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By Hindsite
Doug64 wrote:All true, which is why I didn't vote for him last time and won't this time. That doesn't change the fact that when he won in 2016 (both the nomination and then the election) the Left and their fellow travellers went bugnuts crazy and have never recovered, resulting in them proving themselves as despicable as he is.

As much as you understand, and you still plan to vote for dementia Joe Biden?
That is difficult for me to comprehend.
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By XogGyux
Doug64 wrote:You mean besides abandoning all journalistic ethics

First.. not all democrats are journalists.
Second... not all journalists are democrats.
Finally, you have no leg to stand up since all of the non-sense of CNN, MSNBC, ETC together, to the 100billionth power does not even come close to 20mins with Fox.

free speech, due process, or the presumption of innocence, all in an attempt to overthrow the 2016 election?

wait wait wait wait.
Who is opposing free speech? Or due process? or presumption of innocence?

Then there's the fabrication of a crime when they can't find any evidence of one to use against one of Trump's appointees and now the judge's insane attempt to keep the case going when the Justice Department tries to end the fiasco.

ROFL, you mean the justices that are not qualified? the ones that have been exposed by countless of associations and exposed for the ideologues inexperienced frauds that they are?
Or perhaps you are butthurt about kavanaugh? you think what the democrats did was low? do you remember what mitch mcmoron did? He simply sat on Obaman's nomination for a year? No, you don't get to pretend that you got the moral highground in here.

And now we can add its support of looters, arsonists, and fanatical thugs over local businesses (many of them minority-owned) and the police trying to protect them.

Who is supporting looters and arsonists? Are you supporting them? because I have not read of anyuone else in this thread supporting a fking looter or arsonist. THis is a strawman... you guys love those. Make up some invisible enemy and try to nuke it down :lol:

And of course its steady stream of lies about and distortions of Trump's statements and actions.

And let's not forget their crackpot predictions, such as that if Trump loses the election he'll try to overthrow the government and institute a dictatorship, and tinfoil-hat conspiracy theories such as him being a bought-and-paid-for puppet with Putin pulling the strings.

Seriously, you guys got the monopoly on conspiracy theories. From Hillary's pizzagate to the deep state, etc. If we had 1... 1 little tiny baby conspiracy theory of our own... why try to take it away from us!! :lol:
But no, it is not a "conspiracy theory". It is a concern justified in what we have seen so far. The guy doesnt like to lose, there is a good chance that he will lose this year, he never admits defeat and he has dictatorship tendencies as evidenced by him using the fking military against its own people (not to mention the countless times that he has mentioned to use it to kill mexicans in the border).
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By Hindsite
XogGyux wrote:
Who is opposing free speech? Or due process? or presumption of innocence?

The left-wing radicals, BLM, and Antifa.

XogGyux wrote: The guy doesnt like to lose, there is a good chance that he will lose this year, he never admits defeat and he has dictatorship tendencies as evidenced by him using the fking military against its own people (not to mention the countless times that he has mentioned to use it to kill mexicans in the border).

I have yet to meat anyone that likes to lose. I believe I am safe to say that President Trump does not consider rioters and looters his own people and neither do I. His own people are all those that vote for him, like myself, a near genius.
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By Drlee
@Doug64 And of course its steady stream of lies about and distortions of Trump's statements...

This may be the funniest statement I have ever read on POFO. And there have been some good ones. Yes. The real problem is that people are lying about Trump not that Trump is ly......oh never mind.
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By jimjam
Drlee wrote:This may be the funniest statement I have ever read on POFO. And there have been some good ones. Yes. The real problem is that people are lying about Trump not that Trump is ly......oh never mind.

No …. this is way funnier. Hindsite admitting to comprehension problems :lol:

Hindsite wrote:difficult for me to comprehend

I guess this is a start …. :lol:
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By Hindsite
Drlee wrote:This may be the funniest statement I have ever read on POFO. And there have been some good ones. Yes. The real problem is that people are lying about Trump not that Trump is ly......oh never mind.

I agree with Doug64. The fake news have been lying about Trump before he was elected and it has gotten even worse now that he is President.

jimjam wrote:No …. this is way funnier. Hindsite admitting to comprehension problems :lol:

My comprehension problems are minor compared to yours, but you seem to think you understand perfectly, probably because you live in a leftist fantasy land in your imagination.
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By jimjam
Hindsite wrote:you seem to think you understand perfectly

Perfect understanding? Goodness no ……. only Donald and God have perfect understanding.

Hey ….. your hero hasn't got Mexico to pay for a wall yet but I LOVE the wall he built around the White House. Goes well with the legions of storm troopers he needs to go for a walk in the park :lol: .

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By blackjack21
XogGyux wrote:$10 says that when the protests start getting under control something else pops up.

Wow, you're really going out on a limb there XogGyux. You could have said the same thing about Russiagate, Ukrainegate, impeachment, and coronavirus among other things. As soon as the latest Democrat attack fails, yes, they will have another one waiting in the wings.

XogGyux wrote:Remember when all that FOX news would do is criticize what color suit Obama was wearing? OMG.

No. I don't. I remember them criticizing pretty much everything he did. Although, I don't think they got down to how many scoops of ice cream he ate, but I could be wrong.

XogGyux wrote:This guy is going to become a dictator if we don't put a check. Bunch of people say that he would leave. But the one thing that we know from Trump is that he does not like to lose, he is a sore loser, never admits defeat/or that he is wrong. Luckily we have seemed former ex-generals speak up, hopefully it reflects the general sentiment of the military.

Neoconservatives lost in 2016. Piping up before an election isn't going to do much for Biden. If anything, they should be trying to distance Biden from the neocons so that voters don't associate Biden with them. They are toxic. Voters prefer Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton when the neocons are around.

jimjam wrote:Colin Powell endorsed Democratic former US vice-president Joe Biden on Sunday, becoming the first major Republican to publicly back trump's rival ahead of November’s election.

He's a neoconservative jimjam, who lied to the UN Security Council to further war with Iraq. This doesn't surprise anyone.

jimjam wrote:Powell, who led the US military during the 1991 Gulf War in Iraq under Republican former President George HW Bush and later led the Department of State under President George W Bush, said trump has “drifted away” from the US Constitution and posed a danger to the country and its democracy.

Uh huh. While Bush erected the biggest domestic spy infrastructure in US history and then handed it over to Barack Obama. That administration made the East German Stasi seem feckless and disinterested in their political adversaries by comparison.

jimjam wrote:trump in a tweet called Powell “a real stiff”. jimjam has it from a reliable source that Bunker Bitch's tweet #86 on Sunday declared that Powell has "a really super bad farting problem that has been known to clear out whole rooms" :eek:

If Trump wants to get under Powell's skin, he just has to bring up Powell lying to the UN Security Council--it's Powell's source of eternal shame.

Drlee wrote:It is about police violence that unfairly affects black people.

Which occurs overwhelmingly in places controlled exclusively by the Democrat party urban political machine.

XogGyux wrote:Like what, what specifically is considered bugnuts "crazy" that the left has done?

Manufacturing Russiagate, spying on his political campaign, filing baseless criminal charges against people and forcing them to plea or face bankruptcy, gaslighting the entire country, dropping it like a hot rock and switching over to Ukrainegate, and on and on...

jimjam wrote:Take the heavy duty religious right. trump saw that they were a sizable voting bloc that marched in lock step and pretty much did as they were told.

As they will again, this time in force because the Democrats banned evangelicals from going to church, but allowed protesters to burn churches down. They won't forget that when they go in to vote.

Doug64 wrote:You mean besides abandoning all journalistic ethics and any pretense of believing in free speech, due process, or the presumption of innocence, all in an attempt to overthrow the 2016 election?

Or the Kavanaugh hearing or impeachment. This is why what the Democrats did to George Floyd is unsurprising. It's what they do all the time everywhere.

XogGyux wrote:First.. not all democrats are journalists.

True. About 90% of journalists, however, are Democrats.

XogGyux wrote:Second... not all journalists are democrats.

Right. Just 9 out of 10.

XogGyux wrote:Who is opposing free speech? Or due process? or presumption of innocence?

You didn't watch the Kavanaugh hearings or impeachment. Not to worry, they were terminal bores, like these protests by people who vote for the political machine that kills black people and then refuses to take any responsibility for their own political advocacy.

XogGyux wrote:do you remember what mitch mcmoron did? He simply sat on Obaman's nomination for a year?

Yes. However, McConnell did not suborn people to charge Merrick Garland with crimes Garland did not commit.

XogGyux wrote:Who is supporting looters and arsonists?

Media talking heads and politicians are consistently feigning understanding with things like burning St. John's Church, as though that had something to do with George Floyd's death at the hands of the urban Democrat political machine.

XogGyux wrote: (not to mention the countless times that he has mentioned to use it to kill mexicans in the border).

Obama deployed troops to the US-Mexican border in 2010.

XogGyux wrote:Trump is not going to catch a break from now until November.

No. He's not. However, he needs to start holding the Democrats accountable for killing black people all the time.


You do realize that's a state patrol not under Trump's command, right? Guess who is in control of that force? Or is this where your curiosity comes to a precipitous halt?
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By XogGyux
blackjack21 wrote:Wow, you're really going out on a limb there XogGyux. You could have said the same thing about Russiagate, Ukrainegate, impeachment, and coronavirus among other things. As soon as the latest Democrat attack fails, yes, they will have another one waiting in the wings.

Actually no. It is experience, and yes, for some of those events I also said the same thing.
It turns out this guy is incompetent, self-serving and lazy and that is why he keeps getting into trouble.

No. I don't. I remember them criticizing pretty much everything he did. Although, I don't think they got down to how many scoops of ice cream he ate, but I could be wrong.

They were pretty close... they criticized his mustard's choice!

Call me insane, but I think coercion of a foreign government into investigating your political enemies is more of an impeachable offense than ordering "the wrong" kind of mustard.
It is understandable that you think this is a both sides phenomena, that it is FOX vs MSNBC, republican hoaxes vs democratic hoaxes. But the reality is that this is a false equivalence.

Voters prefer Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton when the neocons are around.

That is not true. About 2,868,686 voters more voters preferred Clinton over Trump. That is more people than the 4 least populated states in the US combined.
Manufacturing Russiagate, spying on his political campaign, filing baseless criminal charges against people and forcing them to plea or face bankruptcy, gaslighting the entire country, dropping it like a hot rock and switching over to Ukrainegate, and on and on...

I am going to allow you to re-read your non-sense to see if you can spot it.
True. About 90% of journalists, however, are Democrats.

Maybe there is a reason for that, they might be right :lol: .
When there are "two sides" of a story, it does not mean both get equal merit.
For instance, one party stands for racism, bigotry, giving tax breaks to large businesses, discriminating against people's gender identity and shoving their particular religious morality down people's throats. The other one, does not.

You didn't watch the Kavanaugh hearings or impeachment. Not to worry, they were terminal bores, like these protests by people who vote for the political machine that kills black people and then refuses to take any responsibility for their own political advocacy.

LOL presumption of innocence? Dude, Trump showed the transcript himself, the transcript that proved the extortion that he did, and then he just stonewalled Congress... to do THEIR job. You know, because if Trump is just going to sit on his bed and tweet all day and not do his job, it is only fair that he also interferes with Congress' job.

Yes. However, McConnell did not suborn people to charge Merrick Garland with crimes Garland did not commit.

Nobody charged anyone with crimes you liar. Although Trump certainly committed them, he is getting away with them because of dense people like yourself.

Media talking heads and politicians are consistently feigning understanding with things like burning St. John's Church, as though that had something to do with George Floyd's death at the hands of the urban Democrat political machine.

So the "urban democrat political machine" burned the church? LOL
You and your conspiracy theories. What proof do you have that looting or burning is done by democrats at all?
No. He's not. However, he needs to start holding the Democrats accountable for killing black people all the time.

LOL, he cannot even hold himself to say that white supremacists are despicable. GL with that.
By Doug64
Hindsite wrote:As much as you understand, and you still plan to vote for dementia Joe Biden?
That is difficult for me to comprehend.

Nope, I’ll exercise my state’s option to vote for “None of the Above.” Just because Trump lacks the character needed to be president doesn’t make Biden any better of a choice, any more than it did Clinton.

And a couple of interesting tidbits for the 2020 election, one from Pennsylvania and one from Colorado. In Pennsylvania they held their primary, both Trump and Biden running unopposed, and with 99% reporting Trump received 921,060 votes (93%) while Biden received 859,877 votes, (78%). Sanders received 199,481 (18%).

Meanwhile in Colorado, former Democratic Governor and current Senate candidate has been charged with two ethics violations during his time as governor by the state’s Independent Ethics Commission (IEC), one vote unanimous and the other 4-1. He’s also being charged with contempt for refusing to testify before the commission.
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By Drlee
Which occurs overwhelmingly in places controlled exclusively by the Democrat party urban political machine.


Never mind. Even if it was true it is totally irrelevant. Indeed it would show that these areas understand exactly who is forwarding a racist agenda and who is at least trying.
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By jimjam
blackjack21 wrote:He's a neoconservative jimjam, who lied

A "neoconservative"? :eek: :eek: OMG! I didn't know that. That's way worse than your boy Donald who is a raving lunatic hiding behind a few dozen storm troopers who lies every time he opens his mouth.

How about those other military traitors to trump? Got any dirt on them? Hopefully they are not "neoconservatives".

So far I've seen a lot of pictures of Joe Biden looking like he is constipated and has gas pains. And, it seems, the best reason you trump mousecateers can come up with for voting for trump is real and imagined slime on Joe. I am still waiting with baited breath to hear what trump's plan is to make affordable health care available for all Americans. Something, you know, of a bit more substance than , "A really really great wonderful plan that will be perfect."
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By jimjam
XogGyux wrote:About 2,868,686 voters more voters preferred Clinton over Trump

Get with trump's "alternative facts" program man. Those millions and more were illegals from Mexico. Thank God we have trump to call that one because nobody else seemed to have noticed. :|
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By blackjack21
XogGyux wrote:Actually no. It is experience, and yes, for some of those events I also said the same thing.

The population at large is pretty used to this now. We're already pretty well segregated into those who will lap up the propaganda and those who will disregard it.

XogGyux wrote:It turns out this guy is incompetent, self-serving and lazy and that is why he keeps getting into trouble.

It turns out that Trump's detractors refuse to address the policy positions that got him elected, leaving Trump's strengths completely unmolested while yammering on about character flaws that have little or nothing to do with policy.

XogGyux wrote:Call me insane, but I think coercion of a foreign government into investigating your political enemies is more of an impeachable offense than ordering "the wrong" kind of mustard.

If you are the chief law enforcement officer, investigating the crimes of your political enemies is not only your duty and obligation, it is also in your political interest. Mustard choices have nothing to do with policy. Yet, Obama put Biden in charge of policy in Ukraine and China, and in both cases his familial relations were profiting off Biden's position.

XogGyux wrote:It is understandable that you think this is a both sides phenomena, that it is FOX vs MSNBC, republican hoaxes vs democratic hoaxes.

I think dwelling too much on character tics is intended to keep the populace from considering substantive policy issues.

XogGyux wrote:That is not true. About 2,868,686 voters more voters preferred Clinton over Trump. That is more people than the 4 least populated states in the US combined.

You may believe this. I do not. Running up the score in California and New York is more an illustration of voter fraud than of the overwhelming popularity of a political party that isn't doing a particularly stellar job.

XogGyux wrote:When there are "two sides" of a story, it does not mean both get equal merit.

I think there are more than two sides to a story, and the establishment tries to limit the population to one of two views that are acceptable to the establishment.

XogGyux wrote:The other one, does not.

The Democrats just stands for killing black people with their police forces, giving needles and methodone to people, preventing black students from getting decent primary educations, exploiting the labor of illegal immigrants, and blaming all societies ills on white men.

XogGyux wrote:Dude, Trump showed the transcript himself, the transcript that proved the extortion that he did, and then he just stonewalled Congress... to do THEIR job.

It's already established that Biden used taxpayers dollars as leverage to get his kid and the company he represented out of a legal jam. Trump uncovered the corruption.

XogGyux wrote:Nobody charged anyone with crimes you liar.

Democrats staged a faux Senate trial accusing Kavanaugh of sexual assault as a teen.

XogGyux wrote:Although Trump certainly committed them, he is getting away with them because of dense people like yourself.

I don't care about Trump and his personal life. I care about policies and what effect they have on me and on the country. Although, I am amused at the degree to which Trump has sent the establishment into a dither.

XogGyux wrote: What proof do you have that looting or burning is done by democrats at all?

Democrats use force to break up church services, but will not use force to break up riots.

XogGyux wrote:LOL, he cannot even hold himself to say that white supremacists are despicable. GL with that.

I agree that he likes the Democrats too much and his desire to get along with them is a character flaw.

jimjam wrote:How about those other military traitors to trump? Got any dirt on them? Hopefully they are not "neoconservatives".

Pretty much all of them are.

jimjam wrote:And, it seems, the best reason you trump mousecateers can come up with for voting for trump is real and imagined slime on Joe.

Keeping the neocon/neoliberals off the levers of power, SCOTUS, keeping regulations in check, pissing off liberals to no end, etc. are good reasons too. However, I think Trump's legacy will be the courts, creating a huge chasm between politically correct "woke" types and normal people, and normalizing US corporate tax rates with the rest of the world.

Anyway, Rasmussen has Trump at 44% approval and NBC/WSJ has him at 45%, well above his election day 2016 approval. Not even national riots seem to change the minds of Trump supporters. If Democrats want to burn their cities down and spread the Chinese coronavirus to each other, I guess that's their right.
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By Drlee
If Democrats want to burn their cities down and spread the Chinese coronavirus to each other, I guess that's their right.

I see you are towing the party line and referring to it as the "Chinese" virus. It is in the glimpses that we see that at the end of the day you are just another republican hack spreading Trump's talking points.
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By jimjam
blackjack21 wrote:The

jimjam wrote:I am still waiting with baited breath to hear what trump's plan is to make affordable health care available for all Americans. Something, you know, of a bit more substance than , "A really really great wonderful plan that will be perfect."

You apparently missed this. I'll be glad to vote FOR Donald rather than AGAINST that miserable demented piece of jet trash Biden. But, I am still waiting for news on Fatso's actual policy plans. Health care reform is, for me, the biggest area that needs an actual presidential plan ……. not Joe Biden's gas pains.

There are basically two groups who will vote for trump: rich boys like you who have been paid off by the Fat Guy and morons for whom entertaining drivel like this is more important than something like health care reform is way too complex to grasp.
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By XogGyux
blackjack21 wrote:It turns out that Trump's detractors refuse to address the policy positions that got him elected, leaving Trump's strengths completely unmolested while yammering on about character flaws that have little or nothing to do with policy.

I'll bite.
Please enumerate the top 10 of Trump's policies, how they were implemented and their outcome and how they benefit you/your community.

If you are the chief law enforcement officer, investigating the crimes of your political enemies is not only your duty and obligation, it is also in your political interest. Mustard choices have nothing to do with policy. Yet, Obama put Biden in charge of policy in Ukraine and China, and in both cases his familial relations were profiting off Biden's position.

No. If a crime was committed that was either local police and/or FBI depending on jurisdiction. What he was doing was coercing a government into doing his political manure.

I think dwelling too much on character tics is intended to keep the populace from considering substantive policy issues.

As above.

You may believe this. I do not. Running up the score in California and New York is more an illustration of voter fraud than of the overwhelming popularity of a political party that isn't doing a particularly stellar job.

LOL. Yet, the rare case of voter fraud that we have is usually some sort of disgruntled republican going door to door trying to get people's absentee votes... I wonder who they voted for?
Or the NY police murderer, who apparently used Florida to vote as a registered Republican... I wonder who he voted for.
Even the task force appointed by Trump himself largely concluded that there was no there-there, that at most we are talking about a handful of votes for the whole country. You and your conspiracy theories.

The Democrats just stands for killing black people with their police forces, giving needles and methodone to people, preventing black students from getting decent primary educations, exploiting the labor of illegal immigrants, and blaming all societies ills on white men.

Wow, big baseless accusations. Why don't you go and point bullet by bullet why do you believe what you are saying is accurate. Sorry, my conspiracy mind-reading machine is not working today.

It's already established that Biden used taxpayers dollars as leverage to get his kid and the company he represented out of a legal jam. Trump uncovered the corruption.

Trump... the same guy that makes secret service stay at his properties and charges them exorbitant fees... Who pays for the secret service budget? is it France? Maybe Google? Twitter?... Oh no, that's right, fucking taxpayers pay for that. How dumb do you have to be to fall for a conspiracy theory while allowing the conman to take advantage of yourself in plain view?

I care about policies and what effect they have on me and on the country.

Go ahead, you mention all these policies. I hope that next post of you have at least 10 of those policies with detailed implementation and how it benefits your community...

Although, I am amused at the degree to which Trump has sent the establishment into a dither.

You and your "establishment" conspiracies. Since Trump took office republicans have bled the house, governor seats, some state legislature seats. If that is what you meant... well great job! Ofcourse, they bled to Democrats... which I guess you consider establishment as well right?
Wait a minute... AOC was not a politician... does that mean you are an AOC supporter? do you want to fill the government with many AOC-like candidates?
ROFL, this establishment nonsense might give you street cred in your local white-only-nazi-supremacists local bar, but in here it just exposes your gullibility.
Democrats use force to break up church services, but will not use force to break up riots.

I'll bite, what democrats used police in riot gear, tear gas, rubber bullets to clear churches?
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