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Hindsite wrote:You put so much false stuff on here that I don't believe it.

Your condescending attitude is really starting to piss me off.

At least I accept this is his biggest crisis and his response has been highly inadequate so far.
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By jimjam
Hindsite wrote:Christiant Leaders Loved Trump’s Bible Photo Op

Are you a "Christian leader" :eek: . I'm not and know a few other folks who are not. :lol:

The founder of the Christian Coalition, Pat Robertson, scolded the president for taking such a belligerent tone as the country erupted in sorrow and anger over the police killing of an unarmed black man, George Floyd, in Minneapolis.

Speaking on his newscast, “The 700 Club,” the televangelist whose relationship with Mr. Trump dates to the 1990s said, “You just don’t do that, Mr. President,” and added, “We’re one race. And we need to love each other.”

Numerous polls have shown that like most other Americans, religious Americans increasingly disapprove of how the president is doing his job — a shift that would imperil Mr. Trump’s re-election if he is not able to reverse it.


Here is Don The Con pretending to pray. Perhaps he was thinking about how he was so irresistible to women that he could “grab ‘em” by their genitals.
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By jimjam
Trump-Nixon comparisons are obvious. Like Nixon, Trump has exploited white backlash for political gain. Like Nixon, Trump evidently believes that laws apply only to the little people.

Nixon, however, doesn’t seem to have been a coward. Amid mass demonstrations, he didn’t cower in the MAGAbunker, venturing out only after his minions had gassed peaceful protesters and driven them out of Lafayette Park. Instead, he went out to talk to protesters at the Lincoln Memorial. His behavior was a bit weird, but it wasn’t craven.
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By Rugoz
Unthinking Majority wrote:Yes Trump has an ideology that is the antithesis of Christ's ideology.

If you've read Nietzsche, Trump follows "master morality", while Christianity is "slave morality". In fact, Nietzsche wrote a book called "The Antichrist", and also proclaimed that "God was dead". ... ally-meant

Hitler took "master morality" to its most extreme ends. Hitler is very literally the anti-Christ.

Both Trump and SJWs would be an expression of slave morality, as they are born out of the resentment of the establishment. Trump is a member of the establishment who uses slave morality to further his own agenda, something Nietzsche also talks about.

Not that I care about Nietzsche :eh:.
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By Donna
Rugoz wrote:Both Trump and SJWs would be an expression of slave morality, as they are born out of the resentment of the establishment. Trump is a member of the establishment who uses slave morality to further his own agenda, something Nietzsche also talks about.

Not that I care about Nietzsche :eh:.

For Nietzsche the "bourgeois man" was also his "last man", so it can be argued that those in the establishment have sequestered themselves from life's vital forces while the riotous mobs embody its affirmation.
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:In further irony, Trump's extended cordon around his bunker has now blocked the Episcopalian bishop from going to St. John's Church

Hindsite wrote:That was Fake news.

Balls. What I posted was a report of what happened.

There was no tear gas used.

Balls. "Tear gas canisters WERE found" ; and there are videos online of people choking on the gas, as it's used.

After several times calling out for the crowd to move and they refused

Balls. The crowd do not have to move the moment that dubious armed thugs tell them to. Or even when proper police tell them to, if they're not doing anything illegal. And when the reason for moving them is to arranger a Trump photo-op using a church that the denomination doesn't want used for a cynical partisan propaganda shoot, the morally right thing to do would be to resist the authoritarians.

then smoke canisters and pepper balls were used in moving the crowd of protesters.

Ah, now you're admitting tear gas was used?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines tear gas, also known as "riot control agents," as "chemical compounds that temporarily make people unable to function by causing irritation to the eyes, mouth, throat, lungs, and skin." ... ?r=US&IR=T

The basic PepperBall projectile, it contains 0.5% PAVA
PAVA primarily affects the eyes, causing closure and severe pain. The pain to the eyes is reported to be greater than that caused by CS.
Pharmacologically, like other capsaicinoids, PAVA works by direct binding to receptors (TRPV1) that normally produce the pain and sensation of heat, as if exposed to scalding heat.

Those protesters were not there to worship

Who cares? No one ever said they were there to worship. They were in the public streets around the White House, lawfully protesting. The church only came into it because Ivanka thought Daddy waving a bible in front of a church would make good propaganda, and he wanted to look less scared than his flit to the bunker was making him look.

they were preventing people from going to that church to worship by blocking the way.

Absolute, complete and utter balls. The church was not blocked at all, until Trump's goons stormed their way to it.

Protesters converge on White House for second straight day
May 31, 2020

Which was the day before he sent the stormtroopers in, so a completely irrelevant news report.

You put so much false stuff on here that I don't believe it.

Photo caption: "Police begin to clear demonstrators gather as they protest the death of George Floyd, Monday, June 1, 2020, near the White House in Washington. Floyd died after being restrained by Minneapolis police officers. (Source: AP Photo/Alex Brandon/AP)" ... 31621.html
So: balls.

On Robert Jeffress: he is the biggest, most shameless Trump toady there is, and Trump has rewarded him with positions. Of course he licks Trump's taint whenever possible:

On November 4, 2012, the Sunday before the 2012 election, Jeffress commented on Obama and the Antichrist:

I want you to hear me tonight, I am not saying that President Obama is the Antichrist, I am not saying that at all. One reason I know he's not the Antichrist is the Antichrist is going to have much higher poll numbers when he comes. President Obama is not the Antichrist. But what I am saying is this: the course he is choosing to lead our nation is paving the way for the future reign of the Antichrist.[41]

For the 2016 US Presidential election, Jeffress endorsed and appeared at rallies for the Republican candidate, Donald Trump although he initially endorsed Ben Carson. Jeffress also declared that Christians who would not vote for or support Trump as the Republican nominee were "fools" and "motivated by pride rather than principle."[42] Jeffress also stated that if a candidate ran on the principles found in the Sermon on the Mount in dealing with foreign enemies of the United States such as ISIS, Iran or North Korea, Jeffress "would run from that candidate as far as possible" and would still vote for Trump.[43]

On June 21, 2016, candidate Trump named Jeffress as a member of Trump's Evangelical Advisory Board and White House Faith Initiative.[44] Jeffress has described the Board's relationship with Trump as "This isn't so much our advising the president as it is the president seeking our perspective on a number of issues."[45][46]

In March 2018, Jeffress appeared as a Fox News contributor to discuss allegation that Donald Trump had an affair with a former adult film star Stormy Daniels, saying, "Even if it's proven to be true, it doesn't matter." stating it is irrelevant as policy matters more than the president's personal life.[47]

In September 2019, after the impeachment inquiry into Trump had been announced, Jeffress declared on Fox News:

I have never seen the Evangelical Christians more angry over any issue than this attempt to illegitimately remove this President from office, overturn the 2016 election, and negate the votes of millions of Evangelicals in the process. They know the only impeachable offense that President Trump has committed was beating Hillary Clinton in 2016. That’s the unpardonable sin for which the Democrats will never forgive him. If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office, it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this nation from which our country will never heal.[48]

Jeffress is a stain on Christianity.

Johnnie Moore has just been given a job by Trump. His brownnosing has been well rewarded.

Ralph Reed is a lobbyist best known for his involvement in the Abramhoff scandal. If that's the kind of jerk Trump relies on as a character witness, it's pathetic.
Rugoz wrote:Both Trump and SJWs would be an expression of slave morality, as they are born out of the resentment of the establishment. Trump is a member of the establishment who uses slave morality to further his own agenda, something Nietzsche also talks about.

Not that I care about Nietzsche :eh:.

Well yes I suppose that's an element where Trump uses slave morality. Hitler thought the Germans were victims too. But Hitler mostly believed in master morality. The weak (disabled etc) were even killed.

Master morality is about believing strength is good and weakness is bad. Trump wants to "dominate" protestors, wants America to be "strong" instead of "weak" in foreign policy and trade etc. He also respects strongmen like Putin and sometimes Fat Kim, and bullies weaklings like Jeb Bush.
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By Tainari88
Donna wrote:lol I doubt Hitler ever picked up a philosophy book.

The Orange Tan man picked up most of his street philosophy that he adopted as his 'creed' from that slimeball Roy Cohn. Total slimey man.

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By XogGyux
jimjam wrote:Are you a "Christian leader" :eek: . I'm not and know a few other folks who are not. :lol:

The founder of the Christian Coalition, Pat Robertson, scolded the president for taking such a belligerent tone as the country erupted in sorrow and anger over the police killing of an unarmed black man, George Floyd, in Minneapolis.

Speaking on his newscast, “The 700 Club,” the televangelist whose relationship with Mr. Trump dates to the 1990s said, “You just don’t do that, Mr. President,” and added, “We’re one race. And we need to love each other.”

Numerous polls have shown that like most other Americans, religious Americans increasingly disapprove of how the president is doing his job — a shift that would imperil Mr. Trump’s re-election if he is not able to reverse it.


Here is Don The Con pretending to pray. Perhaps he was thinking about how he was so irresistible to women that he could “grab ‘em” by their genitals.

He is doomed.
Going against almighty Trump keeps proving to be disastrous for all these guys.
Oh, you thought I meant Trump was doomed? I meant the other guy, Pat Roberson, if he manages to Pisss of Trump, he will make Pat's life a living hell :lol: .
I have to admit there is something poetic about this, creating the monster that will consume you. I still have hopes that the American People wake up from this terrible nightmare, but in the meantime seeing Trump eat the hatchlings of evil is a nice aperitive.

Also, trump is not a "Christian Leader" he is a "Cheerleader" he said so himself. Probably escaped from a parallel universe where there is a crazy obsession for crazy fat orange dudes as the "sexy" standard :lol: .
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By Donna
Tainari88 wrote:The Orange Tan man picked up most of his street philosophy that he adopted as his 'creed' from that slimeball Roy Cohn. Total slimey man.

I keep seeing this guy's name pop up in connection with Trump
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By Drlee
JimJam mentioned it:

Unable to sleep, Nixon summoned his valet and made his nocturnal escape from the White House and directed his limousine to the Lincoln Memorial.
The students gathered at the footsteps of the Lincoln Memorial may have thought they were dreaming when they saw the buttoned-up man they had come to the capital to protest scale the memorial’s steps and engage them in conversation. Nixon later said his goal was to “lift them a bit out of the miserable intellectual wasteland in which they now wander aimlessly around.”

Along with sprinkling in awkward small talk on topics ranging from the virtues of visiting the Siberian city of Novosibirsk to the Syracuse University football team, the president told the antiwar activists that his ultimate goal wasn’t to enter Cambodia but leave Vietnam.

“I know that probably most of you think I’m an S.O.B., but I want you to know that I understand just how you feel,” he said. Nixon spent nearly an hour talking to the students before visiting the U.S. Capitol and having breakfast at the Mayflower Hotel..... i

That is the difference between a president and someone who won an electoral victory because of gerrymandering and voter suppression....... Oh. And Nixon was a veteran. A Naval officer who served in a war zone during WWII. After the war achieved the rank of commander in the naval reserve, retiring from the naval reserve in 1966. For all his faults I would take Nixon on his worst day. He may have been a crook but he did what he thought right for the country.

Can you see Bone Spurs going out and speaking to the protesters? And with just a few secret service agents and no entourage? Maybe if he had a Bible to waive as a talisman...
Drlee wrote:JimJam mentioned it:

That is the difference between a president and someone who won an electoral victory because of gerrymandering and voter suppression....... Oh. And Nixon was a veteran. A Naval officer who served in a war zone during WWII. After the war achieved the rank of commander in the naval reserve, retiring from the naval reserve in 1966. For all his faults I would take Nixon on his worst day. He may have been a crook but he did what he thought right for the country.

Can you see Bone Spurs going out and speaking to the protesters? And with just a few secret service agents and no entourage? Maybe if he had a Bible to waive as a talisman...

Correct, Nixon was a gentleman compared to Trump. I would vote for a Nixon over Trump in a heartbeat.
Watergate would not make it to the top 100 presidential scandals by the end of Trump's first term :lol: . Nixon had the decency to resign.
Donna wrote:lol I doubt Hitler ever picked up a philosophy book.

Nietzsche was a German, Hitler knew about him, and Nietzsche's sister was a Nazi party supporter and twisted his writing for this purpose. Nietzsche greatly disliked anti-semitism.

Top of the page, 1st paragraph:

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By Donna
Unthinking Majority wrote:Nietzsche was a German, Hitler knew about him, and Nietzsche's sister was a Nazi party supporter and twisted his writing for this purpose. Nietzsche greatly disliked anti-semitism.

Top of the page, 1st paragraph:


Whatever Hitler knew about Nietzsche was likely picked up in beer hall banter.
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By jimjam
President Trump was furious ( :lol: ) when news got out last weekend that as protesters gathered outside the White House he had been rushed to an underground bunker. But now, as crowds keep coming back to demonstrate, the entire White House seems to be turning into one. Every day, more fences go up and more concrete barriers are put in place as the security perimeter expands farther and farther. The universally recognized symbol of American democracy increasingly looks like a fortress under siege in the heart of the nation’s capital, a Washington version of the Green Zone that sheltered American and Iraqi officials in Baghdad during the worst of the war. The measures taken over the last week have made the compound occupied by the president, his family and his staff more removed from the American public.


A real man of the people loved by the people ………... :lol:
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By Hindsite
Donna wrote:A Dallas megachurch pastor lol. I wonder how much hatred and bigotry he spews every Sunday.

None, because he is a good Christian.

jimjam wrote:President Trump was furious ( :lol: ) when news got out last weekend that as protesters gathered outside the White House he had been rushed to an underground bunker. But now, as crowds keep coming back to demonstrate, the entire White House seems to be turning into one. Every day, more fences go up and more concrete barriers are put in place as the security perimeter expands farther and farther. The universally recognized symbol of American democracy increasingly looks like a fortress under siege in the heart of the nation’s capital, a Washington version of the Green Zone that sheltered American and Iraqi officials in Baghdad during the worst of the war. The measures taken over the last week have made the compound occupied by the president, his family and his staff more removed from the American public.

You probably got that from the fake news CNN.

jimjam wrote:A real man of the people loved by the people ………... :lol:

President Trump was elected by the people to protect the people by being the law and order President for one reason. He is simply keeping his promise and the Secret Service is simply doing their job by protecting America's leader elected by the people.

XogGyux wrote:Nixon had the decency to resign.

Trump has the decency not to resign when the country needs him the most.
Praise the Lord.
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