The Irishman... - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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By BigSteve
Tainari88 wrote:You can count on one hand how many Republican conservatives exist in the creative arts. Dancers, musicians, actors, writers, poets, playwrights, producers, directors, novelists, set people, cinematographers etc. All of the arts are awash with the Leftists.

Admin Edit: Rule 2 Violation
Here's a short list of conservatives in the "creative arts" to get you started:

Joe Peschi
Adam Baldwin
Kurt Russell
Vince Vaughan
Gary Sinise
George Hamilton
Sela Ward
Rip Torn
Andy Garcia
Tom Selleck
Angie Harmon
Kevin Sorbo
Arnold Schewarzenegger
Chuck Norris
Clint Eastwood
Jon Cryer
Fred Thompson
Shirley Jones
Jim Belushi
Dennis Miller
Kelsey Grammer
James Caan
Drew Carey
Sylvester Stallone
Dennis Hopper
Mel Gibson
Tom Berrenger
Jim Caviezel
Dennis Franz
Paul Sorvino
Leslie Nielsen
James Woods
Craig T. Nelson
Ron Silver
Danny Aiello
Hal Holbrook
Jonny Ramobe
Alice Cooper
Gene Simmons
Gloria Estefan
Meat Loaf
Dave Mustaine
Neil Peart
Brian Wilson
Zakk Wylde
Ted Nugent
Gary Oldman
Billy Corgan
David Mamet
Jim Gaffigan
Tim Allen
Jeff Foxworthy
Bill Engval
Adam Sandler
Adam Carolla
Kirste Alley
Rob Schneider
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
Bruce Willis
Pat Sajak
Ben Stein
Dennis Rodman
Kid Rock
Susan Lucci
Rob Lowe
Robert Downey Jr.
Patricia Heaton

Conservatives are boring dummies mostly. Lol.

And idiot liberals are clueless dolts...

Italian American great actors like Pacino, Pesci, DeNiro and the recently deceased James Gadolfino are all liberals or far left. Not a one is a conservative. They talk politics ocassionally. Hee hee.

Joe Pesci is a conservative.

Your post is a shining example of how you like to pretend to be educated when, in fact, you're not.

Educate yourself if you expect to be taken seriously...
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By BigSteve
Drlee wrote:What I think is funny is that someone thinks that the foreign press would lose an opportunity to black President Trump's eye. I cannot think of a single foreign reporter who would not think it is a good thing; maybe even vote for someone so they would make their speech.

When DeNiro went on his little hissy-fit "fuck Trump" tirade at the Tony Awards, it reverberated. The Hollywood Foreign Press is a bit more to the right than the American Theater Wing (which produces the Tony Awards). They simply have no intention on allowing him to turn their awards show into the shit-show that the Tony's quickly became. It has nothing to do with giving Trump a black eye. It has to do with keeping the focus on the actual purpose of the evening.

I went to high school on Long Island with a guy named Tom Kirdahy. You can Google him; he's a remarkably successful producer on Broadway. His show "Hadestown" won 8 Tony awards this year, including Best Musical. His partner, Terrance McNally, was presented a Lifetime Achievement Award at this year's Tony's.

Despite being very anti-Trump, Tom was disgusted by DeNiro's outburst and said it was absolutely wrong for DeNiro to hijack those awards and make it his venue for taking a swipe at Trump. See, Tom's one of those intelligent liberals who understand that there is a time and place for everything, and that DeNiro chose the wrong place and the wrong time to take a swipe at Trump.

When DeNiro belched that out, Tom was one of the few in the room who remained seated...
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By BigSteve
Potemkin wrote:So in other words, you believe in political correctness. You believe that people should be punished for having the 'wrong' political opinions or saying the 'wrong' thing about politicians. It's wrong if liberals do it, but okay if you do it. Is that right? :eh:

Nice stretch.

I have no problem with DeNiro saying "Fuck Trump", provided he does it in the proper venue. Personally, I don't believe an awards stage is the proper venue and, evidently, neither does the HFP. The Hollywood Foreign Press doesn't want him to use their stage for his political commentary. The Golden Globes is not, and should not be, about politics. It's about entertainment, and the HFP recognizes that DeNiro has a propensity to run off the rails.

It's their show, and they can do as they please...
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By Red_Army
All conservatives love PC bullshit. They just want to censor the cool stuff because they are nerds - see Jerry Falwell.

As to The Irishman: I love Scorcese and De Niro, but this was not their best. Casting 10000-year-old De Niro as a 30 year old tough guy was painful to watch. I had to watch Goodfellas again to get my groove back.
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By BigSteve
Red_Army wrote:All conservatives love PC bullshit. They just want to censor the cool stuff because they are nerds - see Jerry Falwell.

The HFP is hardly conservative.

I just support them doing whatever they believe is in the best interests of their production. I don't understand why anyone would have a problem with that...

As to The Irishman: I love Scorcese and De Niro, but this was not their best. Casting 10000-year-old De Niro as a 30 year old tough guy was painful to watch. I had to watch Goodfellas again to get my groove back.

I haven't watched it yet, but I've heard it starts really slow; for like the first hour...
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By Drlee
When DeNiro belched that out, Tom was one of the few in the room who remained seated...


Fun Fact. BS posted a list of conservative entertainers. If we accept his list as accurate then it is interesting to me that of the 70 names he posted, only 7 are women.

By Finfinder
Drlee wrote:I am confused by this thread. Is someone saying that DeNiro did not receive an award because he does not like Trump? And then someone else said, "libtards". And someone else said DeNiro had one Golden Globe?

DeNiro has two Academy Awards, a Golden Globe Award, the Cecil B. DeMille Award, the Golden Lion, the AFI Life Achievement Award, Presidential Medal of Freedom, and has been nominated for six BAFTA Awards, four Primetime Emmy Awards and four Screen Actors Guild Awards. 56 wins in 104 nominations for various awards.

And someone said something about Jimmy Buffet being a "libtard".

Fuck people. Get a grip. I swear. Republicans and other Trump supporters are unhinged. If their brains were made of gunpowder they could not blow their noses.

I despair for my old party and the days when politics were not couched in terms familiar to any 6 year old on the playground.

Oh by the way. John Wayne was a card carrying republican conservative. And Ronald Reagan was the president of a union. Twice.

The world turned upside down.

I love this guy. He thinks he sits on a thrown and is the end all POFO intellect, an old stiff grump with his nose in the air . You are even so petty you refuse to give posters credit when you quote them. Mothballs seem more fun that you seem. So its so rich being lectured by a guy who's main past time is to project his MENSA membership and Porsche with contempt arrogant lifeless posts towards others. You are the one taking this stuff to serious :lol: Drlee

BTW yes Jimmy Buffet is a libtard and his save the Manatee Club sued a lot of towns in Florida to restrict private land owner access to their waterways. Of course the great brain of POFO you knew that already. :roll:

Who care what actors think.

Potemkin wrote:Do you think it was a good or a bad thing that DeNiro supposedly got passed over for an acting award because of his outspoken political views? Just curious. :eh:

I think it would be a good thing because it has nothing to do with his profession.

Drlee wrote:Exactly.

Fun Fact. BS posted a list of conservative entertainers. If we accept his list as accurate then it is interesting to me that of the 70 names he posted, only 7 are women.


You ever heard of a guy named Harvey Weinstein? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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By Drlee
I see. As usual when Finfinder is back on his heels with nothing to say he relies on personal attack. :roll:

Oh wait!. Women are not conservative because of Harvey Weinstein? Right. :roll:

Perhaps Finfinder is unaware that Weinstein is an ardent democrat who has contributed millions to them over the years.
By Finfinder
Drlee wrote:I see. As usual when Finfinder is back on his heels with nothing to say he relies on personal attack. :roll:

Oh wait!. Women are not conservative because of Harvey Weinstein? Right. :roll:

Perhaps Finfinder is unaware that Weinstein is an ardent democrat who has contributed millions to them over the years.

First not on my heals .......You Obviously are not worldly enough to know about Jimmy Buffett. Secondly not a personal attack unfortunately the truth your old mothballs lectures fall short. Your posting techniques are really not friendly so you get back what you put into it Drlee. You think you are so clever by not referencing the person when you make personal attacks but everybody knows different. So why are you so petty that you refuse to quote people properly here on POFO so they are notified of the post?

As far as Harvey Weinstein comment your post to @BigSteve was making a negative inference to conservative and women in Hollywood. Again this is rich considering how the liberals cover up their bad treatment of women in Hollywood, a far more damming point than yours.
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By Drlee
As far as Harvey Weinstein comment your post to @BigSteve was making a negative inference to conservative and women in Hollywood.

Negative inference?

OK. Let's throw that up for discussion so that Finfinder can understand it.

I posted:

Fun Fact. BS posted a list of conservative entertainers. If we accept his list as accurate then it is interesting to me that of the 70 names he posted, only 7 are women.

...drawing no conclusions.

This appears to have inflamed Finfinder who wrote:

You ever heard of a guy named Harvey Weinstein? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

So I pointed out that Harvey Weinstein was a democrat. (I did not say liberal because we do not know that and besides, most democrats are decidedly not liberal.) ((I did not use the term "libtard" because I am an educated adult.))

I find this interesting:

I posted a letter form Jimmy Buffet supporting Donald Trump for President. This spurred the following from Finfinder:

Finfinder said: You Obviously are not worldly enough to know about Jimmy Buffett.

I suspect that he and I have different ideas about what "worldliness" is. I subscribe more to the dictionary definition of: "Experienced in human affairs; sophisticated or worldly-wise." And though I very much enjoy the music of Jimmy Buffet, I do not find him particularly sophisticated nor is my knowledge of every word to "A Pirate Looks at 40" a measure of my experience of "human affairs". I will allow that it is possible for Finfinder to believe that Jimmy Buffet music is the very height of sophistication. His posts may give us a clue in that regard. Certainly, compared to say, Toby Keith or Merle Haggard it very well may seem to be.
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By BigSteve
Drlee wrote:Exactly.

Fun Fact. BS posted a list of conservative entertainers. If we accept his list as accurate then it is interesting to me that of the 70 names he posted, only 7 are women.


Not entirely sure what your point is.

Oh, that's right, you're rarely able to actually make one.

My point is that someone who makes Alexandria Ocasio Cortes look like Jerry Falwell was absolutely disgusted by DeNiro's emotional outburst...
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By Drlee
My point is that someone who makes Alexandria Ocasio Cortes look like Jerry Falwell was absolutely disgusted by DeNiro's emotional outburst...

And who is that?
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By Rugoz
Red_Army wrote:As to The Irishman: I love Scorcese and De Niro, but this was not their best. Casting 10000-year-old De Niro as a 30 year old tough guy was painful to watch. I had to watch Goodfellas again to get my groove back.

Yep, the deaging tech didn't work at all. Worse, at the end we're supposed to feel sorry for the old geezer being shunned his family, when his family is almost completely absent from the movie.
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By BigSteve
Drlee wrote:And who is that?

My friend Tom Kirdahy.

Do try to keep up...
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By Drlee
Left and right has nothing to do with it. Boorish behavior is boorish behavior. I am sick of hearing the opinions of just about everyone. Tell me sport. Do you like listening to the president call people childish names? Do you like Ted Cruz caving like a wimp in the face of any criticism? The man let a presidential candidate call his wife names and still caves to the great insulter.

How about we both agree that this has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with inappropriate behavior. You know boorish calling people libtards or calling everyone who does not agree with you a lib.

Now we have a thread about a movie award that has some people making insulting comments based on what? Nothing at all.
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By Red_Army
lol @BigSteve started this thread and hasn't seen the movie. Snowflake shit :lol:

Conservatives are pussies and scared of anything besides shit with Kevin Sorbo because they are also idiots.

@Rugoz I don't think you're supposed to feel bad for De Niro at all. I think you're supposed to see him wallow in his loneliness for the amoral fucked up shit he did his entire life. He died with no one, alone in a hospital where no one even knew the shit he "died for". He's the boomer Trump evangelical who will die alone without their family at Thanksgiving except all they did was make stupid facebook posts about how Trump is fighting for the bible.

It's a good movie - nowhere close to Scorcese's best, but it's not the anti-feminist screed that moron #resistance libs make it out to be.
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By BigSteve
Red_Army wrote:lol @BigSteve started this thread and hasn't seen the movie. Snowflake shit :lol:

Because it actually has nothing to do with the actual movie, and everything to do with the fact that DeNiro's allegedly fantastic performance was COMPLETELY snubbed by the HFP.

If you'd actually paid attention to what was being said, you'd know that...
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By BigSteve
Drlee wrote:How about we both agree that this has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with inappropriate behavior.

Actually, that was exactly what I was commenting on. His inappropriate behavior, though, was political commentary about Trump, so politics, does have a role in the conversation, and only because DeNiro made it so...
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By Potemkin
BigSteve wrote:Actually, that was exactly what I was commenting on. His inappropriate behavior, though, was political commentary about Trump, so politics, does have a role in the conversation, and only because DeNiro made it so...

So you want to punish people for "inappropriate political behaviour"? And this differs from the liberals' enforcement of 'political correctness'... how? :eh:
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By Drlee
Because it actually has nothing to do with the actual movie, and everything to do with the fact that DeNiro's allegedly fantastic performance was COMPLETELY snubbed by the HFP.

This thread was interesting and I really tried to make it about politics but it just won't wash. The movie had the highest number of nominations of any this year. : Best Picture, Drama, Best Director for Martin Scorsese, Best Screenplay for Steven Zaillian and Best Supporting Actor for Al Pacino and Joe Pesci. So clearly the movie was not "completely snubbed".

Then I looked at who did get the Best Actor nominations: Christian Bale Ford v Ferrari, Antonio Banderas Pain and Glory, Adam Driver for Marriage Story Jaoquin Phoenix for Joker and Jonathan Pryce for Two Popes. All, according to my quick reading, strong performances. I guess I was left to conclude that there is nothing here. DiNero's performance was good but his was a depressing role. He had been, by the way, nominated for Golden Globes 20 times before so there seems to be no reluctance to nominate him when he gets it right.

This reminds me of the complaints about not enough women directors or minorities nominated for awards in some years, the implication being that prejudice was the reason. Then, looking at the nominees who DID get the nod it looks very much like the people doing the nominating did what they were supposed to do and when with what they liked.

I would love to hear your answer to Pote's question though.

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