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By Ter
Berlin blocks appearance by convicted Palestinian terrorist
BDS event in German capital called off after authorities cancel visa for speaker Rasmea Odeh, who spent 10 years in jail for deadly Jerusalem supermarket bombing


Berlin has blocked an appearance by convicted Palestinian terrorist Rasmea Odeh, who had been scheduled to speak at a conference on “Palestinian Women Fighting for Liberation.”

Following protests, the city’s department for interior affairs announced late Friday afternoon that they had barred Odeh from speaking in the city and cancelled her visa, on the grounds that the political activities of a non-citizen can be limited or prohibited if these activities break German law or endanger the peace.

The venue also has cancelled its rental for the event that was organized by the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

Odeh, a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, was found guilty in 1970 of participating in the 1969 murder of two Jewish students, Leon Kanner and Eddie Joffe in an attack on a Jerusalem supermarket.

The co-organizers of the Berlin event were the Samidoun network of activists, affiliated with the PFLP and Hirak — the Palestinian Youth Movement, also tied to the PFLP.

The PFLP is designated by Israel, the US, the European Union and others as a terrorist organization.

Israel jailed Odeh for life for her role in the bombing, but she was released in a prisoner exchange with the PFLP in 1980 and immigrated to the United States. She has said her confession to the bombing was the result of severe torture by Israeli security forces.

Odeh obtained her US immigrant visa in 1994 and her citizenship in 2004. In both applications, she failed to disclose her arrest and convictions in the bombings. She pleaded guilty to falsifying her immigration applications and was deported to Jordan in September of last year.

Odeh served as the longtime associate director at the Arab American Action Network in Chicago before her deportation.

A planned protest against her appearance was to be held in Berlin despite the event’s cancellation, its organizer told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

Odeh’s planned appearance had triggered a storm of protest among Jewish and political leaders. The Central Council of Jews in Germany had issued a statement condemning the invitation to Odeh.

Council president Josef Schuster told the Taz newspaper in Berlin that he was “appalled that a convicted Palestinian terrorist who killed and injured Israelis is permitted to appear in Berlin.”The public appearance of someone sentenced for murder, terrorism and immigration fraud “legitimizes anti-Semitism at a time when we should be condemning it,” US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell said in an interview with Fox News.

Also weighing in against Odeh’s appearance were Berlin’s mayor, Michael Müller, and Hellmut Königshaus, head of the German-Israel Society. ... terrorist/

BDS associates itself with murderous terrorists.
Let noone tell you that they are a peaceful organisation.
Ter wrote:BDS associates itself with murderous terrorists.
Let noone tell you that they are a peaceful organisation.

That murderous Palestinian terrorist should have gotten the death penalty or at least life in prison instead of a measly 10 years. This is more evidence that the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement has evil intentions.
Hindsite wrote:That murderous Palestinian terrorist should have gotten the death penalty or at least life in prison instead of a measly 10 years. This is more evidence that the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement has evil intentions.

Yes because Jesus totally supported the Death Penalty huh?

Oh he didn't?

Oh he said "forgive them all"? To support the death penalty is to oppose Jesus and you know that Hindsite.

She did her sentence and has repented of her crime no doubt.
colliric wrote:Yes because Jesus totally supported the Death Penalty huh?

Oh he didn't?

Oh he said "forgive them all"? To support the death penalty is to oppose Jesus and you know that Hindsite.

She did her sentence and has repented of her crime no doubt.

She got a light sentence in my opinion and I doubt that she has repented because she has not converted to Christianity. I understand that Jesus taught forgiveness and the grace of God, but there is also the following rules from Scripture for dealing with murderers:

Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind.
(Genesis 9:6 NIV)

You shall not murder.
(Exodus 20:13 NIV)

Anyone who takes the life of a human being is to be put to death.
(Leviticus 24:17 NIV)

For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
(Romans 13:4 NIV)
Hindsite wrote:Do you really think it will accomplish anything good? It seems that it could do more harm than good to me.

It already is doing good as can be seen all over this thread, but also it must be working if Israel is so threatened by it that it creates entire govt departments in an attempt to fight the movement, spending millions and millions and pressuring its allies to criminalize it, which is overall not working. Boycotts like this work historically. :)

Why we boycott:

Yes, What Israel Is Doing To Palestinians Is Actually Genocide.
In the Israel/Palestine conflict, is Israel guilty of genocide against the Palestinians?

Yes– absolutely.

The other day I wrote a short piece on why the Bible does not command us to blindly stand with the modern state of Israel, and one of the points I made is that Israel is guilty of genocide. There were no shortage of internet commenters who objected to my use of this word and felt it was over the top. However, I stand by my assertion that Israel is guilty of genocide, so allow me to expand upon that.

I believe the main reason many push back on the idea that Israel is guilty of genocide is because of a lack of understanding of the full nuance of the word, and what genocide can look like in a modern context. While rounding up people for mass executions would be obvious evidence of genocide, the reality is that genocide can take place in ways that are more subtle– making it palatable for the masses, and even seem justified at times.

Some scholars have referred to the Israel/Palestine conflict as “incremental genocide” and I would agree with that term. Instead of an overt, blatant attempt to eradicate a people group, incremental genocide involves actions and policies that are designed to slowly erode, break up, and destroy a specific population. Think for example of early American history and the genocide of Native Americans. While it wasn’t always mass killings, genocide occurred by military conflict, expanding land holdings, resettlements, and creating conditions that were destructive for the indigenous population. While it took many years to complete, and while it took many forms, what early Americans did to the indigenous people of North America was nothing short of genocide.

The same holds true for Israel.

The legal definition of genocide includes the following:

“Acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group such as:

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”

While A and B are both elements we find present in Israel’s approach to Palestinians, the key aspect of genocide being waged by Israel is found in C: the deliberate infliction of conditions that in part or as a whole will destroy a people group. Arab Christians and Muslims known as Palestinians have been undoubtedly the target of Israel and a desire to eradicate them from the land.

When Israel was created it resulted in an instant crisis for the Christians and Muslims who had lived together quite peacefully for hundreds and hundreds of years. Even today there are somewhere around 3.5 to 4 million Palestinian refugees who wish to have the right to return to their homes and land– a request that will never be granted by Israel.

For those who remain in Palestinian territory, they might as well be living in a massive open-air prison, because they live under the occupation of a foreign army. Children are routinely tear gassed on the way to school. Imports are severely restricted, with even basics like water being tightly controlled. Their rights of passage are severely curtailed– families have been broken up and people have died at military checkpoints because they were delayed or denied passage to access critical medical care.

To top it all off, what little land Palestinians have left is under systematic erosion by Israeli policy. Illegal Israeli settlements continue to crop up in Palestinian territory, in violation of international law. These illegal settlements, in addition to literally confiscating land from indigenous people, often bring violence to the Palestinians who live there. Even just a brief youtube search will bring up countless examples of women and children being assaulted by illegal settlers, or examples like Palestinian farms being attacked and destroyed at harvest time.

Let’s not be dishonest in the ultimate goal here: it is to rid the land of Palestinians.

Capture their land. Develop policies to evict them from their houses. Send in settlers and soldiers to colonize what land they still have. Refuse to let refugees back. Make them miserable under military rule. Limit their access to basic, life-sustaining resources.

The goal? Be not deceived: this is ethnic cleansing.

Do the Palestinians ever fight back and use violence? Yes, of course. This is equally wrong. It is also highly ineffective because it plays right into the hands of Israel, who uses this as an excuse to respond with utterly overwhelming military violence, such as arresting and incarcerating children accused of throwing rocks, or wiping out entire communities in the name of self-defense, such has been seen in Gaza.

So here’s where we’re at: Many of the indigenous people were displaced upon the creation of the modern state of Israel, and the number of displaced people has continued to grow. They are refugees who live in poverty and painful conditions at refugee camps. Israel has systematically expanded its borders to functionally capture more and more land that belonged to Palestinians. Of what’s left, Palestinians have to suffer under a brutal military occupation where so many aspects of life are restricted or deprived. To top it all off, Israel continues to expand illegal settlements into Palestinian territory, further creating conditions designed to break up and destroy the will of Palestinians to even exist.

That folks, is genocide. It is incremental, slow-motion genocide. If the international community continues to turn a blind eye, it will do nothing short of ensure the complete destruction and or displacement of the Palestinian people.

Is calling this genocide over the top? No, it’s not. It’s genocide. Legally. Morally. It’s genocide.

It’s just happening in slow motion, so the world doesn’t see it.

(And it’s being done by the people we’re told are God’s favorite, so we don’t even want to see it.) ... RTPxw2e.01
skinster wrote:It already is doing good as can be seen all over this thread, but also it must be working if Israel is so threatened by it that it creates entire govt departments in an attempt to fight the movement, spending millions and millions and pressuring its allies to criminalize it, which is overall not working. Boycotts like this work historically. :)

Why we boycott:

No. What Israel Is Doing To Palestinians Is Not Genocide, But Self-Defense.

Palestinian Genocide?

A Black Lives Matter platform accuses Israel of genocide. The assertion is false, it’s racist and it sabotages efforts to achieve justice for African-Americans.

What are the facts?

An Arab man who attempted to stab a police officer at the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem was shot and killed by police. A 17-year-old Palestinian, who infiltrated a Jewish town near Hebron, murdered a sleeping 13-year-old Israeli girl. The murderer was killed by a security team when he attacked them. The fact is, most of the 200 Palestinians killed over the last year by Israeli forces were involved in violent attacks on Israeli civilians, soldiers or police. Their response was not genocide, it was self-defense.

Indeed, a close look reveals not a shred of evidence that Israel intends or is in fact committing genocide.

Israel has no plan to eliminate Palestinians, nor is it methodically killing them on ethnic grounds. In fact, some two million Palestinians are citizens of Israel and enjoy full democratic rights and one of the highest standards of living in the Middle East. The Palestinian population within Israel and in the disputed territories has doubled since 1990 and continues to grow apace. Even more telling, Israel issues more than 100 visas a day to Palestinians in Gaza to allow them to receive medical care in Israel and treats thousands more Palestinians from the West Bank every year—at low or no cost—in Israeli hospitals. According to Sari Bashi, Palestine country director for Human Rights Watch, “[Genocide] is an attempt to destroy an entire people. I haven’t seen any presentation of how that could apply in Israel.”

Those who condemn Israel falsely—for crimes it does not commit—are attempting to delegitimize the Jewish state. Delegitimization is one of the classic signs of racist anti-Semitism: Those who use this strategy are asserting that of all the world’s nations, only Israel’s attempts to defend itself from sworn enemies are criminal. That’s a double standard—also anti-Semitic. ... -genocide/
The True Origins of BDS

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement claims to be a grassroots human rights movement but in reality, it is a carefully crafted continuation of anti-Jewish boycotts predating the state of Israel.

BDS Movement Debate


Hindsite wrote:The True Origins of BDS

You watched a video by The Canary Mission, a secretive organisation that spent its time blacklisting and attacking student and journalist activists for Palestine?

It was revealed who The Canary Mission was run by in the American version of the Al Jazeera documentary on the Israeli lobby and ha that guy tried to keep himself well hidden but failed :lol: and the guy working in hasbara for that guy who unwittingly revealed who he was working for and who was behind Canary Mission lost his job too. :lol:

So anyway, posting anything from that hasbara factory on BDS is silly, at a minimum.

skinster wrote:You watched a video by The Canary Mission, a secretive organisation that spent its time blacklisting and attacking student and journalist activists for Palestine?

It was revealed who The Canary Mission was run by in the American version of the Al Jazeera documentary on the Israeli lobby and ha that guy tried to keep himself well hidden but failed :lol: and the guy working in hasbara for that guy who unwittingly revealed who he was working for and who was behind Canary Mission lost his job too. :lol:

Those are just opposing opinions from those that have their own political agenda. I look for the truth.
Praise the Lord.
It's sucked for a long time now. Basically since ABBA walked off the stage at the end of Waterloo. Never going to reach that level of entertainment ever again. That will always have been the greatest performance at Eurovision now.

Haven't watched it in nearly 20 years now.

Basically Airbnb is suing for peace because of the amount of lawsuits leveled at them.

Not really a victory Ter. Plays up to the "Jews are well connected financially and can sue the shit out of you" stereotype.
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By Ter
Report: Israeli Tech Saw $1.55 Billion in Investments in the First Quarter of 2019
Israeli startups raised a total of $1.55 billion in the first quarter of 2019 across 128 deals, according to a new report published Tuesday by Tel Aviv-based market research firm IVC Research Center Ltd. and law firm Zysman Aharoni Gayer & Co. (ZAG/S&W). The sum represents a 28% increase compared to the first quarter of 2018, spread across 15% more deals. Venture capital players accounted for 71 deals and $1.3 billion of the total sum raised. ... 34,00.html

BDS might be a big success with Muslim and leftist students and some wayward musicians but it is these billions of dollars of fresh capital that help development of Israel in real terms.
This is the real context.

You know @Ter, you cannot worship both God(as in Elohim) and Mammon(Money)..... Posting financials to defend Israel isn't exactly in your best interests. Money is the ROOT OF ALL EVIL.

I would post successful Israeli charity causes and human rights issues instead if I was you.... Just Sayin'.
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