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By Doug64
Something I haven't noticed much commenting on:

By Patrickov
Doug64 wrote:Something I haven't noticed much commenting on.

Aside from the question of its accuracy (i.e. whether this is a lie or not), I am afraid it is little more than silly propaganda.

Even if Biden "copies" Trump's policies many believes the administration under Biden would carry the same policy out more "properly". Rather than accusing Biden for "plagiarism", why not putting forward some evidence to question his team's ability or willingness to carry out their promises?
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By Potemkin
Saeko wrote:@Potemkin

What is your estimated probability that Europe or China will give us an economic bailout, 100% or 110%?

Not sure yet, but you should probably start learning Mandarin, just to hedge your bets. :|
By Doug64
Patrickov wrote:Even if Biden "copies" Trump's policies many believes the administration under Biden would carry the same policy out more "properly". Rather than accusing Biden for "plagiarism", why not putting forward some evidence to question his team's ability or willingness to carry out their promises?

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By Hindsite
XogGyux wrote:Anybody that comes close to trump ends up losing or tainting their reputation. Does not matter if they are close because they are their ally, adversary and as we can see with Fauci (and prior people, including military) apolitical.
I don't know why this has been so hard to understand. If I were fauci I would have quit on day one.

Dr. Fauci is 79 years old and should have already retired. He just made too many mistakes.
By Patrickov
Doug64 wrote:https://youtu.be/dew9qqoAM9A

I can only say those criticising him under the video are exactly what many Hongkongers see in their more moderate anti-CCP (but not necessarily anti-China) democrats.
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By Beren
blackjack21 wrote:Money supply...

Would you, please, show me a macroeconomic equation with stock market indices? I haven't seen one yet.
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By XogGyux
Hindsite wrote:Dr. Fauci is 79 years old and should have already retired. He just made too many mistakes.

Trump is 74 years old and should have already retired. He has done nothing but mistakes.
By Doug64
Patrickov wrote:I can only say those criticising him under the video are exactly what many Hongkongers see in their more moderate anti-CCP (but not necessarily anti-China) democrats.

I hadn’t bothered to look at the comments. But yeah, I would imagine that those would be about as anti-CCP as the Hongkongers used to be allowed before the CCP asserted direct control (something the Left can only dream about for Facebook—so far, though they are busy working on achieving Stalin’s dream).
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By Wulfschilde
There is indeed a massive, multi-corporate campaign to make Facebook bend the knee and ban all hostile talk of immigrants. Huge corporations like Pepsi are in on it. But as usual the Democrats have messed it up. Let's say that they win and Facebook bans anti-immigration ads or something, it wouldn't even matter very much because they have given Trump half a dozen other compelling things he can run on now besides continuing to build a wall.
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By jimjam
Future historians will regard this as the Trump Plague and the Trump Depression. The millions of deaths and the trillions of dollars lost worldwide will be due largely to Trump’s narcissism and obsessive hatred toward Obama.

There can be no progress in health or economics until Trump leaves office in Jan. 2021.
By annatar1914
Doug64 wrote:I have to disagree. The Democratic Party survived the slavery crisis, it can survive this. Mind it would take some years—they’d have to convince the far-Left to abandon them and form another third party, then work on wooing the populists back—but it could be done. There are few people more pragmatic than professional politicians.

The Liberal Ideologues could go to the Green party or elsewhere, sure, but the machinery of the two-party system in America will make that a long and painful process, because most have nowhere else they think they can go, realistically. And I'm not talking of the faux ''revolutionaries'' in the streets either, most of them are little more than crisis actors and agent provocateurs working knowingly or unknowingly for some ''deep pockets'' somewhere.

No, the Democratic party might not make it I think. What I do think is that the regular process in American history of one party in the two-party system imploding and then a similar party forming up to replace it, isn't going to happen this time.
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By jimjam
Hindsite wrote:Dr. Fauci is 79 years old and should have already retired. He just made too many mistakes.

Meet Donald's newest Corona Virus advisor:


“We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

“Looks like by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.”

“The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”

“It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

“We’re prepared, and we’re doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”

“I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning."

Don, Never Made A Mistake, The Con
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By JohnRawls
Doug64 wrote:Something I haven't noticed much commenting on:


What exactly is there to comment. It is the right things to do when Trump did it and it is the right thing to do when Biden is doing it. They are both supposed to look after the US economy and this is what they are doing.

As mentioned before, Trump didn't do many things right but looking after jobs and the economy, even to the extent that he did, is the right move.
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By XogGyux
JohnRawls wrote:What exactly is there to comment. It is the right things to do when Trump did it and it is the right thing to do when Biden is doing it. They are both supposed to look after the US economy and this is what they are doing.

As mentioned before, Trump didn't do many things right but looking after jobs and the economy, even to the extent that he did, is the right move.

These people cannot understand the nuance of evaluating policy rather than personality/party. Careful, trying to explain this to them might get you into a never-ending spiral chasing your own tail :lol: .

For what is worth, spending trillions of dollars into the US economy with an emphasis in green energy is the right thing. Even for those that subscribe to the conspiracy theory that global warming is not real and/or not human-caused... the rest of the world do. It does not matter if brain control is a real thing or a cuckoo crazy theory, the guy that sells tinfoil hats is pretty happy either way. The same thing would apply here, selling our Teslas, our generators, our batteries would be great regardless of whether or not climate change is real.
Same shit with automation... it is better for us to be the ones selling the robots to everyone else than to let china do the robots with their cheap labor and sell them to us :knife:
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By XogGyux
540pm, everyone turn on the news, Trump is having a stroke in national television right now

I just finished watching the thing... I'm disturbed, I am having dejavu... this is exactly the same behavior and demeanor of Fidel Castro back in Cuba.. Same shit... blame everyone else for your perils, complete and utter ignorance and attempt to re-write history... not even decades-old history... he is trying to rewrite last week and last month and last year history. This is disastrous.
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By Hindsite
XogGyux wrote:Trump is 74 years old and should have already retired. He has done nothing but mistakes.

In my opinion, Trump has done a good job as President, even as the Democrats try to undermine him every step of the way. That is why I will be voting for him in November. Also he is younger and sharper than dementia Joe Biden.
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By XogGyux
Hindsite wrote:In my opinion, Trump has done a good job as President, even as the Democrats try to undermine him every step of the way. That is why I will be voting for him in November. Also he is younger and sharper than dementia Joe Biden.

ROFL, so Fauci in his 70's is too old for his job. Joe Biden in his 70's is too old for the job. This slacker that never did anything for himself and just blames everyone else... this guy is not too old? Take a hike troll.
Earlier complaining that Obama and Biden didn't do enough testing... what kind of retarded idea is he talking about :?: :hippy: :rockon: :violin: >: :moron: Oh I know... in that parallel universe with President Obama still in power, Clinton president and Joe Biden president... in that parallel universe those people are not doing testing..
The idiocy is overflowing and spilling out of his ears. This guy's skull is so empty, that opening a whole would create a shockwave, as the vacuum is filled, so fucking big that could be detected from another solar system. And his stupidity is contagious, you are following a very dangerous man.
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By Hindsite
XogGyux wrote:ROFL, so Fauci in his 70's is too old for his job. Joe Biden in his 70's is too old for the job. This slacker that never did anything for himself and just blames everyone else... this guy is not too old? Take a hike troll.
Earlier complaining that Obama and Biden didn't do enough testing... what kind of retarded idea is he talking about :?: :hippy: :rockon: :violin: >: :moron: Oh I know... in that parallel universe with President Obama still in power, Clinton president and Joe Biden president... in that parallel universe those people are not doing testing..
The idiocy is overflowing and spilling out of his ears. This guy's skull is so empty, that opening a whole would create a shockwave, as the vacuum is filled, so fucking big that could be detected from another solar system. And his stupidity is contagious, you are following a very dangerous man.

President Trump is a genius, even Putin said so.
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By Drlee
@XogGyux I just finished watching the thing... I'm disturbed, I am having dejavu... this is exactly the same behavior and demeanor of Fidel Castro back in Cuba.. Same shit... blame everyone else for your perils, complete and utter ignorance and attempt to re-write history... not even decades-old history... he is trying to rewrite last week and last month and last year history. This is disastrous.

It is a national disgrace. The man is mentally ill. As a CNN reporter said tonight, the White House is staffed with "Kool-Aid drinkers and next of kin". Trump spent 50 minutes making a campaign speech in the rose garden. This is something that no other president would ever have done. At least not so blatantly. So let's see:

Sessions was defeated by a football coach in Alabama today. This will send cowards like Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell scurrying for cover under Trump's apron. It is an amazing time when United States Senators are so afraid that they can't even speak out to save the lives of their constituents. But then they do not have to work very hard to fool republican voters. They are not the sharpest knives in the drawer.

Trump cut the CDC out of the communications loop. That is fun. Of course the leadership of the CDC does not have the moral courage to resign en mass.

The Republicans decided to hold their convention in Jacksonville Florida. Outdoors. This will help to show some of the profoundly stupid people who chose to go that Darwin was, in fact, right.

Arizona still does not have statewide mandatory masks. That is because the governor of the state is more concerned about pissing off Trump than he is saving the lives of the people. This is an inherently Republican trait. I have now come to the conclusion that anyone who supports a Republican for public office is dangerous and anyone who votes for a Republican for national office has innocent blood on their hands.

Trump chose to talk about how many white people are killed by police. He is a racist, realizes that everyone who supports him is also a racist and so sees no problem making racist statements.

And his speech from the rose garden was disjointed, inarticulate, unprepared and a sure sign that he is, to use the highly sophisticated medical term, "falling through his ass".

In 7 decades on this planet I could never, in my wildest imagination, have conceived that the US system was so weak. I never realized just how profoundly unintelligent some people are. And so many of them. I'm going to read "The Bell Curve" with new eyes.

Our poor country. We have fallen so badly.

@Hindsite If I did not know that you are nothing but a troll I would feel very sorry for you. If you are not a troll, I feel very sorry for our country that you are permitted to vote.
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