Terrorist Attack Against Muslims in New Zealand attributed to White Supremacists - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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New Zealand has been rocked by a terrorist attack by a white man on a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand. The details remain a bit sketchy, but quite a few dead and injured. They have already characterized the shooter as a "white supremacist," which I found interesting.

'Let's get this party started': Chilling 17-minute video shows Australian white supremacist mosque shooter, 28, dressed in combat fatigues calmly shoot dozens of defenceless worshippers during Friday prayers

40 people are killed and more than 20 seriously injured when Australian white supremacist terrorist, 28, opens fire in a Christchurch mosque and livestreams the slaughter - as cars loaded with bombs are found and four suspects are arrested

Anyway, about 40 dead counted so far and many others injured. What do you all think about the white supremacy problem in New Zealand? It strikes me as more anti-Muslim, but as I said, the details are a bit sketchy at this early hour.

Admin Edit: Thread Title Edited as per Global News
He's Australian, and was radicalized while traveling Europe and the Middle East, according to his own words. He was near one of the Islamist terror attacks in France, saw the carnage first hand.

His manifesto reads like a troll-job. The attack and his ramblings were calculated to cause as much media-induced divisions as possible, he's too meme and media aware for this to be spontaneous. Complete with 'subscribe to pewdiepie' at the start of his livestream. I've seen the full video, it's disgusting and it will achieve at least some of his objectives (inciting further censorship and polarization). His ultimate objective according to him is to start a civil war in the US over gun control. He also claims to have been in direct contact and received a blessing from Anders Breivik via his Teuton Order connections, prior to the massacre.

The New Zealand shooter is identified as Brenton Tarrant. Australia has some of the strictest gun control policies to prevent this kind of heinous crimes but New Zealand has some of the most permissive gun policies in the Pacific. Semi-automatic, high-powered weapons used by the suspects are banned in Australia. Otherwise, there could have been numerous mass shootings in Australia inspired by One Nation. Gun law reform in 1996 stopped mass shootings in Australia for the last two decades.

Last edited by ThirdTerm on 15 Mar 2019 13:32, edited 2 times in total.
^That's nonsense imo. Last mass shooting in NZ was in 1990. And the laws aren't much more strict. I can own shotguns, hand guns and rifles here in Australia too. There have been at least 3 shootings in the past month here in Western Sydney alone.

Also you're quick to gobble up the bait, the shooter stated in his manifesto that he wants to inflame the gun debate, specifically in the US. Hence he chose shotguns and assault rifles. The ammo he was using is illegal in NZ by the way.

In related news, one of our senators is victim blaming;


AOC has been wanking furiously over white supremacy in her past 5 or so tweets over the past hour.

She seems to be holding the president and white people collectively responsible for the New Zealand shooting. She is also urging Americans to join an antifa-type organization because of the New Zealand shooting.
Last edited by maz on 15 Mar 2019 17:30, edited 1 time in total.
Igor Antunov wrote:^That's nonsense imo. Last mass shooting in NZ was in 1990. And the laws aren't much more strict. I can own shotguns, hand guns and rifles here in Australia too. There have been at least 3 shootings in the past month here in Western Sydney alone.

Also you're quick to gobble up the bait, the shooter stated in his manifesto that he wants to inflame the gun debate, specifically in the US. Hence he chose shotguns and assault rifles. The ammo he was using is illegal in NZ by the way.

In related news, one of our senators is victim blaming;


That is technically victim blaming however the Senator is factually correct on every point.
Yeah, it didn't take long for them to blame president Trump for this.

Blumenthal: Trump Rhetoric "A Factor" In New Zealand Massacre
The bodies aren't even cold yet, it's in a different country completely on the other side of the world, and they have pretty strict gun control laws and a left wing government.

I just see it as the new normal with multiculturalism. The world becomes the Balkans, so we just have to get used to this.
Fraser Anning has been a Senator for Queensland for about a year after taking over a One Nation seat in Queensland. But even Pauline Hanson has disowned Fraser Anning despite the fact that they do share anti-Muslim views. When you actually live in Australia, you can be bombarded with these extremist views expressed in the mainstream media, making the nation a morally fluid society. This is why disarming Australian citizens in the 1990s was the right choice. Currently, if you’re an Australian citizen, you will usually be allowed to live and work in New Zealand and won't need to apply for any type of visa. After the mosque shootings, New Zealand may change its immigration law to bar some troublesome Aussies from migrating to the country on character grounds. Australia has deported thousands of New Zealanders with the 2014 Migration Act which allows the cancellation of Australian visas for non-citizens on character grounds including serving a prison sentence in an Australian prison.

Pauline Hanson has disowned senator Fraser Anning – who was elected on her One Nation ticket – and named an adviser in his office as the probable source of his racially inflammatory comments about a “final solution” to immigration.

Anning delivered his first Senate speech on Tuesday, which unleashed widespread condemnation from Malcolm Turnbull down for invoking the White Australia policy, using the term “final solution” and advocating for a discriminatory immigration policy.

During a Senate debate on Labor’s motion to reaffirm Australia’s commitment to non-discrimination on Wednesday, the One Nation leader said she was “appalled” by Anning’s comments, adding that the speech was “straight from Goebbels’ handbook from Nazi Germany”.

Hanson – who called for a ban on immigration in her first speech to the Senate in 2016 and warned Australia was in danger of being “swamped by Muslims” – said that she was offended by comparisons between Anning and herself.

“Because you may have your grievances with what Fraser Anning has said, don’t direct them at me – it’s got nothing to do with me.”

https://www.theguardian.com/australia-n ... ine-hanson
Zionist Nationalist wrote:AOC is everything that is wrong with mainstream politics nowdays
and many people fall for her bullshit this is amusing how people can be manipulated by such a dumb bitch with charisma

How is that different from people being manipulated by the dumb bastard with charisma in your avatar?
Cartertonian wrote:How is that different from people being manipulated by the dumb bastard with charisma in your avatar?

There are no politicians like Trump nowdays he saying what he thinks and he isnt a hypocrite like the rest he is not perfect but the best we got right now
AOC is the democrats way of trying to pursue the young voters because most older people wont support this joke
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