Tucker: Black Lives Matter is now a political party - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Tucker Carlson posits that the BLM movement is now the most powerful political party in the USA in light of the utter lack of leadership that the political establishment has demonstrated. He describes the McCarthy-era social climate wherein lack of affirmation of the corrupt and violent BLM movement will get you fired and/or socially ostracized.

He also addresses the bizarre answers and demands of BLM activists, such as 'defunding the police' and 'calling the police during a home invasion is a form of white privilege'. And mentions the kneeling phenomenon, which includes FBI agents, police officers, National Guard units, Trudeau, the effete and enfeebled gerontocratic DNC leadership, such as Nancy Pelosi and others.

Kneeling - a symbol of subservience and submission - has apparently been fully embraced by certain parts of the political establishment within the USA. Can they ever live this one down?
I think he's claim that this is a strategy by the Democrats to gain control of policing is too conspirational for me.

But yes, the prevailing climate is rather... Fanatical right now. However, his very example of a home invasion and the fact that most people - particularly those who aren't upper middle class - understand it should eventually keep this nonsense at bay.

As for kneeling, I personally don't see anything wrong with it as long as people do it out of their sincere desire for speech as opposed to fear of the mobs. And yes, it was wrong to punish Kaepernick over exercising his free speech on the matter.
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The Sabbaticus wrote:Tucker Carlson posits that the BLM movement is now the most powerful political party in the USA in light of the utter lack of leadership that the political establishment has demonstrated.

The strong live, and the weak die!

He describes the McCarthy-era social climate wherein lack of affirmation of the corrupt and violent BLM movement will get you fired and/or socially ostracized.

The Old System, wherein a person may be murdered in public, in broad daylight, on camera simply for having the wrong skin color, and where the rich steal from the poor during a deadly pandemic, and where peaceful protesters of all this violence get shot and run down by police vehicles, has lost all legitimacy. Excuse me for not giving a shit about what it thinks is "corrupt" or "violent".

He also addresses the bizarre answers and demands of BLM activists, such as 'defunding the police' and 'calling the police during a home invasion is a form of white privilege'.

It is. If you call the police for help while black, you have a pretty good chance of being arrested and/or murdered yourself.

And mentions the kneeling phenomenon, which includes FBI agents, police officers, National Guard units, Trudeau, the effete and enfeebled gerontocratic DNC leadership, such as Nancy Pelosi and others.

Kneeling - a symbol of subservience and submission - has apparently been fully embraced by certain parts of the political establishment within the USA. Can they ever live this one down?

Maybe a better way to fight subservience and submission would be to first condemn the symbols and statues to genocide and slavery that America is riddled with. Just a thought.
Donna wrote:Conservatives hate them! The Frankfurt School is about to go NEXT LEVEL by taking over the POLICE - Find out more

lendingtree Mortgage kneels for social justice

These refi rates won't last forever! Act now!

5 reasons why the arrest of Antifa's leader won't impact stock markets

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The woketard revolution has corporate sponsors. :lol: The revulotion is being televised. :lol:
US companies flood civil rights groups with donations

US civil rights groups have received a surge of corporate donations since Minneapolis police killed George Floyd, transforming the fortunes of some of the organisations hit hardest by the Covid-19 crisis. 

A Financial Times review of statements from US companies found more than $450m in pledges to groups focused on social and racial justice, which typically depend more on individual donations, often from people in disadvantaged communities. 

Walmart and its foundation promised to put $100m into a new racial equity centre; Warner Music and Sony Music announced $100m funds with few details attached; and Nike pledged $40m to various organisations. 

Amazon, Facebook, Google and Spotify announced donations of $10m or more, with Apple giving undisclosed amounts to groups including the Equal Justice Initiative. Goldman Sachs, Target, United Health and Verizon’s foundation each gave $10m. 

Jacob Harold, executive vice-president of Candid, which studies non-profits and foundations, said it had tracked $232m in donations to racial equity groups since Floyd’s death — almost as much as they receive in a typical year. 
https://www.ft.com/content/5a83fcff-9de ... 030759f755

LA finance yuppies and corporate media are the vanguard of the woketard revolution. The "real" "left". :lol:
wat0n wrote:Maybe, but he does have a point there's quite a bit of fanaticism going on.

But you can see the fanaticism with your own eyes too, so he doesn't say much with that. The conspiracy theory is what worth listening to, as usual. However, there are fake conspiracy theories as well, but I think that one is for real because it totally makes sense.
To the OP, BLM isn't a political party, it's a political activist movement. Any decent human being should agree that black lives matter and that blacks are brutalized by thuggish and/or racist police and it needs to be fixed. There's a ton of decent people who support BLM and there's a lot of people who do and say nutty things too.

Important thing is to listen to the people with good ideas and avoid feeling so bullied that we're forced to adopt the bad ideas too.
In this social media era, there's an extremely vocal minority. You have the Trumpist activists on the right, then you have the rabid folks on the left. The silent majority is left unheard. This is dangerous, since our perception of what people actually want is skewed.

Judging by reactions on social media and the MSM you would have thought Trump would have lost by a landslide in 2016, only supported by his neo-nazi/alt-right base. You'd also assume Sanders or Warren would have whipped Biden, but again the silent and more moderate majority thinks different.
Beren wrote:But you can see the fanaticism with your own eyes too, so he doesn't say much with that. The conspiracy theory is what worth listening to, as usual. However, there are fake conspiracy theories as well, but I think that one is for real because it totally makes sense.

I don't see how it makes sense. The protests have overwhelmingly affected Democrat led localities as far as I can see, so if anything this is in effect a fight within the Dems for the most part.

I actually think a much more likely option is that Trump himself has been trying to stir shit up in Democratic-led states/localities and he's gotten a godsend in this regard.
wat0n wrote:I don't see how it makes sense. The protests have overwhelmingly affected Democrat led localities as far as I can see, so if anything this is in effect a fight within the Dems for the most part.

Cops are the same everywhere, conservative or even reactionary, I guess, so Democrats want to have their own cops wherever they have the political power to do so, while being in cahoots with radicals such as Antifa and BLM.
The main problem with Black Lives matter, is not that some people in it might have an orthodox Marxist agenda, but that their whole narrative is a filthy anti-White racist lie. Even under Jim Crow, the majority of Black murder victims were murdered by other Blacks. BLM care no more about Black lives than the Russian Communist Party compared about the Ukrainian peasantry.

Of course we should care more a lot more about an unlawful killing by a police office than an ordinary citizen. But most posters here are not electors for the Minneapolis city council. Most are not electors in Minnesota, heck most aren't even citizens of the United States.

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