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By Hindsite
Drlee wrote:Really? What a load of shit. But it would not be a Blackjack21 post without some trolling rubbish in it.

Bill Maher: Obama Is NOT The First Gay President
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By Drlee
Bill Mahr is a comedian. :roll:
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By BigSteve
Drlee wrote:Bill Mahr is a comedian.

Bill Maher is a dipshit...
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By Hindsite
annatar1914 wrote:Now I see why someone would want Trump hamstrung by Impeachment inquiries if possible and Biden's candidacy demolished;

https://www.newsweek.com/hillary-clinto ... er-1459931

Bookies know the world, and I know this loathsome bitch wants the Presidency so bad she can taste it.

It could be that Hillary Clinton is waiting for the Democrats to draft her as the legitimate president because she is too lazy to run a long tiring campaign on the road. Crazy Bernie Sanders is now just recovering from a heart problem that occurred while campaigning. Will Pocahontas Warren be the next to fall?
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By Drlee
Will Pocahontas Warren be the next to fall?

Do you want to be taken seriously? Obviously not because you post very childish stuff like this. Ask someone to help you with your maturity level.
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By Hindsite
Drlee wrote:Do you want to be taken seriously? Obviously not because you post very childish stuff like this. Ask someone to help you with your maturity level.

Ha ha. It is just a little fun. I come on here for enjoyment, not to be serious all the time.
Praise the Lord
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By Crantag
Surely Sanders is done. He was always my sentimental choice. I knew he was too old. I can't back him after a heart attack, and I'm sure I'm not alone.

Down to Warren and Biden. I've been predicting Warren for weeks, even months (check my posts).

If we look at the others? They are so out of it already that their chances are really slim.

Mayor Pete? America ain't ready for a first gay president, and he's just a mayor of a town most people don't know shit about. No chance.

Andrew Yang? I like him, but he's just another businessman who's not a politician, and he's Asian. No chance.

That one former DA from California?

I don't see it, she could be the strongest of the three, but seems to rub a lot of people the wrong way, and doesn't have the recognition.

I sorta like Yang, but I don't see him having much of a shot.

As I said a couple weeks ago, by process of elimination, Warren will be the nominee.

(Funny story, I read a couple of Warren's books about student debt when I was in grad school, before anyone here knew her name. She does have some street cred there.)
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By Hindsite
Crantag wrote:Surely Sanders is done. He was always my sentimental choice. I knew he was too old. I can't back him after a heart attack, and I'm sure I'm not alone.

Down to Warren and Biden. I've been predicting Warren for weeks, even months (check my posts).

If we look at the others? They are so out of it already that their chances are really slim.

Mayor Pete? America ain't ready for a first gay president, and he's just a mayor of a town most people don't know shit about. No chance.

Andrew Yang? I like him, but he's just another businessman who's not a politician, and he's Asian. No chance.

That one former DA from California?

I don't see it, she could be the strongest of the three, but seems to rub a lot of people the wrong way, and doesn't have the recognition.

I sorta like Yang, but I don't see him having much of a shot.

As I said a couple weeks ago, by process of elimination, Warren will be the nominee.

(Funny story, I read a couple of Warren's books about student debt when I was in grad school, before anyone here knew her name. She does have some street cred there.)

I don't think any of them have a chance in a fair election against Trump. That is why the Dems are rushing to impeach.
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By Drlee
I don't think any of them have a chance in a fair election against Trump. That is why the Dems are rushing to impeach.

There is no such thing as a "fair election" in the US. We have a totally unfair and corruptly gerrymandered electoral system. The very idea of a fair election in the US is laughable. One Wyoming voter counts the same as 80 California voters in national elections.

Then we have the issue of how Trump conducts campaigns. He does not even think about telling the truth. He has already publicly asked three foreign countries to interfere in our elections putting the power of the presidency behind his demands.

And don't try the old dodge that everyone does it. They don't. The bottom line is that the next election will not be fair no matter who runs and it is absurd to even consider that impeachment has anything to do with it.
By Istanbuller
US election system is very much fair in international standards. Your problem is not about fair elections.

Your problems are these:

  • US media are clashing with American people and elected president. Donald Trump has support of half of American voters but yet he has not any major US media organization supporting him. This means that US media is very much fake news.
  • Donald Trump has changed US for once and all. But US Congress can't get over it and they are trying to stop a changing country which is leaning toward anti-immigration and European nationalism. Immigrants and refugees are not longer popular in the US. You guys should accept this fact.
  • Career politicians are corrupting the system. Personal conflicts are at highest level. Journalists, senators, representatives think that can attack on president however they want just because they don't like him. This is sick. These people are really sick minded.
  • Impeachment process is a very serious thing. But as a whole world, we have seen that impeachment may be based on lies, fake news or false claims in US system. You don't have any legislature body preventing the president from getting bullied.

I hope that impeachment of Trump will escalate US into physical civil war.
By late
Istanbuller wrote:
US election system is very much fair in international standards. Your problem is not about fair elections.

Your problems are these:

  • US media are clashing with American people and elected president. Donald Trump has support of half of American voters but yet he has not any major US media organization supporting him. This means that US media is very much fake news.
  • Donald Trump has changed US for once and all. But US Congress can't get over it and they are trying to stop a changing country which is leaning toward anti-immigration and European nationalism. Immigrants and refugees are not longer popular in the US. You guys should accept this fact.

  • Career politicians are corrupting the system. Personal conflicts are at highest level. Journalists, senators, representatives think that can attack on president however they want just because they don't like him. This is sick. These people are really sick minded.
  • Impeachment process is a very serious thing. But as a whole world, we have seen that impeachment may be based on lies, fake news or false claims in US system. You don't have any legislature body preventing the president from getting bullied.

I hope that impeachment of Trump will escalate US into physical civil war.

Your last sentence gave the game away. You care so much you want to see us burn..

First, our elections are a lot fairer than they are in a place like Turkey.

Second, Fox has seen the handwriting on the wall. So they aren't kissing his butt as much now.

Third, there are a lot of reasons not to support Trump.

Fourth, Trump as lied to us thousands of times, and likes absurd conspiracy 'theories'. There's your fake news.

Fifth, Americans run hot and cold on immigration. The people that get wound up about it are a tiny minority. What we need are rational immigration policies, but the politics makes that hard to achieve.

Sixth, this is just beginning. Climate change, and economic changes are going to create a real mess. You are going to have to do better than mindless rejection. We have a wide range of options, starting with providing assistance where the people live.

Seventh, this is a free country. Anyone can attack the president at any time, and they do. Unlike Turkey, where it can get you dead or in jail.

Before the Republicans went crazy, there wasn't much personal conflict in Congress. Bipartisan efforts were routine. The cure is sanity.

We don't have a "legislative body" preventing a president from getting bullied? If he can't take the heat, he should get out of the kitchen.
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By Hindsite
late wrote:Your last sentence gave the game away. You care so much you want to see us burn..

Your distortion of what he said gives you away as just another Trump hater.

late wrote:First, our elections are a lot fairer than they are in a place like Turkey.

That is one of your distortions. He actually said, "US election system is very much fair in international standards."

late wrote:Second, Fox has seen the handwriting on the wall. So they aren't kissing his butt as much now.

Another distortion. FOX News is the only major news media that even attempts to give President Trump fair coverage.

late wrote:Third, there are a lot of reasons not to support Trump.

There are a lot of reasons to support Trump.

late wrote:Fourth, Trump as lied to us thousands of times, and likes absurd conspiracy 'theories'. There's your fake news.

Thousands is a big exaggeration by the fake news. Fake news is claiming President Trump lied when he told the truth, but which the Democrats and the left-wing media disagree or may have misunderstood.

late wrote:Fifth, Americans run hot and cold on immigration. The people that get wound up about it are a tiny minority. What we need are rational immigration policies, but the politics makes that hard to achieve.

The big problem is not so much immigration, but the illegal crossing of our southern border by nefarious migrants. The majority of the people are against that, but the Democrats want the issue to run on and will not agree to help President Trump secure the border, because they are afraid that will give him another win. Therefore, they lump all migrants under immigration, regardless if they are legal or illegal and call for open borders.

late wrote:Sixth, this is just beginning. Climate change, and economic changes are going to create a real mess. You are going to have to do better than mindless rejection. We have a wide range of options, starting with providing assistance where the people live.

The Democrats continue to obstruct and are not willpng to compromise and work with the Republicans and President Trump because of their unreasonable hate. How can there be any cooperation on important matters when the Democrats are constantly attempting to frame and impeach President Trump.

late wrote:Seventh, this is a free country. Anyone can attack the president at any time, and they do. Unlike Turkey, where it can get you dead or in jail.

Maybe so, but it is not good for the nation to attempt to frame the President and impeach him for false crimes he did not commit.

late wrote:Before the Republicans went crazy, there wasn't much personal conflict in Congress. Bipartisan efforts were routine. The cure is sanity.

You have a short memory. Democrat Senator Harry Reid ended bipartisan efforts when he was leader of the Senate during the Obama administration. His action left a sour taste in the mouth of Mitch McConnell. Also passing Obamacare with out a single vote from the Republicans is not what I call bipartisan.

late wrote:We don't have a "legislative body" preventing a president from getting bullied? If he can't take the heat, he should get out of the kitchen.

President Trump is taking the heat and is fighting back against the Democrat's fake media and the Deep State. That is what bullies don't like.
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By BigSteve
Drlee wrote:Do you want to be taken seriously? Obviously not because you post very childish stuff like this. Ask someone to help you with your maturity level.

It's not that outlandish a question.

Warren is only eight years younger than Sanders. Biden, who's beginning to exhibit signs of dementia, is only six years her senior. Hillary Clinton, who was seen collapsing while getting into a van in New York, was younger than Warren at the time. Clinton also collapsed just prior to giving a speech in 2005.

Asking if Warren could be the next to go isn't out of line. Apparently, Democrats have a bit of a history of poor health...
By late
Hindsite wrote:

The majority of the people are against that, but the Democrats want the issue to run on and will not agree to help President Trump secure the border, because they are afraid that will give him another win. Therefore, they lump all migrants under immigration, regardless if they are legal or illegal and call for open borders.

The Democrats continue to obstruct and are not willpng to compromise and work

You have a short memory. Democrat Senator Harry Reid ended bipartisan efforts when he was leader of the Senate during the Obama administration. His action left a sour taste in the mouth of Mitch McConnell. Also passing Obamacare with out a single vote from the Republicans is not what I call bipartisan.

Actually, the Dems cut a deal with Trump that even gave him money to start his wall. Trump backed out of it.

Bipartisanship died during the Speakership of Newt. That was in the 90s.

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By Drlee
Warren is only eight years younger than Sanders. Biden, who's beginning to exhibit signs of dementia, is only six years her senior. Hillary Clinton, who was seen collapsing while getting into a van in New York, was younger than Warren at the time. Clinton also collapsed just prior to giving a speech in 2005.

And Trump is only three years younger than Biden and showing signs of all kinds of disorders. Warren is much younger than Trump. What exactly is your point? No doubt you feel you are too old to be President. Warren Harding died in office of a heart attack at your "claimed" age.

Leonid Hurwicz won a Nobel Prize for Economics at the age of 90. Churchill, arguably one of the most effective leaders of the 20th century, if not the most effective, was in office at 80 years old.

Come back when you have something meaningful to say.
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By Hindsite
late wrote:Actually, the Dems cut a deal with Trump that even gave him money to start his wall. Trump backed out of it.{/quote]
President trump is one that doesn't easily fall for bad deals.

I am not sure if that is the case or not, but my main point was that it sure didn't just start with President Trump being elected. In reference to your link, in my opinion, it is the Democrat Party that have become the party of lunatics. If it were not for all the fake news and left-wing propaganda coming out the MSM, I believe President Trump should win reelection easily.
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By BigSteve
Drlee wrote:And Trump is only three years younger than Biden and showing signs of all kinds of disorders. Warren is much younger than Trump. What exactly is your point? No doubt you feel you are too old to be President. Warren Harding died in office of a heart attack at your "claimed" age.

My "claimed" age? Why the fuck would I lie about my age? If I was going to do that I sure the fuck wouldn't have picked 57.

What "disorders" is Trump showing signs of? Do you deny that Sanders just recently had a heart attack? Do you deny that Clinton collapsed in New York City? Do you deny that Biden has been spewing gibberish more and more often? I mean really unintelligible, meaningless stuff? The guy's mind is going.

And, no, I don't think 57 is too old to be President. That Harding died a few months shy of his 58th birthday is pretty meaningless. When he took office he was, by all accounts, in fine health. The same cannot be said for any of the three Democrats I mentioned. They would be assuming office with the question of serious health concerns already being raised...
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By Hindsite
Drlee wrote:And Trump is only three years younger than Biden and showing signs of all kinds of disorders. Warren is much younger than Trump. What exactly is your point?

I think his point is that a genius like President Trump, who recently passed his physical with only an overweight problem, is the best choice for President. Especially better than lying Pocahontas Warren with her stolen socialist ideas from Sanders. And crazy Bernie Sander's recent health problems along with his extreme socialist policies is falling in the polls. President Trump has said that America will never be a socialist country like Venezuela. And creepy, corrupt Biden with his constant gaffes and now the reemerging Ukraine scandal should do him in. President Trump will beat him like a drum. :lol:
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By blackjack21
Drlee wrote:Do you want to be taken seriously? Obviously not because you post very childish stuff like this. Ask someone to help you with your maturity level.

Trump himself calls her "Pocahontas." It could make a difference. You're from Arizona--home to the largest Indian reservation in the US. Not that I think Warren will take Arizona, Utah, Wyoming or Montana. However, she did more or less screw over a minority person who would have had the jobs she "stole" through her dishonesty.

Crantag wrote:Surely Sanders is done.

Yeah. I think he knows it too. He has cancelled ad buys, but I'm betting he'll continue fundraising--that's how politicians roll--until it's obvious to the people supporting him that they're wasting their time and money. 78 is a bit too old to be seeking that office, and he gets kudos for holding up as long as he did.

Crantag wrote:Down to Warren and Biden. I've been predicting Warren for weeks, even months (check my posts).

I expect it to start getting ugly. Wall Street hates Warren, but the AOC types love her--and they have the grass roots or groundswell if you will over Biden. Biden is weakened by the highlighting of his son profiting off of his office. As long as impeachment is front and center, so will Biden's corruption be. It's a catch-22. By the way, Nancy Pelosi's son has some ties to the Ukraine too. She's probably going to regret doing this impeachment thing.

Crantag wrote:Mayor Pete? America ain't ready for a first gay president, and he's just a mayor of a town most people don't know shit about. No chance.

Yeah. YouTubers call him "Booty Judge." His attempt to run a gay version of Christianity won't work with evangelicals.

Crantag wrote:Andrew Yang? I like him, but he's just another businessman who's not a politician, and he's Asian. No chance.

I don't think being Asian hurts, unless you are trying to run identity politics/intersectionality.

Crantag wrote:That one former DA from California?

Yeah. Tulsi Gabbard took Harris to the woodshed, and she hasn't recovered. That's why it's a shame that the Democrats tried to pare the field too early. They had some non-crazy candidates. The media ran with who they liked. Gabbard, Hickenlooper and Bullock aren't from big media markets. They all could have learned from Donald Trump how to get attention for their candidacies. Sadly, nobody wants to learn the lesson Trump exemplifies.

Drlee wrote:One Wyoming voter counts the same as 80 California voters in national elections.

How do you figure? Wyoming has 3 electoral college votes--1 congressman and two senators. California has 55--53 congressman and two senators. California has roughly 680k people per elector. Wyoming has roughly 190k per elector. That's roughly 3.6:1 advantage to Wyoming. It's not 80:1 by a longshot, unless you are using the new math-is-racist approach of the Seattle school districts.

Drlee wrote:He does not even think about telling the truth.

You know, lying isn't novel among politicians right? This isn't your first rodeo.

late wrote:Before the Republicans went crazy, there wasn't much personal conflict in Congress.

Ha ha. Sure.

Hindsite wrote:Another distortion. FOX News is the only major news media that even attempts to give President Trump fair coverage.

He's probably talking about FoxNews putting the quitter Paul Ryan on their board, or maybe Shep Smith who's a die-hard liberal.

Hindsite wrote:You have a short memory. Democrat Senator Harry Reid ended bipartisan efforts when he was leader of the Senate during the Obama administration. His action left a sour taste in the mouth of Mitch McConnell. Also passing Obamacare with out a single vote from the Republicans is not what I call bipartisan.

Well done. I shouldn't drink while reading his posts. Then I wouldn't need to wipe myself off.

late wrote:Bipartisanship died during the Speakership of Newt. That was in the 90s.

Gatt, NAFTA, MFN Status for China, Family and Medical Leave Act, Telecommunications reform and the internet, Banking reform, welfare reform, crime bill? Dude, maybe you ought to read the Congressional Record from time-to-time. Newt Gingrich was as bi-partisan as Tip O'Neill.

Drlee wrote:And Trump is only three years younger than Biden and showing signs of all kinds of disorders.

Especially "Disagreeing with Neocons Disorder". That seems to be a chronic condition, and perhaps terminal.

Drlee wrote:Warren is much younger than Trump.

Well, those Native Americans don't show their age like us white men do.

Drlee wrote:President Trump will beat him like a drum. :lol:

Or a tom-tom if it's Elizabeth Warren. :lol:
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