Israeli Early Election on 9th April - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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Bibi calls early election, for 9th of April.

Israel’s 2019 election: A battle of two Benjamins

It is beyond implausible that Avi Gabbay, the leader of the opposition Zionist Union, is going to win April’s elections. Tzipi Livni, the formal head of the opposition in the just-dissolved Knesset, certainly isn’t going to win either. Yair Lapid, head of the centrist Yesh Atid, has only a slightly better chance. Naftali Bennett, leader of the Orthodox-nationalist Jewish Home, knows his ambitions will have to wait a while longer. Moshe Ya’alon, the former chief of staff who is setting up his own party, could struggle even to clear the Knesset threshold if he runs alone, let alone become prime minister.

In short, we could save the Israeli economy the NIS 1.8 billion ($480 million) that somebody in the Treasury has computed the elections will cost us, spare ourselves 100 days of bickering and demagoguery, and just declare Benjamin Netanyahu the winner again right here and now. Were it not, that is, for another Benjamin.

Labor, under whatever name it competes, is unelectable so long as mainstream Israel sees no prospect of the Palestinians accepting viable terms for coexistence. Yesh Atid looks incapable of drawing enough support from center-right and center-left to challenge Netanyahu’s Likud. And nobody on the right comes close to rivaling Netanyahu’s popularity and political mastery.

Hopefully Bibi's last term of office.
Elections don’t make Israel a democracy
It’s official, Israel is racing towards early elections. But no one is talking about who can vote in them.

New elections were nearly called in November 2017 after Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman resigned in protest of Israel not going to war with Gaza and right-wing leader Naftali Bennett threatened to pull his party from the coalition if he was not given the defense portfolio. However, Netanyahu outfoxed Bennett by claiming that it was too dangerous a time to go to elections and retained the defense portfolio for himself (Netanyahu is now Israel’s prime minister, defence minister, and foreign minister), utilizing a slim 51% ruling majority.

Until last week it looked like the coalition would hold together with its small majority. But following the Knesset’s inability to reach agreement on a bill dealing with military conscription of the ultra-Orthodox, and, much more importantly, leaked information that the ministry of justice was recommending Netanyahu’s indictment on charges of bribery, on Monday Netanyahu announced “It’s too difficult [to pass laws], we need elections.” With that, the Israeli national election is scheduled to take place on April 9.

Much of the already up and running election coverage is focused on the coming indictment of Netanyahu. Will he be able to stave off the attorney general until April? If he is reelected, will he try to get his coalition partners to pass a measure forbidding the prosecution of a sitting prime minister?

Other election issues under discussion are the certain increase we will see in pandering to settlers. Netanyahu has already begun that.

Absent entirely from the election conversation is the Palestinian population living under Israeli control without voting rights.

20% of Israeli citizens are Palestinian. They can vote in all Israeli elections and have representation in Knesset. However, these Israeli Palestinians represent only about one third of the Palestinians living under Israeli rule and military occupation.

Though the Palestinian Authority and Hamas are the official governments of the West Bank and Gaza, respectively, Israel is really in charge. Israel controls the borders, the currency, and the central bank. It collects taxes on behalf of the Palestinian Authority (PA), maintains the right to carry out military operations on Palestinian land, and controls the amount of freedom, or lack thereof, that Palestinians are granted.

Last year, Israel approved only 54% of the permits that residents of Gaza applied for to travel outside of Gaza for vital medical treatment. Reasons for denying people in Gaza necessary medical treatment are often absurd, such as denying travel because a relative at one time moved from Gaza to the West Bank without Israeli permission. Besides the right of travel, Israel regulates the fuel and building materials available to Gazans, and has at times even controlled the amount of food imports according to the number of calories Gazans should consume.

Israel controls not only the exterior borders of the West Bank but what goes on inside as well. While the Palestinian Authority manages such things as utilities and infrastructure, for much of the West Bank, Israel is the ultimate authority. Israeli settler regional councils control 40% of West Bank land. Even in areas like Ramallah, supposedly under complete Palestinian Authority control, Israel reserves the right to enter the city at any time, to close streets and shops, burst into homes, and make warrantless arrests.

While the PA does maintain a judicial and penal system, one that itself is incredibly repressive, Palestinians are also subject to Israel’s military court system and such laws as Military Order 101, which bans peaceful protest. Though they are prosecuted in Israeli military courts and serve time in Israeli military prisons, Palestinians have no say over who is appointed to run the Israeli military, let alone the military courts.

Jerusalem was captured by Israel in 1967 and formally, and illegally, annexed in 1980. Common sense might follow that Israel would have then absorbed the East Jerusalem Palestinians, now numbering around 370,000, and made them Israeli citizens.

Rather than holding citizenship, however, Jerusalem Palestinians hold the status of permanent residents, allowing them to vote in municipal, but not national, elections. While this may at first seem a move in the right direction, a closer look reveals careful manipulation of demographics to ensure an at least a 70% Jewish majority at all times. Through such policies as exorbitant taxation, requiring constant proof of residency, and denial of family unification, since 1967 Israel has managed to revoke the residency of 14,595 Palestinian Jerusalemites. Still nervous about the demographics Israeli lawmakers in the Knesset – a body East Jerusalem Palestinians have no representation in – are currently working on annexation of three large settlement blocks surrounding Jerusalem to bring 140,000 Jewish Israelis setters into the municipality, while displacing the current Palestinian population.

Israel has no intention of ending its military occupation. 2019 will mark 52 years of occupation, including 12 years of siege of Gaza, and 26 years since the signing of the Oslo Accords that were supposed to create a Palestinian state. 600,000 Israeli citizens now live in the approximately 200 illegal Israeli settlements that cover the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Even since the announcement of new elections, 2,200 more settlement units have been advanced. While the two-state solution continues to be debated, the one apartheid state without voting rights for all, is barreling ahead.

A look at who is and isn’t allowed to vote in Israel/Palestine reveals Israel’s motivations:

Number of Jewish Israelis living in Israel proper, and East Jerusalem, and West Bank settlements: 6.589 million (Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics)
Number of Palestinian citizens of Israel (Palestinians who can vote in national elections): 1.5 million (Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics and Jerusalem Municipality)
Number of Palestinians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza who cannot vote in Israeli national elections: 4.88 million (Palestinian Authority Central Bureau of Statistics)

As we continue to watch the indictment and campaigning dramas of Israel’s 2019 elections and we continue to hear the absurd label of Israel as a democratic state, let’s not forget that the right to vote is only granted to 60% of the total population and only to one third of Palestinians who live under Israeli rule. ... zyc5CBm-IU
^what a load of carp
West bank isnt really part of Israel so they have no Israeli citizenship thus they cant vote.
I get that you try to push the agenda of one state but its not gonna happen its not a realistic scenario
they have their own government that wont even let them vote because they are stupid fucks who gonna elect Hamas just like in 2005
The West Bank is under Israeli occupation, they have no Israeli citizenship or Palestinian citizenship.

One state is already a thing, bab. It's one state right now, albeit with parts of the state under occupation and blockade. There's no two-state solution option anymore since Israel destroyed that with its 700,000+ settlers placed in the West Bank. There is only one state, an apartheid state. :)

Which racist party do you think will win the next election?
skinster wrote:The West Bank is under Israeli occupation, they have no Israeli citizenship or Palestinian citizenship.

Israel would be criminally retarded to make those Arabs Israeli citizens, it is never going to happen. As to Palestinian citizenship, there is no country called Palestine so what are you talking about ?

When Jordan occupied what you call the West Bank from 1948 till 1967, the Arabs there did not protest or want independence. Can somebody explain that ?

And another question which has never been answered in these columns: the Arabs did not accept Israel's existence before the 1967 war, yet they now say they will be good boys and girls if Israel withdraws to the 1967 borders (and admits 4 million descendants of refugees into its borders lol).
skinster wrote::music: From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. :music:

Jewish immigration to Israel rose five percent in 2018 over the previous year, driven by a 45% boost in Russian Jews moving to Israel.

The figures were released ahead of the new year by the Jewish Agency for Israel, the primary Israeli organization handling aliya, or Jewish immigration, to the state.

The group registered over 29,600 Jewish immigrants in 2018, according to projections through the end of December, a rise of some 4.6% over the 2017 figure of 28,220. ... l-in-2018/

Israel welcomed some four million tourists over the course of 2018, breaking a new record, the Tourism Ministry reported this week.

This year saw an increase in tourist arrivals of 13 percent compared to 2017, and 38% compared to 2016, while tourism revenue exceeded NIS 24 billion ($6.3 billion), according to the ministry.

The ministry said the increase is due in part to a NIS 350 million ($93 million) marketing campaign promoting Israel as a travel destination around the world, including, in the US, Germany, Russia, Italy, England, China, Ukraine, Brazil, and the Philippines. The investment yielded an average increase of 13% in the number of tourists from those countries, said the ministry. ... -ministry/
:excited: :D :lol:
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Im voting for a libertarian party Zehut the only part truly for legalization of weed

I'm not sure a party that wants to "apply full Israeli sovereignty to the West Bank" can be considered libertarian. Expansionist Zionism is pretty much antithetical to the libertarian ethos. :lol:
Sivad wrote:I'm not sure a party that wants to "apply full Israeli sovereignty to the West Bank" can be considered libertarian. Expansionist Zionism is pretty much antithetical to the libertarian ethos. :lol:

its the libertarian version of zionism
of course Im not going to vote for a party that support establishing a so called "Palestinian" state
Libertarian is the American word for hypocrite. The idea is that America was built on the non Aggression principle. One doesn't have to buy into anti White hate or the myth of the peaceful Indian, or that Muslims and Africans had nothing to do with slavery to realise that this is contemptible drivel. From the thirteen colonies the US took over the Continental 48, Alaska, Hawaii, and occupied large numbers of countries for years at a time. This wasn't done by a few statist Presidents who created the greatest military power the world had ever seen when no one was looking.

Netanyahu is an admirable individual who has had the courage to challenge some of the myths around the Nazis:
And this attack and other attacks on the Jewish community in 1920, 1921, 1929, were instigated by a call of the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini, who was later sought for war crimes in the Nuremberg trials because he had a central role in fomenting the final solution. He flew to Berlin. Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews. And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, "If you expel them, they'll all come here." "So what should I do with them?" he asked. He said, “Burn them.”
Both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his main challenger Benny Gantz claimed victory in Israel's election on Tuesday.
Israeli Election Exit Polls Give Netanyahu the Advantage.
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