Why does Ilhan Omar wear a head scarf? - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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SSDR wrote:@annatar1914, Socialism is not about "helping others." It is not about "giving to one another" or "loving neighbors." These are religious values that were used to control people.

Slave owners "helped" their slaves. Slave owners "gave things" to their slaves, such as food, shelter, and crime protection. And some slave owners "loved their slaves" depending on what definition of love you're using. The definition that you're using defines your political ideology. In capitalism, wealthy CEO's "give" to the poor. Rich family relatives give money to their poor relatives. And in some capitalist systems, there are enterprises that help poor people beat the system via working and loaning them money. But, none of this is socialism.

Welfare is not socialism either (although it is closer because it helps free people from their families and it is less domestic). Why is none of this shit socialism? Because it doesn't go against the family institution nor does it go against fake thoughts (religion, extreme optimism, romanticism).

In socialism, no one "helps" each other. People only Use each other. When your mom gave birth to you, did she "help" you get out of her womb? Or did you only use her, and that she taught you that she "helped" you so that you could be thankful, so that she can Control You?

Is love something that everyone should achieve freely via free love? Or, is love a social construct created to control the people? Isn't love a cover up that is used to motivate people to have sex? Shouldn't sex be free from love?

Sex deliberately separated from conjugal love is the root of modern anomie and alienation of the sexes in relation to one another, is not something that was or should be separated from the organic context which it had for the greater part of human history, until within living memory actually. The modern concept of romantic love, thus divorced from integral human life and family and exploited by the Money Power, by it's very minimal nature is something that is fleeting and subject to the disordered passions in life. We all know this, deep down. And sex itself strictly speaking is biologically intended for reproduction, the continuance of the species being the primary aim.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Ilhan is married and, given the fact that she's a sitting congresswoman, is obviously not being oppressed by her husband. The fact that she wears a shawl doesn't change the fact that she has agency and has exercised it.
Exactly my point. The head scarf says I'm my husband's bitch. I'm my husband's property. For his eyes only. Before she is married a woman belongs to her father. In the Islamic world it is accepted that girls will be sexually abused by their fathers and brothers prior to marriage. Becoming a politician, unless it is as a widow, is totally incompatible with this world view.

Also there are plenty of Christian sects that make it very clear what the role of a woman is in a relationship.

Similarly, I don't see anyone bitching about married Orthodox Jewish women having to wear wigs or shawls because other men aren't allowed to see their hair. Or Mormon women at Brigham Young University or Evangelical women at Bob Jones being prohibited from wearing pants.

I have worked diligently for many years to incite criticism of Judaism and Mormonism. I would have loved to see Ray More challenged and mocked for his religious beliefs, I only became one of his arch defenders because lefties tried to disqualify him through unsubstantiated allegations. Now I know lefties feel a bit put on with #meto. What they fail to understand is that if you grope women like Al Franken or women and underage girls in the case of Biden, in front of the cameras, you can no longer claim the benefit of the doubt.

However as a Pagan, it is my ethical duty to point out the moral superiority of Christianity over Judaism and Mormonism and of all three over Islam.
I mean yeah if you want to be creepily obsessive in your hatred of Muslims I guess you could frame it that way.

Rich wrote:I have worked diligently for many years to incite criticism of Judaism and Mormonism. I would have loved to see Ray More challenged and mocked for his religious beliefs, I only became one of his arch defenders because lefties tried to disqualify him through unsubstantiated allegations.

SpecialOlympian wrote:I mean yeah if you want to be creepily obsessive in your hatred of Muslims I guess you could frame it that way.


In March 1939, I would argue the Liberal Democracies should have had an obsessive focus on defeating Nazi Germany. I think the failure of all the Liberal Democracies bar Britain and France, to go to war in 1939 was shameful. Regime change should have been a condition of peace. However from the end of 1942 the priorities should have widened to limiting Soviet power after the defeat of Germany and Japan. Roosevelt's demands for unconditional surrender were disgraceful. In the Cold War we should have had an obsessive focus on the Soviet Union.

During the Cold War I'm entirely comfortable with our alliances with Islamic conservatives and reactionaries. Currently we also have a very serious problem with racist, imperialist, expansionist Han nationalism. However a theme that lies through out all these conflicts going back to March 1939, is an insipid weakness by the Liberal Democracies in standing up to totalitarian regimes and an increasing reliance on other totalitarian regimes and groups to do our fighting for us. Hence my modest attempts to light a fire under mainstream western centrist politics.
Rich wrote:In March 1939, I would argue the Liberal Democracies should have had an obsessive focus on defeating Nazi Germany. I think the failure of all the Liberal Democracies bar Britain and France, to go to war in 1939 was shameful. Regime change should have been a condition of peace. However from the end of 1942 the priorities should have widened to limiting Soviet power after the defeat of Germany and Japan. Roosevelt's demands for unconditional surrender were disgraceful. In the Cold War we should have had an obsessive focus on the Soviet Union.

During the Cold War I'm entirely comfortable with our alliances with Islamic conservatives and reactionaries. Currently we also have a very serious problem with racist, imperialist, expansionist Han nationalism. However a theme that lies through out all these conflicts going back to March 1939, is an insipid weakness by the Liberal Democracies in standing up to totalitarian regimes and an increasing reliance on other totalitarian regimes and groups to do our fighting for us. Hence my modest attempts to light a fire under mainstream western centrist politics.

Liberal Democrats are cowards by nature in my opinion.
When Ilhan was on The Tonight Show with Colbert she had her neck-exposing headwrap on again, in combination with a very 'bright' outfit. As soon as she's back in the capital, she'll be wearing her conservative attire.
annatar1914 wrote:Just as a quick PSA for you Hindsite; Rich absolutely hates Monotheism and professed Monotheists, hating Islam most of all but surely including the rest. Don't drink his kool-aid.

How is it that the angel Gabriel in the Holy Bible spoke to Mary and told her she would bear a Son and call His name Emmanuel (Matthew 1:21-23; Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 9:6; Luke 1:27-31) , which means God with us? She was told that her son was the Messiah and He would save His people from their sin. Then we are supposed to believe that 600 years later this same angel supposedly shows up and tells Muhammad that all of that stuff about Jesus was all wrong.

The whole of Islam rests upon the fact that when Muhammad could not discern whether this was an angel or a demon, his wife made the decision for him.

Think about that! The Prophet could not discern who he was talking to but his wife could. The whole of Islam rests upon a prophet who couldn’t even discern to whom he was talking. This is the greatest weakness of Islam.

If the revelations that Muhammad received were of God, would they not be consistent with the revelations found in the Holy Bible? If they are not consistent, why are they different? They are different because they are not from God. If they are not from God, who are they from? I say, with no apology, that Islam is the religion of Satan.

Satan is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) and masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).

Where did the Quran come from?

PROOF Allah is Satan: From the words of Muhammad

Hindsite wrote:How is it that the angel Gabriel in the Holy Bible spoke to Mary and told her she would bear a Son and call His name Emmanuel (Matthew 1:21-23; Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 9:6; Luke 1:27-31) , which means God with us? She was told that her son was the Messiah and He would save His people from their sin. Then we are supposed to believe that 600 years later this same angel supposedly shows up and tells Muhammad that all of that stuff about Jesus was all wrong.

The whole of Islam rests upon the fact that when Muhammad could not discern whether this was an angel or a demon, his wife made the decision for him.

Think about that! The Prophet could not discern who he was talking to but his wife could. The whole of Islam rests upon a prophet who couldn’t even discern to whom he was talking. This is the greatest weakness of Islam.

If the revelations that Muhammad received were of God, would they not be consistent with the revelations found in the Holy Bible? If they are not consistent, why are they different? They are different because they are not from God. If they are not from God, who are they from? I say, with no apology, that Islam is the religion of Satan.

Satan is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) and masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).

Where did the Quran come from?

PROOF Allah is Satan: From the words of Muhammad

All of this is your opinion about Islam. And right or wrong, it has little to do with what I said to you about Rich's hatred of Islam also including Christianity and Judaism, of Monotheism in general. I really think that you are so blinded by your own thoughts on the End Times that you cannot look up to see what sorts of persons you are ''allying'' yourself with here.
annatar1914 wrote:All of this is your opinion about Islam. And right or wrong, it has little to do with what I said to you about Rich's hatred of Islam also including Christianity and Judaism, of Monotheism in general. I really think that you are so blinded by your own thoughts on the End Times that you cannot look up to see what sorts of persons you are ''allying'' yourself with here.

It is more than just my opinion. I did not make the videos. It is the truth. You are the one that is blinded by your own thoughts. I don't know if Rich has a hatred of Islam or not. However, I would not hold it against him if he did. Obviously, Islam is a Satanic inspired religion that is also proven by the extreme violence committed by those under its demonic spell. Just take the Sri Lanka bombings of Christian churches by suicide Islamic Jihadists that killed over 300 people including many children as the most recent example. Ilhan Omar calls these type Islamic Jihadist murders "people that did something" as if it was of little concern.
Hindsite wrote:It is more than just my opinion. I did not make the videos. It is the truth. You are the one that is blinded by your own thoughts. I don't know if Rich has a hatred of Islam or not. However, I would not hold it against him if he did. Obviously, Islam is a Satanic inspired religion that is also proven by the extreme violence committed by those under its demonic spell. Just take the Sri Lanka bombings of Christian churches by suicide Islamic Jihadists that killed over 300 people including many children as the most recent example. Ilhan Omar calls these type Islamic Jihadist murders "people that did something" as if it was of little concern.

You have little reading comprehension it seems.

So for the third time.... :eh:

I'll say it again, because it shouldn't take a genius to figure out; Rich hates all the Monotheistic religions, including Islam but also Christianity and Judaism.

You have such a high regard for Rich's ideas because of your mutual hatred of Islam, that you can't see that he despises Christians and Jews too.
annatar1914 wrote:You have little reading comprehension it seems.

So for the third time.... :eh:

I'll say it again, because it shouldn't take a genius to figure out; Rich hates all the Monotheistic religions, including Islam but also Christianity and Judaism.

You have such a high regard for Rich's ideas because of your mutual hatred of Islam, that you can't see that he despises Christians and Jews too.

So what? Perhaps he is an atheist.
Hindsite wrote:So what? Perhaps he is an atheist.

''So what?''

I'm beginning to think that you haven't listened to your conscience in a while. I refused to have dealings with Atheists and Atheistic parties and political ideologies because anyone who can affirm that there is no God is a fool and cannot be trusted to do or say anything right.

If you want to make common cause with God-Fighting people who hate your religion because you both hate another religion...Maybe your ''faith'' in God is likewise a thing of expediency too. After all, you are the sort who believes in that 'health and wealth prosperity gospel' nonsense, so maybe you are with God as long as your being ''blessed'', like any Heathen person's spiritual relationship with the gods were in the days before Christ.
annatar1914 wrote:''So what?''

I'm beginning to think that you haven't listened to your conscience in a while. I refused to have dealings with Atheists and Atheistic parties and political ideologies because anyone who can affirm that there is no God is a fool and cannot be trusted to do or say anything right.

If you want to make common cause with God-Fighting people who hate your religion because you both hate another religion...Maybe your ''faith'' in God is likewise a thing of expediency too. After all, you are the sort who believes in that 'health and wealth prosperity gospel' nonsense, so maybe you are with God as long as your being ''blessed'', like any Heathen person's spiritual relationship with the gods were in the days before Christ.

I believe God gave all men (and Women) the free will choice to believe what they wish. An atheist can believe what he wishes (right or wrong). We, who are not atheists, are also given the free will to believe as we wish. However, that does not mean I choose to have dealing with atheists on matters dealing with my Christian faith. But I believe I am free to agree with them on other matters, if I believe they are correct.
Praise the Lord.
Pants-of-dog wrote:I never claimed that everyone who was against headscarves was a conservative. Just most of them.

Ah you see here we see the dishonesty of the far left and their establishment friends exposed. The far left are always claiming that they want to no platform Nazis. This is a lie. POD refuses to debate with members of the far centre like myself, but will happily debate page after page with the most Conservative, the most right wing and the most White Supremacist posters.

You see the Far Left are not worried about Nazis. They are not worried by a Neo Confederate revival. They are not worried by arch Western Christian Conservatives. No what scares them is centrist and moderate progressive voices that stand up to their insane Islamophillic, mass immigration, Cultural Marxist agenda.

First they came for the Nazis, and I did not speak out because I was not a Nazi
Then they came for the Neo Confederates, but I did not speak out because I was not a Neo Confederate.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
@Rich You're as far right as they come. You're delusional if you think Islamophobia, xenophobia, and Conspiracy Theory bullshit(Cultural Marxism) is "center". :knife:

You are the one trying to shut down debate with Ad Hominems and insults. People in glass houses should not throw rocks. :lol:
Rich wrote:Ah you see here we see the dishonesty of the far left and their establishment friends exposed. The far left are always claiming that they want to no platform Nazis. This is a lie. POD refuses to debate with members of the far centre like myself, but will happily debate page after page with the most Conservative, the most right wing and the most White Supremacist posters.

I have explained this to you before, but let us do this again:

I do not reply to you because your arguments are based on a nonfactual and ahistorical paradigm where facts are ignored.
Pants-of-dog wrote:I have explained this to you before, but let us do this again:

I do not reply to you because your arguments are based on a nonfactual and ahistorical paradigm where facts are ignored.

. . . or I just can't come up with an intelligent argument! :lol:
I can't believe someone started a thread about my grandmother. But I'll try to answer as accurately as possible.

My grandmother was a traditional French Canadian lady growing up in a tight-ass WASP town. Her and her sister's head covering behavior was noticed and frowned upon by some local WASP nationalists. "Why do they cover their heads?"

One reason, is hair. French Canadian Catholics were generally much poorer than others for most of her life (like black Americans - 55% of the normal average income). So while WASP ladies had hard-to-hold hairstyles like flips and beehives, she was usually too poor for this kind of high maintenance preening. So she covered her messy hair to look formal and dignified without having any money.

When it rained, she and her sister would wear transparent plastic hair protectors to keep their heads dry. In our age, because of car dependence, many people don't even own suitable clothing for the region they live in. The art of dressing for the enviroment is yet another skill modern dummies are losing.

SpecialOlympian wrote:I mean yeah if you want to be creepily obsessive in your hatred of Muslims I guess you could frame it that way.

I think a lot of those WASP ladies hated my grandmother. It was easier than hating capitalism.
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