" Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response" - Page 163 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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@Hindsite, there was community transmission before the 1st recorded case, but you can't find a virus if you don't look for it. The US had warnings about the virus in November from intelligence and in December and on January 3rd from Beijing and the WHO. Yet the US delayed testing for months. Any place where the virus spread undetected for a month or more (Wuhan, Iran, Lombardy, the US, etc.) has turned into an infection hot spot. That wasn't necessary. Germany had a test ready January 13th, two weeks before the first virus was imported into the country. This test was available to the whole world.

Don't pretend that the Trump administration followed WHO recommendation if it acted against WHO recommendation about the border closing. The fact that the US travel ban proved useless shows that the WHO was right.

The geographical position together with other factors such as lack of public transport, etc., would have made it easy to protect the US from the virus. The fact that it has become the worst affected country in the West is entirely due to the Trump administration.

By the time Trump is moved from the WH into prison, he'll be directly responsible for the deaths of more than 200,000 Americans and the worst economic crisis the country has ever experienced, from which it may never fully recover.
Atlantis wrote:@Hindsite, there was community transmission before the 1st recorded case, but you can't find a virus if you don't look for it. The US had warnings about the virus in November from intelligence and in December and on January 3rd from Beijing and the WHO. Yet the US delayed testing for months. Any place where the virus spread undetected for a month or more (Wuhan, Iran, Lombardy, the US, etc.) has turned into an infection hot spot. That wasn't necessary. Germany had a test ready January 13th, two weeks before the first virus was imported into the country. This test was available to the whole world.

Don't pretend that the Trump administration followed WHO recommendation if it acted against WHO recommendation about the border closing. The fact that the US travel ban proved useless shows that the WHO was right.

The geographical position together with other factors such as lack of public transport, etc., would have made it easy to protect the US from the virus. The fact that it has become the worst affected country in the West is entirely due to the Trump administration.

By the time Trump is moved from the WH into prison, he'll be directly responsible for the deaths of more than 200,000 Americans and the worst economic crisis the country has ever experienced, from which it may never fully recover.

The Chinese Communist Party is the one to blame for the deaths all over the World, not Trump. I gave you a link to the Timeline of the Corona Virus and yet you are still believing all that crap from the Trump hating left-wing media that continue to make up lies about Trump all the time. If you want to continue to be a Trump hater, then there is no point in me trying to give you the truth, because it is clear that you want to believe the lies over truth.
@Hindsite, you didn't provide any link, nor did you provide any proof contradicting what I said.

Tissue samples of an individual without travel record prove that the first death due to Covid-19 in California occurred Feb. 6th. Since it takes at least 3 to 6 weeks from infection to death, the patient must have been infected in early to mid-January in California. That means there was community transmission in the US weeks before the travel ban. Moreover, since the virus was imported from numerous countries, the travel ban was completely useless.

Autopsies find first U.S. coronavirus death occurred in early February, weeks earlier than previously thought

Your populist president replaced most of the experts with yes-men who did't launch a viable virus response because they were busy bolstering the fragile ego of your president.

Having failed to contain the virus, the Trump administration delayed the lockdown. It's always too little too late. After the half-measure of the lockdown, he now wants to reopen the economy even though new infections are stagnating at a high level of around 22,000 a day, while the major European countries can now safely reopen the economy after having reduced infections to about 5% of the peak level. This means the 2nd wave is guaranteed to hit the US, which will require a 2nd lockdown with even worse economic consequences.

I'm sure the Chinese would be glad to contain the virus in the US as they have done at home if you hand them the keys to the WH. Quite frankly, they would do a better job of administrating the US than Trump; anybody would.

You haven't replied to any argument, instead you continue to blindly believe in your cult leader. But I really have to thank you because you'll be the end of your country and of US imperialism. Do hold onto your believes, the US won't survive a second Trump term. :up:
Atlantis wrote:@Hindsite, you didn't provide any link, nor did you provide any proof contradicting what I said.

As I pointed out before, you have already made up your mind to believe the Trump hating fake news so I am not going to waste any more time with you.
And as anyone other than an ignorant Republican could have told you all along, we opened up and cases are skyrocketing in places where it was not before.

Of course Trump has lost interest in the pandemic because he knows he blew it so we have no national leadership at all. The CDC is a disaster. If I was the president I would fire the leadership there and put a general in charge.
Drlee wrote:And as anyone other than an ignorant Republican could have told you all along, we opened up and cases are skyrocketing in places where it was not before.

Of course Trump has lost interest in the pandemic because he knows he blew it so we have no national leadership at all. The CDC is a disaster. If I was the president I would fire the leadership there and put a general in charge.

That is just one of the many reason that I am glad you are not the president. You have no common sense.
That is just one of the many reason that I am glad you are not the president. You have no common sense.

That is why you continuously do not understand. I am a scientist. I do not rely on "common sense" in matters of science.
Drlee wrote:That is why you continuously do not understand. I am a scientist. I do not rely on "common sense" in matters of science.

In matters of scientific research, of course common sense doesn't steer your work.

But in terms of scientific government policies, without common sense, we are doomed. Applying scientific discoveries and inventions without filtering for "common sense" is how we got to the edge of extinction. And the reason that "common sense" so rarely intervenes during the promotion of technologies (which includes vaccines) is that there is just SO MUCH MONEY to be made from new patents.

MONEY!!! has replaced common sense in the introduction of new tech. Perhaps from the very first technologies.
The number of cases is increasing in 21 states, as Americans try to return to their normal routines“Cases are rising, including from cases in congregate settings,” said Luciana Borio, who led pandemic preparedness for the National Security Council between 2017 and 2019. “We still have a pandemic.”

Nine current and former administration officials, as well as outside experts, further detailed how the White House is steadily ramping down the urgency to fight a threat that continues to sicken more than 100,000 Americans per week and is spiking in more than 21 states..

It'll be interesting to see how trump tries to ignore the continued and perhaps rising accumulation of dead Americans. I hear he is to restart his red beanie brigade hysteria extravaganzas ….. certainly there will be no protective masks permitted at these trump fests since a face mask is a sure sign that you are a weakling …. the enemy, a weak kneed "liberal".
QatzelOk wrote:In matters of scientific research, of course common sense doesn't steer your work.

But in terms of scientific government policies, without common sense, we are doomed. Applying scientific discoveries and inventions without filtering for "common sense" is how we got to the edge of extinction. And the reason that "common sense" so rarely intervenes during the promotion of technologies (which includes vaccines) is that there is just SO MUCH MONEY to be made from new patents.

MONEY!!! has replaced common sense in the introduction of new tech. Perhaps from the very first technologies.

LOL this is what you don't use "common sense" because common sense is not common, as the aforementioned conspiracy theorists demonstrates.

Case scenario 1: We get a vaccine. The guy complains that the medical industrial complex just wants to make $$$.
Case scenario 2: We don't get a vaccine. The guy complains that the medical industrial complex don't want to have a vaccine that prevents the disease because what they want is people get sick so they can sell ventilators machines, tests kits, and treatment drugs which improve the symptoms and or increase chances of recovery but don't really prevent the actual disease.
Case scenario 3: They don't do shit. "These companies don't care about human life"

In either case, he gets to make the case that everyone is out to get you.
XogGyux wrote:Case scenario 1: We get a vaccine. The guy complains that the medical industrial complex just wants to make $$$.
Case scenario 2: We don't get a vaccine. The guy complains that the medical industrial complex don't want to have a vaccine that prevents the disease because what they want is people get sick so they can sell ventilators machines, tests kits, and treatment drugs which improve the symptoms and or increase chances of recovery but don't really prevent the actual disease.
Case scenario 3: They don't do shit. "These companies don't care about human life"

In either case, he gets to make the case that everyone is out to get you.

Common sense is not called "common" because it is so banal and ubiquitous. It is called "common" because it is earned by participating in "the Commons."

In privatized societies like the USA and Canada, the "commons" has been greatly reduced in the last century (suburbia, cars, media, less socializing, working from home, etc) and it appears that much of our common sense is also gone.

In your list of possible scenarios, it is obvious that you haven't spoken to anyone from Africa who may have witnessed one of the WHO's vaccination programs that ended up paralyzing children who were used as guinea pigs testing a vaccine against something like cervical cancer. I have and I have also read quite a bit about vaccine disasters.

Likewise, you haven't questionned "the profit motive" when applied to medicine. Bill Gates appears to have bought the WHO (and maybe the CDC as well) and is using it as a PPP to test vaccines on poor children in third world situations.

Also, your three scenarios leave out any possiblity of people dying by the millions from a vaccine.

This kind of naivité has been created by the abscence of spontaneous face-to-face conversations on a variety of community subjects in North American (and other countries), and it is why "common sense" is so uncommon.

Should we trust the current medical establishment? Common sense says NO, while all commercial media (vaccine salesmen) say YES!

These vaccine salesmen also spend a lot of time warning the public not to consult any other opinions. This is the kind of manipulation that is possible in the absence of a properly-functionning society.
Well it was totally predictable.

Trump turned his back on the pandemic because it was bad politics and he was getting his ass kicked over it. That is nothing short of murder. When was the last time we heard from the CDC who should be running the response.

True to his "bone spurs" level of courage he simply walked away giving some cock and bull story about pandemic control being a state issue. Murder.

Then he modeled dangerous behavior by not wearing a mask (which is too little too late anyway but helps) and talking about opening churches. Murder.

Then he excoriated REPUBLICAN governors who did not open their states right away on twitter. Murder.

So you know he also said, because he is such a fucking expert, that the virus would go away in hot weather. Of course this is bullshit, the CDC told him it was bullshit, but he just lied on and on. Murder.

So what is the absolutely predictable result of reopening? People are dying in huge numbers. Infections are on their way up and it is NOT the demonstrations that is causing it. (I say that because his dickless supporters will float that piece of ignorance in his defense. But then they are, by and large, less intelligent that Trump is (if that is even possible) because he has certainly fooled them.

But what did he fool them into doing? Killing their fathers and mothers. Killing their wives and children. And why? So he has a shot at reelection. In my own state his suck buddy, Governor Ducey, not only opened the state up wide he signed a bill in the state legislature making it illegal for the mayors of cities where there are exploding infections ordering that these cities shut down. Hardly anyone is wearing a mask and guess what....neither is the governor.

This is not my republican party. I would not piss on a republican if he was on fire. The party is lost and I have changed my registration to independent. Today I was called by an old friend and precinct leader asking for help and I told him to fuck off.

Republicans expect people to die for money. That is completely in line with what Trump thinks about everyone. So you Trump supporters. Strike a blow for freedom. Go out to dinner. Hit the bars. Do not wear a mask.

Especially you Hindsite. At your age if you get this you are a dead man. And you will probably kill your wife on the way down. But why be different? Your president needs your support. Show us how smart you are and leave the mask at home when you go to church. You know. Like Trump did when he sicked the US military on civilians so he could hold up a Bible at a church he has never attended. Sing loud. You will be, after all, auditioning for the heavenly choir. You will finally get to see Jesus. And Trump will have arranged the meeting.
Drlee wrote:Well it was totally predictable.

Trump turned his back on the pandemic because it was bad politics and he was getting his ass kicked over it. That is nothing short of murder. When was the last time we heard from the CDC who should be running the response.

True to his "bone spurs" level of courage he simply walked away giving some cock and bull story about pandemic control being a state issue. Murder.

Then he modeled dangerous behavior by not wearing a mask (which is too little too late anyway but helps) and talking about opening churches. Murder.

Then he excoriated REPUBLICAN governors who did not open their states right away on twitter. Murder.

So you know he also said, because he is such a fucking expert, that the virus would go away in hot weather. Of course this is bullshit, the CDC told him it was bullshit, but he just lied on and on. Murder.

So what is the absolutely predictable result of reopening? People are dying in huge numbers. Infections are on their way up and it is NOT the demonstrations that is causing it. (I say that because his dickless supporters will float that piece of ignorance in his defense. But then they are, by and large, less intelligent that Trump is (if that is even possible) because he has certainly fooled them.

But what did he fool them into doing? Killing their fathers and mothers. Killing their wives and children. And why? So he has a shot at reelection. In my own state his suck buddy, Governor Ducey, not only opened the state up wide he signed a bill in the state legislature making it illegal for the mayors of cities where there are exploding infections ordering that these cities shut down. Hardly anyone is wearing a mask and guess what....neither is the governor.

This is not my republican party. I would not piss on a republican if he was on fire. The party is lost and I have changed my registration to independent. Today I was called by an old friend and precinct leader asking for help and I told him to fuck off.

Republicans expect people to die for money. That is completely in line with what Trump thinks about everyone. So you Trump supporters. Strike a blow for freedom. Go out to dinner. Hit the bars. Do not wear a mask.

Especially you Hindsite. At your age if you get this you are a dead man. And you will probably kill your wife on the way down. But why be different? Your president needs your support. Show us how smart you are and leave the mask at home when you go to church. You know. Like Trump did when he sicked the US military on civilians so he could hold up a Bible at a church he has never attended. Sing loud. You will be, after all, auditioning for the heavenly choir. You will finally get to see Jesus. And Trump will have arranged the meeting.

The sad part is that all they did was hit "pause" destroyed the economy without really addressing the disease. In nearly 6 months of this, no big undertaking in the means of deal with the disease. I think he really was hoping for this shit to magically disapear.

With some luck, coronavirus won't show the same degree of seasonality that the flu does. If it does, I dont think we can avoid 1M+ deaths within the year.
I agree with you. So does the former head of the CDC. He puts the number at 800K at the low end to 1.8 million a the high end. These are staggering but Trump supporters simply do not care. They are supporting a holocaust like event. And the blame can be laid at the feet of one man. Donald Trump. The solutions were right there in front of him all along. Sad.

I was tested yesterday......

So the evil bastard decided to go ahead with his rallies. They will be killers. Many many people will die because of them. He does not care. Neither does Hindsite, Doug64 and the rest of the Trump sycophants. If they did they would be screaming from the rafters. If you go to Trump's campaign website and sign up for tickets to his events you can see just exactly how Trump and the Republican party feels about its supporters. Here is the quote from the Trump Campaign Inc.
"By clicking register below, you are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. By attending the Rally, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.," the rally site or organizers "liable for any illness or injury,".

Murdering scum.
Drlee wrote:That is why you continuously do not understand. I am a scientist. I do not rely on "common sense" in matters of science.

You should use common sense in science. Maybe that is why your science sounds so shitty and you haven't won a Nobel prize in science. :lol:
You should use common sense in science. Maybe that is why your science sounds so shitty and you haven't won a Nobel prize in science.

How do you know I haven't?*

*I just fed you the greatest straight-line in the history of POFO. If you don't get the two word answer correct it will be a sad day indeed.
Drlee wrote:...the former head of the CDC. ...
I was tested yesterday......

So the evil bastard decided to go ahead with his rallies. They will be killers. ...

Has everyone in Sweden passed away yet?

How many million black lives are at risk now that all those million-person marches have taken place, do you figure, Mr. Science?

Also, since Science is a dictatorship where contradictory opinions are banished... why is there so much negative material on the Internet regarding vaccines, Bill Gates, WHO, Fauci, etc.? Just to be anti-Science?

Or does real science (and real journalism) involve debates and listening to contradictory opinions?

Like this one:
Drlee wrote:These are staggering but Trump supporters simply do not care. They are supporting a holocaust like event. And the blame can be laid at the feet of one man. Donald Trump. The solutions were right there in front of him all along.

After Democrats and the media calling for mass protests following the urban Democrat political machine's killing of George Floyd, pretty much all the good that could have come from shelter-in-place orders and social distancing is out the window, particularly among the urban left. So these were basically just suicide protests if the Wuhan coronavirus is to revive and spread rapidly again.

Drlee wrote:So the evil bastard decided to go ahead with his rallies. They will be killers. Many many people will die because of them.

How many people will die from the George Floyd riots? I assume you think that answer is zero?

Drlee wrote:He does not care. Neither does Hindsite, Doug64 and the rest of the Trump sycophants.

That ship has sailed Drlee. You can't claim it's legitimate to peacefully protest, but not legitimate to peacefully attend a campaign rally in a democracy. It's the same basic right. Plenty of people have died as a result of these protests, and potentially many more will die due to the spread of Wuhan coronavirus among America's leftists.

QatzelOk wrote:How many million black lives are at risk now that all those million-person marches have taken place, do you figure, Mr. Science?

He's just pissed, because the Democrat party is in the throws of destroying itself as well as throwing away all the public good will and sacrifices people endured of lockdowns only to see the Democrats cheering on looting, arson, and general rioting while insisting it is "peaceful" and utterly ignoring social distancing. Naturally, Trump is going to capitalize on the Democrat's convulsions and Drlee knows it.
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