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By annatar1914
One thing I've become absolutely sure of is that American ''Conservatives'' like I used to be don't conserve anything except the basis of the radical roots of their Ideology, which lay in 19th century Classical Liberalism. But President Trump fortunately despite his followers is actually a Big-Government Statist like Nixon and Reagan were, with basically Neo-Liberal Keynesian economic thinking. Used to, the GOP was happy having a President like Nixon who did things like set emergency wage and price controls... Can you imagine what the radicals in the REAL LEFT would say to that today?

(anyone who's read my recent posts would recall that I call Anarchists, American ''Conservatives'', Classical 19th century style Liberals, Minarchists, Libertarians, Objectivists, and Anarcho-Capitalists all on the LEFT of my revised political spectrum, precisely due to this Anti-State radicalism.)

So everyone who isn't reflexively anti-government needs to calm down when it comes to President Trump's opinions on the role of government at least.
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By Hindsite
annatar1914 wrote:One thing I've become absolutely sure of is that American ''Conservatives'' like I used to be don't conserve anything except the basis of the radical roots of their Ideology, which lay in 19th century Classical Liberalism. But President Trump fortunately despite his followers is actually a Big-Government Statist like Nixon and Reagan were, with basically Neo-Liberal Keynesian economic thinking. Used to, the GOP was happy having a President like Nixon who did things like set emergency wage and price controls... Can you imagine what the radicals in the REAL LEFT would say to that today?

(anyone who's read my recent posts would recall that I call Anarchists, American ''Conservatives'', Classical 19th century style Liberals, Minarchists, Libertarians, Objectivists, and Anarcho-Capitalists all on the LEFT of my revised political spectrum, precisely due to this Anti-State radicalism.)

So everyone who isn't reflexively anti-government needs to calm down when it comes to President Trump's opinions on the role of government at least.

I'm calm.
Praise the Lord.
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By blackjack21
JohnRawls wrote:I don't really think the coup has already happened.

I'm not talking about the recent upstart populists. I'm talking about the neo-liberal craziness that's in power now--the establishment/deep state that was supposed to give the US Hillary Clinton as president, or Jeb Bush if they failed; and, remain in the UK, etc. Nobody voted for these people. These people got themselves into positions of power in government, media and academia and coordinated much of what we're seeing now. I rarely watch TV anymore, preferring to stream content from non-mainstream sources. I found this very interesting and entertaining YouTube video--an interview with Rod Liddle, a former Labour MP. He laments the left wing propaganda that even his daughter has to deal with in school. I've teed it up to his conclusion near the end, where he characterizes British culture as having achieved "peak wank." Good for a laugh.

It's worth watching if you've had enough of the critique from the political right. Even former Labour MPs are tired of it. He's touting SDP now. I find it refreshing and affirming to hear people I otherwise probably would find a lot of differences with experiencing the same frustration that I do.

JohnRawls wrote:I do not consider the current Trump, Brexit, etc situations as a coup simply because they are fueled by personalities mostly. The core of the system is still the Neoliberal people even if Trump or Brexit or etc happen.

Indeed. I didn't make myself clear enough. The neoliberals became much more devious when George H.W. Bush got into power and laid the groundwork for the back-and-forth of Clinton-Bush-Clinton-Bush. Only, they got Obama followed by Trump instead of Clinton and another Bush.

JohnRawls wrote:Look at Brexit, the Tories fucked up a lot irrelevant of which side you support so its a miracle that Corbyn is not the PM yet.

I've been bashing Teresa May the whole time. I think it's disbelief at what Corbyn is doing that is going to prevent him from ever rising to 10 Downing St. Stateside, you'll notice I never shed a tear when John Boehner retired, or when even a very young Paul Ryan gave it up. These people know they are hated and that nobody is buying the "bi-partisan" bullshit anymore.

JohnRawls wrote:A lot of the same critique that go to Tories can be given to Trump also. The difference is that Trump is doing a bit better job mostly due to him actually having more support in the senate/house.

Oh, no doubt. However, Trump's biggest failure to date is the repeal of ObamaCare, and that can't be blamed squarely on Trump. Just as so many MPs of Labour and the Tories said they would respect the wishes of the voters, so many Republicans voted 40+ times to repeal ObamaCare without reservation. When they had the power to do it, they chose not to. That failure to repeal ObamaCare is who they really were, and many of those people retired from the House and thereby handed control to Nancy Pelosi--who finds herself as miserable as Boehner and Ryan. Although, I'm a little bit puzzled as to why they are so weary. This is what diversity looks like--chaos, fractiousness and ungovernability. This is what they've been pushing for 30 years.

JohnRawls wrote:His position is in no way secure though especially if an economic crysis hits.

It's still very early, so I vacillate on that question a bit. However, having listened to a few Trump rally speeches, I think he's on his way to re-election and I'm beginning to think the Democrats now see this happening too. The economy was his only selling point, but a very powerful one until he finally got some funding on the wall. Delivering on even a part of that promise while having to fight both the Democrats and Republicans in Congress to deliver to the American people what they voted on shows that he keeps on fighting to deliver his promises. A lesser politician--and most of them are lesser--would have quit when they couldn't get funding the conventional way. Trump didn't quit when he tried to use military funding and faced a court challenge. He won that too. These are tough victories. Trump has also been mentioning the courts in his speeches now. That's a big selling point. With the Democrats latest failed attack on Kavanaugh, they are looking pretty desperate. If Trump wins again, they will lose the court for a generation and they are positively freaking out as that was how they foisted everything on the United States that they could not win politically from abortion to gay marriage. However, the clear independence of the legislature and executive in the US and the clear division of powers is why Trump hasn't been hobbled quite the way Boris Johnson has. However, Johnson's hobbling is only procedural. It's a tactical defeat, but a strategic victory. There are so many utterly appalled Labour voters that an election is going to be pretty brutal for Labour.

JohnRawls wrote:The Neoliberal power might have been dented but you are delusional to think that they are not in charge anymore.

I don't have any delusions there. It's just that they are failing now. Their coup against Trump has failed too. Their nature is getting laid bare. Like I said before, I'm a bit pessimistic for the future, and Rod Liddle said the same thing in his final comment on the above video. However, he also mentioned that a new party might arise, and this is just before the Brexit party came about. It's interesting how fast things have changed in 6 months.

JohnRawls wrote:I just don't wan to live under communists or nazis in 15-20 years of time because ultimately if nothing changes this is where it is heading. And i don't mean that Trump or Johnson or Le Pens etc are nazis or communists. What I mean that eventually real USSR kind of communists or NSDAP kind of Nazis will replace them if a solution is not found.

Yes. That is my fear too. That's why I've said that the antidote to the mass migration is the likely rise of NSDAP-style bloody purges if it's not stopped in its tracks immediately. The difference this time is it won't be limited to Germany and Italy, it will be continent wide. The proponents of "diversity" on the other hand seem utterly puzzled as to why British politics have devolved into chaos; yet, this is pretty much the common fact of life in diverse societies. It suggests that they really didn't understand history, but were sold a bunch of propaganda/ideology and at some level still believe it.

JohnRawls wrote:Calling everything a "Gate" was started by Republicans but you continuing this absurdity is not gonna help.

It was started by Democrats. Watergate is how they took down Nixon. The Republicans first used it with Clinton and "Travelgate." It is an incredibly un-imaginative suffix to hang on a scandal.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Bashing one’s opponents seems to be working for Trump.

Yes. However, Trump is violating political correctness and challenging basic assumptions, thereby shifting the Overton window. For example, attacking Elijah Cummings district triggered the Democrats to reflexively counterattack, but shined the light on the plight of inner cities run by Democrats for 50+ years. It's not the negativity itself that works, it's the underlying truth that's revealed in the process.

Drlee wrote:I met a very smart guy the other day who is a total outlier. His opinion is that we are about to face the end of labor as we know it. He believes that the deficits are irrelevant in the face of that. Simply put, there is no one who will be required to foot the bill. He made a very convincing argument.

I don't think it's going to happen as quickly as people say, but change is certainly upon us. George Friedman used to have a board on Stratfor back before the invasion of Iraq, and some friends of mine used to debate him. Peter Zeihan has picked up on an argument I submitted to Friedman; namely, that stability is not necessarily in our interest anymore. It's about 20 years later, but even those guys have come to my side--although, I have a nasty habit of predicting things long before they happen, which is to say I tend to identify the upcoming trend, but my timing sucks. Like my long view, you have to take Zeihan with a grain of salt, but he has some interesting assertions.

Julian658 wrote:Most Republicans I know think Trump is a jerk and a narcissist. However, the Dem party is so bad that they rather vote for Trump. Despite the massive personality issues Trump is enjoying a prosperous economy and has cut redtape. That is good enough for many conservatives. The lunacy of a Kamala, Warren, or Bernie is much worse than Trump.

Trump seems to know this too. He literally gets on stage and says things like, "You have to vote for me. If you don't, your 401k will get destroyed." If any of that Green New Deal stuff gets anywhere close to implementation, Trump is spot on.

BigSteve wrote:What's going to be interesting is watching the democrats eat their young...

Well, I think Beto just nuked himself with the talk of confiscating guns. I think Tulsi Gabbard has made a name for herself out of this process, if nothing else.

Drlee wrote:Just for the record, Trump has cut no "red tape". What he has done is roll back environmental protections.

President Trump Should Rediscover Regulatory Reform
It's more than that. National Review has some suggestions, but I think Trump has already picked up on some of that. For example, I had quit the Republicans by 2006 and stopped giving them money. My sister didn't. When Obama got elected, she was audited by the IRS every single year Obama was in office. Now that he's gone, the audits have stopped. However, Obama was very stingy with IRS late penalties and aggressive with collections. I owed some money on my 2013 tax returns that I had missed in filing--I moved several times. Obama's IRS garnished my wages and then intercepted my state tax return, collecting the owed tax twice. I fought it for years and got nowhere. A few weeks ago, out of the blue, I got a letter from the IRS and thought, "Here we go." I was pleasantly surprised to see that they were going to return my $1900+ bucks. A few days later, I got the check and they paid interest--like $2200. Took a few years for Trump to get to it, but I had forgotten all about it. Also, this year I had to pay. Since I didn't send in any quarterlies, I had to pay a $450 late penalty, which I did with my 1040. A few weeks later, I got a letter from the IRS. Same general feeling: "here we go." Yet, I got a notice that I had overpaid. A few days later, I got a check back for the late penalty. Trump has done a lot to restore my faith in government.

annatar1914 wrote:But President Trump fortunately despite his followers is actually a Big-Government Statist like Nixon and Reagan were, with basically Neo-Liberal Keynesian economic thinking.

Spot on. That's why I've thought it absolutely hilarious to see the reactions to him from the Democrats. He spent most of his life as a Democrat, and most of his views are old school Democratic stuff. I don't even agree with Trump on healthcare reform.
By annatar1914
Concerning my comments that President Trump is a Big Government Neo-Keynesian Statist, you said @blackjack21 that;

blackjack21 wrote:

Spot on. That's why I've thought it absolutely hilarious to see the reactions to him from the Democrats. He spent most of his life as a Democrat, and most of his views are old school Democratic stuff. I don't even agree with Trump on healthcare reform.

Can you imagine how they'd lose their minds over the policies of a President Kennedy, if he could travel from 1963 to 2019? Of course the GOP would have trouble with him too, but still...

See, it's important to place Statists on one side of the political spectrum, and useful in my opinion too, but I'm not making judgements on the rightness or wrongfulness of the State Power used I'm quick to add.

Except in one interesting point;

I'm pretty sure that given the foreign policy interests of the American political and economic establishment, a Clinton Presidency would not have been all that different in foreign policy from Trump's in an observable fashion significant to our foreign observer friends here. Except that were it Obama or Clinton or even Bush, they'd be praising what they attack in Trump :excited: :roll:
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By blackjack21
annatar1914 wrote:Of course the GOP would have trouble with him too, but still...

True, but the people would love him, so the establishment would probably try to shoot him again.

annatar1914 wrote:I'm pretty sure that given the foreign policy interests of the American political and economic establishment, a Clinton Presidency would not have been all that different in foreign policy from Trump's in an observable fashion significant to our foreign observer friends here. Except that were it Obama or Clinton or even Bush, they'd be praising what they attack in Trump :excited: :roll:

I think either Clinton (Hillary) or Bush (Jeb) would have been somewhat more aggressive, with Clinton being the worse of the two in terms of collateral damage and refugees. They did praise Trump when he launched the cruise missile strike on Syria. I'll bet Trump thinks that he was sold a bag of goods on that one.
By annatar1914
True, but the people would love him, so the establishment would probably try to shoot him again.

When you think about it, it's the ''Sword of Damocles'' that hangs over every President's head. A reminder that one need not finish one's term of office alive. Rulers are to be prayed for.

I think either Clinton (Hillary) or Bush (Jeb) would have been somewhat more aggressive, with Clinton being the worse of the two in terms of collateral damage and refugees. They did praise Trump when he launched the cruise missile strike on Syria. I'll bet Trump thinks that he was sold a bag of goods on that one.

Fake chemical attacks call for fake missile attacks, where over two hours were given the SAA, via the warning given the Russian forces in Syria, to clear out of certain areas that were to be struck.

Trump absolutely is playing chess while his foes think they're playing checkers. It would be even more of a disaster for them if it weren't for the fact that Trump is hamstrung to a degree by GOP fecklessness. He therefore has to teach his own Administration officials how to perform or get out of the way and give someone else the opportunity... The staff turnover in the White House I rack up to the tremendous number of abject losers in the political bureaucracy. Trump gives people a chance, they serve his purposes on probation, and slowly a new political class might be created.
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By Drlee
Beto? Riding his skateboard and dropping f-bombs?

He is a joke. And, not to put to fine a point on it, last week he singlehandedly gave Trump the election. His comment about "getting the AR-15's" was worth $100 million to the republicans. They will be playing the slippery slope argument and that single comment gave Florida to Trump. Texas also and, if McSally is smart Arizona Senate and Trump.

Frankly I do not see a single way for the democrats to win the presidency. They are rudderless and running an absolutely bad campaign. The bright spot is that you and I will make more money than ever on the lowered taxes.
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By JohnRawls
Drlee wrote:He is a joke. And, not to put to fine a point on it, last week he singlehandedly gave Trump the election. His comment about "getting the AR-15's" was worth $100 million to the republicans. They will be playing the slippery slope argument and that single comment gave Florida to Trump. Texas also and, if McSally is smart Arizona Senate and Trump.

Frankly I do not see a single way for the democrats to win the presidency. They are rudderless and running an absolutely bad campaign. The bright spot is that you and I will make more money than ever on the lowered taxes.

Well, he is desperately trying to change something but its not going to happen. He is like 4th behind Biden, Warren and Bernie. Its interesting to see Warren overtake Bernie which was is a surprise.
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By BigSteve
Drlee wrote:He is a joke. And, not to put to fine a point on it, last week he singlehandedly gave Trump the election.

I'm not sure about that.

He definitely destroyed his chances. If he was smart (which he isn't), he'd drop out now.

What he has done, though, is forced the other Democrat hopefuls into a position when they'll have to back off their anti-gun stances...
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By Julian658
JohnRawls wrote:Well, he is desperately trying to change something but its not going to happen. He is like 4th behind Biden, Warren and Bernie. Its interesting to see Warren overtake Bernie which was is a surprise.

Biden likely has early dementia, the other candidates are crazoid SJWs. Mayor Pete who could be a viable candidate for the Dems. However, the blacks will never give the vote to a gay man or even a Jew. In the 2016 primaries blacks did not favored Bernie. Homophobia is prevalent in black America even though they complain of racism. they will never vote for mayor Pete.

Kamala Harris is less likeable than HRC and totally fake. Booker is no Obama.

This leaves Amy Klobuchar: a female centrist that is not a typical SJW. She may be the dark horse that replaces biden when he he quits.

Warren, has no chance to beat Trump. Wang is a caricature.
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By Drlee
Well, he is desperately trying to change something but its not going to happen. He is like 4th behind Biden, Warren and Bernie. Its interesting to see Warren overtake Bernie which was is a surprise.

It is interesting. I don't think Beto ever had a chance but I am more concerned about the damage he did to the party in general. His one statement will be translated "democrats want to take your guns" to the tune of millions in advertising.

After Trump is finished starting a war with Iran his next move will be on homelessness and a federal solution for it. It is so diabolical that when he says he is a genius I am becoming suspicious that he may just be,

Today he called out the Fed Chief. Brilliant strategy. He is out in front on this. If the economy goes south he will simply say, "see? I told you so."
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By Drlee
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By Hindsite
Drlee wrote:It is interesting. I don't think Beto ever had a chance but I am more concerned about the damage he did to the party in general. His one statement will be translated "democrats want to take your guns" to the tune of millions in advertising.

After Trump is finished starting a war with Iran his next move will be on homelessness and a federal solution for it. It is so diabolical that when he says he is a genius I am becoming suspicious that he may just be,

Today he called out the Fed Chief. Brilliant strategy. He is out in front on this. If the economy goes south he will simply say, "see? I told you so."

It is clear to me that the Democrats do not have a good solution to any of our problems. Everything they have done has made things worse. I can't understand why anyone in their right mind would vote for them. But perhaps that is because I am only a near genius and not a real stable genius, like Trump or blackjack21.
By annatar1914
Drlee wrote:It is interesting. I don't think Beto ever had a chance but I am more concerned about the damage he did to the party in general. His one statement will be translated "democrats want to take your guns" to the tune of millions in advertising.

After Trump is finished starting a war with Iran his next move will be on homelessness and a federal solution for it. It is so diabolical that when he says he is a genius I am becoming suspicious that he may just be,

Today he called out the Fed Chief. Brilliant strategy. He is out in front on this. If the economy goes south he will simply say, "see? I told you so."

I have been trying since day one to wake people up, as you know. He really is a genius. In the West, only him and Bolsonaro and Pope Francis. Everyone else is absolutely clueless and too blinded by what the others I've mentioned want them to see to be of any positive use to anyone.
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By Drlee
This was my post a long while ago:

Re: Trump calls it like it is; the establishment can't take it#14730041
By Drlee - Fri 28 Oct 2016, 12:03

The election ended today and Trump is going to win. The FBI reopened its investigation into the Clinton emails. This will push independent voters over the top. Stupidly but what should we expect from them.

Same thing. Trump will win again. Beto made it a certainty.
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By BigSteve
Drlee wrote:It is interesting. I don't think Beto ever had a chance but I am more concerned about the damage he did to the party in general.


If you're a Republican, why do you care about the damage a Democrat does to his party?

After Trump is finished starting a war with Iran his next move will be on homelessness and a federal solution for it.

You don't believe the federal government should take the lead in addressing homelessness in this country?
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By Drlee
You don't believe the federal government should take the lead in addressing homelessness in this country?

You keep forgetting I am a conservative. I do not believe the federal government should be involved in homelessness at all. I believe that this should fall to the states and municipalities. But then I would do away with the Department of Education too. Conservatives used to believe in balanced budgets and smaller government.
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By Rugoz
Julian658 wrote:Biden likely has early dementia, the other candidates are crazoid SJWs. Mayor Pete who could be a viable candidate for the Dems. However, the blacks will never give the vote to a gay man or even a Jew. In the 2016 primaries blacks did not favored Bernie. Homophobia is prevalent in black America even though they complain of racism. they will never vote for mayor Pete.

Kamala Harris is less likeable than HRC and totally fake. Booker is no Obama.

This leaves Amy Klobuchar: a female centrist that is not a typical SJW. She may be the dark horse that replaces biden when he he quits.

Warren, has no chance to beat Trump. Wang is a caricature.

It really beggars belief how anyone could call these candidates crazy compared to the braindead lunatic that occupies the white house.

The worst thing the Dems could do, IMO, is to run with Biden. If they run with a centrist, they should run with mayor Pete.
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By Hong Wu
So, the Federal Reserve decreased interest rates. This almost certainly guarantees a strong economy throughout the coming year.

Some in the media are upset that they did this because they "caved" to Trump. Yet they kept saying there was going to be a recession, for months now since they mostly dropped the Russian angle. Lowering interest rates is by now a traditional way to deal with or attempt to stave off a recession. So they probably have no one to blame but themselves. As has become normal, they basically handed something to Trump on a silver platter.
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By Julian658
Rugoz wrote:It really beggars belief how anyone could call these candidates crazy compared to the braindead lunatic that occupies the white house.

An SJW is a billion times worse than crazy Trump.

The worst thing the Dems could do, IMO, is to run with Biden. If they run with a centrist, they should run with mayor Pete.

The Dems have no one. Mayor Pete and Amy Klobuchar look like normal people; however, blacks will not vote for a gay man. Mayor Pete has no numbers with black America. That leaves Klobuchar or Wang as the only viable ones.
The duo of Bernie and Warren are still alive, but I just don't see how they can win if the economy stays in good shape and the salaries are going up.

Trump does not need to start a war. But, he could get some points if he cleans up the western cities where the homeless congregate.
However, he will not win California, so who cares.
Last edited by Julian658 on 19 Sep 2019 12:46, edited 1 time in total.
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