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By jimjam
I have no doubt that Trump is in thrall to Vladimir Putin, but the question remains, how does he receive his instructions? The Russians know that he is too incompetent and undisciplined to actually formulate, much less see through a plan, so there must also be minders in the White House keeping him on track. Who are they?
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By jimjam
July 2019. The White House — 3 a.m. Donald Trump tosses and turns.

MELANIA: What’s wrong, Donald?

TRUMP: I can’t sleep.

MELANIA: (Turns the lamp on.) Why, what’s bothering you? You can tell me.

TRUMP: No, no. I don’t want to bother you with my problems.

MELANIA: Donald, I’m your wife. You can tell me anything.

TRUMP: O.K. … The truth is, I just can’t stop thinking about corruption in Ukraine.

MELANIA: Oh honey.

TRUMP: It’s killing me. I can’t eat. I can’t sleep.

MELANIA: Maybe you should take a Xanax.

TRUMP: I took two. It did nothing. The thing is, Melania, it’s just so difficult for some of these post-Soviet countries to set up a functioning democracy, and corruption is at the root of that. It’s endemic. These poor people who lived under the yoke of Communism for so long are thirsting for genuine democracy and. … (He wells up.)

MELANIA: What, honey? What is it? Tell me.

TRUMP: I just need a second. (Melania hands him a tissue.) Thanks, I’ll be O.K. I just feel so deeply for them. They’re a brave, decent, honest people. They deserve so much more than they’re getting. It’s such a shame. I’ll tell you one thing — I’d like to get my hands on some of those crooks! That Zlochevsky — I don’t know what I’d do to him. You know I fought in the Golden Gloves? I could’ve been a professional boxer. I had many offers. Many.

MELANIA: I didn’t know that.

TRUMP: Oh, yeah. My fights would be over so fast, I wouldn’t even break a sweat. Didn’t even take a shower. Sometimes my opponent would beg me to stop: “Please, please! Don’t hit me anymore!”

MELANIA: I would’ve liked to have seen that.

TRUMP: Unfortunately, none of it’s on video.

TRUMP: I got it. Listen. Ukraine needs military aid to fight the Russians, and I was going to give it to them. I was going to give them so much aid, they’d be thanking me for the next 20 years. They’d rename the capital after me. I wouldn’t even be able to enter the country because they’d be draped all over my car. It would be adulation like you’d never seen because of this military aid package. I’m telling you, it’s bigger than the Marshall Plan. It’s a beautiful package.

TRUMP: You know what? I feel better. I knew I’d eventually figure out a solution. You know what I am?

MELANIA: A genius?

TRUMP: A stable genius. A very stable genius.

MELANIA: Goodnight, honey. This might be the most perfect plan you’ve ever had.

TRUMP: Yes, it’s perfect.

MELANIA: (Turns out the light.) I’m so proud of you.

TRUMP: So am I.
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By Hindsite
late wrote:Thanks, you should go into comedy.

The Republicans tried to run their BS, she shut them down, and they gave up.

She doesn't need to lie, she knows this stuff cold.

You and your compatriots, lies are all you have...

I don't believe she needs to lie either. I just think she is mistaken, just like you are, on at least that one point. But you seem to forget that the Republicans control the Senate where any impeachment trial will be held. I doubt if they will fall for the Democrat's B.S.
By late
Hindsite wrote:
I don't believe she needs to lie either. I just think she is mistaken

But you seem to forget that the Republicans control the Senate where any impeachment trial will be held. I doubt if they will fall for the Democrat's B.S.

She's the best of the best. If there's a mistake, it's not her.

Republicans occasionally did their jobs, during the Nixon years. Now, not so much.

Republicans change their story as often as they change their socks. Maybe more often. If you're playing it straight, you don't need to keep changing your story.
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By Hindsite
late wrote:If you're playing it straight, you don't need to keep changing your story.

The Dems need to tell that to the lying "shifty" Adam schiff.
Praise the Lord.
By late
Hindsite wrote:
The Dems need to tell that to the lying "shifty" Adam schiff.

At least you've ended your little pretense.

Oh wait, you'll be back repeating the fiction in the morning.
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By Stormsmith

Re: The modern G.O.P. as a whole is overwhelmingly fanatical, corrupt, or both. Anyone imagining that the mountainous evidence of Trump’s malfeasance will lead to a moral awakening, or that Republicans will return to democratic political norms once Trump is gone, is living in a fantasy world. Even catastrophic electoral defeat next year probably wouldn’t do much to change Republican behavior.

And this would be an excellent time to impeach President Trump for abuse of power, bribery, emoluments and anything else you can think of. Children being torn from their parent (s) and kennelled then lost in the system are still at stake, and if people are griping about paying the health care for foreigners now, wait to see with what they'll be dealing in a few years time. President Trump's been ordered to knock it off, but he resists. Maybe with a new government you rejoin climate concerns in earnest. Reestablish international trust, although this might be tricky. You see where i'm going with this.

And remember the Republicans Party nominations? Everyone couldn't believe he would succeed, and no one wanted it. Use this as an opportunity to get yourselves back on track
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By Hindsite
Stormsmith wrote:Even catastrophic electoral defeat next year probably wouldn’t do much to change Republican behavior.

I certainly hope not. The reason I became a Republican was I became aware that most Democrats were lying sacks of shit.

Stormsmith wrote:And this would be an excellent time to impeach President Trump for abuse of power, bribery, emoluments and anything else you can think of.

No better time. Bring on the voting.

Stormsmith wrote:Children being torn from their parent (s) and kennelled then lost in the system are still at stake,,,

Strange that the Democrats did not gripe about that when Obama was doing it.

Stormsmith wrote:and if people are griping about paying the health care for foreigners now, wait to see with what they'll be dealing in a few years time.

Yes, paying the health care for foreigners is the Democrat plan along with open borders along with sanctuary from deportation for criminal illegal immigrants.

Stormsmith wrote:President Trump's been ordered to knock it off, but he resists.

President Trump has obeyed all orders from the courts and then won in the Supreme Court in some cases.

Stormsmith wrote:Maybe with a new government you rejoin climate concerns in earnest.

President Trump's plan to address climate change is the most practical. The Democrat plan will most likely wreck our economy.

Stormsmith wrote:Reestablish international trust, although this might be tricky. You see where i'm going with this.

President trump has done a great job in establishing international respect for the USA once again. We are no longer a push over and are becoming less of a piggy bank for the world.

Stormsmith wrote:And remember the Republicans Party nominations? Everyone couldn't believe he would succeed, and no one wanted it. Use this as an opportunity to get yourselves back on track

Then God answered the prayers for us evangelical Christians. President Trump has put us back on track toward alliance with Israel and away from the murdering of babies in the mother's womb, warmongering, and crooked Hillary Clinton.
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By Stormsmith
Hindsite wrote:INo better time. Bring on the voting.

Not yet. Wait til the news has had a sober effect on the Republicans. There's papers and doccos being released in NY that will paint a picture of Giuliani, Pompeo, and others in conjunction to Russia. So you may not need to impeach him. He'll just quit as Nixon did.

Strange that the Democrats did not gripe about that when Obama was doing it.

They most certainly did. In droves.

Yes, paying the health care for foreigners is the Democrat plan along with open borders along with sanctuary from deportation for criminal illegal immigrants.

Yes to the first two, no to the last one. This is the Christian model.

President Trump has obeyed all orders from the courts

Flat out false. I'm growing bored here

President Trump's plan to address climate change is the most practical. The Democrat plan will most likely wreck our economy.


President trump has done a great job in establishing international respect for the USA once again. We are no longer a push over and are becoming less of a piggy bank for the world.

By Istanbuller
Ukrainegate thing has no television ratings. People know that CNN stories end up in empty hands. Because everyone knows it is fictional. 'Trump rivals' will keep it on the agenda till 2020 general election.
By late
Stormsmith wrote:
1) Not yet. Wait til the news has had a sober effect on the Republicans. There's papers and doccos being released in NY that will paint a picture of Giuliani, Pompeo, and others in conjunction to Russia. So you may not need to impeach him. He'll just quit as Nixon did.

2) Flat out false. I'm growing bored here

American Oversight is using FOIA to get relevant documents. This means at least a couple things. The first is that because anyone can get these documents, the refusal to deliver them to Congress is prima facie evidence of obstruction of justice.

The other thing is that if this continues, a lot of Republican lies are going to see the light of day, and just like the Wicked Witch, they're gonna melt.

Pompeo has been lying by omission, that just got a lot tougher for him.

2) He writes fiction.
By Atlantis
Holy shit!

This is not the "Giuliani hand grenade" Bolton warned about, no, this is a full-blown nuclear blast.

Pompeo is the next one to go down in the quagmire. He's been in close contact with Giuliani as early as March. And Nunes, who's been sitting as the top Republican on the impeachment inquiry pontificating about the evil Democrats, has been in contacts with corrupt Ukrainians probably to get dirt on Biden himself.

State Dept. documents reveal contact between Pompeo and Giuliani

So, the Deep State wasn't Hillery et al., no the Deep State is all of Donald's men including Giuliani, Nunes, Pompeo, et al., and they were too dump to even understand it.

This will destroy the Trump administration, the GOP and much of political Washington.

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By blackjack21
Atlantis wrote:So, the Deep State wasn't Hillery et al., no the Deep State is all of Donald's men including Giuliani, Nunes, Pompeo, et al., and they were too dump{sic} to even understand it.

I don't know what we should call this effect. Maybe the "Condescension Reaction Formation". I think there is enough evidence to support a hypothesis.

Atlantis wrote:This will destroy the Trump administration, the GOP and much of political Washington.

Much of political Washington is already getting destroyed by Trump.
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By Stormsmith
@late , @Atlantis

Your sites look good. Just scanned them now, will read them properly asap (must feed the gee-gees). Will add Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman are being held in Manhatten. One, maybe both are willing to squeal on Giuliani and i'm thinking President Trump too. The beauty of using this office is they have a record of President Trump's cases, mostly financial but this will help tie things together, plus, being state and not federal, any new convictions can't be pardoned. And the beat goes on...
By late
Stormsmith wrote:
@late , @Atlantis

Your sites look good. Just scanned them now, will read them properly asap (must feed the gee-gees). Will add Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman are being held in Manhatten. One, maybe both are willing to squeal on Giuliani and i'm thinking President Trump too. The beauty of using this office is they have a record of President Trump's cases, mostly financial but this will help tie things together, plus, being state and not federal, any new convictions can't be pardoned. And the beat goes on...

Indeed, the karma will once again run over the dogma.
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By Stormsmith
Karma over dogma. Ohhh I like that one
By Atlantis
jimjam wrote:I have no doubt that Trump is in thrall to Vladimir Putin, but the question remains, how does he receive his instructions? The Russians know that he is too incompetent and undisciplined to actually formulate, much less see through a plan, so there must also be minders in the White House keeping him on track. Who are they?

Serious question: did you understand that Trump and the GOP have dug themselves into the bottomless pit that is Ukrainegate because of their blind belief in a conspiracy theory?

What pit are you digging by repeating your conspiracy theory? Of course Russia interfered, as powers always do, but not half as much as the US does on a routine basis. And that in no way means that Trump is a Russian agent. If you want to establish the smoking gun, the quid pro quo, in the Ukrainegate affair, you can't just peddle conspiracy theories without solid evidence.

Istanbuller wrote:Liberal media is spreading more fake news to cover up Democrats corruptions

Best to lock them up, right Istanbuller? Let's do it the Turkish way and put all journalists (or all never Trumpers) into prison. I dare say the US hasn't reached that stage yet, but they are catching up fast.
By late
Atlantis wrote:
Serious question: did you understand that Trump and the GOP have dug themselves into the bottomless pit that is Ukrainegate because of their blind belief in a conspiracy theory?

What pit are you digging by repeating your conspiracy theory? Of course Russia interfered, as powers always do, but not half as much as the US does on a routine basis. And that in no way means that Trump is a Russian agent. If you want to establish the smoking gun, the quid pro quo, in the Ukrainegate affair, you can't just peddle conspiracy theories without solid evidence.

That conspiracy theory is a Russian disinformation op, according to our intelligence agencies.

Kilimnik sold Manafort and Flynn on the theory way back in the campaign, and Russia has been keeping it alive since then. Trump is stupid enough to believe it.

Proof will be easy enough to get, once we get access to the records Trump is illegally hiding from Congress.
By Istanbuller
Atlantis wrote:Best to lock them up, right Istanbuller? Let's do it the Turkish way and put all journalists (or all never Trumpers) into prison. I dare say the US hasn't reached that stage yet, but they are catching up fast.

Just like you guys silence Turks and ethnic minorities in Europe?

Making black propaganda to get dirt on the president is a very serious thing. It might contain criminal activity which should be investigated. If there is a crime, It should be severely punished.

The same goes for international politics too. You have consequences of fake news and black propaganda. But unfortunately there is no legal body to take action on it. It is up to how abused country is powerful enough to respond. Just like you did to Turkey with "Turks are ethnic-cleaning Kurds" black propaganda rhetoric. Be sure that Turkey will respond to it. And consequences will be devistating for you.
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