Trump Declares AntiFA a Terrorist Organization. - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Donna wrote:Why are you conflating anti-fascist violence with murder, which is generally a product of fascist violence? Nearly all anti-fascist violence simply involves physically confronting and deplatforming neo-Nazis when they attempt to organize themselves or disseminate their views. It's pretty straight-forwardly defensive: if fascists are unable to organize and spread their views (which is only possible to achieve through physical confrontation), then the active threat they present to minorities diminishes.

Neo-Nazis groups should be banned. They advocate genocide. Anyone who threatens violence against an individual or group should go to jail. Not just de-platformed, but arrested.

But a small cadre of civilians don't get to decide that, that's up the politicians, who act on the will of the majority, aka democracy. You're saying antifa gets to work outside the law and shutdown the speech of anyone's opinions they happen to dislike. Who the hell is antifa to decide that? They're little tyrants. They're entitled little shits who can't get their own way the legal way so they break the law and do it anyways. You don't get to take the law into your own hands, period. Not unless someone is literally coming towards you to cause you violence, but self-defense is legal, so is within the law. If someone is threatening violence, you call the cops immediately.

I want it to be legal for me to go to any jewelry store and get free gold rings any time I want, but I can't convince anyone to pass that law. Tough shit, that's life. That doesn't mean I have a right to go to the jewelry store and steal the gold rings just so i get my way. Antifa's intentions might be 10x better than my want of gold jewelry, but that's irrelevant. Antifa are made up of spoiled entitled little shits who never got spanked as children, without any proper boundaries & who always got their own way when they cried to mommy and daddy. Guess what children, real life doesn't work that way, time to grow the fuck up. Little book burning tyrant commies have a lot more in common with fascists than they care to admit.

Fascism is always an imminent threat to minorities...

How many people have been physically harmed or killed by a fascist government in the USA? Zero.

It's not just "a dumb opinion", it is the century-old racist movement to overthrow democracy and exterminate minorities. And you want to give it oxygen.

I very greatly dislike fascists and neo-nazis.
ThirdTerm wrote:Image

Antifa is an American far-left movement. Antifa members typically dress in black and wear a mask at their demonstrations. What makes them stand out is the level of violence that Noam Chomsky called “a major gift to the right”. Its members are predominantly white.

Look at these little shits. Wearing all black with black gloves so they can commit crimes and the cops can't get their fingerprints. Mommy's calling it's supper-time. These are the ones smashing store windows and looting them. Go buy an Xbox and play Call of Duty instead if ur into violence, or go do some MMA.

Not all of Antifa are like this, "some i assume are good people" to quote Trump, but i wouldn't even associate myself with these idiots if I were peaceful.
Julian658 wrote:How about this:

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

Do you disagree with that too? Why do we have to classify people according to skin color? Why must use different words to describe people and classify them as different?

Your insistence on color blindness is simply a way for you to perpetuate white supremacism. Even the American Psychological Association agrees this argument is bunk.

That is the essence of racism! Assuming that skin color determines whether someone hates black people or not is RACIST to the marrow. How about judging people individuality and ignoring the group? DO you agree?

How about acknowledging your privilege and listening to marginalized voices for a change?

I give you some credit here. The Dems have pushed to be the party of anyone that is not white. So many white people feel out of step in a party that demonizes white people 24/7.

Bullshit. No one is forcing white America to support white supremacism and the Democratic Party's focus on marginalized groups under no circumstances equates to an attack on white people.

Supporting or not supporting a party using skin color as the reason is racist. I wish we would not label humans according to looks.

You still haven't answered my question. Why should someone support a party that hates them?
Pants-of-dog wrote:Whatever laws allow white guys to walk around state capitals or wildlife refuges with assault rifles and not get charged.

After watching the looting it becomes quite obvious that the right of American citizens to defend themselves is important.

If the laws are built from the ground up to keep you from exercising your rights, why follow the laws?

Tell that to the Cubans POD. You are so incredibly innocent.

So much so that I am going to predict that all these cops who are currently employing violent tactics of repression will not be charged with anything. In fact, the authorities will support them wholeheartedly.

No, police beating protesters is a normal part of the system that is supported by the system.

They even give cops special equipment just to do this.

Says the man who is not certain the protesters were looting.

How is this different from a police state?

POD: It is called the social contract. People expect others to act in a respectful manner and not loot.

Getting back to the actual topic, who is AntiFa?

You use Antifa language 99% of the time and you do not know who is Antifa??? They are your people POD!

Is it anyone who dresses in black and smashes windows during protests?
That is one of their many MOs, yes! Have you ever protested like that?
Last edited by Julian658 on 02 Jun 2020 00:14, edited 1 time in total.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Neo-Nazis groups should be banned. They advocate genocide. Anyone who threatens violence against an individual or group should go to jail. Not just de-platformed, but arrested.

How is that possible in the United States where the speech of fascists is protected by the constitution?

But a small cadre of civilians don't get to decide that, that's up the politicians, who act on the will of the majority, aka democracy.

Again, it isn't possible for politicians to possess that responsibility when the same politicians take an oath to uphold and defend the rights of fascists to disseminate their speech and organize in communities of color.

You're saying antifa gets to work outside the law and shutdown the speech of anyone's opinions they happen to dislike.

Antifa does not arbitrarily deplatform speech. They shut down speech that targets or demonizes an identifiable group within society. Frequently they operate as militant auxiliaries to the broader anti-racist movement. For example, during the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017, even though Antifa was present and attacked fascists in attendance, most of the counter-protesters in attendance were not Antifa but activists and community members from broader anti-racist coalitions. So there is a degree of consensus building with civil society when it comes to who gets "canceled" by Antifa.

Who the hell is antifa to decide that? They're little tyrants. They're entitled little shits who can't get their own way the legal way so they break the law and do it anyways. You don't get to take the law into your own hands, period.

Why not? What is so sacred about the law if all it does is permit rampant inequalities and prejudices to saturate? You call that law? I call that fascism.

Not unless someone is literally coming towards you to cause you violence, but self-defense is legal, so is within the law. If someone is threatening violence, you call the cops immediately.

Ah, self-righteous, petty bourgeois pacifism. Spoken like a true paragon of privilege.

Antifa's intentions might be 10x better than my want of gold jewelry, but that's irrelevant. Antifa are made up of spoiled entitled little shits who never got spanked as children, without any proper boundaries & who always got their own way when they cried to mommy and daddy. Guess what children, real life doesn't work that way, time to grow the fuck up. Little book burning tyrant commies have a lot more in common with fascists than they care to admit.

Now you're just starting to sound triggered and fashy. Antifa has been around for a very long time, but it wasn't until recently that they've become so necessary for the health of democracy. Maybe read a bit more social theory and maybe progressives will become less of a boogeyman to you.

I very greatly dislike fascists and neo-nazis.

You're just making excuses for them and giving them oxygen, but okay.
Donna wrote:Your insistence on color blindness is simply a way for you to perpetuate white supremacism. Even the American Psychological Association agrees this argument is bunk.

I am well aware that the NEW left does not support the words of MLK because it does not play with the ideology of seeking victimhood and the US versus THEM narrative. It totally contradicts RACE ID politics.

How about acknowledging your privilege and listening to marginalized voices for a change?

Privilege is part of the natural human hierarchy. There is no such thing as equality. Some people are better than me and perhaps I am better than others. That is how humans exist; they alignd themselves in a hierarchy of talent. Sadly, those on top can become tyrannical.

Bullllshit. No one is forcing white America to support white supremacism and the Democratic Party's focus on marginalized groups under no circumstances equates to an attack on white people.

I disagree! As a Latin American i do not think white people are supreme.

You still haven't answered my question. Why should someone support a party that hates them?

OK, so it comes down to this. You want to be accepted. Do you think Asians, Indian migrants, African migrants, or many Hispanics give a shyte whether they are liked or not by another ethnic group? Why must you be affirmed by another group? That is the hallmark of low self esteem. That is how players pick up women with low self esteem. They know the women are looking for external affirmation.

I have news for you. White people are not going to get the job done.
Julian658 wrote:I am well aware that the NEW left does not support the words of MLK because it does not play with the ideology of seeking victimhood and the US versus THEM narrative. It totally contradicts RACE ID politics.

You're a bit late to the party. The New Left was forty to fifty years ago.

Privilege is part of the natural human hierarchy. There is no such thing as equality. Some people are better than me and perhaps I am better than others.

There is nothing natural about the delusional belief that white people are better than black people.

OK, so it comes down to this. You want to be accepted. Do you think Asians, Indian migrants, African migrants, or many Hispanics give a shyte whether they are liked or not by another ethnic group? Why must you be affirmed by another group? That is the hallmark of low self esteem. That is how players pick up women with low self esteem. They know the women are looking for external affirmation.

I have news for you. White people are not going to get the job done.

You still haven't answered my question. Why should someone vote for a party that hates them?
Julian658 wrote:After watching the looting it becomes quite obvious that the right of American citizens to defend themselves is important.

Tell that to the Cubans POD. You are so incredibly innocent.

Says the man who is not certain the protesters were looting.

P: It is called the social contract. People expect others to act in a respectful manner and not loot.

You use Antifa language 99% of the time and you do not know who is Antifa??? They are your people POD!
That is one of their many MOs, yes! Have you ever protested like that?

So I should be sent to Guantanamo with no rights or trial?

Because that is what Trump is proposing and what you seem to be defending:

That anyone who espouses violence against fascists and/or wears black and/or engages in vandalism can legally be treated as an enemy of the state just like the 9/11 attackers.

Meanhwile, cops roam the streets beating protesters and the press with impunity.
Donna wrote:

You're a bit late to the party. The New Left was forty to fifty years ago.

OK, the 2020 left.

There is nothing natural about the delusional belief that white people are better than black people.

OMG, that is a massive strawman. There are a lot of black people that are better than white people. What are you Smoking? Not two humans are alike. I may run faster than my neighbor, but I am a better singer. You may be taller than me. Maybe you are a beter artist than me. Maybe I have more common sesne than you. The list of inequalities is endless.

You still haven't answered my question. Why should someone vote for a party that hates them?

OK, let's assume you hate my guts or that you think I am a racist. Does that make me a racist? Your viewpoint does not change me at all. Just as my opinion of you does not change who you are. At best we can have an exchange of ideas and maybe I can learn something from you. For example you are bothered by the existence of redneck KKK types that hate blacks. Guess what? They are a tiny minority. Most white people I know go about their business and have no evil thoughts about black people. In fact most people would love to see the end of tribalism. Who in the world benefits from the oppression of one group by another? Certainly not the Republicans. The Democrats benefit from this scenario, no doubt.
Donna wrote:Sorry, I'm just not interested in discussing Ayn Rand, especially when you're using her words as a proxy-argument simply because you're less articulate than she was. It's a pathetic smoothbrain tactic. Use your own big boy words or fuck off.

I've explained to you why this is a bogus argument. It doesn't matter how bad Democrats are at government, Republicans hate everyone who isn't white. You haven't explained to me why people should vote for a party that hates them. You keep pivoting.

It isn't. It's a two party system and one party, the Republican Party, is the party of white nationalism and white identitarianism. It's not the fault of blacks and POC that one of the two parties in the two party system fucking hates their guts.

You are now unironically claiming that not supporting people who hate you is the very essence of racism. It's not even accurate to describe comments like that as infinitely stupid. It is worse than that. It is a dangerously cynical political delusion that will tear the United States apart.

Now now Donna, you know that Republicanism have a lot of oreo cookies and coconuts and bananas that run around and spout pro Republican rhetoric. Omorosa and company and Herman Cain and Carson with the Christian Pancake breakfasts and Candance Owens and a Judge Pirro or some other people who are TOKENS and are making money being poster boys and poster girls of the Republican party machinery.

Then you got the Trump haters who are normally staunch conservative 'intellects' like the George Will, and the Peggy Noonans and the Linda Chavez and the Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and the tokens and Cuban exile pre exiles and all kinds of Republican they pull out when they are accused of racism.

They then apologize to the tokens when they say racist shit behind their backs and the tokens say, "The liberals got you all mad at them and it made you say that..."

I really despise tokens. And they are the high falutin' ones like Condi Rice who if you read her book she talks about her patrician background in Alabama and how her parents never marched with Martin Luther King and the 'radicals' of that sort and sided with the Alabama elite. They are that twisted in identity problems Donna. Condi Rice studied Russian history and Russian studies in the University of Denver and she got everything wrong about the USSR, everything she got wrong but she is Russian expert in the Bush administration.

They prove that the Republican party is wondrous. And modern.

Tokens from hell. They have those in every sellout group in the world. Like clockwork, they show up.

MLK, Malcolm X wind up getting shot. But the Herman Caines and the Condolezza Rices get promoted.

Condi Rice grew up in the same neighborhood as Angela Davis. Titusville, Birmingham, Alabama the town of the bombing of the four little girls in the Church and the playground of Mr. Racist Bull Connor.

They were the 'obedient' ones, Donna. Because the Republican Party likes the obedient ones and makes sure they are richly rewarded for being very obedient. The ones a little rebellious wind up getting sacrificed at the alter of lies and deception. Like Colin Powell. Alma Powell, his wife would tell him 'Please don't run for president of the USA, they will blow your head off." The confidence that woman had in the system and how much she had the thought of the safety of her husband is awe-inspiring Donna.
Pants-of-dog wrote:So I should be sent to Guantanamo with no rights or trial?


Because that is what Trump is proposing and what you seem to be defending:


That anyone who espouses violence against fascists and/or wears black and/or engages in vandalism can legally be treated as an enemy of the state just like the 9/11 attackers.

Anyone that wants to destroy capitalism is the enemy of the people.
Meanhwile, cops roam the streets beating protesters and the press with impunity.

Show me the videos
Last edited by Julian658 on 02 Jun 2020 02:09, edited 1 time in total.
Tainari88 wrote:Now now Donna, you know that Republicanism have a lot of oreo cookies and coconuts and bananas that run around and spout pro Republican rhetoric. Omorosa and company and Herman Cain and Carson with the Christian Pancake breakfasts and Candance Owens and a Judge Pirro or some other people who are TOKENS and are making money being poster boys and poster girls of the Republican party machinery.

Then you got the Trump haters who are normally staunch conservative 'intellects' like the George Will, and the Peggy Noonans and the Linda Chavez and the Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and the tokens and Cuban exile pre exiles and all kinds of Republican they pull out when they are accused of racism.

They then apologize to the tokens when they say racist shit behind their backs and the tokens say, "The liberals got you all mad at them and it made you say that..."

I really despise tokens. And they are the high falutin' ones like Condi Rice who if you read her book she talks about her patrician background in Alabama and how her parents never marched with Martin Luther King and the 'radicals' of that sort and sided with the Alabama elite. They are that twisted in identity problems Donna. Condi Rice studied Russian history and Russian studies in the University of Denver and she got everything wrong about the USSR, everything she got wrong but she is Russian expert in the Bush administration.

They prove that the Republican party is wondrous. And modern.

Tokens from hell. They have those in every sellout group in the world. Like clockwork, they show up.

MLK, Malcolm X wind up getting shot. But the Herman Caines and the Condolezza Rices get promoted.

Condi Rice grew up in the same neighborhood as Angela Davis. Titusville, Birmingham, Alabama the town of the bombing of the four little girls in the Church and the playground of Mr. Racist Bull Connor.

They were the 'obedient' ones, Donna. Because the Republican Party likes the obedient ones and makes sure they are richly rewarded for being very obedient. The ones a little rebellious wind up getting sacrificed at the alter of lies and deception. Like Colin Powell. Alma Powell, his wife would tell him 'Please don't run for president of the USA, they will blow your head off." The confidence that woman had in the system and how much she had the thought of the safety of her husband is awe-inspiring Donna.


Everything is analyzed through ethnic group lenses. A black person cannot be a Republican because the skin is dark. Judging by skin color, ultimate racism.
Julian658 wrote:Tribalism:

Everything is analyzed through ethnic group lenses. A black person cannot be a Republican because the skin is dark. Judging by skin color, ultimate racism.

It's up to Republicans to stop hating black people, Julian. They need to take the first step toward reconciliation.
Julian658 wrote:Strawman


No, Trump is actually arguing that Antifa is a terrorist group.

Now, according to you, I am a member of Antifa.

Logically, that would mean I should be sent to a black site to be waterboarded.

Anyone that wants to destroy capitalism is the enemy of the state.

So, yes, you are arguing that people like me should be sent to jail with no trial.

Show me the videos

There are many examples in the thread about Mr. Floyd’s murder at the hands of police.
Donna wrote:How is that possible in the United States where the speech of fascists is protected by the constitution?

Is it legal to openly advocate genocide in the US? Sounds like your beef is more with the laws and the system.

Antifa does not arbitrarily deplatform speech. They shut down speech that targets or demonizes an identifiable group within society. Frequently they operate as militant auxiliaries to the broader anti-racist movement. For example, during the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017, even though Antifa was present and attacked fascists in attendance, most of the counter-protesters in attendance were not Antifa but activists and community members from broader anti-racist coalitions. So there is a degree of consensus building with civil society when it comes to who gets "canceled" by Antifa.

This stuff is only loosely organized, there's no votes on any of this even amongst them, there's no oversight, no rules. None of it is democratic. The cure is worse than the problem. Mob rule, no thanks.

Why not? What is so sacred about the law if all it does is permit rampant inequalities and prejudices to saturate? You call that law? I call that fascism.

...Now you're just starting to sound triggered and fashy.

You know what sounds fashy? A bunch of book-burning hooligans who use violence to shut down whoever they feel is offensive. How are they any better than every single fascist and communist government that has ever existed? Same shit different sandwich.

Ah, self-righteous, petty bourgeois pacifism. Spoken like a true paragon of privilege.

I'm not a pacifist.

Antifa has been around for a very long time, but it wasn't until recently that they've become so necessary for the health of democracy. Maybe read a bit more social theory and maybe progressives will become less of a boogeyman to you.

Dude, I'm an OG veteran of this shit. I've spent decades reading Marx and Gramsci and all that jazz. I used to be a communist sympathizer. I've gone through all the "how can we make communism but that actually works" mind exercises countless times. After many years of reflection, let me save you some time: most of it is horseshit. I was a progressive most of my life. I support Bernie Sanders for POTUS. I've read Mein Kampf and Milton Friedman. I much prefer John Locke to all of the above.

Yeah Antifa has been around a long time, i've seen the same far-left anarchist punks riot at the WTO summit in 1999. Same shit different sandwich. Hippies of the 60's, at least they were about peace and love. The current generation is a bunch of fascist communist tyrants. But at least they actually get shit done unlike those Occupy Wallstreet well-meaning fools who accomplished absolutely NOTHING.

This forum is filled with fascists and communists who need to get out of fantasy-land and get jobs or girlfriends or something. The Nordic countries have shown how you become the most successful societies in human history while fascist & communist countries have crashed and burned & the USA continues to crumble. Success is staring us all in the face. That's why I support Bernie Sanders, even if he's in his own fantasy-land sometimes.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Is it legal to openly advocate genocide in the US? Sounds like your beef is more with the laws and the system.

Considering that fascism is a production of capitalist society when it enters a serious social crisis, yes, the laws and the system do become complicit in enabling fascism. Under no circumstances should the responsibility of keeping fascism in check reside in the hands of state institutions. That is a prerogative for civil society alone.

This stuff is only loosely organized, there's no votes on any of this even amongst them, there's no oversight, no rules. None of it is democratic. The cure is worse than the problem. Mob rule, no thanks.

It isn't mob rule, it's just community standards.

You know what sounds fashy? A bunch of book-burning hooligans who use violence to shut down whoever they feel is offensive. How are they any better than every single fascist and communist government that has ever existed? Same shit different sandwich.

Nope. Fascism is a distinct anti-egalitarian historical phenomenon. It isn't some generic descriptor for anyone who uses political violence.

Dude, I'm an OG veteran of this shit. I've spent decades reading Marx and Gramsci and all that jazz. I used to be a communist sympathizer. I've gone through all the "how can we make communism but that actually works" mind exercises countless times. After many years of reflection, let me save you some time: most of it is horseshit. I was a progressive most of my life. I support Bernie Sanders for POTUS. I've read Mein Kampf and Milton Friedman. I much prefer John Locke to all of the above.

All you're doing is signaling hard here that you're a cynic who doesn't give a shit about racism.

Yeah Antifa has been around a long time, i've seen the same far-left anarchist punks riot at the WTO summit in 1999.

And they were pretty based tbh.

Hippies of the 60's, at least they were about peace and love. The current generation is a bunch of fascist communist tyrants.

Okaaaaaay boomer. :D

This forum is filled with fascists and communists who need to get out of fantasy-land and get jobs or girlfriends or something. The Nordic countries have shown how you become the most successful societies in human history while fascist & communist countries have crashed and burned & the USA continues to crumble. Success is staring us all in the face. That's why I support Bernie Sanders, even if he's in his own fantasy-land sometimes.

Why do you keep signaling that you support Bernie Sanders lol
FBI, Homeland Security warn of more ‘antifa’ attacks

Federal authorities have been warning state and local officials since early 2016 that leftist extremists known as “antifa” had become increasingly confrontational and dangerous, so much so that the Department of Homeland Security formally classified their activities as “domestic terrorist violence,” according to interviews and confidential law enforcement documents obtained by POLITICO.

Since well before the Aug. 12 rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, turned deadly, DHS has been issuing warnings about the growing likelihood of lethal violence between the left-wing anarchists and right-wing white supremacist and nationalist groups.

Previously unreported documents disclose that by April 2016, authorities believed that “anarchist extremists” were the primary instigators of violence at public rallies against a range of targets. They were blamed by authorities for attacks on the police, government and political institutions, along with symbols of “the capitalist system,” racism, social injustice and fascism, according to a confidential 2016 joint intelligence assessment by DHS and the FBI.

Previously unreported documents disclose that by April 2016, authorities believed that “anarchist extremists” were the primary instigators of violence at public rallies against a range of targets. They were blamed by authorities for attacks on the police, government and political institutions, along with symbols of “the capitalist system,” racism, social injustice and fascism, according to a confidential 2016 joint intelligence assessment by DHS and the FBI.

After President Donald Trump’s election in November, the antifa activists locked onto another target — his supporters, especially those from white supremacist and nationalist groups suddenly turning out in droves to hail his victory, support crackdowns on immigrants and Muslims and to protest efforts to remove symbols of the Confederacy.

Those reports appear to bolster Trump’s insistence that extremists on the left bore some blame for the clashes in Charlottesville and represent a “problem” nationally. But they also reflect the extent that his own political movement has spurred the violent backlash.

Where are these white supremacists?

Pants-of-dog wrote:I oppose fascism.

I support the opposition to fascism.

I think there are many times when fascism should be opposed with violence.

Am I now a terrorist?

According to the FBI's definition of "terrorism," if you carried out acts of violence to combat what you think is fascism then yes you would be considered a terrorist.

Just thinking about it, no, which is why I suspect that you intentionally framed the question in that way. We all know how slippery you are Pants.

Domestic terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.

What is your definition of fascism?

Can you give us some examples in the US based on your definition (with a source) and an explanation why it needs to be combated by vigilante-styled acts?

Too bad @Doug64 could not handle a specific member's closed minded intolerance and decided to leave the forum. Hopefully he will come back. He did this thread last year so I am posting it because it is literally the same thing that we are discussing today.

Antifa again demonstrates its undemocratic nature
Donna wrote:Considering that fascism is a production of capitalist society when it enters a serious social crisis, yes, the laws and the system do become complicit in enabling fascism. Under no circumstances should the responsibility of keeping fascism in check reside in the hands of state institutions. That is a prerogative for civil society alone.

That's not what I asked. I asked if advocating genocide was legal in the US.

Both fascism and communism come about due to crisis in capitalism. Fortunately Americans love freedom and capitalism way too much for either of those stupid ideologies. Americans destroyed both communism and fascism (the latter with much help from Soviets). The entire raison d'etre of the USA is to destroy and prevent domestic tyranny. All of their political institutions were designed specifically so a fascist or any other tyrant couldn't take dictatorial control of the government. American civilians are armed to the teeth for that express purpose if by miracle those institutional fail-safes fail. You have nothing to worry about with fascists taking power, at least not in the USA.

It isn't mob rule, it's just community standards.


Nope. Fascism is a distinct anti-egalitarian historical phenomenon. It isn't some generic descriptor for anyone who uses political violence.

You're right, they're just tyrants, mainly commie tyrants. Commie's have always hated the fashy's & vice versa. It's fun watching them fight! Maybe they'll all end up killing each other & we won't have to hear from them anymore. :lol:

All you're doing is signaling hard here that you're a cynic who doesn't give a shit about racism.

I give a shit about racism, do you give a shit about civil rights, democracy, or the rule of law?

Why do you keep signaling that you support Bernie Sanders lol

because people here think i'm a red-neck racist conservative who hates progressives. These same people say they hate racists but stereotype me...irony!
Donna wrote:It's up to Republicans to stop hating black people, Julian. They need to take the first step toward reconciliation.

It is not going to happen. There is nothing white people can do to mend the situation. They can give every black person a million dollars with a letter saying we are sorry and 10 years later we would be in same situation. BTW, I am 100% for reparations, but not in the form of cash in hand.

At the end of the day the offended party has to forgive/forget the past to move on. In my estimation the media and black leaders have a created a massive sense of victimhood that is very damaging. Victimhood generates anger, low self esteem, depression, and nihilism. Paradoxically black people were stronger and resilient in the old days when the hurdles were gigantic and clearly visible.

Now we are dealing with post racial PTSD and racism in the videophone era. Yes, the police has killed black people in a violent murderous manner and it is a tragedy. And clearly due to racism! Even the most NAZI person would admit that the killing of George Floyd was wrong. There is no other conclusion. At that moment the most racist American had to feel some guilt. However, this is followed by one week of looting and massive destruction of private and public property (by white antifa types and non protesters) and the racism grows again in the hearts of people that felt initial compassion.

The key to end racism is to change negative stereotypes into positive stereotypes. That would be my reparations for slavery. I would send every descendant of slavery and indigenous people to high end Prep schools. 100% free education from (1-20). But, there is more, public schools are free and failing. So I would make every school exactly like the most private elite prep schools in the world.
Last edited by Julian658 on 02 Jun 2020 04:40, edited 1 time in total.
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