Evo Morales Gets Bounced; Seeks Asylum in Mexico - Page 8 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties from Mexico to Argentina.

Moderator: PoFo Latin America Mods

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Red Rackham wrote:I have no problem with god botherers as long as they leave me alone, each to his own. If belief in some god or juju brings a modicum of comfort then so be it. But when religion gets extreme, as it always has and always will, then normal people have to be prepared to step up the plate and say, enough. I'm a live and let live type of chap, until someone starts shoving religion at me.

The ones shoving religion unfortunately are the least likable of the lot ;)
Tainari88 wrote:The ones shoving religion unfortunately are the least likable of the lot ;)

Hindsite carries the same kind of bible as Jeanine Anez - Extra-large, visible from space - because it's mainly there for show, for branding.


It hides so much ugliness that it has to be really, really big.

(It's why rich people who live off their atrocities have a really, really careful vocabulary as well.)
@QatzelOk I have met quite a few Jeanine Anez types in my travels over Latin America. They believe all kinds of nonsense. But they are usually even more in denial about themselves.

One woman who was light skinned and blond with blue eyes and the slightest Indian features and she was from a wealthy Central American family would tell me, Ï can't baptize my children alongside some little Indians!! My children are God's children and the Indians are just savages Spain saved from ignorance with the Holy Roman Catholic religion!

I looked at her and said,
You look like you have some Indian blood in you. You know just because you no longer speak that language and no longer share that culture? In some racialized nation? You would be an Indian. And no matter how much you would protest that you are better? That face of yours screams Indian ancestry to me! So? Why are you denying that if it wasn't for some Indian in the past in your gene pool you would not be here? Talking about the savages...the ones who run in your veins eh?

Her eyes opened wide and said, Ëveryone knows that being an Indian is about your culture. What language you speak. Not how you look!

I said, "Not everyone. The American Anglos are into one drop rules. You would have more than a drop of the savages. How do you feel about that?"

She was outraged. Lol. Foolish racist idiots Q. They carry big bibles. I could not read many of your lines about the big bible she toted about because it made me laugh way too much! May she have paper cuts. Lol. Q? You make me laugh with those statements.

Those Latin American jerks with the racist shit against Indian people and African people are everywhere...and they themselves look as Indian as can be....but for their way of dealing with race? It is not about your somatic look at all in these nations. It is about becoming a Spanish speaking, Roman Catholic class conscious social climber aspiring to consume Disney movies and Disneyland vacations and buy big SUV's and imitate some suburban American life that they don't really understand well but the social status symbols are great. God will save them. Because Jesus is a Swedish looking European Jesus painted on a velvet background in the dining room in many dining rooms in Latin America. He never is looking like an Indian or an African. Everyone knows those people are not the best human beings!

The foolish shit these people think amazes me.
Tainari88 wrote:Lol. Hindsite thinks he is fooling anyone in this place? He is not. At least people who know the difference and have dealt with devout and SINCERE Christians versus FAKE ONES.

The fake ones are easy to spot. They are intolerant and not loving and not kind. In general. It is all about vanity and attachments.

And they prefer to be left to their own devices and not deal with people who point out the obvious problems with their Fake Christianity.

You would think they would learn to be truthful with who they are after reaching a certain age? But, some? Would rather keep lying to themselves.

It is like that Chickens coming home to roost statement. If you got a government that is willing to topple other governments and put in puppets in order to dominate? You have to realize that that same behavior is going to affect the people in the home country. Eventually.

The ones who say they hate liberals and are racists and are discriminators? But Jesus is on their side? Whatever. Instead of respecting the message of the New Testament? They want to play God on the most vulnerable.

It is highly hypocritical. But they don't see it. Too busy praising the Lord while hating others who are not like them.

Okay, laugh out loud, so we can hear you, but even if you did not lol, God knows your evil mind and how hypocritical you are in your heart. You seem to think it is okay to hate on white conservative men, but dark skin people are off limits to criticism. Your evil thoughts don't bother me and I don't give a damn what you think about me. But that is a different thing than bringing up my name and slandering me with your posts. For some reason you seem to be obsessed with the fact that I can be a Christian praising the Lord and still have different views than you. I certainly hope you will pray to the Lord to forgive you and help you get over your obsession soon.
Hindsite wrote:Okay, laugh out loud, so we can hear you, but even if you did not lol, God knows your evil mind and how hypocritical you are in your heart. You seem to think it is okay to hate on white conservative men, but dark skin people are off limits to criticism. Your evil thoughts don't bother me and I don't give a damn what you think about me. But that is a different thing than bringing up my name and slandering me with your posts. For some reason you seem to be obsessed with the fact that I can be a Christian praising the Lord and still have different views than you. I certainly hope you will pray to the Lord to forgive you and help you get over your obsession soon.

Weren't you going to not read my crap anymore Hindsite?
I hope you take your own advice.

No it is not about different views. It is about the contradictions of how you live your life.

I don't think you are capable of understanding your own paradox. That might be your only saving grace. Lack of understanding yourself.

No, I will never share your views. And you can't understand what I say most of the time. It is not something you ever attempted to cope with.

You can think me evil. I don't care. I don't believe you even know the difference between good and evil.

You have very little grasp of most concepts.
Tainari88 wrote:Weren't you going to not read my crap anymore Hindsite?
I hope you take your own advice.

I had been skipping over your crap, but I happened to see my name and saw that you were slandering me with your evil hateful words.

Tainari88 wrote:No it is not about different views. It is about the contradictions of how you live your life.

How I live my life is not your concern. You should not be so nosy and mind your own business and stop bad mouthing other people.
Tainari88 wrote:...I have met quite a few Jeanine Anez types in my travels over Latin America.

We have a quite a few Jeanine Anez's in Montreal lately too, many of them well-off from Venezuela or other left-wing Latin American countries that have redistributed wealth to equalize life potential at some point. One formerly-rich Latina (FRL) I know, when I argued that literacy had gone way up "under that bastard," retorted by stressing how ignorant the country folk and First Nations are in her home country. (Was she trying to prove my point? Nope.)

Her eyes opened wide and said, Ëveryone knows that being an Indian is about your culture. What language you speak. Not how you look!

I agree with her notion of the importance of First Nations culture and values, but understand your point of view as well. But for me, it really is about values and recognition - genetics are of zero importance in re-invigorating First Nations culture and governance by changing the paradigm, as Hugo Chavez, Fidel, Morales and many others have attempted to do in various ways. I don't think any of these leaders got too caught up in genetic purity of any kind. In fact, they were usually fighting against racism in all forms in favor of universal values. For me, First Nations values are universal. Europeans were WRONG about angels, harps and the Cannes film festival afterlife, while First Nations were correct in that preserving and protecting nature was primary.

The media (left and right) tries to separate the plights and objectives of First Nations and other residents of the Americas as if ONLY genetically-correct people are permitted to celebrate or defend First Nations values or lifestyles. This seriously limits the number of people fighting for things like livable ecology, socialism, and equality - all First Nations values that apply througout Turtle Island. That's probably why commercial media gives the impression that "Indian culture is only for the following chromosome combinations...". And yet everyone on Earth has to speak English and eat McDonalds and use Microsoft.

So, for example, I don't see why Elizabeth Warren should have to distance herself from SAVING NATURE, as opposed to saving European Judeo-Christian notions of INDUSTRY, which is what she and virtually all politicians in the Americas do. Here lack of genetic First Nations matter was the media's way of saying "can all the kumbaya-Dances with Wolves and just read the frickin' teleprompter." :D
QatzelOk wrote:We have a quite a few Jeanine Anez's in Montreal lately too, many of them well-off from Venezuela or other left-wing Latin American countries that have redistributed wealth to equalize life potential at some point. One formerly-rich Latina (FRL) I know, when I argued that literacy had gone way up "under that bastard," retorted by stressing how ignorant the country folk and First Nations are in her home country. (Was she trying to prove my point? Nope.)

I agree with her notion of the importance of First Nations culture and values, but understand your point of view as well. But for me, it really is about values and recognition - genetics are of zero importance in re-invigorating First Nations culture and governance by changing the paradigm, as Hugo Chavez, Fidel, Morales and many others have attempted to do in various ways. I don't think any of these leaders got too caught up in genetic purity of any kind.

The media (left and right) tries to separate the plights and objectives of First Nations and other residents of the Americas as if ONLY genetically-correct people are permitted to celebrate or defend First Nations values or lifestyles. This seriously limits the number of people fighting for things like livable ecology, socialism, and equality - all First Nations values that apply througout Turtle Island. That's probably why commercial media gives the impression that "Indian culture is only for the following chromosome combinations...". And yet everyone on Earth has to speak English and eat McDonalds and use Microsoft.

So I don't see why Elizabeth Warren should have to distance herself from SAVING NATURE, as opposed to saving European Judeo-Christian notions of INDUSTRY, which is what she and virtually all politicians in the Americas do.

Q, you have to see that what we are fighting at this historical moment in time is the right to have basic needs met and clean water, clean air and arable land. The USA and its imposing of its commercialism and exploitation on the nations of Latin America who are in their vast majority non European in value systems is in conflict with the needs of modern capitalist economics. The USA keep INSISTING on some neoliberal models that have FAILED SPECTACULARLY to deliver higher standards of living in Latin America. It keeps insisting that the model they force and foist on peoples like the Aymara in Bolivia and others? Has to be adopted as the standard way to live.

It can't continue with that. It just can't.

People are products of their cultural environment. The American middle classes have completely false and unrealistic expectations of what kinds of challenges people face in other nations and other parts of the world.

Indigenous cultures and peoples have been decimated in huge quantities all over the world. Mostly through exposure to European diseases they had no natural resistance to, and to institutions like slavery and debt servitude and indentured servants and prison colonizations, and wars and herding them all into reservations.

98% of Indian peoples in the USA are gone. Extinct. Only 2% remain. And of those two percent many of the youth don't speak the original langauges, or practice the cultural traditions. I was moved profoundly by what the few left standing have done to help advance what is left.

But the truth of the matter? Assimilation by eliminating a cultural groups language, their historical contributions and record, by attacking their family structures, by separating them from their ancestral homelands, by changing their diets, by disrespecting their lives and introducing toxic ways of producing incomes like casinos, bars, etc is basically condemning the entire life view of people who have lived off the land for millenia. There is a profound dislike of First Nation ways of thinking.

It doesn't agree with Judeo-Christian consumerism.

What is interesting is that the Left keeps emerging constantly powerful in Latin America. Because the message of fighting for the working people, the underclass and the marginalized is a popular message in Latin America. It is associated with Commies, Socialists, nutjobs, and losers in the USA. Lol.

What they fail to realize is that unless you get control of these one track minded greedy people in charge of imposing their neolibral models on the rest of the world? We are all headed for mass extinction. All of us.

That is what they don't get through their thick skulls.
The "whitewashing" mostly took place a few weeks ago.

Now, there's mostly a media black-out. There hasn't been a single article about Bolivia in the CBC (Canadian government funded, supposedly less commercial) for the last two weeks.

The idea is to establish the corporate spin as "reality" in the media-watching mind, and then block out all the massacres until nearing the election. This will allow all the messy "Red River massacre" type of cowboy-atrocities to take place in preparation to an illegitimate election driven by right-wing terror and fear.

That's what CBC and other commerical media want to happen because they receive more money from homicidal corporations than even the Clinton Foundation does.
WEEKEND ROUNDUP: While you’re waiting in those long holiday lines, read @AlanRMacLeod's special reports on #Bolivia like how the US-backed de facto government wants to destroy the economy and working class through privatization. https://www.mintpressnews.com/bolivia-i ... my/263529/

So now she is privatizing for Jesus.

Perhaps she can get some help from Moses and his secret police as well.

Belen Fernandez wrote:Bolivia: A coup for Israel too


Shortly after left-wing Bolivian President Evo Morales was ousted in a US-supported coup in November - disguised as a noble reaction to alleged electoral fraud - the self-appointed, fanatically right-wing Bolivian “interim” government announced the renewal of diplomatic relations with Israel.

These had been severed by Morales in 2009 during Israel’s Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip, which killed some 1,400 Palestinians, including more than 300 children. Though Israel naturally cast itself as the singular victim of the affair, the ratio of Palestinian civilian to Israeli civilian deaths was 400:1.

It's somewhat disappointing to see racist mafia crap doing racist mafia crap things while humanity goes off a cliff.
Ter wrote:Hava Nagila !

Don't get too excited, Ter. This could spell brand-death for Brand Israel eventually.

Think about it: Branding Israel as the land of exterminating the indigenous population while holding a gigantic holy book over your head for media propaganda purposes.

It's like saying that Coca Cola is cheap chemical sugar-water and caffeine that can seriously harm your health. In an ad!

(Jeanine Anez: "Hey, Coca Cola, I'm trying to sell my own urine to children as a beverage they will pay for, and I need your P.R. expertise.") :lol:
A tweet skinster posted wrote:Bolivia's govt is preparing a Fujimorii style 'self-coup' to close the elected congress and end the possibility of any elections.

The mass media supports corporations.

Western governments support corporations.

Corporations want access to the many resources of Bolivia. The media supports them and forgets to mention that the people of Bolivia are being written out of their own "democracy" by a USA-installed puppet.

Western citizens are like: "We don't care. This doesn't affect us negatively, and might even bring down the cost of the electric cars we are being told will save us from extinction, or something."

Western citizens seem to think that they will be spared the looting of their own leaders, but this is demonstrably false. If only commercial media would spill more ink discussing all the bankster rip-offs of the last 20 years.
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