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Palmyrene wrote:@Sivad

Sivad you're saying that white genocide is a false theory but that the ruling class often manipulates populations in the way they desire but not in the way white genocide theorists claim.


Yeah, exactly. What I was saying was never hard to understand, these two jokers are just desperate to confuse people by twisting my meaning. It's stupid and obvious but they have no shame.
Sivad wrote:Yeah, exactly. What I was saying was never hard to understand, these two jokers are just desperate to confuse people by twisting my meaning. It's stupid and obvious but they have no shame.

Ok. You now have a good phrased way of expressing your thoughts that I just gave you.

It's fine. I know how it feels to be misunderstood. People may be assholes but we are selfish and thus we see ourselves in one another. That is what empathy is.
Pants-of-dog wrote:@Sivad

Please explain what your argument is. Thanks.

I find his train of thought to be obvisious.

The OP set the thread on a course to discuss to what extent is this film a reflection of themes in contemporary US politics.

It actually looked like a pretty decent movie. If anything, it proves that conservatives need to be able to defend themselves from evil liberal elites.

Eventually we get to this post.

SpecialOlympian is a special olympian, it's not exactly unprecedented for the ruling class to weaponize demographics and population dynamics, the ruling class has been doing that all through recorded history. The "white genocide" theory may be a crude folk understanding of what's being done but there is a substantial element of truth contained in it.

So he is saying the ruling class is shaping the politics of population dynamics to their advantage. Essentially, the importation of cheap labour, without legal standing, creates a working under class at the expense of the existing work force. Given the existing work force is typically of European decent, it is identified at white. Given the establishment uses ideology to marginalise political opposition form that group, which is detrimental to that group’s future, @Sivad is saying that the term ‘white genocide’ is used by that group to express their understanding of the situation they are in.

So is there any truth to it?

I posted this link in another thread. It shows there is a large number of cheap labourers in America who are immigrants and have little to no legal standing.


So there seems to be substantial truth to that part of @Sivad ‘s argument.

This cheap labour must be at the expense of the traditional working class. And there is a lot of identarian politics in America which advocates for ‘undocumented immigration’. Oddly, there is no talk of granting everyone who turns up in America with immediate citizenship, so presumably illegals still get to work without much legal protection and low wages.

So I think it is that which @Sivad has in mind when he says there is substantial truth.
Pants-of-dog wrote:@Sivad

How are these elites manipulating populations?

Please be specific.


I mean to be fair, the Israeli government has forced the sterilization of Ethiopian Jews to limit birth rates. And they've also taken children from Mizrahi Jews and given then to Askhenazi Jewish couples to get rid of Mizrahi Jewish culture (i.e. ethnic cleansing).

So it's not that fair off.

Sivad never said white genocide exists, just that the ruling class has used forms of population control before so that aspect of white genocide isn't that far off. So clearly it wasn't obvious.

Also the Koch Brothers are big members of the Republican Party. They use "white genocide" as a political tool, they don't actually do it.
Palmyrene wrote:@foxdemon

Sivad never said white genocide exists, just that the ruling class has used forms of population control before so that aspect of white genocide isn't that far off. So clearly it wasn't obvious.

Also the Koch Brothers are big members of the Republican Party. They use "white genocide" as a political tool, they don't actually do it.

I took it that Savid was saying there is a perception of white genocide in some quarters.

The thing is though, white genocide does exist, just that it is commonly misunderstood.

To understand white genocide, one needs to understand Marxism. Marxists do all sorts of genocide, against the bourgeoisie, against religious groups (eg: Uyghurs) and so on. Elimination of individual political dissidents would be homicide rather than genocide, I guess.

To Marxists, ‘whiteness’ is a cultural thing associated with European culture. This is something they wish to eradicate. So they try to subvert any institution or history or popular culture related to European culture. White genocide is basically a particular version of Marxist attempts to genocide everyone and everything.

That isn’t the same thing as exploitation of illegal immigrants in America, though there is a popular perception that it is. The exploitation of illegal immigrants is just capitalists being capitalists.
foxdemon wrote:I posted this link in another thread. It shows there is a large number of cheap labourers in America who are immigrants and have little to no legal standing.

https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa- ... SKCN1UZ1OV

So there seems to be substantial truth to that part of @Sivad ‘s argument.

Except that Koch Foods (no connection to the Koch brothers, by the way, everyone) donates largely to the Republican party:

Executives at PECO Foods and Koch Foods have donated at least $170,000 to the National Chicken Council Political Action Committee, or NCCC, which in turn gives money mostly to Republican politicians. In 2018, the NCCC gave $190,000 to U.S. House Republicans, and just $23,000 to House Democrats.

http://www.jacksonfreepress.com/news/20 ... housands-/

This is typically what we find: the rich business owners who have lots of employees with dubious legal status are Republican, not Democratic. However, Sivad's argument (in the video) was that Democrats want to make all illegal immigrants into citizens so that they'll vote for Democrats. So your link does not back Sivad up at all.

Oddly, there is no talk of granting everyone who turns up in America with immediate citizenship

However, that is the basis of Sivad's video - that they need them to have citizenship so they can vote. So you are saying that the video, and thus Sivad's argument, is wrong.

Palmyrene wrote:I mean to be fair, the Israeli government has forced the sterilization of Ethiopian Jews to limit birth rates. And they've also taken children from Mizrahi Jews and given then to Askhenazi Jewish couples to get rid of Mizrahi Jewish culture (i.e. ethnic cleansing).

So it's not that fair off.

To be fair, Sivad is talking about an American political party and the granting of citizenship to illegal immigrants in the USA, not about forced steriliziation of a completely different set of people by a completely different set of people. So it's so far off it's laughable.

Also completely unrelated to either situation is a fantasy about elites kidnapping Americans to hunt them for fun. That does have a vague similarity to the pizza basement hoax, I suppose, in which elites were supposedly kidnapping Americans and scaring them before killing them so they could drink a hormone produced under stress. I guess people who liked seeing that whiz around the internet might have liked the movie. We have a few members at the start of the thread saying they like the look of it.

foxdemon wrote:To understand white genocide, one needs to understand Marxism. Marxists do all sorts of genocide, against the bourgeoisie, against religious groups (eg: Uyghurs) and so on. Elimination of individual political dissidents would be homicide rather than genocide, I guess.

To Marxists, ‘whiteness’ is a cultural thing associated with European culture. This is something they wish to eradicate. So they try to subvert any institution or history or popular culture related to European culture. White genocide is basically a particular version of Marxist attempts to genocide everyone and everything.

I get the feeling you don't understand 'Marxism' at all. What does Marxism have to do with American elites?
@Prosthetic Conscience

To be fair, Sivad is talking about an American political party and the granting of citizenship to illegal immigrants in the USA, not about forced steriliziation of a completely different set of people by a completely different set of people. So it's so far off it's laughable.

Also completely unrelated to either situation is a fantasy about elites kidnapping Americans to hunt them for fun. That does have a vague similarity to the pizza basement hoax, I suppose, in which elites were supposedly kidnapping Americans and scaring them before killing them so they could drink a hormone produced under stress. I guess people who liked seeing that whiz around the internet might have liked the movie. We have a few members at the start of the thread saying they like the look of it.

Based on my conversation with him, he doesn't seem to believe that.

I asked him if what I said is what he believed in and he said yes.

Even if this moving goalposts don't you think it's ok to let him?
Pants-of-dog wrote:So you are completely abandoning the white genocide argument and now embarking on a brand new argument about how only Democrats are responsible for illegal immigration.

Just to jump in for a second...

White genocide is of course a bit of hyperbole. It was initially used in more seriousness concerning South Africa in the white population there who actually are experiencing some of the indicators that a genocide might be in pending.

Most of the ideas that focus on Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand concerns population replacement or replacement immigration. You can stretch this and be alarmist about it and make it into little white genocide but most people are satisfied with just pointing out that it is replacement migration that is fundamentally Shifting the demographics of these countries.

People would find this incredibly distasteful and alarming if it was happening anywhere in the world except why countries, so the implication is that this is actually quite a disgusting thing but nobody is willing to confront it because of all of the crazy political narratives in the West.
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:Except that Koch Foods (no connection to the Koch brothers, by the way, everyone) donates largely to the Republican party:

This is typically what we find: the rich business owners who have lots of employees with dubious legal status are Republican, not Democratic. However, Sivad's argument (in the video) was that Democrats want to make all illegal immigrants into citizens so that they'll vote for Democrats. So your link does not back Sivad up at all.

However, that is the basis of Sivad's video - that they need them to have citizenship so they can vote. So you are saying that the video, and thus Sivad's argument, is wrong.

Certainly there are both Republicans and Democrats who benefit from cheap labour. But my link does show that there is a large illegal workforce, and Savid was asked to substantiate the notion that the existing working class felt it is under threat. That is all my evidence needs to demonstrate.

I mention immediate citizenship, because that is what Democrat policies would have to do if they wanted to avoid exploitation of cheap labour. But how can that be practical with open borders? Surely it would save a lot of bureaucratic paperwork by just granting everyone in the world US citizenship. That shows just how nutty the open boarders idea is.

As to the rest of Savid’s argument, that is for him to defend. I only need to stop you and PoD bullying him.

I get the feeling you don't understand 'Marxism' at all. What does Marxism have to do with American elites?

There are words and there are actions. Mao’s cultural revolution and Pol Pot’s killing fields being good examples of Marxism in action. It is clear to all who have eyes that Marxism is a genocidal ideology. Marxism in the West is very much about eradicating ‘whiteness’. Going on their past record, intent to genocide is a reasonable assessment of what they are thinking. This is what should be mean’t when people use the term ‘white genocide’.

Regarding America’s elites, there is an element of Marxism in institutional power. I don’t think it can be said that they dominate the elite community at this time. But it is relevant.

Verv wrote:
Just to jump in for a second...

White genocide is of course a bit of hyperbole. It was initially used in more seriousness concerning South Africa in the white population there who actually are experiencing some of the indicators that a genocide might be in pending.

Most of the ideas that focus on Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand concerns population replacement or replacement immigration. You can stretch this and be alarmist about it and make it into little white genocide but most people are satisfied with just pointing out that it is replacement migration that is fundamentally Shifting the demographics of these countries.

People would find this incredibly distasteful and alarming if it was happening anywhere in the world except why countries, so the implication is that this is actually quite a disgusting thing but nobody is willing to confront it because of all of the crazy political narratives in the West.

You make a fair point that ethnic cleansing of European settler populations in the aftermath of post-colonialism is white genocide. But I maintain cultural Marxism is also. In the end the result would be the same.

I don’t agree that immigration into the West by people of non European background is necessary a bad thing. In a world of mass global transit, there will inevitably be such immigration. So I think you are right in describing it as alarmist. Perhaps if business and certain political interests didn’t have so much say in shaping the movement of people’s to their own objectives, there would be a lot less alarm about immigrants on.

Both those interest groups have ruthlessly exploited the Western people’s good will in supporting civil rights era ideas.
My take on it, @foxdemon ,is that European culture and civilization is the pinnacle. It is a reflection also of Christian thought and civilization, though it of course does distort Christianity and consist of much more. It has also famously turned its back on Christendom, and the migrant crisis is the indirect fruit of this.

The populations coming in also have nothing truly positive to assimilate to in most cases, and so they do not even bother assimilating. We then have a sick European culture living next to a still inferior and often off the wall culture of the largely Muslim and third world immigrants. The two don't mingle well, and the European culture no longer possesses the power to positively resolve the Clash, and the Islamic culture does not possess the will to change.
Red_Army wrote:Wasn't it Trump who bitched about this movie that got it cancelled? In either case its stupid. Not releasing one movie of the bazillion that features gun violence is a hilarious tactic.

The targets of the gun violence are always carefully chosen.

Immediately, that series of films called The Purge comes to mind.
Palmyrene wrote:I mean to be fair, the Israeli government has forced the sterilization of Ethiopian Jews to limit birth rates. And they've also taken children from Mizrahi Jews and given then to Askhenazi Jewish couples to get rid of Mizrahi Jewish culture (i.e. ethnic cleansing).

So it's not that fair off.

Interesting to note that @Palmyrene brings up Israel in a thread about an American movie dealing with American issues. To top it all of, he repeats the slander about "sterilising" Ethiopian Jews in Israel. That is a lie, but I am pretty confident that these kind of lies are popular in Arab countries.
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