Let's try this again: I'm a hyper-capitalist, AMA, or come debate me - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Workers of the world, unite! Then argue about Trotsky and Stalin for all eternity...
Forum rules: No one line posts please.
Recently I've made a thread with a similar headline. That thread got removed. I guess truth has to be compromised for political correctness. Being ignorant and weak is more important than debating and finding truth. But hey, I'm a guest here, so I don't make the rules.

I can't remember exactly what I wrote as an introduction in my first post, so I'll kinda sum few of my ideas.

Capitalism is the best economic system that we have at the moment. But, that is not enough. The existence of communism (late socialism) is proof that something is not fully right with capitalism itself. The solution to this is to double down on capitalism, into hyper-capitalism.

Communism is a system designed to destroy economies of nations. I believe that the designers and implementers of that systems are Aliens from another dimension whose goal is to put Earth under their own rule. Some of those Aliens were Karl Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Rosa Luxemburg, Jacob Schiff, Sigmund Freud, and so on...
Just be sure I don't get banned, by Aliens I most definitely DO NOT mean Jews. It's just a coincidence. Jews are wonderful people who never did, or would, hurt anyone and we must protect them at all cost. It's the Aliens, who are the problem. That's just my theory.

The cost of something is determined by market and individually as a contract between a seller and a buyer. (this is a deal breaker for Marxists economics)

Capital is anything one can use the advance their own interest.

Wealth is good, poverty is evil and of Satan. God wants you to be rich, not poor. Rich people go to heaven, poor people suffer and die in poverty (aka Hell).

And so on, and so on...
Scrooge McDuck wrote:Capitalism is the best economic system that we have at the moment. But, that is not enough. The existence of communism (late socialism) is proof that something is not fully right with capitalism itself. The solution to this is to double down on capitalism, into hyper-capitalism.

Go on Scrooge. I'm intrigued. What is hyper-capitalism?

Communism is a system designed to destroy economies of nations. I believe that the designers and implementers of that systems are Aliens from another dimension whose goal is to put Earth under their own rule. Some of those Aliens were Karl Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Rosa Luxemburg, Jacob Schiff, Sigmund Freud, and so on...

Are you David Icke?

Just be sure I don't get banned, by Aliens I most definitely DO NOT mean Jews.


The cost of something is determined by market and individually as a contract between a seller and a buyer. (this is a deal breaker for Marxists economics)

Capital is anything one can use the advance their own interest.

Wealth is good, poverty is evil and of Satan. God wants you to be rich, not poor. Rich people go to heaven, poor people suffer and die in poverty (aka Hell).

And so on, and so on...

I like you Scrooge. I think you're interesting. But your ideas have no substance. Why would God create the conditions for poverty if he wanted us to be rich? Just rain gold coins down on us and we like you can all dive in and swim within a pool full of coins and dance with whisky in our bellies and champagne in our veins.
Scrooge McDuck wrote:If you think your views are valid and strong, why don't you test them?

First of all: being good at arguing doesn't mean your arguments are right. Pedophiles frequently convince children that getting raped and not telling anyone is cool, but that doesn't mean their position is more correct than the child's.

I will leave the thread, but I just wanted you to know that you are very silly.
B0ycey wrote:Go on Scrooge. I'm intrigued. What is hyper-capitalism?

This is still floating around my brain, so what I say here might come to future modification. This is one of the reasons why I came on this forum to debate. So I could test and sharped my ideas.
Hyper-capitalism would present itself similar to what current capitalism is minus the aspects created by collectivists, like government funded healthcare, public education, or some other institutions similar in nature. Under this system, the only necessary government funded (state owned) organizations would be military, law enforcement and construction projects (like building bridges and roads). The goal is to push for as much privatization as possible, but to a limit that it does not damage the rest of public. And this last statement is a big slippery slope.
But, the more important aspects of this is in its collective moral foundation. The goal is to push for perfection and highest standards. To worship the strong, and to shame the weak. To put greatness and strength above mediocrity and weakness. Inequality over equality. Male over female. Good over evil. Life over death. True over false.
Just like God does.

B0ycey wrote:I like you Scrooge. I think you're interesting. But your ideas have no substance. Why would God create the conditions for poverty if he wanted us to be rich? Just rain gold coins down on us and we like you can all dive in and swim within a pool full of coins and dance with whisky in our bellies and champagne in our veins.

Thank you.
God created both for you. When he created conditions for poverty, he also created conditions for wealth. That's what condition means. If you do x, you get money, if you do not-x, you get nothing. If you do good, you go to Heaven, if you do not-good (aka sin) you go to Hell.
But, God didn't create us all equally. A fox will never be able to run a fortune 500 company, nor will someone with an IQ below 50. That still doesn't mean that both fox and that person have to live in poverty. If you have enough money, if you want to, you can finance their wealthy life.
Red_Army wrote:First of all: being good at arguing doesn't mean your arguments are right. Pedophiles frequently convince children that getting raped and not telling anyone is cool, but that doesn't mean their position is more correct than the child's.

I will leave the thread, but I just wanted you to know that you are very silly.

Well, are you a child and do you fear of being raped?
Scrooge McDuck wrote:Recently I've made a thread with a similar headline. That thread got removed. I guess truth has to be compromised for political correctness. Being ignorant and weak is more important than debating and finding truth. But hey, I'm a guest here, so I don't make the rules.

I can't remember exactly what I wrote as an introduction in my first post, so I'll kinda sum few of my ideas.

Capitalism is the best economic system that we have at the moment. But, that is not enough. The existence of communism (late socialism) is proof that something is not fully right with capitalism itself. The solution to this is to double down on capitalism, into hyper-capitalism.

Didn't Jesus say the rich were going to hell? :roll:

Communism is a system designed to destroy economies of nations. I believe that the designers and implementers of that systems are Aliens from another dimension whose goal is to put Earth under their own rule. Some of those Aliens were Karl Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Rosa Luxemburg, Jacob Schiff, Sigmund Freud, and so on...
Just be sure I don't get banned, by Aliens I most definitely DO NOT mean Jews. It's just a coincidence. Jews are wonderful people who never did, or would, hurt anyone and we must protect them at all cost. It's the Aliens, who are the problem. That's just my theory.

The cost of something is determined by market and individually as a contract between a seller and a buyer. (this is a deal breaker for Marxists economics)

Capital is anything one can use the advance their own interest.

Wealth is good, poverty is evil and of Satan. God wants you to be rich, not poor. Rich people go to heaven, poor people suffer and die in poverty (aka Hell).

And so on, and so on...
Scrooge McDuck wrote:This is still floating around my brain, so what I say here might come to future modification. This is one of the reasons why I came on this forum to debate. So I could test and sharped my ideas.
Hyper-capitalism would present itself similar to what current capitalism is minus the aspects created by collectivists, like government funded healthcare, public education, or some other institutions similar in nature. Under this system, the only necessary government funded (state owned) organizations would be military, law enforcement and construction projects (like building bridges and roads). The goal is to push for as much privatization as possible, but to a limit that it does not damage the rest of public. And this last statement is a big slippery slope.
But, the more important aspects of this is in its collective moral foundation. The goal is to push for perfection and highest standards. To worship the strong, and to shame the weak. To put greatness and strength above mediocrity and weakness. Inequality over equality. Male over female. Good over evil. Life over death. True over false.
Just like God does.


Hyper-capitalism = Anarcho-Capitalism?
Our current societies are not Capitalist. This is a filthy Marxist lie. Capitalists do not rule. Obviously each individual rich person has more power and influence on average than an individual poor person. But our societies, even the United States, go to huge efforts to assist the power and opportunities of the poor and to offset the power and privilege of the poor citizens. Even though I would like to see greater efforts, such as yearly elections, universal food stamps and universal housing allowances. Republican Rome could be described as Capitalist, perhaps Britain before the 1832 Reform act, but no modern western society.

I am anti Communist and anti Libertarian. Libertarians are hypocrites by definition because private property is a form of collectivism. Private property is the collective granting of privileges of monopoly use of property, backed up by force. We see the nature of private property most nakedly exposed in Israel / Palestine. The Israeli state grants one set of property privileges backed up by the threat of force, a Palestine or Arab state would recognise a completely different set of property privileges, which it would back up by the threat of force.

The idea of objective property or objective non-aggression is a filthy libertarian lie. The Zionists stole the land, or at least a large part of it from the Arabs. The Muslims stole it from the Christians. The Romans stole it from the Greeks. The Greeks stole it from the Israelites. The Israelites stole it from the Canaanites and the land had no doubt been stolen numerous times before in its at least one hundred thousand years of homo sapien occupation.
Scrooge McDuck wrote:The cost of something is determined by market and individually as a contract between a seller and a buyer. (this is a deal breaker for Marxists economics)

You seem to be talking about price, which occurs in exchange, not cost, which is what must be given up to obtain something.
Capital is anything one can use the advance their own interest.

That's a very bad definition that can't be used to illuminate economic relationships. Even the accounting definition, which is so general as to be useless in economics, restricts capital to assets devoted to obtaining income.
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