Antifa again demonstrates its undemocratic nature - Page 6 - Politics | PoFo

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The unbiased source printed an account of the threat, which is what you asked for. If the threats were not accurate or credible, the antifa thugs could hold the Philadelphia Inquiry accountable for publishing false information in both the article as well as their headline.

Also, are you disputing that the mayor says that he won't tolerate terrorist threats from antifa?

Mayor Russ Johnson also confirmed that the gathering would not be held at the theater, located in the borough’s revitalized downtown district.

Johnson said he was working with the police department amid threats of violence and protests, including one to burn down the theater. “That’s the stuff I won’t tolerate,” he said.

The mayor won't tolerate terrorist threats, and he was working with the police. I am not holding my breath that the police are going to hold anyone from making a terrorist threat.
Finfinder wrote:In what fantastical world do you live in to think they are not?

Lol you're paranoid man. Do you think antifa is some kind of nationwide organization with a corporate office that coordinates with Google?

Reactionaries always think they're being censored because their worldview is inherently paranoiac, and anything that doesn't immediately validate their feelings based perception of reality is the work of a conspiracy (because that's exactly what they would do if given the opportunity).
SpecialOlympian wrote:Reactionaries always think they're being censored because their worldview is inherently paranoiac ...

If someone objects to my speech by threatening to lock the doors to the building and burn it down, it’s not paranoia to think they might really be out to get me. Especially when said people have a habit of physically assaulting those they disagree with.
maz wrote:The unbiased source printed an account of the threat,

No, it did not.

The article says that “its planners said they had received threats of violence from anti-fascist protesters known as antifa”.

Please note that the unbiased source says that THE PLANNERS SAID antifa threatened them.

Are you perhaps referring to the “telephone and social media campaign urging the theater to cancel the event”?

Also, are you disputing that the mayor says that he won't tolerate terrorist threats from antifa?

The mayor, Mr. Johnson, does not mention antifa.



Please cite the last time antifa killed someone. Thanks.
Doug64 wrote:If someone objects to my speech by threatening to lock the doors to the building and burn it down, it’s not paranoia to think they might really be out to get me. Especially when said people have a habit of physically assaulting those they disagree with.

I agree, nazis and the people who amplify their message are bad and I appreciate the work people do to stop them.

I assume you were referring to Tim Pool and the nazis whose message he amplifies.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Can anyone name anyone opposed to racism who is to speak at this Minds conference?

From the few articles I have read, all of them seem either supportive of racism, or neutral about it.

Given the conference is about ending racism, then presumably they all are against racism. I didn’t recognise many of the speakers listed. Tim Poole is definitely against any form of using the politics of race to advance an agenda.

I doubt the far left will listen to these people. The politics of race is a subject the left wishes to dominate for their own purposes and so they will do everything they can to discredit anyone outside of their movement who would challenge racism.
SpecialOlympian wrote:I assume you were referring to Tim Pool and the nazis whose message he amplifies.

Have any of those invited to this conference threatened to assault or kill anyone? If not, then no, they’re not who I’m referring to.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Please cite the last time antifa killed someone. Thanks.

When people that regularly assault people that disagree with them threaten to kill someone, we’re only supposed to take it seriously after they actually carry out their threat?
SpecialOlympian wrote:Lol you're paranoid man. Do you think antifa is some kind of nationwide organization with a corporate office that coordinates with Google?

Reactionaries always think they're being censored because their worldview is inherently paranoiac, and anything that doesn't immediately validate their feelings based perception of reality is the work of a conspiracy (because that's exactly what they would do if given the opportunity).

Hilarious because that is exactly what I think when your ilk tries to gaslight everyone that Nazis are supposedly overrunning the United States.

I've never seen one before. What is their national organization?
SpecialOlympian wrote:I assume you were referring to Tim Pool and the nazis whose message he amplifies.

There are no media outlets more guilty of amplifying the message of "nazis" than the MSN themselves, particularly the media outlet known as NPR and CNN. In the run up to the election and for almost an entire year after they were publishing stuff about Richard Spencer and David Duke practically every day.

NPR interviews a white supremacist - Bob Collins November 17, 2016, 5:04 PM

They created this white supremacist boogieman using the cutout Richard Spencer who was a cartoonish caricature to anyone paying attention.

After they gave him widespread attention and fame, then they told their listeners to go start punching regular people in the face if they had the incorrect political beliefs.

So, as the old saying goes, first they came for the Nazis, but I didn't say anything because I was not a nazi.

And now they are coming for the mixed-race lefties who support Bernie Sanders. The real question is, will antifa's harassment and terrorist threats turn Tim Poole into a nazi?

Who will they come for next?
maz wrote:After they gave him widespread attention and fame, then they told their listeners to go start punching regular people in the face if they had the incorrect political beliefs.

Who will they come for next?

I really, really, really hope those pussies come for me...
Doug64 wrote:Have any of those invited to this conference threatened to assault or kill anyone? If not, then no, they’re not who I’m referring to.

Yes. Carl Benjamin, aka Sargon of Akkad, threatened to rape an MP during his failed run in the UK (but it was just a joke bro lol) which resulted in his fans sending hundreds of rape threats to her.

When people that regularly assault people that disagree with them threaten to kill someone, we’re only supposed to take it seriously after they actually carry out their threat?

No, and that's why antifa is good. They stand up to nazis. Glad to see we are in agreement.

Finfinder wrote:Hilarious because that is exactly what I think when your ilk tries to gaslight everyone that Nazis are supposedly overrunning the United States.

I've never seen one before. What is their national organization?

Here's a list, have fun.

maz wrote:And now they are coming for the mixed-race lefties who support Bernie Sanders. The real question is, will antifa's harassment and terrorist threats turn Tim Poole into a nazi?

Who will they come for next?

We've gone over this before maz. There's a reason you, a white nationalist, keep pushing Tim Pool as an honest lefty you can cite for your bad faith arguments. Let's take a look at his current YouTube page:


Look at this guy he's the fuckin' child of Saul Alinsky and Karl Marx!!!

Also any person of any race can be a dipshit reactionary. Which doesn't matter, Tim Pool's blood is tainted with foul whiteness which makes him 100% white.
foxdemon wrote:Given the conference is about ending racism, then presumably they all are against racism. I didn’t recognise many of the speakers listed. Tim Poole is definitely against any form of using the politics of race to advance an agenda.

No, all of them are either openly racist, openly support racist people and policies like Pool does, or have no position whatsoever.

So just to be clear, there are no people who are actually trying to stop racism who have been invited to this conference. The “diversity” extends only to views that are conservative.

I doubt the far left will listen to these people. The politics of race is a subject the left wishes to dominate for their own purposes and so they will do everything they can to discredit anyone outside of their movement who would challenge racism.

Why should we listen to people who are trying to take away the rights of non-whites?

How do we benefit?


Doug64 wrote:When people that regularly assault people that disagree with them threaten to kill someone, we’re only supposed to take it seriously after they actually carry out their threat?

So we agree that antifa has never killed anyone, so it is illogical to assume they will do so now.

Now, did anyone actually threaten anyone? The supposed threat to life that you keep citing is merely a line in an online conversation and does not seem to be directed at anyone.

So as far as I can see, there was no threat to kill anyone.

Should we be worried about a threat that was never threatened and is not supported by previous behaviour?
Pants-of-dog wrote:So we agree that antifa has never killed anyone, so it is illogical to assume they will do so now.

I don't agree with that at all. It could've happened and we just don't know about it. I wouldn't be surprised, given their antics, if one of them has gone too far and has accidentally killed someone. Unless it can be proven that such a thing is an impossibility, it remains possible.

Something to keep in mind: When an antifa pussy cold-cocks someone, the recipient of said blow is justified in escalating the level of force used against him, with whatever he has at his disposal, if he's in fear for his life. If that person doesn't know how to fight, he must use other measures. If that person has a gun, he could well be justified in shooting said antifa pussy to stop him from continuing to beat him...
It's worth noting that both Antifa & the far right are pumped to go and fight each other. There are massive social media networks where both of them cheer on the street violence.

The Proud Boys (who are anti-racist) have been banned from Facebook and other places for being involved in street level political fights and altercations, but Antifa largely is not. Perhaps this is partly because Antifa does not exist as a formal organization with "heads" and some central network, unlike the Proud Boys. But, regardless, it feels like a double standard.

Either way: Antifa are scumbags, and the far right groups which show up asking for violence are not entirely innocent of this either.

It is because of both of these groups that the protesters on either side generally have to be prepared for a fight, and this is what will contribute to a great deal of street violence during the 2020 elections. Something should be done.
BigSteve wrote:I don't agree with that at all. It could've happened and we just don't know about it. I wouldn't be surprised, given their antics, if one of them has gone too far and has accidentally killed someone. Unless it can be proven that such a thing is an impossibility, it remains possible.

Yes, it is possible that antifa killed someone.

It is also possible that they never killed anyone and that they are being maligned for some reason.

Why is one more plausible than the other?

Something to keep in mind: When an antifa pussy cold-cocks someone, the recipient of said blow is justified in escalating the level of force used against him, with whatever he has at his disposal, if he's in fear for his life. If that person doesn't know how to fight, he must use other measures. If that person has a gun, he could well be justified in shooting said antifa pussy to stop him from continuing to beat him...

And antifa members are also justified, I assume.

None of this seems relevant. How does this relate to the fact that antifa never threatened anyone?
Verv wrote:It's worth noting that both Antifa & the far right are pumped to go and fight each other.

Yeah local antifa groups are absolutely pumped to have nazi shitheads travel to their town so they can harass the residents, as they have done in Charlottesville and Portland.

Just a reminder: James Fields, the nazi murderer, drove 8 hours for the privilege of running down Heather Heyer with his car in Charlottesville.

Hmm. One group purposely targets communities to harass and intimidate and the other responds to those threats at a local level. Maybe both groups are equally bad??
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