Climate Questions - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Pollution, global warming, urbanisation etc.
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By LaDexter
One Degree wrote:The Antarctic is surrounded by water, so it heats and cools slower than the Arctic.

Try this one...

90% of Earth ice is on LAND MASS Antarctica
7% of Earth ice is on LAND MASS Greenland

and land MOVES....

so what really causes Earth ice levels to change??
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By One Degree
LaDexter wrote:Try this one...

90% of Earth ice is on LAND MASS Antarctica
7% of Earth ice is on LAND MASS Greenland

and land MOVES....

so what really causes Earth ice levels to change??

Lots of things and some things we don’t know yet.
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By LaDexter
One Degree wrote:Lots of things and some things we don’t know yet.


The LOCATION of LAND dictates Earth climate. If Earth had no land in either polar circle, Earth would have NO ICE....

That is why all "US" media outlets, including Fox, censor the above questions....
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By One Degree
LaDexter wrote:Nope...

The LOCATION of LAND dictates Earth climate. If Earth had no land in either polar circle, Earth would have NO ICE....

That is why all "US" media outlets, including Fox, censor the above questions....

No it doesn’t. It is a factor in climate. What happens if the land stays the same and the tilt changes? What happens if the ocean currents change? What happens if the wind patterns change?
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By LaDexter
You clearly don't understand the difference between WEATHER and CLIMATE.


Think of Earth as a room with two AC units, Antarctica and Arctic, each with settings 0=off and 10=maxCool

Right now, Arctic AC is set at 1 and Antarctic AC is set at 9, and that governs the planet's climate.

Image result for arctic antarctic
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By One Degree
LaDexter wrote:You clearly don't understand the difference between WEATHER and CLIMATE.


Think of Earth as a room with two AC units, Antarctica and Arctic, each with settings 0=off and 10=maxCool

Right now, Arctic AC is set at 1 and Antarctic AC is set at 9, and that governs the planet's climate.

Image result for arctic antarctic

You are saying if Greenland and Antarctica disappeared with all their ice, we would have less ice. Duh.
Don’t you think their disappearance would cause changes you can’t even begin to imagine?
Do you think Greenland and Antarctica magically appeared covered in ice?
How did it get there if according to you it can’t be there unless it is there?
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By LaDexter
"You are saying if Greenland and Antarctica disappeared with all their ice, we would have less ice"

Greenland had NO ICE 1 million years ago. Antarctica had NO ICE 60 million years ago.


Because they were not at their current locations. Greenland is moving NW. Antarctica came off "Pangea" and was initially stuck together with SA before they "broke apart" 10-20 million years ago....

To melt that ice on AA, AA has to move off the South Pole.

Which begs another question...


A: obviously
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By LaDexter
"Don’t you think their disappearance would cause changes you can’t even begin to imagine?"

We've had the 2 polar oceans before, during Jurassic. The atmosphere is 50% larger by molecular count, and surface pressure is also greater. Moisture in the atmosphere EXPLODES.

Dinosaurs grew feathers because

1. it was raining 95%+ of the time they lived
2. wind on land was much greater, as were canes etc.
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By Godstud
Ummm.... That's a very unscientific opinion.

Why did dinosaurs evolve feathers?
Most obviously, there's temperature regulation. Birds typically maintain a high body temperature and so keeping that heat in requires some form of insulation. While it's uncertain as to the physiological state of various dinosaurs at least some were almost certainly bird-like in metabolism. Even those that were not might still have benefited from insulation (see also fuzzy things with odd physiology like the platypus and moths) so that doesn't rule it out, and of course they could also use these feathers to insulate eggs or young animals, and we do know many dinosaurs were good parents and even brooded on nests. Similarly, feathers can help keep things cool by providing shade (again, eggs and babies in particular might benefit), but it's also possible that they aided cooling since feather vanes have a blood supply, this could be used to shed some heat by bringing blood up to the surface of the animal.

The second big issue is one of colour and pattern. You can only make scales a certain size and they do seem to have limits to their colour patterns and colour types. Feathers on the other hand can be absolutely huge (even on some very small animals) and the range of colours and patterns do seem to exceed what can be done with scales alone. Certainly some structures and shapes are possible with feathers that are not with scales, and the way they can be fanned out or folded up out of the way is a clear advantage over big bony crests or elongate scales, and they were probably lighter that either of the other options as well.

Related to this, the ability to moult feathers may have been very useful – you can change colour at different times of year (be camouflaged in winter, and brightly coloured in summer) which is possible with skin colours, but not apparently so easy. Moreover, one can change the type of feathers too (shed large display feather when they are not needed, or gain smaller ones with rough edges to help break up outlines etc.) which could well have been an advantage.

At least one dinosaur apparently used its feathers for defence, and this may have been a viable strategy for other. Still bristles on the animal may have made them harder to attack or eat and provided a useful defence against some predators, or even parasites (if also making them more vulnerable to others like fleas).

Some birds use feathers for a variety of odd purposes that are certainly possible and plausible that these were used this way in some dinosaurs. Many birds have bristle-like feathers that act as eyelashes to keep the eyes clear of dust and so on, and others use feathers as a sensory apparatus rather like whiskers on mammals. Waterfowl obviously get buoyancy from the air trapped in theirs, and while an improbable use for most dinosaurs, at least some spent a fair bit of time in and around water. Finally, some desert birds use their feathers to soak up water, allowing them to cool off eggs or give a drink to nestlings.

Various bonuses and benefits would have also come to animals that could not truly fly, but were very active. Long feathers on the arms might have helped with balance when running or climbing, and those who have seen ostriches run will know they can flight their wings right out to help them balance during right turns. While obviously feathers are pretty critical to powered flight for birds, precursors likely were capable of some form of gliding or at least controlled falling, and obviously feathers would be a massive help there producing a large surface area for relatively little commitment in mass. Finally, it is hypothesized that flight may have got started with non-avian dinosaurs running up tree trunks and using their feathers as proto-wings to generate some thrust and in particular, traction (i.e. effectively pushing themselves against the tree trunk). This may sound bizarre, but it is practiced by a number of birds, including juveniles that don't have full wings, or adult plumage.

Any and all of these would have been useful to non-avian dinosaurs. Even a few of the smallest feathers might have kept in a bit of warmth or allowed for a new colour pattern to help signal to mates etc., so tiny advantages would be present that would accrue as feathers grew in size, shape, complexity and coverage of the animal. Half a wing would in fact be incredibly useful in a lot of ways, if not for flight. But such an argument (or at least intended argument) relies on the incorrect assumption that feathers evolved only for flight and could only be used for flight. They are not now, and there is no reason to think they were then. Instead, use changed over time in response to evolutionary novelties (like the vane) and selective pressures, and wonderfully we can even see some evidence of that in the feathers themselves with, for example, wrist shape changing in conjunction with increasing feather sizes allowing for longer feathers to be folded out of the way, long before flight was possible but where big hand feathers would have helped shield eggs in a nest as seen by brooding dinosaur fossils. Feathers are the mark of birds in the modern world, but 100 million years ago a diverse range of non-avian dinosaurs spouted all manner of plumage, and like modern birds, doubtless made a great deal of use of them, even if they could not fly. ... rs-fossils
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By Hindsite
Godstud wrote:Ummm.... That's a very unscientific opinion.

Why did dinosaurs evolve feathers?

They didn't. Birds were created by God with feathers.
Praise the Lord.
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By LaDexter
Thanks for the post, Godstud.

I would argue that just taking a static "birds use feathers for..." and extrapolating from that misses the entire "climate change" point. Jurassic Dinosaurs lived on a planet where surface air pressure was 50% greater than today, and moisture in the atmosphere was likely 10 fold higher.

Feathers deflect rain.

The point about ostriches, however, is relevant. Ostriches are closer to T-Rex in size. If surface wind and air pressure are greater, the force generated from flapping feathers on the ground could materially affect agility, speed, vertical and "long jump."
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By Hindsite
Ostrich Facts: The World's Largest Bird

Ostriches are large, flightless birds that have long legs and a long neck that protrudes from a round body. Ostriches are bigger than any other bird in the world.

Wild ostriches live in the dry, hot savannas and woodlands of Africa. They once roamed all over Asia, Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, but because they have been hunted so extensively, wild ostriches' range has been reduced to sub-Saharan Africa, according to the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. However, ostriches can be found in captivity all over the world.

Male ostriches are called cocks or roosters, and females are called hens. A group of ostriches is called a flock. Ostrich eggs are 6 inches (15 cm) in diameter and can weigh up to 3 lbs. (1.3 kg). Eggs are laid in a communal nest called a dump nest, which can hold about 60 eggs at one time. Males, as well as females, sit on the eggs until they hatch, which can take 42 to 46 days.
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By Godstud
A science fact from Hindsite? :eek: Shocking!

Feathers are also useful for insulation from heat/cold.
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By Hindsite
Godstud wrote:A science fact from Hindsite? :eek: Shocking!

Feathers are also useful for insulation from heat/cold.

And for feather pillows. My grandmother used to have some.
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By XogGyux
Hindsite wrote:And for feather pillows. My grandmother used to have some.

I am sure the ostrich was very concerned about your head landing on a soft surface when it decided to evolve feathers. :lol:
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By Hindsite
XogGyux wrote:I am sure the ostrich was very concerned about your head landing on a soft surface when it decided to evolve feathers. :lol:

Like I said before, God created all birds with feathers. There was no evolving needed.
Praise the Lord.
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By Godstud
@Hindsite Your ignorance of science and reality is not needed on a threat about something as important as the earth's climate. Stop trolling with your moronic statements about your pedophile god.
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By Hindsite
Godstud wrote:@Hindsite Your ignorance of science and reality is not needed on a threat about something as important as the earth's climate. Stop trolling with your moronic statements about your pedophile god.

Didn't you know that my God created earth's climate? Scientists did not have anything to do with it and they can't do anything about it.
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By Godstud
Just because you believe something, doesn't mean it's true or even accurate.

Your posts on this thread are childish and mindless.

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