It is time for Biden to step aside - Page 26 - Politics | PoFo

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If someone were an investor or a betting man (I'm still willing to match people's bets) this would be a "red flag."

Really? Which medical school did you attend?

If the world pointed a camera at you every moment of the day, trust me, you would not always look like Mr. Cool.

But I am astonished that Trump supporters like yourself (spare us the denying it) can oh so easily look at the dozen or more idiotic moves their boy makes every single day and glory in one or two from the opposition.
Well you hold on to what you can.

By the way. Trump Hotel Las Vegas laid off 500 people.
blackjack21 wrote:That sounds quite vain.

No, you are interpreting it from the Max Weber and Capitalism and the protestant ethic. You have no idea what I meant by that did you? If you are truly curious about the 'cultural' components of what Latin America is about with specific and incredibly nuanced explanations? Open a thread on that topic and you might learn something about why those cultures think a certain way and why they differ from the WASP mentality. All cultures have specific differences due to culture, history, background and all the markers that shape the complexity of the words that are made up of human culture. I will give you a teaser. The Pride and Image is very similar to the Asian culture of 'save face' or a public image. They are cultures that are less individualistic and that believe in public social images. A family takes responsibility for what a member does in public. A Dutch anthropologist talks about it with specifics. If you ever want to learn about that? Which for me is very interesting because in the process you might understand that vast group of Latinos you got in your state of California Relampaguito.

Trump was referring to illegal aliens, and the government of Mexico encouraging the dregs of Mexican society to move illegally to the United States, including their paroled criminals.

The government of Mexico doesn't encourage criminality Blackjack21. It encourages study and hard work and the regular stuff government encourages. Most people find it very harrowing and stressful crossing an international border patroled by cops and dogs and guns. What motivates them? Survival mostly. How about Manuel Lopez and the 250,000 workers who enter the USA to pick crops? That is a big chunk of change. You also through in about a million restaurant, hotel and construction workers and somehow the amount of criminals and not your average low wage worker is more realistic. That bombastic stance of yours of 'the criminals' is old and tired. Mexico if it improves its wages and has better educated people with more investments in education and health care and infrastructure will not have people leaving. This is what Pasqual Valley said about their 'criminal element illegals....The Farmers Bureau loves Trump but the veterans and Farmers say he is hurting their profits with his bullshit illegal crime it BJ.
Everybody knows that already. Fake news doesn't mean Trump said what he didn't say. It just means that he gets free press by being politically incorrect and can win office by twisting political correctness to his political ends and there are still 10s of millions of people who haven't figured that out yet.

You are just obsessed with that border and illegals. It is bullshit Relampaguito. The vast majority are not bringing in drugs, raping women and killing people. You got a Ted Bundy once in a while but the vast majority are law abiding workers who the farmers say work backbreakingly long hours. Working class people from Mexico who don't have welfare checks, food stamp programs or any socialism whatsoever in Mexico. They are working class people 100% and never take a gov't check and never expect to. If they had enough socialism in Mexico with food stamps, free health care, free public schools through high school and college guaranteed and a lot of professional positions for them to occupy? They would leave the damn border run alone. But they don't have that in Mexico. You need more socialism in Mexico to stabilize the poverty that is hard. That is for sure. But you are against it. Worldwide. It is the only damn thing to solve the issue of leaving nations because there is no stability in grinding poverty and wages at $2 dollars an hour BJ. People are not going to sit on their ass and never be able to buy a home or open a micro-business or feed their elderly parents. Period. If something is not working people are not going to be sitting around and accepting broken shit forever. The world doesn't work like that. The USA is to the North of Mexico. it will always be to the North of Mexico. Be neighborly BJ. Make sure Mexico gets a lot of SOCIALISM. Where poverty is ameliorated and the motivations for jumping across are NULL and VOID. Solutions. Not crap rhetoric about the criminals. No one likes crime. Not the Puerto Rican people, the Mexican people, the Guatemalan people or the American people, Canadian people. No one likes it. But the reasons for crime and law-breaking need to be examined. People don't wake up one day and say....I want to be a criminal and risk getting shot or arrested or dying in some desert without water...but I guess I will do it because I want to be a statistic. That doesn't work like that BJ. Boricuas don't want to leave good weather either but they do it because they need to earn money. To live. And they don't like snow and bullshit from Americans who think they are Mexicans and don't know the difference. Lol. Ignorance is not bliss for us.

There are remarkably few cases of people detained in "cages" who haven't broken US immigration laws.

Children should NEVER be traumatized over something an adult did BJ. You don't do what those ICE people did to kids.You don't do it. They have nothing to do with adults and their bullshit BJ. You give the kids to the parents right away and you don't separate them and you send them back home period. TOGETHER. Not separated and traumatized. You don't give a shit about those children BJ. I can tell you that a lot of Latin people are watching those kids and thinking who puts kids in jail? Sending them to stand trial in front of immigration judges as young as three years old? Are you in a nation of total crazy racists? It is a possibility. Look at this report BJ:

Guatemalan with death threats. Three year old in San Diego by herself. The baby broke down in tears. This is awful BJ. But they don't count. They are not human. Some baby is not human because they are what Guatemalan? What kind of fucking law does this to babies? PSYCHOTIC SHIT.

Nobody has said that they are. Fake News has said that other people like Trump have said so when they haven't. That's why you shouldn't watch fake news.

What fake news?

Indeed. They should be in prison, and not on the street.

But does anyone run around as a prez of a nation complaining about white serial killers being let in to Argentina and Mexico from the USA and that is why all white people should be seen as rapists and criminals? Fucking asshole BJ. But he says, "I heard that some are good people." He has heard. He is an asshole BJ. He hired a bunch of undocumented people in his golf courses and etc. You want me to get the video of them being interviewed on TV where they have photos of them next to Trump smiling in his golf country clubs? Some for 15 years. Do you want me to get that and have him say to the Farmers not to hire the Hi2 whatever temp visa workers? How damn hypocritical that is? He is a total piece of trash prez 45.

So did @Drlee , but that doesn't make @drlee a serial killer does it?

@Drlee is considering going to Spain or Italy for retirement. I had a sneaking suspicion he won't be hanging around a USA full of crazy people liberating Michigan, and so

Indeed. That's why curtailing illegal immigration and free trade with China is necessary to relieve pressure on blue collar working class voters. Otherwise, social discord will become the norm.

It won't Senor Relampaguito the reason that is happening are neoliberal economics. Globalists. And they have Washington DC sellouts in both parties by the huevos and the vaginas too. Lol. Try to get those freaks to let go of that money. Trump ain't gonna do it. Lol.

To his credit, he tried. However, people like John McCain lied about repealing ObamaCare. We got a lot of them out of office in the 2018 election. Legislation comes from Congress. We need to get people in Congress that haven't sold out to special interest lobbies.

The sound of denial BJ. The sound of violins. Got to get them out you say? Some pro capitalism and love stocks agenda is gonna pressure those people....the Right will let them have it? Time for some romantic music for you BJ for fantasies of the Right and the ones who love capitalism are gonna right the rot with a total conman from NYC...

I will dance the bolero with have fantasies of and I. Mil violines. Come on BJ...vamos! One thousand violins.

South Korea did well, because everybody already had masks from previous coronavirus scares and they knew what to do. It's a pretty new thing for Americans. The US has done more testing than any country at this point.

But how about him saying it was not worrying? He says the truth only and nothing but the truth....a man of truth. Lol. You really are almost as bad as Sarah Sanders. Soon you will be eating that pot of minestrone in your house in Northern California and Tainari will go in and interrupt....'publicity rep for can't be covering his ass he doesn't send you a paycheck. :lol:
The establishment is not constructive toward me, so I feel no responsibility to be constructive toward the establishment. They can fuck themselves. I'm not going to vote for a neocon/neolib warhawk, because the media has trashed Trump for years on end. It pleases me that he's president and that they hate the fact that he beat Hillary Clinton. As I said, if I were to adopt identity politics, I would demand a midget for president. There are no midget mayors, congressman, senators, or governors. If we're going to get passed discrimination, we must have a midget for president. That's how I feel about identity politics and political correctness.

Now you are discriminating against short people. Don't discriminate. Here is the song for you:

BJ thinking you don't have an ethnic group you are loyal to is fantasy. You got to snap out of that ship fantasii...we will live together. The white, the black, the Latino and our voices will ring forever as ONE. The future sing it with me. AS ONE. I love dancing. You should try it when you get too uptight with your political views BJ.

That's a risk they were willing to take to push extreme views. Now they have Trump at the helm, and they still can't look themselves in the mirror to view the source of the problem.

They won't ever do the mirror Blackjack Senor. The ones who fail to self correct don't possess the proper self reflection and awareness to change what is wrong. It has to be externally imposed. I thought you would know that answer by now. Senor Relampaguito. Fantasy.

Reagan did too. Did Reagan launch WWIII? No. Did the fake news fear monger about Reagan starting WWIII? Pretty much constantly they did. Trump is not going to launch a war.

You don't read as much as I do. He already did some saber-rattling. Hmm. The amount of debt he racks up daily now to save his own skin in this election year is going to bust the budget. And it won't be for the good of the working class hombre. De seguro que si.

If you're asking a government for it, you're going to create a powerful elite that rules over you.

Did you switch to the anarchist group when I wasn't looking Relampaguito. You are one of those rugged individualistic men? Give me a rugged individualistic speech....

If you look at @Potemkin's income on a global basis, he's easily in the top 5% of income distribution in the world. I earn almost 500% more than the average wage in the US. I'm sure @Potemkin does pretty well too. We'd both be in the high income group worldwide.

No one can match him on how many hours he dedicates to knowledge. That man is in terms of character absolute male beauty. No doubt. Income? Lol. He doesn't care. Some men are just damn perfect. There is not much else to ask for. I don't know why the man hasn't been married for years. It is a damn mystery. Scottish women are damn dummies is the only explanation.

Trump was born middle class. It's not that unusual for new money to be ostentatious.

He is a Naco, Cafre, tacky bad taste replicas of cliche art on the wall man. You got expensive China and an instant pot in your house. I will reserve my judgment on your tastes when I get a report. Lol. I love to tease you.

Of course. It's not because I think it's the classy thing to do. Not by a longshot. I think these people have needed a shot right in the chops for a long time. Look at how Trump is dangling the murder rumors around Joe Scarborough. Morning Joe knows that the whole Russia collusion thing was bullshit, but he went right along with people getting prosecuted for process crimes to further his own ambitions. Trump is just turning that around. It doesn't feel good to have people associating your name with murder. I'm sure Scarborough doesn't like that. However, he has no problem doing that other people. Fuck him and people like him. Fuck Pelosi and people like Pelosi. Who's going to fight them like Trump does? Mike Pence? Maybe Lyin' Ted Cruz. Maybe...

Color me surprised BJ. You don't like Pelosi?You don't like denture gate? The Mama Bear of the Democratic party? The Catholic housewife who holds the purse strings in the Congress? The liberal pro capitalism American liberal really right wing etc Queen? YOU don't like her? Color me surprised. :D[text-left][text-left]

I couldn't care less. My #1 issue was not electing Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush. Mission accomplished. As you heard me say early in the primaries, the ONLY person I did not want to see elected was Joe Biden. Notice how the establishment colluded to kill off all the other candidacies--probably with cash in their pockets to secure the nomination for Biden? He's not even altogether there, as he said he was going to beat Joe Biden in November. He's not even sure who he is, and that's precisely the kind of person the establishment wants--someone they will have full control over from day 1.

He is the perfect establishment prez. But Trump might be so toxic by then that the perfect prez that is predictable is the will vote for him right?

Ay BJ. You sure weren't uptight with this one. I kind of like when you are like that. It sounds authentic and not like a publicity rep for Trump.

You know the laws of gravity BJ. What goes up must come down, spinning wheels got to go round. Drop all your troubles by the river side....ride a painted pony let the spinning wheel fly.....

The government is unraveling BJ. We are in for a ride of a lifetime. I knew this was coming. I just thought it might not happen in my lifetime. It is coming on fast.

Talking about your troubles....and you never learn and corazon. That is the answer, for you and for me and for all of us.

phina.. raised tariffs, particularly on C
3. Trump is building the wall, despit
1. Trump cut the corporate tax rates.
2Trume overwhelming opposition by the establishment.
4. Trump did his level best to repeal ObamaCare, but we learned that a lot of Republicans lied about it--exposing the liars is a great value.
5. Trump did try to get an infrastructure bill through. Pelosi's two year tenure is the most unproductive Congress in recent memory. Even Republican obstruction of Obama was more symbolic (except for the courts).

He's a troll, as was Obama. They are actually birds of a feather in that respect.

They are learning quickly. They no longer believe the news. They know the establishment hates them. They see what the DoJ/Mueller did to the likes of General Flynn. That doesn't make the establishment's adversaries pure as the wind-driven snow. However, I'm not looking for a savior. I'm looking for someone to stir shit up. Trump does that job fairly well, except in my view he's a bit of a soft touch in that he didn't fire every holdover from the Obama administration on day 1.

Yeah. Tell me, how would Mexicans feel if they were losing control of their society, because Anglos kept coming in illegally and taking the jobs, and the government was okay with the lawbreaking because they preferred the Anglo workers. Do you think there would be no resentment? Seriously?

[highlight=yellow]You don't understand Mexican ethos, history or mentality or cultural modes at all do you? That doesn't surprise me. The USA is a free for all of immigration and genocide against the First nations. There is nothing there but obliterated Indians and people from every nationality in the world busting moves for purely economic gains. It has a completely different mentality. It doesn't surprise me you don't get it at all. Capitalism is about betrayal. You don't get it at all BJ. Capitalism is about betrayal. For your group? It is betrayal. You need to understand. You got to get it because you are in pluto in terms of what is going on BJ. The history of the USA is not an Anglo reality. It is about a free for all without any formation. They chose that to be able to wipe out their memories so they can forget their ethnicities and recreate themselves in some image that is no longer continuous and unbroken. Once they did that? The nation is a damn free for all. You don't get it do you?

That's great for people with 105+ IQs. For people with constitutionally low IQs, it doesn't work. That was the whole point of the Bell Curve. That's why Charles Murray had to race-norm the case in "Coming Apart" to show how the IQ distribution and income distribution in white America illustrated why the lower echelon had so many social problems. That's true across racial lines, but the establishment didn't want to hear that.

Relampaguito, I vomit at all that stuff. I do. To me? the society refuses to do the work required. My mother did successful education for the low class kids and it was successful. My son was low IQ, They retested him during college and it magically jumped 24 points. Why? WORK. HARD. CHANGE. ENVIRONMENT. DO THE FUCKING WORK. Stop looking for excuses to deny low income kids a way of advancing. If there is no political will to implement proven programs, improving diets, improving sports, improving skills, improving people. The data is shit. It is used as an excuse to not work on the kids. Until the money, time and efforts are made with everything possible available to get poor kids the best damn education in the world? The justifications for white privilege is based on CRAP theories from crazy freaks. I don't care about the BELL curve. Work on improving the reality of everyone. Don't say. They are condemned forever. My mother was thrown away as a mentally retarded immigrant dumbell. She was a super intelligent person and became a straight A person and a PhD and a leader in a tough field. How did that happen magically? Not listening to shit theories from racist fucks. Period. Do you know how many brilliant kids are thrown away in favelas, bad barrios, ghettos and etc? MILLIONS of them all over the world. Stop the shit of not wanting to put in the investment. With curves of never ending racist vomit. My final opinion on that.
He admitted it. I don't think he ever apologized, but why would he?

Why apologize for smearing him and lies for years used to tear his legitimacy down? Obama's father never raised him BJ. He abandoned the mother to go back to Kenya. He was not into a life with her or his son. Bringing that personal shit up constantly and saying he was an immigrant and not American was cruel and dumb and callous. Petty and racist and low. He needed to apologize. He did not because he is a low life. He needed to be told what an asshole he was. He was told during that white house correspondents dinner and the Lion King cartoon roasting. Trump was bristling with anger. He deserved the roasting. Trump is a petty, vindictive cabron that has very very nasty manners.
Tainari88 wrote:Why apologize for smearing him and lies for years used to tear his legitimacy down? Obama's father never raised him BJ. He abandoned the mother to go back to Kenya. He was not into a life with her or his son. Bringing that personal shit up constantly and saying he was an immigrant and not American was cruel and dumb and callous. Petty and racist and low. He needed to apologize. He did not because he is a low life. He needed to be told what an asshole he was. He was told during that white house correspondents dinner and the Lion King cartoon roasting. Trump was bristling with anger. He deserved the roasting. Trump is a petty, vindictive cabron that has very very nasty manners.

There have been many reasons to believe Obama was hiding his past and his birth place.

Scientific Evidence: Obama Birth Certificate Copy Proven Fake And Forged
December 15, 2016

On Thursday, December 15th the Cold Case Posse from the Maricopa County Sheriff Department has authorized the release of an exclusive video which scientifically proves that Obama’s birth certificate (BC) copy is an obvious fake. The investigation was headed by Mike Zullo with the official appointment made by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

It’s not even a good forgery; rather, the BC document posted at the official website by the POTUS is an extremely amateur and low-quality forgery.

This professional opinion has now been rendered by some of the best experts in the field of forensic document analysis. These digital document specialists are in complete agreement that the birth certificate presented by President Obama is 100% fraudulent.

They have even gone on to prove that it was fabricated using another birth certificate which belonged to Hawaiian Johanna Ah’Nee. The following video quite clearly demonstrates how Obama’s forger pieced the fake BC document together layer by layer.

That the crudely forged BC document was so easily deconstructed immediately gave rise to suspicions throughout the entire field of criminal document forensics. Many an expert has stepped forward over the years to render their respective opinions about the bogus BC. Many have remarked that it was a unusually transparent attempt to pass off a fake BC copy as a reproduction of Obama’s original COLB (Certificate of Live Birth), which incidentally has never been made public. ... nd-forged/

Michelle Obama Saying That Barack Obama (Barry Soetoro) Was Born In Kenya
Obama Admits He Was Born in Kenya

Both Michelle and Barack Obama refer to Kenya in Africa as his home country.

Barack Obama's home country is KENYA in Africa says Michelle Obama

Barack Obama says his approval rating is very high in the country of his birth and Michelle says Barack's home country is Kenya.

Kenyan Ambassador admits Obama born in Kenya

Liberal Reporter Helps Prove Obama's Birth Certificate Has Been Altered



Nairobi | The Office of the Principal Register of the Nyanza Province, in Kenya, has finally released 11 exclusive documents concerning Barack Obama’s alleged birth and early childhood in the country.
These official papers had been requested for years by the Tea Party Patriots, an American conservative organization, to no avail, but the Kenyan Supreme Court recently ordered authorities to release the documents, based on a law on “access to information.

These files, if they turn out to be verifiable, could mean that Mr. Obama had no legal right to become the American president under the country’s law.

The papers released today suggest that Barack Obama was actually born on March 7, 1960, in Lamu, Kenya, more than a year before his father moved to Hawaii, where he allegedly met his mother.

This contradicts most of the documents presented by the presidential office over the last years, suggesting that either the American or the Kenyan papers are actually faked.

The official version of Barack Obama’s birth presented by the White House in the past was that he was born on August 4, 1961, at the Kapi’olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital (now called the Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women & Children) in Honolulu, Hawaii.

His parents were Ann Dunham, from Wichita, Kansas, and Barack Obama, Sr., a Luo from Nyang’oma Kogelo in the Nyanza Province, in what was then the “Colony and Protectorate of Kenya”.

Mr. Obama Senior was attending the University of Hawaii at the time, where he supposedly met Ms. Dunham.

A Kenyan publication, The Standard, had reported in 2004 that Obama was “Kenyan-Born”, but the lack of proof presented had led the rest of the mediatic world to dismiss the article as fake or unfounded.

Jim Geraghty of the conservative website National Review Online may have sparked further speculation on June 9, 2008, when he asked Obama to release his birth certificate.

Geraghty wrote that doing so could debunk several false rumors circulating on the Internet.

Such rumors were very numerous at the time, covering many topics.

These included namely: that his middle name was originally Muhammad rather than Hussein; that his mother had originally named him “Barry” rather than “Barack”; and that Barack Obama, Sr. was not his biological father, as well as the rumor that Barack Obama was not a natural-born Citizen.

Mr. Obama and the White House had given no answer whatsoever to that request, choosing to simply ignore the question, but had finally released some documents that were allegedly Mr. Obama’s birth certificate in two different forms.

The release of these certificates had seemed to put an end to the rumors at the time, but it is to be expected that the “Kenyan documents” will fuel a whole new wave of rumors and conspiracy theories. ... rtificate/

Obama Hawaiian or Kenyan Birth Certificate?
Hindsite wrote:There have been many reasons to believe Obama was hiding his past and his birth place.

Scientific Evidence: Obama Birth Certificate Copy Proven Fake And Forged
December 15, 2016

On Thursday, December 15th the Cold Case Posse from the Maricopa County Sheriff Department has authorized the release of an exclusive video which scientifically proves that Obama’s birth certificate (BC) copy is an obvious fake. The investigation was headed by Mike Zullo with the official appointment made by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

It’s not even a good forgery; rather, the BC document posted at the official website by the POTUS is an extremely amateur and low-quality forgery.

This professional opinion has now been rendered by some of the best experts in the field of forensic document analysis. These digital document specialists are in complete agreement that the birth certificate presented by President Obama is 100% fraudulent.

They have even gone on to prove that it was fabricated using another birth certificate which belonged to Hawaiian Johanna Ah’Nee. The following video quite clearly demonstrates how Obama’s forger pieced the fake BC document together layer by layer.

That the crudely forged BC document was so easily deconstructed immediately gave rise to suspicions throughout the entire field of criminal document forensics. Many an expert has stepped forward over the years to render their respective opinions about the bogus BC. Many have remarked that it was a unusually transparent attempt to pass off a fake BC copy as a reproduction of Obama’s original COLB (Certificate of Live Birth), which incidentally has never been made public. ... nd-forged/

Michelle Obama Saying That Barack Obama (Barry Soetoro) Was Born In Kenya
Obama Admits He Was Born in Kenya

Both Michelle and Barack Obama refer to Kenya in Africa as his home country.

Barack Obama's home country is KENYA in Africa says Michelle Obama

Barack Obama says his approval rating is very high in the country of his birth and Michelle says Barack's home country is Kenya.

Kenyan Ambassador admits Obama born in Kenya

Liberal Reporter Helps Prove Obama's Birth Certificate Has Been Altered



Nairobi | The Office of the Principal Register of the Nyanza Province, in Kenya, has finally released 11 exclusive documents concerning Barack Obama’s alleged birth and early childhood in the country.
These official papers had been requested for years by the Tea Party Patriots, an American conservative organization, to no avail, but the Kenyan Supreme Court recently ordered authorities to release the documents, based on a law on “access to information.

These files, if they turn out to be verifiable, could mean that Mr. Obama had no legal right to become the American president under the country’s law.

The papers released today suggest that Barack Obama was actually born on March 7, 1960, in Lamu, Kenya, more than a year before his father moved to Hawaii, where he allegedly met his mother.

This contradicts most of the documents presented by the presidential office over the last years, suggesting that either the American or the Kenyan papers are actually faked.

The official version of Barack Obama’s birth presented by the White House in the past was that he was born on August 4, 1961, at the Kapi’olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital (now called the Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women & Children) in Honolulu, Hawaii.

His parents were Ann Dunham, from Wichita, Kansas, and Barack Obama, Sr., a Luo from Nyang’oma Kogelo in the Nyanza Province, in what was then the “Colony and Protectorate of Kenya”.

Mr. Obama Senior was attending the University of Hawaii at the time, where he supposedly met Ms. Dunham.

A Kenyan publication, The Standard, had reported in 2004 that Obama was “Kenyan-Born”, but the lack of proof presented had led the rest of the mediatic world to dismiss the article as fake or unfounded.

Jim Geraghty of the conservative website National Review Online may have sparked further speculation on June 9, 2008, when he asked Obama to release his birth certificate.

Geraghty wrote that doing so could debunk several false rumors circulating on the Internet.

Such rumors were very numerous at the time, covering many topics.

These included namely: that his middle name was originally Muhammad rather than Hussein; that his mother had originally named him “Barry” rather than “Barack”; and that Barack Obama, Sr. was not his biological father, as well as the rumor that Barack Obama was not a natural-born Citizen.

Mr. Obama and the White House had given no answer whatsoever to that request, choosing to simply ignore the question, but had finally released some documents that were allegedly Mr. Obama’s birth certificate in two different forms.

The release of these certificates had seemed to put an end to the rumors at the time, but it is to be expected that the “Kenyan documents” will fuel a whole new wave of rumors and conspiracy theories. ... rtificate/

Obama Hawaiian or Kenyan Birth Certificate?

Hindsite, everyone accepts that Obama is American. He was born in Hawaii. His mother is American and his father wasn't an illegal alien in Hawaii. He was a brilliant African student on scholarship there. If you read up on Obama's father he was one of the few selected from his village in Kenya to attend university. African schools at that time were and continue to be incredibly competitive and if you don't make the grade? You don't get far. Only the best and the brightest of the Kenyan students made it to the USA, UK, etc. for studying. Kenyan private schools were established by monied Kenyans and British elitist academics Hindsite.

Obama's father's "IQ" was probably a lot higher than Trump's father's IQ for sure.

No, you can make excuses but he never asked a white president for their legit birth certificates. Only the people who challenged him from African backgrounds or Cuban backgrounds like LYING TED CRUZ. Lol. That Ted is a slippery dirty little man. Any man who insults his wife like Trump did and questions his Cuban immigrant father and accuses him or implies he had something to do with the Kennedy assassination is sheer lying trash. If I were Cruz in that position kissing Trump's ass after insulting my wife and family on air and nationally I would never make any damn deal with the low life Trump.

But Cruz is an unscrupulous low life politically too. He will do anything to win. Including allowing the public shaming of his wife by the Prez of the USA or the rival same party candidate for presidency.

That is what you deserve for letting racists rake you through the coals for their own benefit.

You don't care about racism Hindsite. You can't even understand your own. Much less Trump's.

If Trump and other political enemies of Obama had real evidence that was substantiated in a court of law? They would have done it by now Hiney.

They could not do it. To be president of the USA you have to be born on USA fifty state soil. Period. Your parents can be foreign. But according to the rules? The baby has to be born in US soil and grow up an be at least 35 years old and have done a campaign in a recognized political party and won the votes or electoral college necessary Hiney. He doesn't have to be the son of American citizens at all. Only be born in US soil. Hawaii became a state before 1961. So? He was born in a state. His grandparents the Dunhams were residing in Hawaii and his mother Anne Dunham was a freshman in the Uni of Hawaii because she was offered a scholarship to attend the University of Chicago and did not do it because her father wanted her to stay close to home and they both lived in Hawaii. His wife and he...she was an only child Hiney. She had no other siblings.

If she had Barack Obama at age seventeen? As your evidence alleges and she was present in Kenya? She would have had to have her passport stamped by the Department of State of Kenya. A British colony at the time. There is no record of her passport being stamped in Kenya. Neither did the grandparents have Kenyan passports stamped in 1960 or 1959 either. Because they never traveled there. It is a fiction.

The Kenyans are proud of Obama because a Kenyan father was the president of the USA and that made them proud. Kenyans in general are proud people. Nairobi is a gorgeous city and with a lot of very well heeled Africans that are also very classically educated. They are proud of their accomplishments and are an independent nation. The UK and Kenya had to fight it out.

You should understand the entire background of people who you try to malign well Hindsite. See them as human first. Obama's sister Maya was half Indonesian.

I could never be president of the USA neither could my husband. Simply because I was born in Puerto Rico hindsite. That disqualifies me completely because Puerto Rico has statutory citizenship not constitutionally guaranteed citizenship. You need to be born in the 50 states or to parents born in the 50 states to qualify. My parents and my husband's parents were born in Puerto Rico. And their parents etc. In my case I am Puerto Rican since the early 16th century. Few Puerto Ricans are that deeply rooted in Puerto Rico as I am Hiney.

My husband's bio family are rooted in two central mountainous coffee towns. Lares, and San Sebastian. And most probably go back a long way as well. But our son born in Colorado? Could be president simply because he was born in the fifty states. He is not a statutory citizen he is a constitutionally guaranteed one.

Since I registered to vote in Colorado since 1987 and voted there for decades? I can still vote in Mexico for US elections. If I had stayed in Puerto Rico only? And tried to vote moving to Mexico? No.

The Mexican gov't recognizes foreigners who are born of Spanish speaking heritage and gives them a jump on citizenship. I am categorized in Mexican immigration as USA citizen (Puerto Rico) a separate category than stateside. It means I wait two years less for application for becoming a Mexican citizen. Why? Spanish language, and culture is easier for assimilation than the ones who may even be Chicanos stateside but were born in Los Angeles, speak zero Spanish and don't have similar cultural backgrounds.

The immigration codes of nations is a fascinating subject to study. You should do it.

BTW, Kikuyu is a native language of Kenyans among others. It has millions of speakers. It is one of the prettiest spoken languages in the world. My father studied the grammar. Incredibly logical in verb formations and tenses.

It is considered a very logical almost perfect in that way. It also produces a lot of mathematicians Hiney.

Look into it.

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is what the Leakeys named one of the oldest links to human early history in the world. They found her by accident in an improbable location in Kenya. After searching for a very long time. The song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was the inspiration for her name. True story.
I see that Hindsite has posted his lies again. The ultimate fake news.

Of course he is probably paid to do this. He is such an obvious troll and so obviously placing news stories that we all know the deal.

But then. It is just possible that he actually believes this garbage that he is posting. That would be sad.
Drlee wrote:It is just possible that he actually believes this garbage that he is posting. That would be sad.

I have seen far too many people thinking like him as well as on a side even more dangerous.

What is sad is not there are people thinking like that. The sad thing is some of them are in power but not punished, and it has to take a second bunch of maniacs to even make them feel the slightest bit of (legitimate) threat.

Some more apologies because I see Trump as that "second bunch". If Biden can take up that shit (I heard that his campaign started accusing Trump of appeasing China already, which is a good sign if true) of course it would benefit a lot of people if he wins.

We can each believe what we will. I was just giving you a small amount of evidence as to why many have doubted that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. Two birth certificates, one for Hawaii in the USA and one for Kenya in Africa have been produced.

Obama has refused to release his college transcripts, passport records, genuine draft card, complete medical records and other documents which require a legal name for issuance. This may have something to do with the possibility that he was legally adopted by his (step)father, Lolo Soetoro, in Hawaii after his mother remarried and his legal family surname became Soetoro. That would mean that Obama's hospital-generated birth certificate would have been sealed by the court and a new one issued showing Lolo Soetoro as his father. A Hawaiian adoption of a U.S.-citizen child by a foreign-nationality father would pose no U.S. legal problems, and it would be recognized in Indonesia under international treaty. And since the parents knew they would eventually be living in Indonesia, it would make sense for Lolo to adopt Barry in Hawaii, and take advantage of the automatic Indonesian citizenship for the child, as part of the preparations for emigration and Barry's schooling there. There is a record showing Barry was registered for school in Indonesia under the name of Barry Soetero. Just when Barry reverted from using the surname Soetoro back to the surname Obama is not clear. It was sometime after his return to Hawaii in the summer or fall of 1971. He graduated from Punahou School in 1979 as "Barry Obama", as can be seen from his senior-yearbook.

When Obama became the Presidential candidate for the Democrats, they did not do any vetting to see if he was actually born in the USA. Obama did not provide his birth certificate. Hawaii officials first said they had no birth record for Barack Obama when questioned.

I am not saying that Obama is not an American citizen. I believe he may also be a citizen of Indonesian and Kenyan. It was not until after Obama was elected President and the question of his official birth became a bigger issue, that his White House people went to Hawaii and came back with a birth certificate from Hawaii that appears to many to have been fraudulently manipulated for some unknown reason.
@Hindsite This is completely irrelevant, and is a debunked conspiracy theory, perpetuated by idiots and promoted by one of the biggest idiots out there(Trump).
Godstud wrote:@Hindsite This is completely irrelevant, and is a debunked conspiracy theory, perpetuated by idiots and promoted by one of the biggest idiots out there(Trump).

I was not the one that originally brought this up on here. I was just providing what I know about it. I have yet to see any debunking of what I said, but I agree with you that it is irrelevant to Biden stepping aside. The left-wing media are always lying about debunking things and have been lying for over three years about collusion with Russia.
Conspiracy theories are the domain of morons and idiots. I see why you'd believe it, since Trump was promoting it. :knife:

Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories

The Barack Obama birth announcement, published in The Honolulu Advertiser on August 13, 1961.
Image ... y_theories

In response to the conspiracy theories, the White House released copies of the President's long-form birth certificate on April 27, 2011, and posted an image of it to the White House website,[1] reaffirming that he was born on August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Godstud wrote:Conspiracy theories are the domain of morons and idiots. I see why you'd believe it, since Trump was promoting it. :knife:

Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories

The Barack Obama birth announcement, published in The Honolulu Advertiser on August 13, 1961.
Image ... y_theories

In response to the conspiracy theories, the White House released copies of the President's long-form birth certificate on April 27, 2011, and posted an image of it to the White House website,[1] reaffirming that he was born on August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii.

I never said I believed any conspiracy theory. I just presented information why many question it. I still did not see anything in there that debunks what I wrote. I did not see anything debunking the claim that Barry attended school in Indonesia under the name Barry Soetoro or that he was adopted by his stepfather Lolo Soetoro after his mother Ann remarried.

Obama's Indonesia Visit Stirs Memories for Boyhood Acquaintances

The Truth about Barack Obama a.k.a. Barry Soetoro

The Ann Dunham Soetoro Endowment

Life story Barack Obama and Mother Ann Dunham
Last edited by Hindsite on 31 May 2020 09:35, edited 1 time in total.
You believing two crackpots because they say what you want to say, and are not dealing with facts, is dumb. :knife:

Youtube videos aren't as trustworthy as the Whitehouse or actual news clippings from a newspaper in 1961? :lol: Fuck, that's stupid.
Godstud wrote:You believing two crackpots because they say what you want to say, and are not dealing with facts, is dumb. :knife:

Youtube videos aren't as trustworthy as the Whitehouse or actual news clippings from a newspaper in 1961? :lol: Fuck, that's stupid.

I look for truth and believe the truth. You often believe fake news.
I believe in facts. Truth is often subjective. Facts are not.

News is not fake. It might not always be accurate, but most of the facts are factual. They have to post retractions when they post lies. I don't believe fake news, because there is actually so little of it out there, that ti's easy to spot. Most of the time you simply call things you don't want to believe, "Fake News". It's repetitious and childish.

Obama's Birth Certificate is authentic, and factual. Claims otherwise, are not.

The newspaper record of Obama's birth is fact.

The "truth" is that you don't know what fake news is. It's a defense mechanism for you. You scream it whenever you see something you don't like. It lacks reason and is simply the scream of the reactionary, who can't argue a point.
Drlee wrote:Really? Which medical school did you attend?

If the world pointed a camera at you every moment of the day, trust me, you would not always look like Mr. Cool.

It's his Facebook picture, one of his significant public faces to the world.
Tainari88 wrote:Trump is a threat to the human race. He is so narcissistic and selfish that if he had to make a decision on the life and death of many Americans? He lacks the empathy necessary to make a responsible decision. He is a danger mostly due to his lack of empathy. It is in psychological circles attributed to some form of mental pathology. Having someone like that with some presidential powers that involve life or death decisions like nuclear war, war, pandemics, droughts, storms and disasters? He needs to be removed from office. I also have an absolute disdain for the present spineless neoliberal Republican party. They are a total and unadulterated disaster and total sellouts and without ethics. Corrupt, lying, into selfish backstabbing tactics. I think them 'la escoria de la humanidad' or 'the dregs of humanity."

From the beginning I thought Trump had no ideology. It is clear he just enjoys being president, but he betrays igorance. The Trump presidency has destabilised the United States. The man keeps changing his foreign policy stances. One moment he is praising Russia and hoping for better relations, the same with North Korea and China while in the next he will be stirring up tensions with them. Recognising Jerusalem as the Israeli capital was a very dangerous move.

Too boorish and egotistical to be the leader of the world's biggest superpower.

Tainari88 wrote:Biden? Establishment candidate. I can't stand that man. He is a typical politician and plays the role. He is more of a Republican and says racist shit all the time. Blackjack21's quotes of his about Black people are true. They are not made up. His image is Uncle Joe...Biden. His record for passing decent social safety net programs are abysmal.

It looks like Biden hid behind Obamaism and some of his electoral appeal must be based on nostalgia for Obama's leadership.

Tainari88 wrote:I don't even want to get into his other problems like cognitive decline and lack of being able to focus long enough. The lies he threw when debating Bernie Sanders was horrific. He lied baldly and shamelessly. If he chooses that partisan hack Kamala Harris from California? It is a rotten smelling ticket.

It is quite possible that if he is not fit to lead that he could be manipulated by those around him.

Tainari88 wrote:I am a socialist. And Bernie Sanders would have been acceptable. But personally? Sanders is a moderate and is not pushing radical socialism. I am a radical socialist deep inside that is I. Someone who wants social justice and real government that serves the underclass and the working class. I am a very strong Latin American socialist in every way. I don't talk and not do. I always do. Even if it costs me something really important.

Sanders like Corbyn is a radical candidate in the context of his country. This must be a historic first, although I am sure there were other socialist candidates in US history.

Tainari88 wrote:I am not happy about the options. I share Crantag's doubts. I really admire a series of posters here that I read and love reading from the left on here. @Crantag is one of them. @wellsy and @quetzalcoatl, and @QatzelOk and so many more I read on here, all the time and enjoy immensely. @Kirilov is one of them and he has not been back for while.

So many I have read on here. The left has a rich series of writers on here with a lot of content.

Then there the centrists that are talented writers and the Right too. I enjoy the ones who are good at analysis and writing and are very solid in their beliefs. I will never agree with them, but they are not a waste of my precious time to read.

Yes, we have many great thinkers here. Let us not forget Potemkin, Annatar1914 and Verv.

Tainari88 wrote:I enjoy human beings. I want a better world for my sons and for my family and for my world. For me international socialism with a very strong hard leftist agenda and not into authoritarianism and dictatorship but truly humanistic and respectful human cooperation and hard work and creative energy with tons of love and support and adoration for human beings fragile vulnerabilities with a sharp intelligence and burning sun of heart? Is the solution.

I am also more or less a socialist in many ways, except I believe in private property and am not Marxist. I prefer class cooperation over class warfare. I am also socially conservative. I'm against both far left and far right communalism.

Tainari88 wrote:That is what I believe @Political Interest . I like you a lot. You are a good man and intelligent and vulnerable too. Easy to care about. ;)

Thank you very much, Tainari. I respect and like you a lot and I enjoy your style of writing. You are polite and your ideas are accesible. Your perspective is unique and I don't usually hear one such as yours. Hopefully we will have more discussions. Thank you for this very interesting analysis :).
@Political Interest It looks like Biden hid behind Obamaism and some of his electoral appeal must be based on nostalgia for Obama's leadership.

t looks like Biden hid behind Obamaism and some of his electoral appeal must be based on nostalgia for Obama's leadership. Fixed. 8)
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