple, Adam and Eve what's the expected population after a thousand years:


Yes that's more than the entire worlds population. The Old Testament teaches that there is only one answer to this problem - genocide?
Donald Trump kicked off his 2016 presidential bid by disparaging Mexican immigrants.
They are not our friend, believe me. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
The alt-right was exceedingly vocal in support for Trump and approved of Trump's hard attitude to immigration and foreign policy. But the alt-right makes up a tiny minority among Trump voters and US far-right figurehead Richard Spencer is actually a Democrat, who voted for Democrat John Kerry over President Bush. I think National Socialism especially appeals to the working class. For instance, the White Australia Policy was implemented by the Australian Labor Party to protect Aussie jobs from Chinese coolies. George Wallace, who famously opposed desegregation and supported the policies of "Jim Crow" during the Civil Rights Movement, ran in the Democratic primaries.
Last edited by ThirdTerm on 13 Dec 2018 22:12, edited 3 times in total.
Rancid wrote:I voted "Maybe they are subconsciously racist" However, I would have preferred for there to be an "Other".

I don't believe that just because you voted for Trump you are automatically a racist. Most people on the planet vote based on one, maybe two specific issues. They are often willing to compromise their principles just to get the one or two things they want most out of a politician. In the case of Trump, I'm sure there are a ton of people that just hated Hillary more than anything. Perhaps they really liked Trump's talk about bringing back coal jobs, or destroying the EPA. etc. etc. They simply valued those other things more than his racist langauge.

Does that make them racist? I guess you can extrapolate that to say they are racist, but I don't entirely buy it. I would argue its more about selfishness than being a racist.

I'm sure there are a ton of racists in the Trump camp, but all of them racist? I don't believe it.

Last, there are a lot of people that join hate/racist groups that aren't genuinely racist. They join those groups for other reasons. Namely, these are peopel that often come from bad homes, and they are looking for a sense of family and belonging. Sometimes, the nearest place to find that is in the local KKK chapter.... >=\

This answer brought back interesting thoughts my mother had about communities that are largely rural or urban, and why a KKK person can be a polite, salt of the Earth person and join an organization that discriminates against other groups.

What is the threat @Rancid involved?
@anarchist23 mentioned Mexicans bringing drugs, crime, not their best people...but if you think deeply? Aren't there 'white' American drug dealers? Aren't there law breakers and rapists and mass murderers and shooters in the USA who are 'white'?

Yet the Mexicans are specifically mentioned in his Trump speech? Why? The purpose for It?

Again what is the 'goal' of the discrimination?

And why let the commentary or statements from 45 slide?

For a Trump voter? What do you think @Rancid?
Tainari88 wrote:For a Trump voter? What do you think @Rancid?

Very good question.

Ignoring what I said about "not all of them are racist", there are clearly many that are. There are also many that are simply afraid of the unknown. This is what Trump is playing on. This tactic of inflammatory language helps him to emotionally grab not just the hardcore racists, but also those that simply are afraid of change (change as in America becoming less white, and being more influenced by Latino culture). We could debate if these second type of people are real racists or not (many would say they are), but that's besides the point.

There is research that suggest political leanings are in part, genetic. There is a specific receptor humans have (I forgot the name). The receptors determine how we react to messages of pessimism, and messages of optimism. Researchers found, that conservatives will have their receptors of a specific type strongly respond to messages of pessimism, where as liberals will have the same receptor respond weakly to messages of pessimism. It's super interesting. There is also a receptor that response strongly to messages of optimism. Liberals respond strongly here, and conservatives response weakly.

Thus, if you are trying to grab conservative votes, a pessimistic message of "They're gonna come after you, rape you and kill you" will work much better than.

Maybe Trump understands this.
Last edited by Rancid on 13 Dec 2018 22:27, edited 1 time in total.
My support of Trump is due to being anti establishment.
As @Victoribus Spolia pointed out, you need to define what you mean by racism.
If you are defining it as Trump supporters not wanting the US to become another Latino Country, then maybe. I don’t see that as racism however. I am not Latino so why would I encourage immigration for my country to change? I have no reason to do so.
I don’t believe race is the issue. Culture change is the issue but race is closely associated with culture. If it was racism, then Trump supporters would be calling for the eviction of all Latinos. They are not.
Oh @One Degree One your racist comments are very obvious.

The modern United States has millions upon millions of citizens who are non-European. Legally you can't exclude them from the rule of law or have their kids not attend public schools, or do this or that about not wanting a 'culture' change.
Your entire comments are about not understanding international-multinational capitalism and how it is structured.
Why would a capitalist not care about keeping a community racially or ethnically pure? Why are capitalists pro-multiculturalism?

Why is white nationalism not acceptable to a corporate capitalist that is internationalist?

You need to go over that OD.
Tainari88 wrote:Oh @One Degree One your racist comments are very obvious.

The modern United States has millions upon millions of citizens who are non-European. Legally you can't exclude them from the rule of law or have their kids not attend public schools, or do this or that about not wanting a 'culture' change.
Your entire comments are about not understanding international-multinational capitalism and how it is structured.
Why would a capitalist not care about keeping a community racially or ethnically pure? Why are capitalists pro-multiculturalism?

Why is white nationalism not acceptable to a corporate capitalist that is internationalist?

You need to go over that OD.

I am already familiar with it, but what does that have to do with Trump supporters? I am against globalism as are most Trump supporters. Are you claiming we are racists because we don’t support world domination of corporate globalists?
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