Will the Jews rebuild their Temple? - Page 7 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Will the Jews rebuild their temple? I hope so, witnessing armeggedon would be deeply cathartic for me. I would love to be around when all the bullshit finally catches up with the human race and people can no longer deny what profoundly ludicrous jackass ignorami they all are. I'm just gonna be there laughing as they come to the realization of the horror of their own grotesque selves and the mouth of hell opens up and swallows the whole freak show.
colliric wrote:https://youtu.be/pJ6JW0HE72U

Chance that a third Jewish temple will be fully Torah correct: 0%

You already posted this video with this crazy guy earlier on this thread. (Page 5).
Hindsite wrote:You already posted this video with this crazy guy earlier on this thread. (Page 5).

I was looking for another one, but this is Classic enough to post accidentally twice.
colliric wrote:I was looking for another one, but this is Classic enough to post accidentally twice.

Okay, if you like classic crazy. The guy even looks crazy.
colliric wrote:https://youtu.be/W_qhMNhz0og

Here you go then.

I wouldn't be surprised if they start building the temple in the next few years, especially if Trump gets re-elected.
Hindsite wrote:I wouldn't be surprised if they start building the temple in the next few years, especially if Trump gets re-elected.

I also in that situation wouldn't be surprised if Iran hits Mount Moriah with a barrage of missiles before they finish it. Or it gets done in by a suicide bomber.....

Or People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals blockade the site and chain themselves to the Crain's et al. Or even blow it up themselves.

Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!
colliric wrote:I also in that situation wouldn't be surprised if Iran hits Mount Moriah with a barrage of missiles before they finish it. Or it gets done in by a suicide bomber.....

Or People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals blockade the site and chain themselves to the Crain's et al. Or even blow it up themselves.

Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!

Iran is the big hope of this ilk of "anti-Zionists".
Even terrorists are looked upon benevolently by this "anti-Zionist" poster as long as they attack Jews.
:eek: :roll:
Ter wrote:Iran is the big hope of this ilk of "anti-Zionists".
Even terrorists are looked upon benevolently by this "anti-Zionist" poster as long as they attack Jews.
:eek: :roll:

I'm not saying they should. I'm having a joke at Hindsite's ignorance of the real situation concerning it. You could also call me a PETA fan by that reckoning.

Obviously the Muslims will never allow a Third Temple. They would rather blow up Mount Moriah than give it back to you for your people to build another Temple. PETA nuts are not exactly beyond using explosives too. Countless examples of animal rights terrorism.

Olmert's visit to the site started an Intifada(bad for both of you!). At least you are a secular Jew and have no interest in another Temple.
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