Jeffrey Epstein Arrested for Sex Trafficking of Minors - Politics | PoFo

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Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was arrested for allegedly sex trafficking dozens of minors in New York and Florida between 2002 and 2005, and will appear in court in New York on Monday, according to three law enforcement sources. The arrest, by the FBI-NYPD Crimes Against Children Task Force, comes about 12 years after the 66-year-old financier essentially got a slap on the wrist for allegedly molesting dozens of underage girls in Florida.

For more than a decade, Epstein’s alleged abuse of minors has been the subject of lawsuits brought by victims, investigations by local and federal authorities, and exposés in the press. But despite the attention cast on his alleged sex crimes, the hedge-funder has managed to avoid any meaningful jail time, let alone federal charges.


Another accuser, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, has long claimed that Epstein and Maxwell abused minor girls across the country and abroad, and that Epstein loaned his victims out to his famous friends, including Dershowitz and Prince Andrew [and Bill Clinton].

Roberts said that when she began “working” for Epstein, he flew her to New York on his private jet and molested her at his Manhattan mansion. “I was trained to be ‘everything a man wanted me to be,’” Giuffre said in the declaration. “It wasn’t just sexual training—they wanted me to be able to cater to all the needs of the men they were going to send me to.”
Maxwell and Epstein allegedly ordered Giuffre to pay attention to what the men wanted, so she could report back to them. Giuffre said she traveled with Epstein from 1999 through the summer of 2002, to his homes in New York, New Mexico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Paris, France.

“I had sex with him often in these places and also with the various people he demanded that I have sex with,” Giuffre stated. “Epstein paid me for many of these sexual encounters. In fact, my only purpose for Epstein, Maxwell and their friends was to be used for sex.”

Giuffre added that “Epstein had sex with underage girls on a daily basis” and that his interest in minor girls was “obvious” to those in his orbit. His code word for this abuse was “massage,” and Maxwell would often have sex with the victims, too, Giuffre claimed.

Paul Cassell, one of Giuffre’s lawyers, told the court that if the records are made public, they “will show that Epstein and Maxwell were trafficking girls to the benefit of his friends, including Mr. Dershowitz.”

Last week, the court ordered the release of sealed documents in the case.

Epstein allegedly forced Giuffre to have sex with Britain’s Prince Andrew at least three times, including during an orgy. (The court filing includes a photo of “Andy” putting his arm around Giuffre’s partially bare waist, while Maxwell smiles in the background.)

Giuffre said she was also forced to have sex with another Epstein confidant, Jean Luc Brunel, who runs the MC2 modeling agency.

Brunel supplied Epstein with girls as young as 12, luring aspiring models from poor countries or poor backgrounds to the United States, Giuffre alleged. “Jeffrey Epstein has told me that he has slept with over 1,000 of Brunel’s girls, and everything that I have seen confirms this claim,” Giuffre stated.

“It’s been a long time coming—it’s been too long coming,” said attorney David Boies, who represents Epstein accusers Virginia Roberts Giuffre and Sarah Ransome. “It is an important step towards getting justice for the many victims of Mr. Epstein’s sex trafficking enterprise.

“We hope that prosecutors will not stop with Mr. Epstein because there were many other people who participated with him and made the sex trafficking possible," he told The Daily Beast. ... ref=scroll
Political Pedophilia: An open source investigation

As more and more information surfaces on both sides of the Atlantic about the pedophilia rings operating in the highest echelons of political, business and entertainment circles, even the establishment press is being forced to cover the story. But is the very same establishment that covered up these horrors for decades going to break the dam on this sensitive and paradigm-changing information? Of course not.

1989 News: Call boys in Bush Sr's Whitehouse

One of the prostitutes was 15 years old:

TRAILER: Who is Jeffrey Epstein? A Miami Herald investigation

Documentary: Who is Jeffrey Epstein, accused of sexually abusing teen girls?

How teen runaway Virginia Roberts became one of Jeffrey Epstein's victims

Where are they now? The biggest players in the Jeffrey Epstein case

Vicky Ward, an investigative journalist who profiled Jeffrey Epstein for Vanity Fair in 2003 in a piece headlined “The Talented Mr. Epstein.” The magazine’s editor at the time, Graydon Carter, cut out the testimonies of two young women Epstein allegedly molested who had spoken to Ward on the record. Ward later wrote about the incident for The Daily Beast in an article headlined “I Tried to Warn You About Sleazy Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein in 2003.”
It's funny that the OP mentions Clinton but not Donald Trump.


Jeffrey Epstein is expected to appear in a Manhattan court today to face charges of sex trafficking, related to multiple encounters he had with underage girls between the years of 2002 and 2005. Whether Donald Trump may be ensnared in this remains to be seen, although there is evidence to suggest that the two were friends, despite Donald Trump’s denials.

It’s also worth mentioning that in 2016, in the weeks and days before the election, a woman who went by the name of “Katie Johnson” in her legal complaint, sued Donald Trump over allegations that he and Jeffrey Epstein solicited sex acts from her at sex parties in the homes of both Trump and Epstein when Johnson was just 13 years old. She also had witness testimony in the form of an affidavit from another woman who said she witnessed these acts. Johnson said that Trump took her virginity and that Epstein treated her as a sex slave. Johnson filed the lawsuit in a California court, but it was kicked for technical reasons. She refiled in New York. However, days before the election, she dropped the lawsuit, citing threats on her life.

Sivad wrote:Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was arrested for allegedly sex trafficking dozens

Gotta love the media. :lol:

The murderer allegedly murdered someone. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Was he a known pedophile prior to this? I guess that would explain the opening sentence.
From my brief readings the past 10 minutes it seems that Epstein got a plead deal for pedophilia back in 2003 so he was apparently already a pedophile and the new charges are about sex trafficking of minors for which he has not been convicted yet which makes the sentence technically correct.
noemon wrote:It's funny that the OP mentions Clinton but not Donald Trump.

yeah, I deliberately left Trump out of it because I'm a secret wingnut. :knife:

What you left out of your post is that the AUSA that colluded with Epstein's defense is now Trump's labor secretary:

Sivad wrote:yeah, I deliberately left Trump out of it because I'm a secret wingnut. :knife:

What you left out of your post is that the AUSA that colluded with Epstein's defense is now Trump's labor secretary:

I was not aware of it, if I were I would most certainly post it, while you seem to be quite aware of the Trump-Epstein relationship, so the question remains.

Also you an anti-vaxxer, and consistently argue that climate change is an overblown liberal conspiracy.

Come to think of it I am not even aware of your position regarding Trump in general which I can only assume is due to a tacit silence and I do not recall your presence on the Iran thread.

I am assuming you agree with him on more topics than you are willing to admit but you might be bothered of associating with him. Is that an unreasonable assumption?
noemon wrote:From my brief readings the past 10 minutes it seems that Epstein got a plead deal for pedophilia back in 2003 so he was apparently already a pedophile and the new charges are about sex trafficking of minors for which he has not been convicted yet which makes the sentence technically correct.

Ok, if that's the case, then it's right to call him a pedophile in the opening statement of the post.
noemon wrote:I was not aware of it, if I were I would most certainly post it, while you seem to be quite aware of the Trump-Epstein relationship, so the question remains.

Also you an anti-vaxxer, and consistently argue that climate change is an overblown liberal conspiracy.

Come to think of it I am not even aware of your position regarding Trump in general which I can only assume is due to a tacit silence and I do not recall your presence on the Iran thread.

I am assuming you agree with him on more topics than you are willing to admit but you might be bothered of associating with him. Is that an unreasonable assumption?

I have criticized, mocked, and ridiculed Trump and Trump supporters on this forum hundreds of times in the almost two years I've been posting here and I posted dozens of times opposing an attack on Iran, you're just making shit up.

As for my critical stance on climate alarmistry and vaccine babbittry, refusing to toe the line on every single idiotic establishment doctrine like some kind of mindless drone doesn't tell you shit about my politics.

I'm definitely not a libtard, but that doesn't make me a Trump loving wingnut MAGA idiot.
I'm guessing Epstein is too rich and connected to actually suffer for his crimes, but here's hoping.

This story reminds of the time the first allegations on this story came out, which implicated the scumbag known as Alan Dershowitz. It reminds me of him because of what Norman Finkelstein said after it, being asked what he thought about the allegations, how they:

Finkelstein wrote:...made me question my atheism.


Dershowitz is the guy who used his power to deny Finkelstein tenure at the university, after the former got thoroughly annihilated in this debate by the latter (for being a liar, plagiarist etc.)
Netanyahu again goes after Barak for ties to accused billionaire Jeffrey Epstein
PM highlights payment to political rival from Wexner Foundation, linked to US tycoon who allegedly sex trafficked minors

The political jousting between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and rival former premier Ehud Barak ramped up Tuesday when the premier published a video on social media again questioning the latter’s relationship with US billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, who is accused of sex-trafficking in minors.

The video was published under the headline “What else has sex offender Epstein given to Barak?” ... y-epstein/

Ehud Barak is an Israeli general and politician who served as the tenth Prime Minister from 1999 to 2001. He was leader of the Labor Party until January 2011. He previously held the posts of Minister of Defense and Deputy Prime Minister under Ehud Olmert and then in Benjamin Netanyahu's second government from 2007 to 2013

In an interview with 103FM radio, Barak denied attending Epstein’s party and said he wasn’t the only one on friendly terms with the tycoon.

“Donald Trump and Bill Clinton also knew Epstein,” he said, adding that the one who had introduced Epstein to Barak was the late former Israeli president Shimon Peres :lol: ... ade-barbs/
In a 2002 New York magazine profile, Epstein was described by even those closest to him as “mysterious,” with many of the sources of his immense wealth remaining largely unknown and with one acquaintance even comparing him to the Wizard of Oz, implying that there might be less behind the curtain than appearances would otherwise dictate:

Epstein is said to run $15 billion for wealthy clients, yet aside from Limited founder Leslie Wexner, his client list is a closely held secret. A former Dalton math teacher, he maintains a peripatetic salon of brilliant scientists yet possesses no bachelor’s degree. For more than ten years, he’s been linked to Manhattan-London society figure Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of the mysteriously deceased media titan Robert Maxwell, yet he lives the life of a bachelor, logging 600 hours a year in his various planes as he scours the world for investment opportunities. He owns what is said to be Manhattan’s largest private house yet runs his business from a 100-acre private island in St. Thomas. ... Says another prominent Wall Streeter: “He is this mysterious, Gatsbyesque figure. He likes people to think that he is very rich, and he cultivates this air of aloofness. The whole thing is weird.”

Michael Stroll, who sued Epstein over a failed business deal in the 2000s, told New York magazine in 2007, “Everybody who’s his friend thinks he’s so darn brilliant because he’s so darn wealthy. I never saw any brilliance, I never saw him work. Anybody I know that is that wealthy works 26 hours a day. This guy plays 26 hours a day.”

Epstein was also an accumulator of famous friends — and his connections would later prove extremely important as he attempted to defend himself against allegations of sexual abuse. He gained some measure of fame in the early 2000s for flying President Bill Clinton, actor Kevin Spacey, and comedian Chris Tucker to Africa to tour AIDS prevention and treatment project sites. Clinton would go on to fly multiple times on Epstein’s private plane in 2002 and 2003, according to flight logs obtained by Gawker in 2015. Gawker also obtained and published Epstein’s address book, which included politicians, actors, and celebrities.

In 2002, Epstein described his famous friends as a “collection” of sorts, saying, “I invest in people — be it politics or science. It’s what I do.” He was at one point spending $20 million per year to subsidize a group of scientists and their research on topics ranging from Tibetan monks to altruistic behavior. He was also good friends with Donald Trump, who described Epstein to New York magazine in 2002 as someone who “enjoys his social life.” ... ton-acosta

It wouldn't be surprising to find Epstein was a front for some intelligence service.
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