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By Drlee
I have no problem with background checks, but they need to be completed in a reasonable amount of time.


Registering weapons? Well, there's not a single thing about gun registration which makes anyone safer, so there's no reason to do it. I have a lot of guns, and the government has no need to know what they are or how many I have. I like it that way

You can't have one without the other.

I am puzzled though. Why would a veteran want the public contemplating overthrowing the government as you are obviously doing?

I find the argument that guns protect our current system from usurpation facile. The people who the second amendment types imagine killing are our sons and daughters in the military. The notion that some foreign country might invade is preposterous. Hardly worth more than a laugh.

For the conservatives who fantasize about protecting the country from "socialists" and "liberals" by taking up arms are not smart enough to understand that this is not only going to put them in conflict with our own military but also with people who support the "socialists" and "liberals" who, exercising their second amendment rights, will stand opposed to them.

Two observations from an old soldier. First. The worst wars are civil wars. They are bloody, heartbreaking and usually unnecessary. The second is that killing people with a firearm is not at all like the movies. It is ugly. It is violent and final. It is not glorious at all. Just the opposite It harms the killer's psyche forever. Even those who claim otherwise.
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By Godstud
BigSteve wrote: I have no problem with requiring that, but since it will be required so that a person may exercise their Constitutionally protected right, the government should provide that training, on demand, at no cost to the individual.
:eh: Why? Your right to a gun does not mean the government has to pay for you to exercise that right. Are you going to buy guns for people who cannot afford them, too?

BigSteve wrote:Registering weapons? Well, there's not a single thing about gun registration which makes anyone safer, so there's no reason to do it. I have a lot of guns, and the government has no need to know what they are or how many I have. I like it that way.
Register guns so the gun owners can be insured. People insure cars, and you need a license to drive a car.

Why shouldn't the government need to know if you have a lot of guns? What happens if one day you go nuts and hole yourself up in your house/fortress. It'd be nice for police to know what kind of person they are dealing with, or how many guns that you have.

BigSteve wrote:Banning certain guns? It's been shown, time and time again that such measures do nothing to curtail gun violence. Why? Because criminals couldn't give a fuck what the law is.
It worked in Australia, but yes, I know that's a completely different culture. The facts show that having no access to guns, or making it hard to get guns does indeed reduce gun violence... particularly suicides.

A gun in USA might be cheap(you can't ban guns in one state, and not another), but trying to get that same gun in Canada, Australia, and such, is extremely difficult, and costly. That makes it less likely for criminals to have access to them. Police in Canada don't usually have to deal with guys with AR-15s or automatic weapons, and if a person has them, the police already know about it.

No one here, however, is calling for a ban on all firearms in the USA. It makes sense to ban some military firearms that don't need to be in the hands of any but the most responsible/mentally stable/highly trained people.
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By BigSteve
Godstud wrote::eh: Why? Your right to a gun does not mean the government has to pay for you to exercise that right. Are you going to buy guns for people who cannot afford them, too?

Register guns so the gun owners can be insured. People insure cars, and you need a license to drive a car.

Why shouldn't the government need to know if you have a lot of guns? What happens if one day you go nuts and hole yourself up in your house/fortress. It'd be nice for police to know what kind of person they are dealing with, or how many guns that you have.

It worked in Australia, but yes, I know that's a completely different culture. The facts show that having no access to guns, or making it hard to get guns does indeed reduce gun violence... particularly suicides.

A gun in USA might be cheap(you can't ban guns in one state, and not another), but trying to get that same gun in Canada, Australia, and such, is extremely difficult, and costly. That makes it less likely for criminals to have access to them. Police in Canada don't usually have to deal with guys with AR-15s or automatic weapons, and if a person has them, the police already know about it.

No one here, however, is calling for a ban on all firearms in the USA. It makes sense to ban some military firearms that don't need to be in the hands of any but the most responsible/mentally stable/highly trained people.

Apparently, you don't live in the United States.

Accordingly, you opinion isn't worth dick...
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By Godstud
I don't need to live in the USA to have an opinion, since I keep myself probably more informed than most Americans. I'm Canadian. I've lived in the USA. I know about the USA, because I stay well informed.

My opinion is worth just as much as yours.

Address my arguments. The arguments are valid. If you can't argue your point, then it doesn't matter where you are from.

Note: This is an international forum. If you can't get your head around that, then that's your loss. People don't need to live somewhere to have a valid opinion. Address the argument, and not what you think is "opinion".

Studies back up the fact that fewer guns mean less violent crime.

Fewer Guns Mean Fewer Gun Homicides

A huge international study of gun control finds strong evidence that it actually works
Nonetheless, this is a very important contribution to the gun debate. About 130 studies, from 10 different countries, converged on the idea gun deaths declined after laws restricting access to firearms went into force. ... l-evidence
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By Hindsite
BigSteve wrote:Apparently, you don't live in the United States.

Accordingly, you opinion isn't worth dick...

That is the truth, but Godstud likes to pretend he knows best.
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By Godstud
Hindsite wrote:That is the truth, but Godstud likes to pretend he knows best.
If you think the validity of an opinion is related to geographic location, then you're just being ignorant.

I never said I knew best. The facts don't support what he says, however.

Are you just a troll now, @Hindsite?
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By Hindsite
Godstud wrote:If you think the validity of an opinion is related to geographic location, then you're just being ignorant.

I never said I knew best. The facts don't support what he says, however.

Are you just a troll now, @Hindsite?

No, I am just a truth teller as always.
Praise the Lord.
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By Godstud
Do you have an argument, or are you just here to childishly troll?
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By Hindsite
Godstud wrote:Do you have an argument, or are you just here to childishly troll?

The second amendment to the U.S. Constitution is our argument. Admin Edit: Rule 2 Violation
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By Godstud
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Anyone can have an opinion on this. Gun control is not simply limited to the USA.

What happened to you, @Hindsite? You haven't normally been so rude and obnoxious in your posts. Having a bad month? I was not even talking to you.
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By Hindsite
Godstud wrote:A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Anyone can have an opinion on this. You should go to an AMERICAN forum if you can't handle an international one where people with some education might have some arguments. Gun control is not simply limited to the USA.

What happened to you, @Hindsite? You haven't normally been so rude and obnoxious in your posts. Having a bad month? I was not even talking to you.

The trigger started this Gun discussion thread by talking about the fact that several companies make the AR-15 in America, obviously referring to the USA.
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By Godstud
:roll: So? I am well aware of that fact. Can't you discuss things reasonably and make an argument based on fact, and not your feelings?
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By ingliz
Hindsite wrote:The trigger started this Gun discussion thread by...

Correct. But it took an idiot wanting to buy an AR15 to 'defend' his flimsy frame house, a house sited in a densely populated urban area filled with flimsy frame houses, to get it going.


Edited to remove superfluous words and edited again to remove more
Last edited by ingliz on 13 Jun 2019 19:37, edited 2 times in total.
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By Hindsite
Godstud wrote::roll: So? I am well aware of that fact. Can't you discuss things reasonably and make an argument based on fact, and not your feelings?

There is no reason for me to discuss guns made in America with a Canadian living in Thailand. What you say doesn't matter because you don't know shit about it.
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By Godstud
Hindsite wrote:There is no reason for me to discuss guns made in America with a Canadian living in Thailand.
Good for you. Then stop replying to my posts that are not involving you. It's childish.

I've lived in the USA(Washington state for 5 years). I lived on the border to the US for 18 years, visiting frequently and even having a Nexus pass as a preferred traveller to the US. I am hardly ignorant about the US.

Hindsite wrote:What you say doesn't matter because you don't know shit about it.
I do know more than you about it, as I have quoted actual sources and don't rely on my feelings.

Being informed about something doesn't mean you have to live there. You don't live in New York(you're likely about 2,000 miles from it), but if you comment on it, I don't call you names, and tell you not to comment on it, since you live in Georgia, and probably only know the 5 miles closest to your home.
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By BigSteve
Godstud wrote:A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Anyone can have an opinion on this. You should go to an AMERICAN forum if you can't handle an international one where people with some education might have some arguments. Gun control is not simply limited to the USA.

With regards to the 2nd Amendment, your opinion doesn't matter in the slightest.

You have nothing of value to bring to a conversation about the 2nd Amendment...
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By Drlee
With regards to the 2nd Amendment, your opinion doesn't matter in the slightest.

You have nothing of value to bring to a conversation about the 2nd Amendment...

Well. Since you and Hindsite are both too frightened of Godstud because he is offering cogent arguments and you are unable or unwilling to how about engaging with me? Or do I frighten you too much too?

You see, it is obvious to everyone else reading these forums that you two are simply getting your asses kicked in this argument by Godstud. So the natural tendencies of bullies is to run away when confronted. I learned that at 7 years old when I backed down my first "big kid".

But you raise a point. Does it matter what foreigners think about US law. It ought to. Ronald Reagan said,
"“I’ve always believed that a lot of the trouble in the world would disappear if we were talking to each other instead of about each other.”

You two "conservatives" don't like Reagan it would seem. Or don't know much about him.

He also said: “A troubled and afflicted mankind looks to us, pleading for us to keep our rendezvous with destiny; that we will uphold the principles of self-reliance, self-discipline,
morality, and, above all, responsible liberty for every individual that we will become that shining city on a hill.”

And, of course, he said: “I do not believe in taking away the right of the citizen for sporting, for hunting and so forth, or for home defense. But I do believe that an AK-47, a machine gun, is not a
sporting weapon or needed for defense of a home.”

Eisenhower said:

“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.”

Fake conservatives are far more dangerous than fake news.
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By BigSteve
Drlee wrote:Well. Since you and Hindsite are both too frightened of Godstud because he is offering cogent arguments and you are unable or unwilling to how about engaging with me? Or do I frighten you too much too?

Haha!!! You flatter yourself just a bit too much.

Few things in life frighten me and, I can assure you, you're not even close to being one of them...

You see, it is obvious to everyone else reading these forums that you two are simply getting your asses kicked in this argument by Godstud. So the natural tendencies of bullies is to run away when confronted.

And, yet, here I am.

I don't run...

I learned that at 7 years old when I backed down my first "big kid".

Oh, I bet you're quite the badass, aren't you?

You two "conservatives" don't like Reagan it would seem. Or don't know much about him.

There's not a single politician with whom I agree 100%. There never has been, and I don't believe there ever will be.

But maybe ol' Ron didn't actually know much about guns. A "machine gun" hasn't been commercially available to the public in the United States since 1934. Does a private citizen "need" a machine gun? No, I don't believe a private citizen does so, in reality, I actually agree with Reagan on that point.

Are you done making yourself look silly?
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By Drlee
Are you done making yourself look silly?

It is not me who is looking silly.
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By BigSteve
Drlee wrote::lol:

It is not me who is looking silly.

Keep tellin' yourself that...
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