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By Beren
So Fox News hosts Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity may be competing to influence the POTUS on foreign policy and Trump may have called off a retaliatory airstrike against Iran 10 minutes before it was too late because Carlson won? Is this really going on in the USA? :eek:
Last edited by Beren on 21 Jun 2019 17:03, edited 1 time in total.
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By Nonsense
Godstud wrote:Oh goody, another war in the Middle East. That's all Europe needs... more refugees and displaced immigrants.

It's important to note that Iran has 4x the population that Syria had.

USA doing this is immoral. A war is not necessary in this region, and people should stop calling for an unnecessary war, anywhere. This situation has American false flags all over it.

It appears 'fortunate', either by accident or design, that the Iranians haven't inflicted human ,dare I say, American casualties in their posturing to date, otherwise the response could be very different.

If, as we are told, sanctions against Iran are the 'cause' of the military posturing against America, because America is the only country trying to force them to stand down from their atomic weaponising objectives, then,the sanctions have demonstrated that they are working & should be accompanied by an embargo or cordon around the Iranian economy.

All things being equal, Iran has as much 'right' as America, or dare I say, North Korea, to posess them, save that Iran & America(which withdrew)are\were party of an international agreement on the former country's atomic development program.

Had the main original nuclear powers kept security around those weapons(they never have-The Soviet Union aquired the Manhattan Project nuclear weapons 'secrets')then, America wouldn't be fighting to control those states that were supplied with the technical ability by the father of Pakistan' atomic capability, Abdul Qadeer Khan,who sold their secrets to N.Korea, Iran & Libyia.

Once that genie was out of the bottle, it was never going back in, that was recognised by Robert Oppenheimer, Einstein & others involved in the original program during the war.

It was never going to be confined to energy alone, but N.Korea has by accident, discovered the limitations on what it is capable of within it's own borders by the damage caused in the sub-mountain test site.
Non-proliferation is important, it doesn't trump the 'rights' of nations to secure themselves from external threats, but that is like telling youngsters not to carry knives, they do & they get hurt.
If war does break out in the ME, it'll be the responsibility of one man only. One child man in the white house who cannot find any other way of satisfying his overblown ego. Nero was satisfied with Rome, but this imbecile wants to see the world burn. If the US ever had any mandate to lead the world, it no longer has. Yankee imperialism is the curse of the gods.
By Patrickov
Atlantis wrote:If the US ever had any mandate to lead the world, it no longer has. Yankee imperialism is the curse of the gods.

As long as there are oppressive countries like China, it still has, it still has.
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By BigSteve
fuser wrote:Widely believed? May be in USA (I doubt even there) but surely not in rest of the world.

Well, our opinion means more than some third world septic tank like India...
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By BigSteve
Atlantis wrote:If war does break out in the ME, it'll be the responsibility of one man only. One child man in the white house who cannot find any other way of satisfying his overblown ego. Nero was satisfied with Rome, but this imbecile wants to see the world burn. If the US ever had any mandate to lead the world, it no longer has. Yankee imperialism is the curse of the gods.

Such whining. It pleases me.

Trump was set to give the order to strike back for the drone attack until he learned that about 150 civilians would be killed. He said that would be a disproportionate response to the shooting down of an unmanned drone.

I'm sure you'll dismiss that, but the fact of the matter is that it kills your stupid point that Trump wants to see the world burn...
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By BigSteve
Rancid wrote:The US should not strike anywhere in Iran.

So, we should allow them to employ their military measures, whenever they want, and suffer no consequences?

That's pretty stupid...
BigSteve wrote:Well, our opinion means more than some third world septic tank like India...

Not really, no.

US foreign policy, including war, is a result of realpolitik thinking. Things like economic and military ascendancy are priorities. The will of the American public is something to be directed, not listened to or held in regard.

BigSteve wrote:So, we should allow them to employ their military measures, whenever they want, and suffer no consequences?
That's pretty stupid...

Sure. Yes.

We let the US do that.
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By Rancid
BigSteve wrote:So, we should allow them to employ their military measures, whenever they want, and suffer no consequences?

That's pretty stupid...

It's not stupid.
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By Rugoz
Pants-of-dog wrote:US foreign policy, including war, is a result of realpolitik thinking.

I don't see any "realpolitik" here. The nuclear deal didn't stop Iran from meddling in the region, but it arguably stopped it from getting nukes, for the time being. As far as I can tell only the threat of a ground invasion could force Tehran to make more concessions, but that threat has zero credibility after the Iraq fiasco.
Patrickov wrote:As long as there are oppressive countries like China, it still has, it still has.

Yankee imperialism is not against "oppressive countries" (see SA), Yankee imperialism is oppression.

I can't believe that there are actually people who believe Trump's lies about calling off an attack on Iran for humanitarian reasons. That so sick. How many people have been killed since Trump decided to move the embassy to Jerusalem? Trump doesn't give a shit even if his decisions result in millions of death.

The fact is that Trump is shitting his pants because he doesn't have the guts to go against a real country. And his snowflake supporters can't bare to face the facts.
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By noemon
Nonsense wrote:There is of course a great difference between the people of a country & the government that 'leads' them.

Not when you 're bombing them.

Nonsense wrote:You are absolutely correct about the people, women included, Iranians are well educated, cultured & I couldn't possibly disagree about the women.

So why kill and terrorise all those wonderful people?

Government's let the people down, with the downfall of the Shah, with the 'Theocratic' - military regime curently wielding it's unchecked power, it is likely to lead that country astray by it's actions.

This is a country under constant military, political, economic and diplomatic siege. And one has to ask oneself? Why is that? Usually one would blame the country they are accusing of being hostile by pointing out that country's disregard for agreements made and for snubbing diplomacy, but that is not the Iranian government now is it? :hmm:
Rugoz wrote:I don't see any "realpolitik" here. The nuclear deal didn't stop Iran from meddling in the region, but it arguably stopped it from getting nukes, for the time being. As far as I can tell only the threat of a ground invasion could force Tehran to make more concessions, but that threat has zero credibility after the Iraq fiasco.

As far as I can tell, there is nothing but realpolitik. The Us does not even need to be involved in the region, and it would not be if not for the petroleum resources.

And the only reason it is limiting Iran’s power is to keep it from being a threat to Us allies in the region.
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By BigSteve
Rancid wrote:It's not stupid.

So you believe that we should allow Iran to do whatever it wants, whenever it wants, with no repurcusions?

Is that your position?
I am very un-easy about attacking Iran. I don't know all the details of what is going on. However, we should be very cautious about attacking or antagonizing Iran. Once the dogs of war are released they can quickly spiral out of control. We also don't need to be using our military power to act as a bully to Iran (or anybody for that matter) even though they might have regime that doesn't share our values. I don't trust the Iranians but misusing our military power and playing with the fires of war is very foolish and dangerous. War is a dangerous fire not to be playing games with.
BigSteve wrote:So you believe that we should allow Iran to do whatever it wants, whenever it wants, with no repurcusions?

Is that your position?

As an America Firster, I am firmly of the opinion that as America was intended by it's framers to be a Republic and not an Empire, that therefore America should stay out of the affairs of others. I don't give a damn what sign is on the door of an establishment, as long as it's potentially open for business. We should then expect that others won't interfere in our internal politics in return. All would then flock to trade with and have good relations with us, were we to wisely be as neutral and as armed as Switzerland.

What is so hard to understand about having good relations with everybody as much as possible and yet being well prepared to defend our genuine national interests when our nation is truly under attack?
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By ingliz
BigSteve wrote: it kills your stupid point that Trump wants to see the world burn

Trump doesn't want to see Tel Aviv burn, which is slightly different.

Iran has the capability to destroy Israel and given the excuse, Tel Aviv and Haifa will be razed to the ground” (Times of Israel, April 12, 2018).

Last edited by ingliz on 22 Jun 2019 06:50, edited 2 times in total.
Politics_Observer wrote:I am very un-easy about attacking Iran. I don't know all the details of what is going on. However, we should be very cautious about attacking or antagonizing Iran. Once the dogs of war are released they can quickly spiral out of control. We also don't need to be using our military power to act as a bully to Iran (or anybody for that matter) even though they might have regime that doesn't share our values. I don't trust the Iranians but misusing our military power and playing with the fires of war is very foolish and dangerous. War is a dangerous fire not to be playing games with.

You're right. It's nothing to sing about, modern war and killing people.
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By Rancid
BigSteve wrote:So you believe that we should allow Iran to do whatever it wants, whenever it wants, with no repurcusions?

Is that your position?

Let it's neighbors deal with it.
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By Beren
Rancid wrote:Let it's neighbors deal with it.

Are you sure they could?

In my opinion the US military just wants to keep Iran at bay and the Strait of Hormuz open as long as the shit show lasts, they're not preparing for war.
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