Bill Barr has to go - Politics | PoFo

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By late
The FJA, the Federal judges association, is having an emergency meeting today to talk about Barr.

Two freaking thousand former DOJ officials have signed a declaration that covers a lot of ground. Needless to say, they ain't happy.
"The statement cites this week’s actions taken by both President Trump and the attorney general in the Roger Stone case that “require Mr. Barr to resign.” The open letter was signed by former federal prosecutors and DOJ officials and was released on Sunday...

“Each of us strongly condemns President Trump’s and Attorney General Barr’s interference in the fair administration of justice”

Perhaps more on that later, right now I want to quote Ayer, a Republican who was Deputy AG for HW Bush:

"Bad as they are, these examples are more symptoms than causes of Barr’s unfitness for office. The fundamental problem is that he does not believe in the central tenet of our system of government—that no person is above the law. In chilling terms, Barr’s own words make clear his long-held belief in the need for a virtually autocratic executive who is not constrained by countervailing powers within our government under the constitutional system of checks and balances.

Far from recognizing the sensitive “judicial nature” of the department’s work and the need to avoid even the appearance of improper influence and to show that no person is above the law, under Barr, the Department of Justice is actively engaged on many fronts in helping realize Trump’s stated goal of being able to do whatever he wants, free from interference from any branch of government.

Bill Barr’s America is not a place that anyone, including Trump voters, should want to go. It is a banana republic where all are subject to the whims of a dictatorial president and his henchmen. To prevent that, we need a public uprising demanding that Bill Barr resign immediately, or failing that, be impeached."
By Finfinder
late wrote:The FJA, the Federal judges association, is having an emergency meeting today to talk about Barr.

Two freaking thousand former DOJ officials have signed a declaration that covers a lot of ground. Needless to say, they ain't happy.
"The statement cites this week’s actions taken by both President Trump and the attorney general in the Roger Stone case that “require Mr. Barr to resign.” The open letter was signed by former federal prosecutors and DOJ officials and was released on Sunday...

“Each of us strongly condemns President Trump’s and Attorney General Barr’s interference in the fair administration of justice”

Perhaps more on that later, right now I want to quote Ayer, a Republican who was Deputy AG for HW Bush:

"Bad as they are, these examples are more symptoms than causes of Barr’s unfitness for office. The fundamental problem is that he does not believe in the central tenet of our system of government—that no person is above the law. In chilling terms, Barr’s own words make clear his long-held belief in the need for a virtually autocratic executive who is not constrained by countervailing powers within our government under the constitutional system of checks and balances.

Far from recognizing the sensitive “judicial nature” of the department’s work and the need to avoid even the appearance of improper influence and to show that no person is above the law, under Barr, the Department of Justice is actively engaged on many fronts in helping realize Trump’s stated goal of being able to do whatever he wants, free from interference from any branch of government.

Bill Barr’s America is not a place that anyone, including Trump voters, should want to go. It is a banana republic where all are subject to the whims of a dictatorial president and his henchmen. To prevent that, we need a public uprising demanding that Bill Barr resign immediately, or failing that, be impeached."

LOL Trump and Barr are simply just playing a better game than the rest. While the left continues to chase pink elephants and high five themselves, all they really did was just expose 2000 people who think it is ok for harsh imprisonment of non violent political rivals, yet violent offenders like rapists can serve less than 3 to 4 years. While the left supports a 2 tier justice system (different rules for Democrats) and wants to put Roger Stone in prison for the remainder of his life because of he is a Republican, Trump has made progress and policy. For instance the prison reform act and pardoning non violent drug offenders with extreme harsh sentences, something the left has always believed in, but since Trump is actually accomplishing it now they are against it. Again Trump is playing at a different level and these people can never figure it out. It's so fun to watch.
By pugsville
Finfinder wrote:LOL Trump and Barr are simply just playing a better game than the rest. While the left continues to chase pink elephants and high five themselves, all they really did was just expose 2000 people who think it is ok for harsh imprisonment of non violent political rivals, yet violent offenders like rapists can serve less than 3 to 4 years. While the left supports a 2 tier justice system (different rules for Democrats) and wants to put Roger Stone in prison for the remainder of his life because of he is a Republican, Trump has made progress and policy. For instance the prison reform act and pardoning non violent drug offenders with extreme harsh sentences, something the left has always believed in, but since Trump is actually accomplishing it now they are against it. Again Trump is playing at a different level and these people can never figure it out. It's so fun to watch.

Darin the Swamp! Drain the Swamp!

Was not Trump going to crack down on rich elites and insiders?
By Finfinder
pugsville wrote:Darin the Swamp! Drain the Swamp!

Was not Trump going to crack down on rich elites and insiders?

Stone is a nobody he is not an insider and I'm pretty sure he is poor now due to the fake process crime from fake investigation.

Now if you are talking Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Brennan, and Clapper. Yea so far Trump has failed at cracking down on rich elites.

You're dead right. I can not believe Americans will pay to facilitate corruption. This, I perceive, is the death of your democracy.
Finfinder wrote:LOL Trump and Barr are simply just playing a better game than the rest. While the left continues to chase pink elephants and high five themselves, all they really did was just expose 2000 people who think it is ok for harsh imprisonment of non violent political rivals, yet violent offenders like rapists can serve less than 3 to 4 years. While the left supports a 2 tier justice system (different rules for Democrats) and wants to put Roger Stone in prison for the remainder of his life because of he is a Republican, Trump has made progress and policy. For instance the prison reform act and pardoning non violent drug offenders with extreme harsh sentences, something the left has always believed in, but since Trump is actually accomplishing it now they are against it. Again Trump is playing at a different level and these people can never figure it out. It's so fun to watch.

It's quite amazing. These people think it's fine to have 20M people overstaying visas, in the country illegally, taking jobs from Americans, not paying taxes, able to shoot and kill people and face no prison time, but Roger Stone needs to do nine years for lying in a politically contrived scandal in an attempt to affect a coup d'etat? Roger Stone's crime is that he isn't illegally in the United States, and he votes Republican.

pugsville wrote:Was not Trump going to crack down on rich elites and insiders?

It looks like that may finally be coming, but it's really going to come down to John Durham et. al. I think that's what the Democrats/establishment are really afraid of.

Stormsmith wrote:You're dead right. I can not believe Americans will pay to facilitate corruption. This, I perceive, is the death of your democracy.

What is corrupt about an Attorney General or any superior of prosecutors directing how prosecutors conduct themselves? By the way, what crime do you think has been committed here that would warrant impeachment?
By late
Finfinder wrote:
Trump and Barr are simply just playing a better game than the rest.

It's not a game.

The reason thousands of former DOJ officials are protesting is that they are watching the Rule of Law, one of the most important institutions in a democracy, being destroyed.
By late
blackjack21 wrote:
What is corrupt about an Attorney General or any superior of prosecutors directing how prosecutors conduct themselves?

If a system of Justice has no independence from politics, you don't have a democracy.

You have a banana republic.
late wrote:If a system of Justice has no independence from politics, you don't have a democracy.

A democracy IS rule by popular will. The Department of Justice IS part of a political branch of government. It is not independent of the president. It is the courts who are supposed to be apolitical, not the executive. Maybe you need a civics lesson or you need to read Article II and Article III again. The president has the power to prosecute AND the power to pardon.

At any rate, once again, the Democrats are crying foul but cannot name a single section of a statute which has been violated. Yet, these same people complaining about Trump "interfering" were more than happy when Barack Obama was interfering in cases like the Darren Wilson case during the Michael Brown shooting and the subsequent media lies about "hands up, don't shoot!" and the George Zimmerman case during the Trayvon Martin incident and President Obama saying before the case that Trayvon Martin looked like him and could have been his son. By the time of the Baltimore shooting, it was people like me who pointed out that the Democrats had been running places like Baltimore for half a century uninterrupted by any Republican government and were still blaming virtually all of their problems on Republicans. FoxNews finally picked up on that theme. Donald Trump has picked up on hit too.

Former Ferguson cop Darren Wilson opens up about his life in seclusion
By late
blackjack21 wrote:
The Department of Justice IS part of a political branch of government.

Everyone in the Justice system is supposed to avoid even the appearance of impropriety.

Improper is Barr's middle name.

You are trying to say justice is political, and that's true for a dictator.
late wrote:Everyone in the Justice system is supposed to avoid even the appearance of impropriety.

There's nothing improper about ensuring that prosecutors aren't overzealous or mistreating a citizen. Trump is honing in on bad actors in the Justice Department now, and not just against those who acted politically. These decades long sentences for marijuana offenses against African Americans, etc. is something Trump is addressing too.

late wrote:You are trying to say justice is political, and that's true for a dictator.

I know what I'm saying, and what I'm trying to say. You don't. Dictators aren't trying to get re-elected. They hold power by military force. Trump is trying to get re-elected, so he's trying to curry favor with different constituencies. He's also trying to neutralize the negative effects of excessive prosecution at the Department of Justice.
By late
blackjack21 wrote:
1) There's nothing improper about ensuring that prosecutors aren't overzealous or mistreating a citizen. Trump is honing in on bad actors in the Justice Department now, and not just against those who acted politically.

2) I know what I'm saying, and what I'm trying to say. You don't. Dictators aren't trying to get re-elected. They hold power by military force. Trump is trying to get re-elected, so he's trying to curry favor with different constituencies. He's also trying to neutralize the negative effects of excessive prosecution at the Department of Justice.

1) According to thousands of former Justice officials, Trump is so far off the reservation he's left the planet. IOW, you're lying.

2) The way you constantly distort what I say tells us you know you're peddling crap.
By Finfinder
blackjack21 wrote:A democracy IS rule by popular will. The Department of Justice IS part of a political branch of government. It is not independent of the president. It is the courts who are supposed to be apolitical, not the executive. Maybe you need a civics lesson or you need to read Article II and Article III again. The president has the power to prosecute AND the power to pardon.

At any rate, once again, the Democrats are crying foul but cannot name a single section of a statute which has been violated. Yet, these same people complaining about Trump "interfering" were more than happy when Barack Obama was interfering in cases like the Darren Wilson case during the Michael Brown shooting and the subsequent media lies about "hands up, don't shoot!" and the George Zimmerman case during the Trayvon Martin incident and President Obama saying before the case that Trayvon Martin looked like him and could have been his son. By the time of the Baltimore shooting, it was people like me who pointed out that the Democrats had been running places like Baltimore for half a century uninterrupted by any Republican government and were still blaming virtually all of their problems on Republicans. FoxNews finally picked up on that theme. Donald Trump has picked up on hit too.

Former Ferguson cop Darren Wilson opens up about his life in seclusion

LOL Yea Beer summits and Tarmac meetings how quickly they forget. Isn't it amazing how they actually believe they have credibility is these discussions. Forget about Russia and partisan impeachment it never happened. Obama on television interview "not one smidgen of corruption" :lol:

late wrote:1) According to thousands of former Justice officials,.

Take that quote and fill in the blanks, its been overused over and over again over the last 4 years and and never right. Don't act as if the left deserves any credibility that you are some how neutral player. Maybe when the left loses this next election there will be some self reflection right now you all need an intervention.
By late
Finfinder wrote:

Take that quote and fill in the blanks, its been overused over and over again over the last 4 years and and never right. Don't act as if the left deserves any credibility that you are some how neutral player. Maybe when the left loses this next election there will be some self reflection right now you all need an intervention.

You know anybody in Justice? There are more conservatives than liberals, although they almost never talk about it.

Intervention, eh? That's the sort of projection I like to hear. And your side badly needs one. But, of course, you know that, it's why you project so often.
By Finfinder
late wrote:You know anybody in Justice? There are more conservatives than liberals, although they almost never talk about it.

Intervention, eh? That's the sort of projection I like to hear. And your side badly needs one. But, of course, you know that, it's why you project so often.

You do realize the justice department is part of the executive branch don't you?
Finfinder wrote:You do realize the justice department is part of the executive branch don't you?

They seem to magically forget unless one of their own is President of the United States. And of course, it is and the Presidency absolutely has the legal power to do what the President is doing now.
By late
Finfinder wrote:
You do realize the justice department is part of the executive branch don't you?

A democracy without an independent justice system is no democracy at all.

But it is what happens when you get a dictator.

Which is what you want.
By Finfinder
late wrote:A democracy without an independent justice system is no democracy at all.

But it is what happens when you get a dictator.

Which is what you want.

This is why the left needs an intervention. They breathlessly make these dramatic arguments and think people are so stupid they forgot about Eric holder and Obama's pen and a phone. I see what you are doing, you can't beat the Republicans at the ballot box. Everyone is over the lefts whining and crying and false flags, go get yourself an electable candidate, elections have consequences.
By late
Finfinder wrote:
This is why the left needs an intervention.

elections have consequences.

It only took Putin a year to crush their justice system. It took Erdogan a couple years. It's taking Trump longer, but he is working on it, and will get there eventually.

So does cheating, or at least it used to.. back in the days when we still had Rule of Law.
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