Israelis nervous about BDS - Page 52 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

Moderator: PoFo Middle-East Mods

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skinster wrote:But they didn't before him so what the fuck are you talking about? Do you know what largest military package to date means?

currency is losing its value over time
3Billions in 1990 are not equal to 3 billions in 2019
3 billion$ in 2000 are equal to 4.48 in 2019
beside that this is not real money its just a coupon for the IDF to get US military equipment it goes back to the US economy and its providing support for hundreds of thousands of American families who work at the military industry
There are many countries (and people) in the world that actually matter, that is to say it matters what they say or do. Those people and those countries do not give a damn about what Palestinian Arabs say or want. Its a fact.

So...Palestinian Arabs may or may not accept whatever it is they are upset about. Nobody cares! Palestinians missed the opportunity to fix things up with Israelis. Today, Israel already controls Jordan valley and Area C in its entirety. Annexation is just around the corner and not a thing anyone can do about it.

Palestinian Arabs MUST take what they can TODAY and run with it OR they will get nothing other than a confederation with Jordan and Israel's health insurance along with a work permit to work in Israel That is all.
You saying nobody cares after being this far in this thread where it shows people from all areas of society in countries all around the world involved in BDS activity is funny. Zionists are funny. Hasbara trolls are funnier. It's weird you use this tactic of pretending nobody cares as if you're trying to convince yourself and others, but why bother when it's not a reality?

If you oppose BDS, live according to international laws and it won't be a thing. It's pretty simple.

skinster wrote:Why do you think it's fantastic that Israel's theft of territory the Brits "offered" to Palestinians is now legitimized by the U.S.?

Because the Palestinians refused to take the British up on their offer and Israel accepted the U.S. offer.
Stealing more than half your land in a settler-colonial project is not an "offer". But the Israelis went beyond what was offered; the 55% of the land they got wasn't enough, they took it all, just as Palestinians predicted and why they were opposed to it to begin with.

skinster wrote:Stealing more than half your land in a settler-colonial project is not an "offer".

The usage of the word "offer" has to be clarified anyways.

I believe that Religious Member was talking about the 1947 UN offer by using the word "British offer", instead of anything more recent.

I wish to know whether this Member is also referring to this 1947 offer. If yes, then I am afraid further discussion is unnecessary, because the quoted sentence would mean no less than that "the current state of Israel should not even exist".
Patrickov wrote:The usage of the word "offer" has to be clarified anyways.

I believe that Religious Member was talking about the 1947 UN offer by using the word "British offer", instead of anything more recent.

I wish to know whether this Member is also referring to this 1947 offer. If yes, then I am afraid further discussion is unnecessary, because the quoted sentence would mean no less than that "the current state of Israel should not even exist".

Of course it did begin with the "British Mandate for Palestine", but the British terminated that mandate in 1947 due to a disagreement with President Truman. Then the decision was turned over the the UN. That led to the establishment of the state of Israel, since the Jews accepted the two state idea, and to war between the Arabs, who did not accept Israel's right to exist. But I was also referring to the United States later offer to broker peace agreements that could have resulted in a two state solution. They first began with the Camp David Accords that brokered a peace agreement with Egypt and Israel in 1978 that also affected the Arabs living in the West Bank and Gaza. Then there was the Oslo Accords in 1993 and 1995 between the PLO and Israel. And finally, the 2000 Camp David Summit in which the PLO leader Yasser Arafat rejected all offers that resulted in NO Palestinian state being established.
skinster wrote:Stealing more than half your land in a settler-colonial project is not an "offer". But the Israelis went beyond what was offered; the 55% of the land they got wasn't enough, they took it all, just as Palestinians predicted and why they were opposed to it to begin with.

No land was EVER stolen. palestinian arabs have their country. It is called Jordan. If they want more, they need to come to terms with Israel's demands for a peaceful coexistence. Remember that This is Middle east with its peculiarities. Arabs may have Palestine only if israel allows it creation. THere is a price to pay for it, - agree to what Israel needs and you may have it.
Metoo wrote:Arabs may have Palestine only if israel allows it creation. THere is a price to pay for it, - agree to what Israel needs and you may have it.

Lol, that's called Blackmail.

Once again the Zionist Israeli Jews are doing everything they can to skyrocket Anti-semetism worldwide. Lol.
colliric wrote:Lol, that's called Blackmail.

Once again the Zionist Israeli Jews are doing everything they can to skyrocket Anti-semetism worldwide. Lol.

Really? Is that how you see it?

You must stop thinking that the Jews will continue to be your punching bag. Those days are over! Guys like you have been using the Jews as scapegoats and punching bags for the past 2000 years. No more.

I can see that you are happy if the Jews simply 'know there place', right? Your fun is over.

Do understand that the title to the Land of Judea and Samaria, what you might call West Bank, is at best disputed. it is not Palestinian Land by any stretch of imagination and the latest statement by US State Department is simply a manifestation that Palestinian Arabs do not have a clear case in their claim.

At best, Israelis and Palestinians both have claims. However, as any lawyer will tell you, Israeli case is much better then the Palestinian case. This why the Palestinians never tried to adjudicate this in any court, for the fear that they will lose and lose irreversible, in other words lose big.

There is no clear view as to WHO has the title to the land. But there is clear view that Palestinians do not have it! The resolution must ensue in a negotiation process. My point is simple, - when the Arabs wise up and come in to negotiate, then we may have a resolution. Otherwise they will be looking at the Israeli bayonets as long as they, the Arabs, remain belligerent.

Further, - today, with the facts on the ground, Israel claims sovereignty to most of West Bank. International Law stipulates that as long as the claim is recognised internationally, and the country in question has necessary infrastructure to administer the land, and the country in question is able to defend the land against any and all adversaries, - then the claim may proceed and the sovereignity is solid.

Well, US recognition that Israel is in no violation of International Law when it comes if Israel's treatment to Judea and Samaria, is the only item that has been missing in the claim equation. We have it now, and nobody in the world can do anything about it.

Israel is not a weak country,as you may know, and the Jews have come in to be treated equally as any other ethnic group. If you disagree with what Israel is doing with the land, then where is your indignation when it comes to Morocco in Sahara, or China in Tibet, or Russia in Ukraine, or Turkey in Cypress, etc., etc., etc...
Metoo wrote:Really? Is that how you see it?

You must stop thinking that the Jews will continue to be your punching bag. Those days are over! Guys like you have been using the Jews as scapegoats and punching bags for the past 2000 years. No more.

I can see that you are happy if the Jews simply 'know there place', right? Your fun is over.

I love Jews, I don't like Zionists. There's a difference.

As you full well are smart enough to know, Christianity is also technically "the religion where they worship ancient Jews".

Do understand that the title to the Land of Judea and Samaria, what you might call West Bank, is at best disputed. it is not Palestinian Land by any stretch of imagination and the latest statement by US State Department is simply a manifestation that Palestinian Arabs do not have a clear case in their claim.

If you're going to insist on using Ancient biblical names at least be consistent about it. The tribe of Judah called the Promised Land "The Kingdom of Yehudah" or Judea(in Latin, and Judah in English) whenever they were in charge. "Israel" was exclusively reserved for when all 12 tribes were together. Also "Samaria" is the Samaritans land exclusively. If you insist on using biblical names, use the correct ones dammit!

Israel is not a weak country,as you may know, and the Jews have come in to be treated equally as any other ethnic group. If you disagree with what Israel is doing with the land, then where is your indignation when it comes to Morocco in Sahara, or China in Tibet, or Russia in Ukraine, or Turkey in Cypress, etc., etc., etc...

Israel's economy heavily relies on the tourism industry and 55% of all tourists to Israel are Christian tourists.

Yet you Israeli Jews voted Kahanist politics into the Knesset and allow Ben-Zion Gopstein to run riot in the streets of "The Land Of Jesus"™️ with Lehava. The young people who believe "Christians are vampires and we need to burn their churches and expell them from our country" and spend their nights beating up Muslims and negroes. "Equally" my ass.

Lehava, the Jewish anti-arab anti-christian lynchmob that also hates Homosexuals too, earning them nickname "The Westboro Baptist Church of Judaism!".

Remember the Beitar incident involving the Chechen Muslim players? I do, it's on Netflix for the world to see. Forever Pure it's called.

Also I do oppose the Chinese Communist Party and the other things you mentioned. I am a supporter of the Kuomintang Party in the Republic of China. I would support the Kuomintang taking China back. As far as I'm concerned this is the legitimate flag and anthem of China:

I can't wait to see it fly back in Shanghai and Beijing one day.
colliric wrote:If you're going to insist on using Ancient biblical names at least be consistent about it. The tribe of Judah called the Promised Land "The Kingdom of Yehudah" or Judea(in Latin, and Judah in English) whenever they were in charge. "Israel" was exclusively reserved for when all 12 tribes were together. Also "Samaria" is the Samaritans land exclusively. If you insist on using biblical names, use the correct ones dammit!

But the Samitarians don't want their own independent state, so that is irrelevant. All this stuff about Christians also seems irrelevant. If the Christians were serious about wanting their own state then I would support them, and I would support the cleansing of their state of all Muslims and Jewish supremacist terrorists. However most of the Christians of the Middle East are just Muslim cucks. Till the situation fundamentally changes Christians and Pagans must look to Israel and Russia for their defence.
skinster wrote:

You forgot that Johnson has an outright majority. So if the courts don't strike it down then he can do whatever he wants. And i doubt that Johnsons legal advisors are stupid enough to phrase it so that the courts will have a leg to stand on to strike it down.
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