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By Julian658
Why is the left so dense? They play into Trump's hand every single time and will be baited into redoing an investigation that was already completed. This will make Trump more popular and will gain nothing to Dems. As of now all the Dems have as a platform is: "Trump is despicable, KKK, NAZI, and racist. OTOH we the Dems are not racist". Is that it? And what do the Dems have to offer for 2020.? Biden, a man older than Trump who has always been a lightweight? A bunch of SJWs with no good ideas? The young ones are competing with each other to see who can win the AOC award for giving the most stuff away for free.

Trump is not a good man and a narcissist and yet the Dems cannot produce a candidate that will beat him. So sad!
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By Hindsite
Hong Wu wrote:Trump has given AG Barr the power to declassify anything related to Russiagate... the plot thickens!

Now the Democrats are calling this declassifying a cover-up. How crazy can they get?
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By jimjam
Hindsite wrote:Now the Democrats are calling this declassifying a cover-up. How crazy can they get?

WOW! That's just wacky. They should take a lesson from Obese Donald on transparency. He's got about 1072 lawyers suing everybody in sight who wants any info whatsoever on his past ten years of tax dodges, money laundering and general crime operations.

Oversight over the executive branch implied by the US Constitution in Congress’s array of enumerated powers? No way man ….. Obese Donald has ordered his lackeys to not even show up. Now that's transparency :lol: . Obviously he has nothing to cover up :lol: .

This shit will come to light sooner or later and, oh boy, I suspect it will be real interesting.
jimjam wrote:I have sensed that the Deutsche Bank held the mother load from the get go when I heard that they were 1) the only bank willing to lend Donald $ after his multiple bankruptcies and 2) they have been busted for laundering Russian oligarch $ and 3) Donald has sold real estate to Russian oligarchs at way over priced amounts.

You sensed that did you? Which sense or senses detected that?

Hong Wu wrote:Trump has given AG Barr the power to declassify anything related to Russiagate... the plot thickens!

Like I said, Trump always hits back. They are clearly freaking out about it, because everyone else gets intimidated into not declassifying what the deep state does. Trump isn't scared of doing it.

Hindsite wrote:Now the Democrats are calling this declassifying a cover-up. How crazy can they get?

Yeah. FoxNews says that the media is using the term "distraction", knowing that "cover-up" makes no sense at all. They're also saying, "if you've lost Bill Maher, you've lost..."

jimjam wrote:They should take a lesson from Obese Donald on transparency.

Maybe Trump should get some exercise tips from Slim Jerry Nadler...


jimjam wrote:He's got about 1072 lawyers suing everybody in sight who wants any info whatsoever on his past ten years of tax dodges, money laundering and general crime operations.

He's covered by the Privacy Act just like everyone else.

jimjam wrote:Now that's transparency :lol: . Obviously he has nothing to cover up :lol: .

He's declassifying everything. That's a great thing! Don't you agree?
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By Hindsite
jimjam wrote:This shit will come to light sooner or later and, oh boy, I suspect it will be real interesting.

The Mueller report determined that Trump did not collude or conspire with the Russians. The Democrats are not entitled to a do-over because they don't like the result. And if Trump tried to obstruct anything, it was obstruction of injustice. Now the Democrats are afraid that AG Barr is going to uncover how this hoax got started and reveal it to the public.
Praise the Lord.
Hindsite wrote:Now the Democrats are afraid that AG Barr is going to uncover how this hoax got started and reveal it to the public.

He can't provide the grand jury testimony without Barr committing a crime--for which Trump could pardon him, I suppose. However, he can declassify all the counter-intelligence portions of the Mueller memo, and that's what they are getting now and suddenly they don't want what they asked for. :lol:
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By jimjam
Hindsite wrote:was obstruction of injustice.

Now that's creative …… :lol:

blackjack21 wrote:Maybe Trump should get some exercise

Obese Donald and exercise?? :lol: He got his exercise for the month recently with his grade B performance at the pretend infrastructure meeting when he pulled his Hulk Hogan act.

The bank book ….. the bank book ….. we want to see the Obese Guy's bankbook ….. :lol: And we want to see what's under all those black blobs that Donald's Chief Lawyer, Barr the pretend A.G., made on the Mueller report.
jimjam wrote:And we want to see what's under all those black blobs that Donald's Chief Lawyer, Barr the pretend A.G., made on the Mueller report.

They can't do anything about the grand jury stuff, but Trump gave Barr carte blanche to declassify the counter-intelligence portions. Be careful what you ask for... in this case, it looks like you are going to get it.

I'm not sure why you posted the Chomsky video. In this video, even Chomsky takes my position on Russiagate (and obviously, that means against your two year rant based on essentially nothing). Remarks on Chomsky: Trump won, because the establishment COULD NOT shut him down. That was my big point in "Trump calls it like it is; the establishment can't take it". Nobody seemed to grasp the point that establishment politicians are all controlled by the major donors of the party, who also own the major media outlets. Chomsky points out how quickly they extinguished people like Rick Santorum. That's why they have Biden running ahead now, just like they expected of Jeb Bush in 2016. Chomsky also points out that the Democrats abandoned the working class. He doesn't point out that Trump picked them up by addressing illegal immigration and trade policies. That was my second post in "Trump calls it like it is; the establishment can't take it". My first post was joy that Trump was going to fuck up the Republican establishment; my second post, and everyone thereafter was that Trump's politics had to be taken seriously. In other words, Chomsky (and you for that matter) should be listening to me, because he's almost right, but he's missing the big pieces of how Trump beat the establishment. Remember, even six weeks before the election, Republicans in the Senate were calling on Trump to step down. They wanted an establishment figure, and they lost--bigly.

Chomsky gets the abortion issue all wrong. Roe v. Wade was not a factor in the 1960s. Reagan was a Democrat who switched to the Republican party--kind of like Trump in that regard and became pro-life. Rockefeller Republicans did not appeal to Middle America, which is why they were a minority party in the House for 40 years. I remember Newt Gingrich letting Bob Michel hold the gavel for one day. Bob Michel was a classic establishment Republican loser. He was always kowtowing to Tip O'Neill, Dan Rostenkowski, and those guys. Newt Gingrich was right. Gingrich took the piss out of a 40-year Democratic majority in the House. As we see with this phony Russia collusion story and even the attempt to impeach Trump for reasons they haven't yet figured out for themselves, the establishment has to be fought vigorously tooth and nail, day by day, always. It's just a necessary part of what needs to be done. There is no way to fight them gracefully at this point. It's a knock-down drag out fight daily, which is the way it has to be.

Chomsky highlighted Bibi Netanyahu addressing a joint session of Congress to slam Obama in the lead up to the election--again panning Russia.

Part of me thinks you don't take your Russiagate stuff even a little bit seriously. It's all just bullshit to you.
blackjack21 wrote:They can't do anything about the grand jury stuff, but Trump gave Barr carte blanche to declassify the counter-intelligence portions. Be careful what you ask for... in this case, it looks like you are going to get it.

I'm not sure why you posted the Chomsky video. In this video, even Chomsky takes my position on Russiagate (and obviously, that means against your two year rant based on essentially nothing). Remarks on Chomsky: Trump won, because the establishment COULD NOT shut him down. That was my big point in "Trump calls it like it is; the establishment can't take it". Nobody seemed to grasp the point that establishment politicians are all controlled by the major donors of the party, who also own the major media outlets. Chomsky points out how quickly they extinguished people like Rick Santorum. That's why they have Biden running ahead now, just like they expected of Jeb Bush in 2016. Chomsky also points out that the Democrats abandoned the working class. He doesn't point out that Trump picked them up by addressing illegal immigration and trade policies. That was my second post in "Trump calls it like it is; the establishment can't take it". My first post was joy that Trump was going to fuck up the Republican establishment; my second post, and everyone thereafter was that Trump's politics had to be taken seriously. In other words, Chomsky (and you for that matter) should be listening to me, because he's almost right, but he's missing the big pieces of how Trump beat the establishment. Remember, even six weeks before the election, Republicans in the Senate were calling on Trump to step down. They wanted an establishment figure, and they lost--bigly.

Chomsky gets the abortion issue all wrong. Roe v. Wade was not a factor in the 1960s. Reagan was a Democrat who switched to the Republican party--kind of like Trump in that regard and became pro-life. Rockefeller Republicans did not appeal to Middle America, which is why they were a minority party in the House for 40 years. I remember Newt Gingrich letting Bob Michel hold the gavel for one day. Bob Michel was a classic establishment Republican loser. He was always kowtowing to Tip O'Neill, Dan Rostenkowski, and those guys. Newt Gingrich was right. Gingrich took the piss out of a 40-year Democratic majority in the House. As we see with this phony Russia collusion story and even the attempt to impeach Trump for reasons they haven't yet figured out for themselves, the establishment has to be fought vigorously tooth and nail, day by day, always. It's just a necessary part of what needs to be done. There is no way to fight them gracefully at this point. It's a knock-down drag out fight daily, which is the way it has to be.

Chomsky highlighted Bibi Netanyahu addressing a joint session of Congress to slam Obama in the lead up to the election--again panning Russia.

Part of me thinks you don't take your Russiagate stuff even a little bit seriously. It's all just bullshit to you.

@blackjack21 ,

I have been one of those people who vainly have tried to get these Liberals to understand President Trump and the people who voted for him and will do so again, but it's no use. They see this WWE style Neuro-linguistic programming combined with their own utter hubris and fecklessness (a function of their ideology), and they absolutely do not have a clue.

And hey, that's fine by me, for my own particular reasons.
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By Hong Wu
Julian658 wrote:Why is the left so dense? They play into Trump's hand every single time and will be baited into redoing an investigation that was already completed. This will make Trump more popular and will gain nothing to Dems. As of now all the Dems have as a platform is: "Trump is despicable, KKK, NAZI, and racist. OTOH we the Dems are not racist". Is that it? And what do the Dems have to offer for 2020.? Biden, a man older than Trump who has always been a lightweight? A bunch of SJWs with no good ideas? The young ones are competing with each other to see who can win the AOC award for giving the most stuff away for free.

Trump is not a good man and a narcissist and yet the Dems cannot produce a candidate that will beat him. So sad!

The funny thing is that running an old white man, which seems a foregone conclusion at this point, will weaken their only argument against Trump. They really don't have anything besides Russiagate.
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By Hindsite
Hong Wu wrote:The funny thing is that running an old white man, which seems a foregone conclusion at this point, will weaken their only argument against Trump. They really don't have anything besides Russiagate.

They are too stupid to realize that Russiagate is over.
Praise the Lord.
annatar1914 wrote:I have been one of those people who vainly have tried to get these Liberals to understand President Trump and the people who voted for him and will do so again, but it's no use.

It may indeed be no use. How jimjam could offer up Chomsky to persuade me when Chomsky just barely misses the mark but otherwise is saying what I've been saying is a bit bewildering. If anything, Chomsky is pretty good at dissecting the media. He just tends to ignore his own "Manufacturing Consent" when it involves political views he extols. "Manufacturing dissent" is also possible--e.g., Occupy Wall Street, Antifa, etc.

annatar1914 wrote:They see this WWE style Neuro-linguistic programming combined with their own utter hubris and fecklessness (a function of their ideology), and they absolutely do not have a clue.

The NLP stuff used to work, but they are up against Donald Trump. NLP has close ties to hypnosis. It works in sort of passive ways. So it works against Romney and the Bushes who never step outside the box. It doesn't work against Trump, because he blows representations apart and creates new ones that are true and funny--e.g., Crooked Hillary.

Some of the arrogance is breeding--e.g., Harvard, Yale, prep schools, etc. I'm a product of private schooling, so I have a pretty good insight into that sort of privilege. I have to assume there is a lot of drug use too--particularly cocaine. When you are doing obviously stupid stuff, but think you are a genius, there's often some substance abuse involved. It seems like they have no fear that they are wrong, and consequently no sense of shame or guilt for absurdly wrong analysis.

annatar1914 wrote:And hey, that's fine by me, for my own particular reasons.

Understood. For the world to move forward, this political cabal needs its comeuppance. I think the corruption went deeper than Trump thought. I strongly suspected it was pretty deep, so Trump is confirming that for me.

Hindsite wrote:I don't think he has been able to eat much since Trump got elected President.

Really? He looks pretty well-fed to me.

Hong Wu wrote:The funny thing is that running an old white man, which seems a foregone conclusion at this point, will weaken their only argument against Trump.

It's an acknowledgement of sorts that their attacks on white people have put them in a political pickle. The problem is that I don't see AOC, Tlaib, et. al. rallying around Joe Biden. It's a strange sort of thing: Biden has had staying power, but his political prognostications have been almost universally wrong. A lot of Bernie supporters didn't show up for Hillary Clinton. Creepy Joe is likely to face similar problems with millennials. After years of brainwashing in colleges and no jobs to counteract the programming, they are still imbued with the ideas of socialism which is best exemplified by someone like AOC.

Hong Wu wrote:They really don't have anything besides Russiagate.

Well, I think they were planning on the country being further to the left and nobody has updated their planning docs. The abortion debate, for example, is kind of fascinating. I would expect states like Alabama to take a bite at the apple again. Yet, Missouri and Ohio did too. That tells me that the media depiction of the issue is probably totally wrong. I thought Hillary probably killed off a million votes with her response to Trump in the second debate in 2016 on partial birth abortion. Yet, the Democrats are now arguing for post-birth abortion in places like Virginia. They even did another phony exoneration investigation of governor Norquist, claiming he's innocent of what he admitted doing while continuing to side step the real scandal of the fact that he'd be okay with killing babies after birth if that's what the mother wanted. Their ethics are just so weird: dressing up in black face is bad and offensive to millions; but, killing a new born baby, because the mother wants you to do it is a-okay. They are some seriously disturbed people.

Hindsite wrote:They are too stupid to realize that Russiagate is over.

I think it is more a function of shocked disbelief rather than sheer stupidity. These are some pretty mendacious people, and they have gotten away with so much. So they cannot believe that they have failed to take Trump out by now, but they also cannot believe that a big faction of the American people see them as an enemy, not a rival legitimate political faction. It's not contained either. Brexit and all the right wing parties in ascendance in Europe is something they simply could not foresee. They still do not seem to understand the fundamentals of why it's happening and resort only to denigrating the masses--which obviously going to fail in democratic countries.
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By jimjam
blackjack21 wrote:I'm not sure why you posted the Chomsky video.

I've always liked Chomsky. He's super intelligent (even smarter than you), easily sees thru the political propaganda and is quite accurate in his analysis. In the video he points out the rather obvious reality that Obese Donald's and his machine, the Republican party, true constituency are the 1% monied class and their primary goal is to give them more of what they exist for ….. more money. But ….. their quandry is that they need the votes of the peons who they really don't give two shits for. Their solution was obvious and brilliant. Emphasize shit they really don't care about like guns, religion, etc., and lie/pretend to help the suckers economically. Obese Donald's job (which he does very well) is to entertain the masses while crowding any hint of truth out of the headlines.

blackjack21 wrote:Part of me thinks you don't take your Russiagate stuff even a little bit seriously. It's all just bullshit to you.

You got this largely correct. I started the Russigate thread mostly as a devil's advocate/sounding board for a subject that I thought would be around for awhile. I do see Russiagate as having a lot of substance, however. Only a bit of this substance having anything to do with Russia. From the get go I could see that Obese Donald was a lying crook who didn't give two shits for the losers he conned into voting for him. While I applaud your desire to fuck up the existing establishment, I saw no purpose in simply changing the names and faces on a system that stood for the same ole same ole goal of making the rich richer at the expense of the poor. I am an idealist who would like to see a system of government that strives, as much as possible, to do the greatest good for the greatest number of citizens. Political debate will generally quickly gravitate toward a simple minded dichotomy of liberals/conservatives or Democrats/Republicans; accordingly, my views most likely qualify me as a liberal Democrat in the eyes of the close minded/conned. I graduated from a high school in Brooklyn, New York that had writ in bold letters above the main entrance the words, "The Truth Shall Make You Free". "Truth" is, of course, relative but I have neither the time nor the inclination to go there right now. What motivates me is an endless, and futile, search for truth (one of the reasons I find Obese Donald disgusting). Such a search is non political and not exclusively the property of any political party.

"Russiagate" to my thinking has little to do with Russia and is hardly over. I have stated numerous times that collusion between Obese Donald and Russia would never be established. Russiagate simply represents the rot being foisted upon the American people by Obese Donald and the Republicans. (For the record, a bit more blatant but essentially the same as the rot foisted upon the American people by Obama and the Dems). Russiagate was brought upon Obese Donald and the Republicans by ….. Obese Donald and the Republicans as their just reward for the usual lies and thievery that they espouse. They made their bed and need to sleep in it and not cry all the way to the bank.
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By Hindsite
blackjack21 wrote:Really? He looks pretty well-fed to me.

Well, that picture of Nadler was obviously taken before Trump got elected President. Notice the big smile on his face. He isn't smiling now.
By skinster
jimjam wrote:I've always liked Chomsky. He's super intelligent (even smarter than you), easily sees thru the political propaganda and is quite accurate in his analysis.

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By BigSteve
Hong Wu wrote: They really don't have anything besides Russiagate.

And Russiagate is a non-starter, simply because the person Congressional Democrats said was the right guy for the job found nothing after an exhaustive investigation. Mueller is persona no grata among Democrats now. During the actual investigation, though, he could do no wrong.

Now the left is wetting themselves over the prospect of an investigation into the catalyst behind Mueller's investigation. There's too much nefarious nonsense there for any thinking person to ignore. The left has painted themselves into a corner and have exposed themselves to be the hypocrites they truly are...
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By jimjam
The former White House adviser Steve Bannon has described the Trump Organization as a criminal entity and predicted that investigations into the president’s finances will lead to his political downfall, when he is revealed to be “not the billionaire he said he was, just another scumbag”. Bannon is quoted as saying investigations into Trump’s finances will cut adrift even his most ardent supporters: “This is where it isn’t a witch hunt – even for the hard core, this is where he turns into just a crooked business guy, and one worth $50m instead of $10bn."
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By BigSteve
jimjam wrote:The former White House adviser Steve Bannon has described the Trump Organization as a criminal entity and predicted that investigations into the president’s finances will lead to his political downfall, when he is revealed to be “not the billionaire he said he was, just another scumbag”. Bannon is quoted as saying investigations into Trump’s finances will cut adrift even his most ardent supporters: “This is where it isn’t a witch hunt – even for the hard core, this is where he turns into just a crooked business guy, and one worth $50m instead of $10bn."

So, suddenly , the guy who the left lambasted as being a lying, racist pig is now the "go to" source for legitimate, irrefutable information?

Man... you guys is funny...
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