Israel systematically removing from archives evidence of 1948 expulsion of Arabs - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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Zionist Nationalist wrote:They Fakestinians didnt built anything everything was built either by the british or Jews and I never said they deserved to be raped I said their expulsion was justified

They did build things if not for the sheer fact that they were living there for centuries before British or Israeli colonization. Prove to me that everything was built by Jews or British.

No when I told you that Israeli settlers raped women and children you said they deserved it. This is exactly what you said.
Palmyrene wrote:@Verv

You're Orthodox? I love Orthodox Christians. They're like my favorite type of Christians even all the types of flavours of them like Maronites, Syriacs, Copts, Miaphysites, Eastern Orthodox, etc.

Also Jewish groups haven't encouraged or funded this kind of thinking. Yeah Hasbara exists bur that's more secular in tone. Hasbara is just about covering up Israel's atrocities or distracting people with positive stories about Israel.

The whole Evangelical movement for Israel is entirely domestic within the US and is based upon actual Evangelical theology specifically the eras of the televangelists. There are no Jewish groups funding Evangelical lobbies to my knowledge and I'm pretty sure they don't need that money anyway.

Let's be honest here, America as a country has never been conductive to religion at all. It's just a land of megachurches and scam artists who treat religion as a business. Evangelicals, Mormons, etc. are no different. There is no adherence to actual Christian scripture anyone, Christianity has become a cultural thing there not a religion (it's the same way in the Islamic world but to a lesser degree). It isn't Jews who are causing this, it's just American Christians.

I haven't personally researched it, but E. Michael Jones talks about how the Schofield Bible was largely financed by zionists. Schofield was apparently a train wreck of a human being, but he had some amount of legitimacy and enough chops to be used to advance the cause in this way.

Of course, this stuff all ends up being classified as a "conspiracy :knife: theory" by people unwilling to really deal with the hard questions, but I think it is fair game to look into these things.

If someone asked me to go to the mat about this, I don't know. I have a life and it's Friday night. :lol:
While there is racism in the U.S., there's no laws that I know of that discriminate people based on their religion like Israel's apartheid laws, or bans person from X religion marrying person from Y religion, or bans homosexual marriage, etc.

the marriage thing indeed sucks but this is because of the orthodox Jews and since their numbers are growing I doubt we will see the marriage issues being resolved anytime soon
Palmyrene wrote:They did build things if not for the sheer fact that they were living there for centuries before British or Israeli colonization. Prove to me that everything was built by Jews or British.

No when I told you that Israeli settlers raped women and children you said they deserved it. This is exactly what you said.

This is the 19th century description of the place
no factories to be seen around
just a few Bedouins and alot of deserted land and marshes
Zionist Nationalist wrote:This is the 19th century description of the place
no factories to be seen around
just a few Bedouins and alot of deserted land and marshes

Are you taking Mark Twain's account as evidence? He's was racist as fuck.

sometimes I post when Im high so I probably didnt noticed that part
its not what I meant but I do supported them being driven out.

If you support them being driven out then you clearly support their rapes because that was the result of driving them out.
Are you taking Mark Twain's account as evidence? He's was racist as fuck.

Whatever he was racist or not is not relevant.
he stated facts this place was almost deserted 150 years ago
nobody called himself a Palestinian people referred to each other by their religion

If you support them being driven out then you clearly support their rapes because that was the result of driving them out.

you gotta break some eggs to make an omelet

it dosent matter anymore it happened 70 years ago
and despite what happened they dont deserve compensations only for the fact that the Arab who call them their "brothers" have treated them worse than Israel
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Whatever he was racist or not is not relevant.
he stated facts this place was almost deserted 150 years ago
nobody called himself a Palestinian people referred to each other by their religion

No, it indicates his biases. People who are biased (like you) can't be trusted in matter relating to things they're biased towards.

you gotta break some eggs to make an omelet

So your fine with rape.

it dosent matter anymore it happened 70 years ago

So Germany can forget the Holocaust then.

and despite what happened they dont deserve compensations only for the fact that the Arab who call them their "brothers" have treated them worse than Israel

Dude, Israel itself is compensation for the Holocaust. If the Holocaust and the poor treatment of Jews by Germans didn't happen then there would be no Israel. Israel wouldn't be recieving as much aid as they are now.

Israel exists because of the welfare of others. They are a welfare queen who offer nothing to the people who give them aid.
No, it indicates his biases. People who are biased (like you) can't be trusted in matter relating to things they're biased towards.

than present your own proofs if you have them

So your fine with rape.

No dont put words in my mouth

So Germany can forget the Holocaust then.

Yes I couldnt care less

Dude, Israel itself is compensation for the Holocaust. If the Holocaust and the poor treatment of Jews by Germans didn't happen then there would be no Israel. Israel wouldn't be recieving as much aid as they are now.

Israel would still exist as the Zionist project begun at the end of 19th century
but Israel wouldn't receive much support at its beginning like it used to

Israel exists because of the welfare of others. They are a welfare queen who offer nothing to the people who give them aid.

this is utter bullshit and you still havent provided any proofs

Israel does not need any aid or donation in 2019 what happened 50 or 60 years ago inst relevant for today
@Zionist Nationalist

I've given you mountains of evidence that Israel relies on the aid and welfare others even to this day. You've ignored all of this.

Without aid Israel wouldn't exist. The British would've never let them into Palestine.

Go and wallow in your own nationalist delusions while the country you live in burns. It won't take much longer anyways.
Your evidence is bullshit Israel did receive aid (compensations) from Germany and is receiving regular aid from the US but in 2019 its a tiny portion of its GDP and Israel dont need any aid anymore its self sustainable

Go and wallow in your own nationalist delusions while the country you live in burns. It won't take much longer anyways.

Says the kid from Syria :lol: :lol: :lol:
a bit ironic isn't it?

the one who is delusional here is you I think your ego went too high after receiving compliments here if you are indeed who you are presenting yourself as than you are smarter than the average 15 years old teenager but you are still stupid
Verv wrote:I haven't personally researched it, but E. Michael Jones talks about how the Schofield Bible was largely financed by zionists. Schofield was apparently a train wreck of a human being, but he had some amount of legitimacy and enough chops to be used to advance the cause in this way.

Of course, this stuff all ends up being classified as a "conspiracy :knife: theory" by people unwilling to really deal with the hard questions, but I think it is fair game to look into these things.

If someone asked me to go to the mat about this, I don't know. I have a life and it's Friday night. :lol:

Thank you , Verv for bringing this to my attention . I have just now found this article pertaining to this subject . I think that it makes for some thought provoking reading on the basis that a number of Christians in the English speaking world have for aligning themselves with Zionism , eventhough in actual fact their are Palestinians whom have reportedly faced adversity due to present day Israeli policy { , }
Last edited by Deutschmania on 12 Jul 2019 23:03, edited 2 times in total.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Your evidence is bullshit Israel did receive aid (compensations) from Germany and is receiving regular aid from the US but in 2019 its a tiny portion of its GDP and Israel dont need any aid anymore its self sustainable

No it isn't. I've posted even more proof you've ignored. Israel takes Palestinian aid, it takes British aid, it takes the EU's aid. It is the greatest receiver of aid in the world. My sources and information proves this. You just want to ignore it.

Says the kid from Syria :lol: :lol: :lol:
a bit ironic isn't it?

Dude I'm not nationalistic like you. I don't get my feelings hurt every single time someone says something mean about my country.

In the end, Israel is geographically indefensible, relies on dwindling resources, a majority of it's GDP comes from selling surveillance equipment, and it's slowly eaten out due to the Palestine conflict. If Israel wasn't recieving aid it would be a failed state by now.

The reason people are even investing in Israeli companies at all is because they know the US gives aid and supports them. That's it. They don't view Israel as dependant they view it as an American puppet.

the one who is delusional here is you I think your ego went too high after receiving compliments here if you are indeed who you are presenting yourself as than you are smarter than the average 15 years old teenager but you are still stupid

Wow such projection. You seem so offended. I guess your fragile ego really was hurt from a 15 year old's presence on PoFo.

I know this as a fact. Israel isn't going to last long and neither is Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, or Palestine. And assuming that won't happen (it will) I'll make sure to do it myself.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:This is the 19th century description of the place
no factories to be seen around
just a few Bedouins and alot of deserted land and marshes

You need to understand it in the proper historical context . And also Mark Twain himself wasn't really a Zionist .
Zionist Nationalist on being accused of saying women deserve to be raped by Israeli settlers wrote:sometimes I post when Im high so I probably didnt noticed that part
its not what I meant but I do supported them being driven out.

Wow. :lol:

Zionist Nationalist wrote:he stated facts this place was almost deserted 150 years ago
nobody called himself a Palestinian people referred to each other by their religion

The place wasn't deserted and anyway, colonialists who built Israel on top of Palestine admitted in a lot of their writings about how Palestine was full of people. I mean, it's right there in The Balfour Agreement's very short text. :lol:

What you're suggesting is that Israel can keep Palestine because nobody was there (apparently), although it's a weird point to make since you've stated many times that it's fine for Zionists to steal Palestine because of their upper hand (strength).

it dosent matter anymore it happened 70 years ago

It does matter for the millions in the land who continue to suffer through what has taken place 70 years ago. Your life is fine because you're free to do as you please, including live on another people's land; the Palestinians are still living under military occupation and within a concentration camp, denied rights, regularly bombed, forced to drink unsanitary water (apart from the refugees forced into the diaspora).

It's still happening for them, this is the point of why people like me argue for their civil rights. :lol:

and despite what happened they dont deserve compensations only for the fact that the Arab who call them their "brothers" have treated them worse than Israel

Yes they do need compensation because you will never live in peace until that happens (unless you kill them all, something that doesn't look like an option at this stage). Also, the status quo is unsustainable anyway.
What you're suggesting is that Israel can keep Palestine because nobody was there (apparently), although it's a weird point to make since you've stated many times that it's fine for Zionists to steal Palestine because of their upper hand (strength)

The Arabs are angry that Israel a non Arab country is right there in the middle disconnecting North Africa from the rest of the middle east
they dont really care about Palestine Arab nationalism and Islam is what is driving them

It's still happening for them, this is the point of why people like me argue for their civil rights. :lol:

The solution which you are suggesting is not realistic and it wont work. I dont see any Israeli leader even the most leftist one who would accept it

Yes they do need compensation because you will never live in peace until that happens

its ok I dont think peace is achievable in our lifetime anyway
Zionist Nationalist wrote:The Arabs are angry that Israel a non Arab country is right there in the middle disconnecting North Africa from the rest of the middle east

Palestinians are rightfully angry because people from all over elsewhere built a country on top of their heads and then enslaved them, something that is still happening. Anyone in their position would be angry.

they dont really care about Palestine Arab nationalism and Islam is what is driving them

A brutal military occupation, apartheid and settler-colonialism is what's driving them. And being denied rights. And being bombed every few years by the people that have them imprisoned.

The solution which you are suggesting is not realistic and it wont work.

You mean that Palestinians attain rights and those equal to everyone else in the land? Why is it unrealistic? That's what goes on in most normal countries.

I dont see any Israeli leader even the most leftist one who would accept it

Agreed. This is why the outside world is acting, with things like BDS for example or votes on Palestinian statehood.

its ok I dont think peace is achievable in our lifetime anyway

Tis a shame you're OK with living like that for the rest of your life. It's as bad for you mentally as it is for the Palestinians (physically and mentally).
Palestinians are rightfully angry because people from all over elsewhere built a country on top of their heads and then enslaved them, something that is still happening. Anyone in their position would be angry.

None have enslaved them they dont forcefully work for Israel

A brutal military occupation, apartheid and settler-colonialism is what's driving them. And being denied rights. And being bombed every few years by the people that have them imprisoned.

There is no apartheid this is complete nonsense

You mean that Palestinians attain rights and those equal to everyone else in the land? Why is it unrealistic? That's what goes on in most normal countries.

They should attain their rights under Arab rule West bank should go to Jordan and Gaza to Egypt problem solved

Tis a shame you're OK with living like that for the rest of your life. It's as bad for you mentally as it is for the Palestinians (physically and mentally).

the problem is that there is none to negotiate with terms to end the conflict
your(BDS) demands for example are utter unrealistic and will only prolong the conflict for many more years
Zionist Nationalist wrote:None have enslaved them they dont forcefully work for Israel

Those forced to live in concentration camp Gaza are enslaved, just as those in the West Bank and East Jerusalem where life is Jim-Crow-y.

There is no apartheid this is complete nonsense

An Israeli wrote:Zionism is apartheid, and worse.
There’s a reason why many prominent South Africans as well as other intellectuals, including Jewish and Israeli ones, have marked Israeli policy as worse than South African Apartheid:

– South African law professor Prof. John Dugard, former special rapporteur for the United Nations on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories, had written in a report to the UN General Assembly in 2004 that the Israeli Apartheid regime is “worse than the one that existed in South Africa”. Out of office over a decade later, Dugard regarded the Israeli crimes as “infinitely worse than those committed by the apartheid regime of South Africa.”

– Baleka Mbete, chair of the African National Congress, said in 2012 that the Israeli regime is “far worse than Apartheid South Africa.”

– Israeli writer and journalist (Haaretz contributor) Yitzhak Laor wrote in 2009 that Israel’s Apartheid is not only “worse” but also “more ruthless”.

– Professor Noam Chomsky said in 2014 that it’s “much worse than Apartheid”.

– Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu said in 2014 that it “amounts to an Apartheid system”.

We are thus seeing not only Apartheid, but also genocide, unfold before us, for the past 7 decades. It’s so egregious, that many can hardly fathom it, and so they recoil to an apologetics that amounts to: “Don’t exaggerate.”

But the logic of it is frighteningly sober. We are talking about the two gravest crimes against humanity – Apartheid and Genocide. They are being committed in the name of Zionism.

They should attain their rights under Arab rule West bank should go to Jordan and Gaza to Egypt problem solved

Israel is controlling them, duh.

the problem is that there is none to negotiate with terms to end the conflict

Demanding the entirety of the land while imposing a military occupation and imprisoning a couple of million people in a concentration camp is no negotiation. The demands of the Palestinians are enshrined in international law, it is your side that's unwilling to negotiate / end your war on Palestinians, didn't you notice? You can't be that stupid. And you're not, because you have that tendency to vacillate on this discussion to sentiment that amounts to 'fuck them and the world, we can do whatever we like'.

your(BDS) demands for example are utter unrealistic and will only prolong the conflict for many more years

BDS came about after of decades of Israeli intransigence with regards to Palestinian statehood, amongst a bunch of genocidal shit. BDS abides by international law, whereas your side has been violating it since forever. Lol at BDS being the thing that prolongs the conflict for longer, it is you guys who are enslaving the natives that won't give an inch, or 22% of the land that Palestinians demand (Balfour offered 45%).

The arrogance of Zionists is boundless.

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