Israeli troops kill dozens of Palestinians in protests as US embassy opens in Jerusalem – live updat - Page 97 - Politics | PoFo

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skinster wrote:What do you expect people in Gaza to do when their people are repeatedly bombed and killed?

Don't make me laugh, this isn't some bunch of teenage lads getting riled up and throwing a few bricks at the police. This is Hamas a dedicated disciplined highly authoritarian, highly inegalitarian fascist movement. Hamas choose when to attack and when not to attack, and on occasion they allow smaller groups to attack Israel, finding it useful to act through third parties that they can claim not to control.

Hamas' priority is not lifting the blockade, improving the life conditions of Gaza residents or even getting basic rights for Gazans. Hamas' priority is Sharia law. As for some right to resist, the idea is utterly absurd. What State has ever accepted the right of non State actors to use violence against it? What state ever will? Warfare maybe a choice but its never a legal right. Warfare is the death of rights, at least while the war lasts. Warfare may gain you freedom if you win, but it is the death of freedom while it lasts.

Underground warfare by non state actors is the dirtiest war of all. Underground warfare necessitates extreme authoritarianism. As anyone who lived in IRA controlled territory during the Troubles can testify. If a woman was raped by a senior IRA member, what kind of rights do you think she had? What were her chances of a fair trial. Hamas are a terrorist group alright, but not for what they inflict on the Israelis, but for what they inflict on Gazans
Colliric, Ariel goes to Palestine every now and then. On a time recently she was attacked by some nutter settler in the West Bank for reporting news out there. The IDF stood around and watched, just as they do when settlers attack Palestinians.

[quote="Rich"]Don't make me laugh, this isn't some bunch of teenage lads getting riled up and throwing a few bricks at the police. This is Hamas a dedicated disciplined highly authoritarian, highly inegalitarian fascist movement. Hamas choose when to attack and when not to attack, and on occasion they allow smaller groups to attack Israel, finding it useful to act through third parties that they can claim not to control. [/quote]

Not sure how you made my question about concentration camp Gaza being repeatedly bombed by the Zionists turn into some rant about a resistance force within the camp.

I didn't even bother reading the rest of your rant as you clearly are clueless about the situation if you think the victims of it, those ethnically cleansed, occupied and blockaded and bombed regularly, are the problem.
skinster wrote:Not sure how you made my question about concentration camp Gaza being repeatedly bombed by the Zionists turn into some rant about a resistance force within the camp.

That is because you have been indoctrinated with anti-Israel propaganda.

skinster wrote:I didn't even bother reading the rest of your rant as you clearly are clueless about the situation if you think the victims of it, those ethnically cleansed, occupied and blockaded and bombed regularly, are the problem.

This is just a straw man argument. You obviously do not want to learn the truth.

colliric wrote:If Bernie wins the Democratic Nomination, I'm seriously considering supporting him over Trump.

No way I would ever support socialist Bernie Sanders, even if he was not against Israel.
Hindsite wrote:No way I would ever support socialist Bernie Sanders, even if he was not against Israel.

I'm an Australian Liberal, I'll support whoever is closest to my political beliefs.

There is currently no pro-lifer, pro-job, pro-medicare anti-zionist socialists running in the USA. Pro-life includes not supporting murder generally. So I would mostly vote Republican in the USA if I had to vote. I would vote Trump against any other candidate. Because except for Tulsi Gabbard, who is a "Im young so I'll be back in 2024 or 2028 and be better" candidate(so I don't think will win), they're all neo-lib losers. But if Bernie wins I'm supporting him.

Biden missed his opportunity because he was intimidated by Clinton.
colliric wrote:I'm an Australian Liberal, I'll support whoever is closest to my political beliefs.

There is currently no pro-lifer, pro-job, pro-medicare anti-zionist socialists running in the USA. Pro-life includes not supporting murder generally. So I would mostly vote Republican in the USA if I had to vote. I would vote Trump against any other candidate. Because except for Tulsi Gabbard, who is a "Im young so I'll be back in 2024 or 2028 and be better" candidate(so I don't think will win), they're all neo-lib losers. But if Bernie wins I'm supporting him.

Biden missed his opportunity because he was intimidated by Clinton.

I'm also an Australian, though I wasn't born here, and while I can't vote yet, I think Australians made as bad a choice with 'ScoMo' as the Americans made with Trump. Like my dad says, "We voted in a bunch of thugs, led by a mealy-mouthed Bible thumper who brought a lump of coal into Parliament to extoll its virtues."

I'm gob-smacked that any Australian would vote for someone like Trump, but I guess the saying "Every nation gets the government it deserves." is coming true. ;)
As usual in Australia in the last decade, we only got to vote for him once he was already Prime Minister... A kind of "sign-off on what the Liberal/Labor party already decided for you".

Abbott was last one we actually voted in to the Job, and the only one since Rudd in 2007.
The only remaining hope in Gaza is knowing this nightmare can be brought to an end
The latest round of alleged Israeli war crimes in Gaza has resulted in a new massacre in the besieged Gaza Strip. Thirty-four people including four families and eight children were murdered as they slept in their own houses within 48 hours. More than 100 have been critically injured. The scenes of the amputated bodies of the Abu Malhous family are etched into our psyche for generations to come. We will tell our remaining children about this heinous massacre the same way our parents and grandparents told us about the Deir Yassin massacre.

But will this nightmare come to an end?

One question foreign journalists keep asking me is about Israel’s endgame, its strategy after keeping Gaza on life support since 2007? I assume black South African were never asked about the apartheid regime’s endgame and strategy, or African-Americans about the motives behind the infamous Jim Crow Laws. But, we Palestinians are cursed with the need to respond to this kind of question about the oppressor’s grand motives behind torturing, occupying and even killing us. We, after all, are the victims of Western enlightenment!

Right from the beginning, Israel’s policy toward Gaza has been genocidal, no matter whether this happens at a fast rate (three massive wars on Gaza within a period of five years,) or in slow motion, as embodied in the imposed medieval blockade. Gaza is an open-air prison; two-thirds of its inmates are refugees entitled to their right of return in accordance with UN resolution 194. They are a constant reminder of the original sin committed in 1948. Israel wants to punish them for their resistance, for not being subservient subjects, and make them give up on their internationally guaranteed right of return.

The right of return is the theme of our grand narrative, one apartheid Israel feels the need to completely eradicate. Add to this the fact that the Gaza Strip has been the cradle of Palestinian resistance against Israel’s multi-tiered system of oppression, namely occupation, colonization, and apartheid.

Forget about Benjamin Netanyahu’s need to solve his domestic problems with his arch rival Benny Katz, and his intention to divert the attention of the Israeli public from charges of corruption and abuse of power raised against him. That was not the case in 2009, 2012 and 2014. This, in fact, is an unchanging policy toward native Palestinians, one that is not unlike any other settler-colony.

Once again, we Palestinians have to be clear about what we want. As many of us have argued, we have given up on the official bodies of the international community to condemn these heinous crimes and act to put an end to them within the foreseeable future. Instead, we count on civil society organizations and freedom-loving people to act in any possible way to put pressure on their governments to end diplomatic ties with Apartheid Israel and institute sanctions against it for all these war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Is it an exaggeration to say that we are extremely appalled by the complicit silence of the international community, including the Arab and Islamic world? The international community by and large for generations has failed the Palestinian people. This is why we, Palestinian civil society, prefer to address international civil society organizations to take whatever step however small to show their support for Palestine and rejection of Israeli genocidal war crimes and crimes against humanity by demanding from their governments to sanction the only remaining apartheid state until it complies with international law. It worked against the inhumane apartheid regime in the second half of last century and ultimately led to its demise in 1994 with the election of Nelson Mandela as the first African president of multi-racial South Africa, and the creation of a new secular democratic state for all of its citizens regardless of race, gender, and ethnicity.

This is the only remaining hope we are nurturing these days, knowing very well that the nightmare can be brought to an end. ... k-on-gaza/
The delusions of "peace with the Arabs" are gone we dont want any peace or negotiations with them.
The most important peace deal that was done with Egypt was already achieved. the peace with Jordan was a mistake and should have never happened.
Peace with the rest of the Arab world is not possible and there is no need to waste time on them if they want peace they should propose that to us on fair terms and no stupid bullshit like "right of return"
OK dude who moved to Palestine less than 20 years ago. :D

Israel never wanted peace with the people whose land they stole, they just wanted their land. Early Zionist leaders admitted all of this. Some current ones still do.

The right of return for Palestinians in their homeland is enshrined in International Law, and Palestinians will go back to their homes; they have more right to their land than white boys like you.

Lol at you acting as though you have been nice to the Palestinians whose homes and land you stole and whose children you torture systematically, today. You're the oppressor in this story, watching you act as though you've been too kind is noteworthy for its lols.
No, ZN. Israel doesn't have any right to shoot unarmed people protesting for their rights. As for getting past the border, none of the prisoners have ever breached it so just stop with your hasbara. Israel is just doing its usual shit of shooting fish in a barrel, because it's a lunatic state that gets to murder with impunity out in the daylight for everyone to see.

Protests for Palestine are being held in a lot of cities around the world today:

Israel have a right to kill rioters who endanger lives of Israeli soldiers or cicilians

also thats not true at all that there have been no breaches there have been breaches several timea some of them have been caught with knives and set things

Ter wrote:Your racism is shining through, bubeleh. :roll:

'White' isn't a race, grandpa.

Zionist Nationalist wrote:Israel have a right to kill rioters who endanger lives of Israeli soldiers or cicilians

No, Israel has no right to execute from a distance Palestinian prisoners protesting against living in a concentration camp.

also thats not true at all that there have been no breaches there have been breaches several timea some of them have been caught with knives and set things

Palestinians are allowed no weapons! They must roll over and die whilst suffering Israeli occupation, blockade, starvation, etc.

No, Israel has no right to execute from a distance Palestinian prisoners protesting against living in a concentration camp.

Thats just your opinion

Palestinians are allowed no weapons! They must roll over and die whilst suffering Israeli occupation, blockade, starvation, etc.

They are not allowed to cross the border without a permission
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Thats just your opinion

Most normal people oppose the execution of people who pose no threat. But in this case they ain't even people, they're prisoners, including over a million children.

They are not allowed to cross the border without a permission

The hundreds of Palestinian people shot dead in Gaza are Gaza. The snipers are shooting from the outside.
Most normal people oppose the execution of people who pose no threat. But in this case they ain't even people, they're prisoners, including over a million children.

again its your opinion and its not something all people would agree on
the world does not revolve around your ideas sometimes people think differently and in some countries peple live on completely opposite ideas (shocking I know) and you seem to be the kind of a person who does not tolerate world views that are opposite to your view

The hundreds of Palestinian people shot dead in Gaza are Gaza. The snipers are shooting from the outside.

exactly they are shot from the outside so they wont cross come inside :lol:
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