YouTube to Suppress content promoting 5G link to the Chinese Virus - Politics | PoFo

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So tell me... why should Youtube help promote conspiracy theories that could potentially hurt their business model. More internet access equals more access to their product.

What is your take on this, and why?

I think that Youtube should be more conscious about what is posted in their "forum", and remove things that are false, or blatant lies.
Godstud wrote:So tell me... why should Youtube help promote conspiracy theories that could potentially hurt their business model.

Would that be the business model that seeks to ingratiate themselves with the Chinese government at every opportunity? Would that be the business model that involves trying to ingratiate themselves with the deep state, and make endless mea culpas for putting profit before Hilary in 2016? Would that be the business model that seeks to be the deep states number one corporation in a surveillance state, that is orders of magnitude beyond the most paranoid imaginings of George Orwell?
I wasn’t making an argument for or against their censorship. I was simply putting a timely article up for discussion in Today’s News ;)

What’s kind of annoying though is that it wouldn’t be a conspiracy to draw a link between Huawei rolling out 5G, the tensions this is causing with the other nations concerned about their sovereignty and the convenient timing of this virus.

In recent months we’ve all been bundled into our homes - from wherever you were in the world no less, and touched by a very long and foreign feeling arm of government. This arm is decidedly firm and very, very present. It’s called HEGEMONY. It’s real, it’s not a conspiracy and it manifests unequivocally through telecommunications.

Anyone trying to say there is no link is either dim or a liar.
ness31 wrote:I wasn’t making an argument for or against their censorship. I was simply putting a timely article up for discussion in Today’s News ;)

What’s kind of annoying though is that it wouldn’t be a conspiracy to draw a link between Huawei rolling out 5G, the tensions this is causing with the other nations concerned about their sovereignty and the convenient timing of this virus.

In recent months we’ve all been bundled into our homes - from wherever you were in the world no less, and touched by a very long and foreign feeling arm of government. This arm is decidedly firm and very, very present. It’s called HEGEMONY. It’s real, it’s not a conspiracy and it manifests unequivocally through telecommunications.

Anyone trying to say there is no link is either dim or a liar.

Wow! That is really good. You should start up your own channel. I would have used the term ‘totalitarian’, but if you like ‘hegemony’, then the confusion of the audience from looking at the definition and then trying to figure out what you are saying would be worth it.
@Rich Please provide a source showing that Youtube ingratiates itself to the Chinese and supports the PRC. I don't much care for the conspiracy theories(like cultural marxism) that you adhere to, either, so facts only, please.

Huawei is a private company, the same as Microsoft.

5G was already coming out. The timing of it and the virus is linked the same way that people drown more when Nicholas Cage makes movies. A spurious correlation.

Just for your amusement:
ness31 wrote:I wasn’t making an argument for or against their censorship. I was simply putting a timely article up for discussion in Today’s News...

...Anyone trying to say there is no link is either dim or a liar.

PoFo doesn't censor, but what you have done from the start of your post to its conclusion is try to associate freedom of speech with a conclusion. What evidence do you have that 5G effects the immune system? That's the point. There isn't any. But people are still burning down towers. All YouTube are doing is trying to limit fake news to reduce the effects that misinformation has on society and that is the same as when Facebook have removed peoples fake remedies and advice from unsourced outlets. If David Icke actually had evidence that wasn't coincidental or presumptive he should be able to publish it. But he doesn't. He is second guessing and trying to say that this is factual and hiding behind free speech to spread his anti technological agenda.
Come now @Godstud . We have been over this before. Cultural Marxism is not a conspiracy theory. It has existed for 100 years and is well documented.

Note the wiki article has been edited to add your conspiracy theory nonsense. This is merely a manoeuvre to hold the new left beyond criticism. It beggars belief that they can make such a claim (that cultural Marxism has no relation to contemporary left wing politics) when they list Herbert Marcuse among the leading minds of cultural Marxism.

Liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against movements from the Right and toleration of movements from the Left. Surely, no government can be expected to foster its own subversion, but in a democracy such a right is vested in the people (i.e. in the majority of the people). This means that the ways should not be blocked on which a subversive majority could develop, and if they are blocked by organized repression and indoctrination, their reopening may require apparently undemocratic means. They would include the withdrawal of toleration of speech and assembly from groups and movements that promote aggressive policies, armament, chauvinism, discrimination on the grounds of race and religion, or that oppose the extension of public services, social security, medical care, etc.[22]

This is exactly what @Rich means when he complains about cultural Marxism. So you must now admit that it is not a conspiracy theory.

I should point out the problem with Marcuse’s thinking. It effectively turns progressive movements into intolerant mobs. Those who control those mobs get to decide what constitutes ideas that are to not be tolerated. Surely you can see the opportunity for a conflict of interest here. Anything that the leaders might deem a challenge to their position of power can be identified as something to not be tolerated. That includes any member of their mob that might start to question the mob’s beliefs.

So what you are left with is authoritarian tribalism. That is descriptive of the majority of left wing identity movements today. There is good reasons why people like Noam Chomsky don’t accept Marcuse’s ideas.

I will also go on to critique the Habermas school. The basic notion is that the Western proletariat failed to rise up and put the commies in power (because they are sensible) so the commies reaction was to turn to the oppressed of the colonial world (who would rise up and put the western commies in power). This was the beginning of Marxist antagonism of anything Western. Basically they threw a hissy fit because they couldn’t get their own way.

But this does reveal Marxism for what it is: an exercise is intellectual snobbery. Marx himself was born into a bourgeois family. His father was a radical liberal. So was Marx when he was a young man. Marxism is a bourgeois ideology for those among the bourgeoise that desire absolute power. It is an attempt the reinvent themselves as a new, post liberal aristocracy. I am sure Hegel would have approved of the devil he spawned. Typical German.

Is there anything I missed Rich?
foxdemon wrote:Wow! That is really good. You should start up your own channel. I would have used the term ‘totalitarian’, but if you like ‘hegemony’, then the confusion of the audience from looking at the definition and then trying to figure out what you are saying would be worth it.

You are awful at sarcasm and from hiding your disdain of me. But that’s okay 8)

B0ycey wrote:PoFo doesn't censor, but what you have done from the start of your post to its conclusion is try to associate freedom of speech with a conclusion. What evidence do you have that 5G effects the immune system? That's the point. There isn't any. But people are still burning down towers. All YouTube are doing is trying to limit fake news to reduce the effects that misinformation has on society and that is the same as when Facebook have removed peoples fake remedies and advice from unsourced outlets. If David Icke actually had evidence that wasn't coincidental or presumptive he should be able to publish it. But he doesn't. He is second guessing and trying to say that this is factual and hiding behind free speech to spread his anti technological agenda.

I made no such claim in either of my posts, nor will I be drawn on it.

My issue is with people seeing a link between Huawei, 5G and the timing of the virus being labeled as conspiratorial.

Now, onto the censorship issue; if people are attacking towers, where is the evidence they are doing it for presumed health affects? Do you have a signed confession from a tower destroyer? Furthermore, where is the evidence that it was the apparent misinformation from YouTube that incited the attacks?

Just do me a favour, please don’t scour the internet for what you will deem ‘evidence’. I’m not that generation of person.
ness31 wrote:Just do me a favour, please don’t scour the internet for what you will deem ‘evidence’. I’m not that generation of person.

So you don't want me to give you the news articles that says people have burnt down 5G towers??? :lol:

OK I won't. But just to be clear, there is no evidence that 5G affects the immune system but there is evidence people are burning down towers. Should we ignore that in a thread about censorship?
@foxdemon Cultural Marxism is a conspiracy theory.

Cultural Marxism is an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory which was popularised in recent years by figures on the far-right, including the Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik, for whom it formed a major part of his terrorist manifesto. ... ism-2019-3

So please, stop going there.

The "link" between 5G and the coronavirus is, as I said, a spurious correlation.
B0ycey wrote:So you don't want me to give you the news articles that says people have burnt down 5G towers??? :lol:

OK I won't. But just to be clear, there is no evidence that 5G affects the immune system but there is evidence people are burning down towers. Should we ignore that in a thread about censorship?

I’d simply ask you to re-read my last post, and if it still doesn’t make sense, then just ignore it.

I’m just having heart failure over in another thread because I suddenly realized we’re all under martial law. Yup. Penny just dropped. :hmm:
ness31 wrote:I’m just having heart failure over in another thread because I suddenly realized we’re all under martial law. Yup. Penny just dropped. :hmm:

I have read.

You and Foxdemon are two of the most strangest and contradictory users on PoFo. You want your government to protect you from the virus but you don't want them to police their methods?
Godstud wrote:@foxdemon Cultural Marxism is a conspiracy theory.

Cultural Marxism is an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory which was popularised in recent years by figures on the far-right, including the Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik, for whom it formed a major part of his terrorist manifesto. ... ism-2019-3

So please, stop going there.

The "link" between 5G and the coronavirus is, as I said, a spurious correlation.

Oh come on. Seriously! It has been around for 100 years. Fact!

It is only in the last decade or so that this idea of cultural Marxism being a conspiracy theory had cropped up. I know this because I have been familiar with the body of literature for a much longer time than that. And how did it become an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory!!!

Truth is there are plenty of university educated people in positions of influence who would prefer their ideological fetishes were not subject to criticism. Heck, doing so might expose their hypocrisy when it comes to such matters as discrimination.

But they have the power. Really, that is what it comes down to. Tertiary educated, urban elites abusing their power because they can get away with it. Marcuse’s legacy was to leave them an ideological justification of why they can impose rules on others but not be subject to those rules themselves.


Of course these urban elite, cultural Marxists are also progressive liberals and very bourgeois. Careful to secure their own wealth and, dispute their carefully cultivated image of socialism, indifferent to the circumstances of those they believe to be beneath them. So bourgeois. So aspirational class.

But they aspire to be more than middle class. They want to be aristocrats.

Liberal society has come full circle. The descendants of the townsfolk whom displaced the old aristocratic order now wish to attain the same lofty status for themselves. To rule by law, imposing it on others but not being subject to it themselves. ( by contrast, Rule of law means the same law applies to everyone). For those who always aspire to greater status, what else if left to attain within the liberal order?

I say criticise them. Expose their ideological fetish, cultural Marxism, for the dishonest claptrap that it is. Let them be seen for what they really are. And it is that very reason, to avoid being seen for what they really are, that any mention of cultural Marxism must be discredited. Fundamentally dishonest people claiming to be one thing, morally concerned with equality, while striving to be part of an unaccountable ruling class.

But defend them if you see fit, @Godstud . I guess you just don’t think equality before the law or political accountability to be of any importance.

B0ycey wrote:
I have read.

You and Foxdemon are two of the most strangest and contradictory users on PoFo. You want your government to protect you from the virus but you don't want them to police their methods?

Say, have you managed to make any more money while old fat people have been dying?
:roll: Cultural Marxism is a conspiracy theory.

If you are going to talk about the topic, then do so, but don't start talking about Chem Trails, and Cultural marxism in the next breath. :lol:

Foxdemon wrote:But defend them if you see fit, @Godstud
I can't defend what doesn't exist.

Foxdemon wrote:I guess you just don’t think equality before the law or political accountability to be of any importance.
:roll: Speak for yourself, but don't make moronic assumptions about me from a position of complete ignorance. You are attacking the poster, and not the argument.

Foxdemon wrote:Say, have you managed to make any more money while old fat people have been dying?
Have you?

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