Abuse of power by lying "Shifty" Adam Schiff - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Schiff uses illegal Stasi/KGB tactics to spy on Solomon, Giuliani, Nunes
written by L.J. Keith Dec 6, 2019

Adam Schiff is using East German, Stasi / KGB police state tactics as head of the Intelligence Committee to illegally spy on American citizens. Specifically, Schiff abuses his authority by subpoenaing phone records of fellow Congressman Devin Nunes, reporter John Solomon, and President Trumps’ personal attorney of record Rudy Giuliani.

This is an egregious violation of the civil rights and constitutional guarantees of these targeted citizens and of all Americans.

Shockingly AT&T and Verizon quickly gave the metadata to Schiff which they routinely refuse to provide to our nation’s intelligence services without a court-ordered warrant. More shockingly, Schiff used NSA programs to sift through the data before providing it to a compliant media.

Schiff made broad suggestions of wrongdoing by all three targets with the information, abusing the civil rights of all Americans in the process. Schiff and his committee staffers still retain the data. So there is no telling which other American citizens they are targeting with this illegal spying.

These illegal actions by Schiff and his committee raise disturbing questions of an out of control process that is violating the 1st and 4th Amendments, attorney-client privilege, Congressional ethics, and the civil rights and privacy rights of all Americans.

Schiff has made himself a modern-day Lavrenty Beria, the feared and unprincipled former head of the Soviet Union’s KGB. The willingness to spy on Americans not only shocks the conscience. It screams out for a criminal investigation of Schiff and all those involved in producing and publishing the information. There can be no reasonable explanation for his actions other than spying, intimidation, and using this information to make McCarthyite smears and accusations against American citizens.

Schiff does not have judicial authority. He has flagrantly abused his power. All while professing to have damaging information from privileged communications.

John Solomon is an award-winning reporter. An actual journalist. Schiff has violated his privacy, his sources, attacked his integrity, violating Solomon’s 1st and 4th amendments. The 1st amendment protects freedom of the press. The 4th amendment protects citizens from illegal search and seizure.

John Solomon is an award-winning reporter. An actual journalist. Schiff has violated his privacy, his sources, attacked his integrity, violating Solomon’s 1st and 4th amendments. The 1st amendment protects freedom of the press. The 4th amendment protects citizens from illegal search and seizure.

Not just regarding Solomon, but all reporters, and all of those caught up in the metadata Schiff acquired. But then Schiff is just following the Obama administrations seizure of phone records from AP reporters.

At the time Gary Pruitt, the president, and chief executive of The A.P., called the seizure, a “massive and unprecedented intrusion” into its newsgathering activities.

“There can be no possible justification for such an overbroad collection of the telephone communications of The Associated Press and its reporters,” he wrote. “These records potentially reveal communications with confidential sources across all of the newsgathering activities undertaken by The A.P. during a two-month period, provide a road map to A.P.’s newsgathering operations, and disclose information about A.P.’s activities and operations that the government has no conceivable right to know.”

Where is the right to privacy. Due process. To challenge the initial subpoena in court. To prevent unfounded accusations against American citizens from being published like an authoritarian dictators campaign of intimidation.

Schiff acts like Beria, the KGB and the East German Stasi secret police. Who else has been caught up in Schiff’s web of illegally obtained metadata? Which other reporters does he have the phone records of? Who else is he planning on targeting and intimidating?

Unfortunately, this is a pattern of abuse that Democrats have been practicing since the start of the Obama administration. Barack Obama and John Brennen abused FISA 702 authority to illegally spy on tens of thousands of Americans from 2012 – 2016.

Brennan, James Clapper, and James Comey had a secret program to allow three contractors at the DOJ unlimited access to NSA surveillance systems to spy on their political opponents.

To hide the targeting of Trump associates by intelligence agencies, assuring it would not happen domestically, Obama moves the program to London the center of the “Operation Crossfire Hurricane” as the early investigation was called.

As David Stockman observed (The RussiaGate Witch-Hunt Stockman Names Names In The Deep State’s Insurance Policy )

“There was a sinister plot to meddle in the 2016 election, after all. But it was not orchestrated from the Kremlin; it was an entirely homegrown affair conducted from the inner sanctums—the White House, DOJ, the Hoover Building and Langley—-of the Imperial City.

Likewise, the perpetrators didn’t speak Russian or write in the Cyrillic script. In fact, they were lifetime beltway insiders occupying the highest positions of power in the US government. Here are the names and rank of the principal conspirators:

John Brennan, CIA director;
Susan Rice, National Security Advisor;
Samantha Power, UN Ambassador;
James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence;
James Comey, FBI director;
Andrew McCabe, Deputy FBI director;
Sally Yates, deputy Attorney General,
Bruce Ohr, associate deputy AG;
Peter Strzok, deputy assistant director of FBI counterintelligence;
Lisa Page, FBI lawyer;
and countless other lessor and greater poobahs of Washington power, including President Obama himself.

To a person, the participants in this illicit cabal shared the core trait that made Obama such a blight on the nation’s well-being. To wit, he never held an honest job outside the halls of government in his entire adult life; and as a careerist agent of the state and practitioner of its purported goods works, he exuded a sanctimonious disdain for everyday citizens who make their living along the capitalist highways and by-ways of America.” – Zero-Hedge

The aforementioned’s illegal use of these systems was uncovered by NSA director Mike Rogers in March of 2016. He stopped the authorization to use the NSA systems and conducted an audit of its previous use. He reported his findings to the FISA court just days after the FISA warrant on Carter Page was issued.

For his decency and honesty, Brennan and Defense Secretary Ash Carter tried to get Rogers fired. Especially after he briefed President-elect Donald Trump days after the election without telling Brennan. Rogers had uncovered an egregious and systematic program to illegally abuse NSA surveillance systems against American citizens.

In April of 2017 FISA Court Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer ruled that of 40,000 searches of the NSA database by the three DOJ contractors, 32500 of them were illegal and unconstitutional. She ruled that the DOJ had an “institutional lack of candor” and the actions of the contractors “violated the constitution and the 4th amendment”.

According to sources, this illegal use of NSA databases is some of the motivation for the three-year coup attempt that was launched against Trump by senior Obama administration officials. To keep their crimes under wraps.

To prevent the truth of their illegal activities from being exposed.

The three contractors reported directly to Brennan and Clapper. They took the results of these searches and passed it on in sealed envelopes marked eyes only to the Obama Oval Office.

The subsequent spying on the Trump campaign, then the Mueller Weissman inquisition, the three year Coup d’etat, and now the impeachment farce are all part and parcel of this ongoing abuse of intelligence authority.

Unconstitutional violations of the 1st and 4th amendments. Naked abuse of power. Subverting necessary national security surveillance systems to spy on Americans, and use them illegally against domestic political opponents.

Schiff’s Stasi KGB tactics are part and parcel of the unmitigated attempt to destroy this President regardless of the consequences. Regardless of the ethics. Without regard to the Constitution and the civil rights of all Americans.

It is not the first time this has been done in the impeachment farce. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch enlisted the State Department to use the intelligence services to monitor the activities of John Solomon, Sara Carter, Sean Hannity, Ed Henry, and other journalists.

For Adam Schiff, a man who called President Trump a Russian Agent for three years, to now be using subpoenas to spy on Americans with the help of the NSA not just absurd. It is dangerous. Who else is he spying on? What other illegally obtained materials does he have?

It was worse when Schiff conducted a Stassi style star chamber and then leaked selective information that was both deliberately slanted and refused to release exculpatory testimony. This also fits the pattern of hiding exculpatory and damaging information that was used by the DOJ in the issuance of illegal FISA warrants.

But for Schiff to obtain Giuliani’s phone records and then publish both the information and defamatory accusations is a new low, even for Schiff.

Schiff must be held accountable for this and other offenses against constitutional law, decency, due process, and the rule of law. It is part and parcel of the illegal activities that have surrounded every aspect of the Democrat crusade to destroy Donald Trump. The people who falsely claim Trump is acting like a king are acting like a Communist dictatorship.

Violation of the civil rights of any American is a Federal crime punishable by up to life in prison. A proven liar and abuser of power like Adam Schiff needs to be investigated and held fully accountable for his illegal actions. There is no other acceptable outcome.

https://www.commdiginews.com/politics-2 ... es-125068/
Hindsite wrote:Schiff uses illegal Stasi/KGB tactics to spy on Solomon, Giuliani, Nunes
written by L.J. Keith Dec 6, 2019

Adam Schiff is using East German, Stasi / KGB police state tactics as head of the Intelligence Committee to illegally spy on American citizens. Specifically, Schiff abuses his authority by subpoenaing phone records of fellow Congressman Devin Nunes, reporter John Solomon, and President Trumps’ personal attorney of record Rudy Giuliani.

This is an egregious violation of the civil rights and constitutional guarantees of these targeted citizens and of all Americans.

No, it's completely according to law. You're trying to tell us that the phone companies and the justice department would not worry about laws and would just happily had over whatever Schiff requested. We're not that stupid. Are you?
Senter wrote:No, it's completely according to law.

No it is not. Congress can subpoena data for the purpose of making laws. That's not what Schiff did. He specifically used it in a political action. In fact, that is precisely why the President is challenging the request for his tax returns, because Congress is not interested in them for the purpose of law making. They are interested in releasing his tax returns to the general public to create a political fracas. In the case of Nunes, his staff, Giuliani and Solomon, Schiff used his power for lawmaking to violate the privacy rights of US citizens without a court order. So he's likely in some trouble for this. Politically, this isn't going to sit well with voters either way. Any way you slice this, it's a loss for the Democrats.
blackjack21 wrote:No it is not. Congress can subpoena data for the purpose of making laws. That's not what Schiff did. He specifically used it in a political action. In fact, that is precisely why the President is challenging the request for his tax returns, because Congress is not interested in them for the purpose of law making. They are interested in releasing his tax returns to the general public to create a political fracas. In the case of Nunes, his staff, Giuliani and Solomon, Schiff used his power for lawmaking to violate the privacy rights of US citizens without a court order. So he's likely in some trouble for this. Politically, this isn't going to sit well with voters either way. Any way you slice this, it's a loss for the Democrats.

Nope. Nope. Schiff's "political action" was to seek evidence of a crime. An impeachment inquiry has, by law, the right to do that.
Senter wrote:No, it's completely according to law. You're trying to tell us that the phone companies and the justice department would not worry about laws and would just happily had over whatever Schiff requested. We're not that stupid. Are you?

Just maybe phones companies who own CNN the media branch of the DNC and favorite media outlet for partisan political leakers just might, its not a stretch to think so. Apparently you are that brainwashed.

Senter wrote:Nope. Nope. Schiff's "political action" was to seek evidence of a crime. An impeachment inquiry has, by law, the right to do that.

What crime 4 years of investigations and he has yet to be charged with anything?

Rancid wrote:Abuses of power everywhere, except the president.

This fake Russian hoax is massive I'm sure it leads to Obama eventually.
Senter wrote:Nope. Nope. Schiff's "political action" was to seek evidence of a crime. An impeachment inquiry has, by law, the right to do that.

Schiff has no authority to do that. He needs authority from the court to do that. An impeachment inquiry still has to go through the courts to seize private records. The Fourth Amendment still applies. Schiff's action was ultra vires.

Finfinder wrote:This fake Russian hoax is massive I'm sure it leads to Obama eventually.

Ultimately, this has done more to hurt government employees and permanent bureaucrats than just about anyone else. It's astounding how poorly executed this scheme was. The thing is, I think that most of their schemes are of this quality, but for Nunes and Trump, nobody pushes back against it. Yet, just a little bit of a push back and the whole thing comes falling apart.
blackjack21 wrote:Ultimately, this has done more to hurt government employees and permanent bureaucrats than just about anyone else. It's astounding how poorly executed this scheme was. The thing is, I think that most of their schemes are of this quality, but for Nunes and Trump, nobody pushes back against it. Yet, just a little bit of a push back and the whole thing comes falling apart.

Actually I think we need some type of review process for these unelected bureaucrats maybe even term limits. This has really shine a spot lite on a serious problem.

The amount of corruption was so wide spread it wasn't sustainable I've been saying all along this is the end of the Democrats as we know them. Now the good news is as of last week Trump has had 170 judges appointed so there is hope for the future.
Finfinder wrote:
Actually I think we need some type of review process for these unelected bureaucrats maybe even term limits. This has really shine a spot lite on a serious problem.

It shines a light on the damage Trump is doing. Real presidents not only work with their agencies, they lead them.

They don't corrupt and degrade the government, the way Trump has done.
late wrote:It shines a light on the damage Trump is doing. Real presidents not only work with their agencies, they lead them.

They don't corrupt and degrade the government, the way Trump has done.

How can you lead agencies that try to over throw your presidency? How do you lead bureaucrats who don't think they have a boss? It's really just the opposite and I think you know it. You give Trump a lot of credit, as you should, the guy resides in your head 24/7.
Finfinder wrote:
How can you lead agencies that try to over throw your presidency?

It's really just the opposite and I think you know it.

If you don't like doing the time, don't commit the crime.

If you look at the facts, which is what is happening right now in the impeachment hearings, they tell a damning story.
late wrote:If you don't like doing the time, don't commit the crime.

If you look at the facts, which is what is happening right now in the impeachment hearings, they tell a damning story.

What crime? You know nothing about facts you have at least 15 active anti Trump threads they all have 1 thing in common there isn't 1 fact because there isn't ever been a charge of a crime.
Finfinder wrote:
What crime? You know nothing about facts you have at least 15 active anti Trump threads they all have 1 thing in common there isn't 1 fact because there isn't ever been a charge of a crime.

Trump can't be indicted while he is president. That is babbling...

But he can be impeached, he is being impeached, because the Constitution talks about High Crimes.

"Most people, including a majority of the House of Representatives, interpreted the phrase to refer not to literal crimes or misdemeanors but to any serious abuses of presidential power.

This interpretation remains the dominant one 150 years later. In the words of Professor Laurence Tribe and Joshua Matz, the majority view is that a president can legally be impeached for “intentional, evil deeds” that “drastically subvert the Constitution and involve an unforgivable abuse of the presidency” — even if those deeds didn’t violate any criminal laws."

late wrote:Trump can't be indicted while he is president. That is babbling...

But he can be impeached, he is being impeached, because the Constitution talks about High Crimes.

"Most people, including a majority of the House of Representatives, interpreted the phrase to refer not to literal crimes or misdemeanors but to any serious abuses of presidential power.

This interpretation remains the dominant one 150 years later. In the words of Professor Laurence Tribe and Joshua Matz, the majority view is that a president can legally be impeached for “intentional, evil deeds” that “drastically subvert the Constitution and involve an unforgivable abuse of the presidency” — even if those deeds didn’t violate any criminal laws."


Sure they can apparently the Democrats are going to impeach every Republican president from here forward. Good luck with all that, I think this is going to end the Democrats. You cannot govern when you have zero credibility.
Finfinder wrote:
Sure they can apparently the Democrats are going to impeach every Republican president from here forward. Good luck with all that, I think this is going to end the Democrats. You cannot govern when you have zero credibility.

Thanks, that was my first laugh of the day.

Project much?
Finfinder wrote:You cannot govern when you have zero credibility.

You can't impeach when you are the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and you are falling asleep during the testimony of a witness you called. Their own impeachment proceedings are even boring to the people most passionate about impeachment.

Meanwhile the Republicans are making minced meat out of each witness. You get a witness claiming to be non-partisan only to have Matt Gaetz pull up FEC records of over $100k+ in donations to Democrats. Of course, that's no indication of partisanship these days. :roll: Gaetz even pulled up today's witnesses' tweet to Trump:

I am stunned and amazed that the Democrats keep doing this to themselves. Trump is now beating every Democratic candidate in Pennsylvania. It's just amazing to me.
Finfinder wrote:Just maybe phones companies who own CNN the media branch of the DNC and favorite media outlet for partisan political leakers just might, its not a stretch to think so. Apparently you are that brainwashed.

LOL!!! You're so brainwashed as to actually believe the conspiracy theory that CNN is "the media branch of the DNC".

What crime 4 years of investigations and he has yet to be charged with anything?

Can a sitting president be indicted? This is like the GOP bitching that the Democrats in the House have not passed one piece of legislation while McConnell sits on 275 bills the House has passed and sent to the Senate which they died at McConnell's desk. How can a president be charged with anything if a sitting president can't be indicted?

This fake Russian hoax is massive I'm sure it leads to Obama eventually.

Yup. everything goes back to Obama. And you called me "brainwashed". LMAO!!!
blackjack21 wrote:Schiff has no authority to do that. He needs authority from the court to do that. An impeachment inquiry still has to go through the courts to seize private records. The Fourth Amendment still applies. Schiff's action was ultra vires.

Bunk. As chair of an impeachment inquiry, Schiff has the right so subpoena records, and the subject of the impeachment inquiry has the right to resist through the courts. That's what happened and is happening.
Last edited by Senter on 11 Dec 2019 05:02, edited 1 time in total.

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