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By jimjam
Drlee wrote: god

Capital G …… please.

I pretty much knew that the events that are locking Donald and his Republican party into a no win situation would happen. It's just happening much faster than I had anticipated. Obese Donald's vaunted "base" is very effective in the short run but, in the long run, a dead weight that will stick to him like shit.

Drlee wrote:unless he moderates his positions

Can't be ruled out but Donald's God complex makes this quite unlikely. My Mom died from dementia. It was hell. To see the same thing play out on the world stage is frightening. My free advice to POFO'ers is to take care of #1 ….. yourselves. Batten down the hatches and put whatever wealth you may have into liquid tangibles.
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By Drlee
@jimjam Capital G …… please.

Oops. There goes another thee to five in Purgatory. (You can get time off for no behavior whatsoever.)

I agree it is time to go to very safe investments. The circus is over. I understand you like real estate. Me too. And I moved most of my mutual funds to cash not long ago. I looked at one of my former mutual funds today and it had taken an almost 2% hit in two weeks. And it is going to get much worse.

Mutual funds are not rare collectables. They are easily replaced but if you don't take care of them they can cost you a bundle just for a little inattentiveness.
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By Hindsite
President Trump's main campaign slogans in 2016 were Make America Great Again and Make America Strong Again. He said his new campaign slogan will be Keep America Great. I suggest Make America Weak Again for the Democrats.
By Code Rood
Hindsite wrote:President Trump's main campaign slogans in 2016 were Make America Great Again and Make America Strong Again. He said his new campaign slogan will be Keep America Great.

I'm sure neocon Don and his team thought long and hard to come up with that slogan.
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By Drlee
I'm sure neocon Don and his team thought long and hard to come up with that slogan.

I'm sure he hired a team of consultants he has no intention of paying.
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By Hindsite
Code Rood wrote:I'm sure neocon Don and his team thought long and hard to come up with that slogan.

He thought of it himself. He said he had already made America great again, so it makes sense to keep it great. He did ask his supporters at one of his campaign rallies how they liked it and they seemed to approve.
By Code Rood
Hindsite wrote:He thought of it himself. He said he had already made America great again, so it makes sense to keep it great. He did ask his supporters at one of his campaign rallies how they liked it and they seemed to approve.

How is he going to keep America great? By tweeting stupid crap again? By throwing you a few crumbs again? By talking about some random rapper that may get in a fight in a foreign country again? By being Netanyahu's butt buddy again?

Seriously.. what has this guy done to make you, as a Republican, want to vote for him again? Simply because he's the lesser of two evils? Simply because he's your guy and not the guy of Democrat voters? The guy talks about red flag laws, he has deported less immigrants than Barack Obama, the wall thing is a huge failure and so on. I don't think most people voted for him because he would move the embassy to Jerusalem.

Trump's luck is that he has the boomers in his pocket and most likely a lot of people are going to stay at home because basically all the Democratic candidates are completely nuts. If Trump didn't have that luck, he would be annihilated in 2020.
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By Hindsite
Code Rood wrote:How is he going to keep America great?

Do more of what he has been doing?
Code Rood wrote:By tweeting stupid crap again? By throwing you a few crumbs again? By talking about some random rapper that may get in a fight in a foreign country again? By being Netanyahu's butt buddy again?

That's all part of it. :lol:

Code Rood wrote:Seriously.. what has this guy done to make you, as a Republican, want to vote for him again? Simply because he's the lesser of two evils? Simply because he's your guy and not the guy of Democrat voters? The guy talks about red flag laws, he has deported less immigrants than Barack Obama, the wall thing is a huge failure and so on. I don't think most people voted for him because he would move the embassy to Jerusalem.

He has done too many things to name them all. However, I will name a few. President Trump used the Congressional Review Act to cancel federal regulations that are outdated, unnecessary, bad for workers, and contrary to the national interest. This along with the tax cut has resulted in the USA becoming energy independent and the number one energy producer in the world as well as the strongest economy in the world. He has negotiated better trade agreements with Mexico, Canada, and Japan as well as shame NATO allies into contributing more for defense. He ordered our military to eliminate the ISIS caliphate and they did. He pulled us out of the stupid Iran nuclear and Paris climate agreements and put sanctions on Iran, Russia, and North Korea for there bad actions. He is working hard to get a better trade agreement with China and stop them from stealing our companies intellectual property by hurting their economy with tariffs and the threat of more tariffs. I am certainly happy with the two conservative Supreme Court Judges he appointed and hope he will be able to appoint at least one more if elected for another term.

I will vote for him again in hopes he can build the border wall and secure our border against the entrance of illegal immigrants, drugs, and human trafficking. I certainly do not want the crazy socialist agenda of the Democrats.
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By Ter
Code Rood wrote: By being Netanyahu's butt buddy again?

Yes, we know that Trump's support for Israel bothers you a lot.

Code Rood wrote: I don't think most people voted for him because he would move the embassy to Jerusalem.

Oh, here we go again. You have a big "Israel chip" on your shoulder.
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By Hindsite
BigSteve wrote:Fuck them. I'd like to see every Democrat inside the beltway die in front of their families...

I would rather see them tormented.
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By Drlee
Fuck them. I'd like to see every Democrat inside the beltway die in front of their families...

Never met a tough guy who said shit like that. Lot's of wannabees bluff, strut and bluster. Spend 20 years in the company of rough men. Not my first rodeo.

Get a grip son. None of us are impressed.
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By BigSteve
Drlee wrote:Never met a tough guy who said shit like that. Lot's of wannabees bluff, strut and bluster. Spend 20 years in the company of rough men. Not my first rodeo.

Get a grip son. None of us are impressed.

Senility's an ugly thing, ain't it?

Your constant "I'm old and tough" routine is both tired and laughable. Met with the first hint of adversity I have no doubt you'd cry like a child...
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By Crantag
I think someone could make a great cartoon of the three septuagenarians in Sanders (77), Biden (76), and Warren (70), having some kind of dispute over some sort of contest (A game of pinnacle? A professional wrestling match? A game of Chinese checkers?), with the fourth septuagenarian, Trump (73) somehow on the periphery (maybe as a referee, or as some sort of observer(?)).

I am mostly a Sanders supporter, but I am edging toward Warren as my candidate, because of her relative youth :eek:

I don't mean any 'agism' here, but there's something strange here. I mean, a vote for Sanders is essentially a bet that he'll still be alive and cogent, and able to perform the job of president, when he's 86 (unless he were to bow out in 2022, I suppose).

What is going on here?

Be that as it may, Elizabeth Warren is my pick at this point to get the nomination. People are going to start realizing Biden has early-stage dementia, and Sanders is just too old.

That doesn't mean she'll beat Trump, but I do think Trump is very beatable. I don't think he's ever broken 50% approval, and has often been below 40%.

My prediction is that Warren will be the nominee for the Democrats, and that she'll also beat Trump.
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By Crantag
BigSteve wrote:Senility's an ugly thing, ain't it?

Your constant "I'm old and tough" routine is both tired and laughable. Met with the first hint of adversity I have no doubt you'd cry like a child...

You're okay @BigSteve , but internet tough talk is just hollow.

I am guessing that I'm younger than you, probably by a bit. I'm guessing you're bigger than me, probably by a bit (at least if your name is an indicator).

I've been in some street fights. I'm living in China right now, in a town with a lot of German companies, and I got in two pretty bad fights with some German guys over the past 3 months. I say 'bad' in the sense that my face got rearranged. I was wasted as hell.

The second fight, it was a big dude, and I totally started it, and I do think it was entirely my fault, and I quite regret it.

You're a big dude, that's why they call you Big Steve. I wouldn't want to fight you. You'd probably reopen the scar on the bridge of my nose for a third time (it was reopened in one of the fights, and hasn't properly healed. It originated from the time I got stomped by a Japanese gangster who I'd accidentally offended by breaking his very special glass which he'd poured a drink for me in (why would you give your very special glass to a very wasted guy? That was my question. (He stomped me when I was sleeping on a floor. I woke up to the scene of being punched in the face)))

I sorta believe your Portland story. I'm from Oregon. I lived in Portland for a short time (but I'm from far away from Portland, and proud of it.)

I've actually been heckled by gay guys in Portland, myself. Sad but true.

Not that it was anything serious. I just walked on. And it also wasn't anything regular, but I'd be a liar if I said it never, once, happened. It happened once that I remember, and if it happened twice, I've forgotten it.

I actually like reading some of your posts though, Big Steve, but being belligerent like this on the internet is kinda pointless, ain't it?

On the Portland thing though, there was one thing that didn't quite jive. How the hell do you knock someone out by punching them on the side of the neck?

Just doesn't make sense.

I'll answer the question for you in the most sympathetic way possible. "I hit him in the chin with a solid shot, and on the follow through I connected with his neck."

If you're going to make up stories, you should make them more believable. Not to say that you must have made it up, but at the very least you probably exaggerated. Although, you might have hit him in the neck, and he played dead, I reckon. I'll grant that as a possibility. (Or he could have hit his head on the concrete. This is an edit, but I can see some potential scenarios.)
But, you're still alright, however this fight talk on forums is generally stupid.

Let's say you arrange a fight with Dr. Lee and fly to Arizona, he might just shoot you and cite some legal stature, or he might not be what you think, and you not what you portray yourself as. But he'd never be stupid enough to get involved, so it's all quite moot, isn't it? So, what's the point? If you want to fight, go to your local bar and start a fight there, like I do (did do).
By Code Rood
Ter wrote:Yes, we know that Trump's support for Israel bothers you a lot.

And I know that it bothers you a lot when people don't talk about Israel in a positive way.
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By BigSteve
Crantag wrote:On the Portland thing though, there was one thing that didn't quite jive. How the hell do you knock someone out by punching them on the side of the neck?

Just doesn't make sense.

I'll answer the question for you in the most sympathetic way possible. "I hit him in the chin with a solid shot, and on the follow through I connected with his neck."

Hey, get hit in the neck hard enough and find out...

If you're going to make up stories, you should make them more believable. Not to say that you must have made it up, but at the very least you probably exaggerated. Although, you might have hit him in the neck, and he played dead, I reckon. I'll grant that as a possibility. (Or he could have hit his head on the concrete. This is an edit, but I can see some potential scenarios.)

I honestly don't give a shit if people believe it. Seriously, I don't. Like I said, have a 280 lb guy hit you in the neck unexpectedly and see if you don't get knocked out...

But, you're still alright, however this fight talk on forums is generally stupid.

What's stupid is that you say that right before you say this:

Let's say you arrange a fight with Dr. Lee and fly to Arizona, he might just shoot you and cite some legal stature, or he might not be what you think, and you not what you portray yourself as. But he'd never be stupid enough to get involved, so it's all quite moot, isn't it? So, what's the point? If you want to fight, go to your local bar and start a fight there, like I do (did do).

I've never stated that I want to fight anyone, so it's pretty stupid for you to suggest I have...
By Code Rood
BigSteve wrote:I'm not a Republican, but his efforts to address our horrible illegal immigration problem are enough for me. They don't belong here, I don't want them here, and we piss away untold fortunes of money on them. He's trying to stop that and piece of shit democrats do whatever they can to stand in his way.

Again, the guy has deported less than Obama and has said a couple of times that he wants more immigration.

And also, Trump did nothing when the House was still Republican. So the problem isn't just Democrats.

BigSteve wrote:Scumbag democrats will feed you a line of bullshit and say they want to do something about the problem, but they fight against every chance.

So they're basically like Republicans.
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By Crantag
BigSteve wrote:Hey, get hit in the neck hard enough and find out...

I honestly don't give a shit if people believe it. Seriously, I don't. Like I said, have a 280 lb guy hit you in the neck unexpectedly and see if you don't get knocked out...

What's stupid is that you say that right before you say this:

I've never stated that I want to fight anyone, so it's pretty stupid for you to suggest I have...

It's cool dude, I'm pretty drunk right now.

Not that I'm kowtowing, but if you read my post carefully I actually rather accepted your scenario. My point that trying to be an internet tough guy is pretty stupid is still my point though.
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By BigSteve
Code Rood wrote:Again, the guy has deported less than Obama...

Obama never faced the level of resistance to doing the right thing that Trump has had to weather...

and has said a couple of times that he wants more immigration.

There's not a single thing wrong with more immigration. I'm not entirely sure why you believe this is relevant...

And also, Trump did nothing when the House was still Republican. So the problem isn't just Democrats.

Early on Trump was despised by the right, as well, and they fought him. They've been coming around, though.

Democrats, however, are determined to do whatever they can to stop everything Trump wants to do. Think about it: We have a Democratic Presidential hopeful who is clear that he wishes to allow illegal aliens into our country. How is that a good, sound policy?

So they're basically like Republicans.

No, they are far worse and determined to destroy this country from the inside...
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